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1、一、單題1 分( 2 分 ) I am going to the supermarket _my mother. A. or with C. and答: 【考點】簡單介詞,普通連詞2 分( 2 分 ) is going to the_.A. bank hospital C. factory答: 【考點】圖片匹配,名詞辨析3 分( 2 分 ) People must wear a_ they travel ferry.A. life jacket glasses 答: 【考點】名詞辨析4 分( 2 分 ) 你問路,就要先對對方說:A. Excuse me. B. I for you?答: 【考點

2、】情景交際 分 2 分 ) (2020 六 余期末) John likes _. This afternoon he _.A. playing football; plays footballB. playing football; is going to play football going to play football; playing football答: 【考點】一般將來時,固定搭配6 分( 2 分 ) (2020 六海期末)means _.A. Dont turn B. Dont touch the door C. bikes答: 【考點】圖片匹配7 分( 2 分 ) (202

3、0 六橋期末) Oh, raining outside. Please _. Thank you,A. take an umbrella B. do more exercise C. take a deep breath答: 【考點】短語辨析8 分( 2 分 ) (2020 六潯期末)選出不同類的單詞( )A. bookstore B. school C. postcard D. pet 答: 【考點】同類詞二、選填空9 分( 1 分 ) does Linda _ (look like/like)?She thin short.答: like【考點】動詞辨析10 分( 6 分 請幫忙選詞完成句

4、子。chasing sees sunny should hurt like() I feel angry, _ I do?() your teacher _?() mice _ people.() our cat is _ a mouse now.() a _ morning.() _ lots of fish every 答: ()()()()chasing()()【考點】選詞填空11 分( 1 分 ) Alaska, USA, it a lot. kids school _ (by sled/by ferry).答: sled【考點】介詞短語12 分( 2 分 (2020 六婺城期末) (

5、Is/Does) uncle _ (go/goes) to by boat?答: Does;【考點】一般現(xiàn)在時,一般疑問13 分( 1 分 ( 六惠陽月考) _ (work/works) in school.答: 【考點】一般現(xiàn)在時14 分( 9 分 (2019 六上會月考)從方框中選出適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~填空,使句子通合理, 并用適當(dāng)形式careful drink early enough cut wait see break Planting() arent _ money to some vegetables.() _ time, dont sit! Do some exercise the pl

6、ayground.() _ some milk plenty water.()When you exercise, you should be _. Dont hurt your legs.() to _ and dont watch too much TV.() _ a lot trash on this morning and cleaned it up.() _ the Animals left or died.()_ trees our country and beautiful.()When the yellow is need to _.答: ()()()()()()()()Pla

7、nting()【考點】選詞填空15 分( 6 分 ( 六韶關(guān)期中)根據(jù)短文填空將其母編號填在橫線上。A. bookstore B. is C. read am busTomorrow _ Childrens Day. We dont to school. _going to get up early and _ my in the morning. Im going to the _ and buy some booksabout space with my friends in the afternoon. Were going there by _, because the booksto

8、re is far. the evening, Im going _ new What are you going tomorrow?答: ;A;【考點】選詞填空16 分( 1 分 _can I to the ? subway.答: 【考點】疑問詞辨析三、情交際 分 6 分 ) ( 六路橋期末)交際應(yīng)答。從 B 欄選擇適合 A 欄的答句。只 序號。A do you feel? _ is the _ are Peter s hobbies? _ does your mother do? _ you going the UK? _BA. next to the supermarket. B. He

9、 likes reading stories. She a factory worker. Yes, sometimes.E. Next Saturday.Does Mrs Smith car? F. Im so angry.答: ;D【考點】情景交際18 分( 5 分 What should I do if feel cold? 用 warm clothes 答答: You should wear clothes.【考點】情景交際19 分( 5 分 讀讀,配對。 want to be a teacher? _ A. He is a fisherman. he work? _ B. Yes,

10、she is. your father _ C. Yes, does. She sees lots of fish. Does she at sea? _ D. He in a Is your mother a scientist? _ E. No, I want to postman.答: ED;【考點】情景交際四、句轉(zhuǎn)換20 分( 5 分 ) Mike goes to school on (就畫線部分提問)答: does Mike school?【考點】句型轉(zhuǎn)換21 分( 5 分 going to this (改為一般疑問句)答: going the this evening?【考點】句型

11、轉(zhuǎn)換22 分( 5 分 going TV 畫線提問)答: are you going tomorrow?【考點】句型轉(zhuǎn)換23 分( 5 分 father is going to dinner this (改為一般疑問句)答: Is your father going to cook dinner this evening?【考點】句型轉(zhuǎn)換24 分( 5 分 He likes playing games. 改為否定句)答: He doesnt like playing games.【考點】句型轉(zhuǎn)換25 分( 5 分 ) This cartoon a dog a man. 就線部分提問答: thi

12、s cartoon about?【考點】句型轉(zhuǎn)換26 分( 5 分 notebooks. 改一般疑問答: Do have notebooks?【考點】句型轉(zhuǎn)換 分 5 分 ( 六江期中My home is near the post office. (對畫線部分提 問)答: is home?【考點】句型轉(zhuǎn)換五、閱理解28 分( 分 ) 讀短文,選擇正確的答案。Hello, Im Amy. On Saturday, dont school. On Saturday morning, mother going take to park. are going to take there. are g

13、oing to get there at ten oclock. I like the beautiful park in Hangzhou. The flowers are coming out in spring. On Saturday afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. We are going to get there by subway. ThisSaturday is grandmothers birthday. We are going have big dinner and eat cake. What a fi

14、ne () they going to park?A.By bus.B.By taxi.C.On foot.()When are they going to get to the park?A.At eleven oclock.B.Saturday evening.C.At ten oclock.() are they going on Saturday afternoon?A.They are going to film.B.They are going to visit grandparents.C.They are going to make a cake.()Whose birthda

15、y A.Its Amys grandmothers.B.Its Amys.C.Its Amys mothers.() they going to grandparents A.By taxi.B.By subway.C.By car.答案: ()()()()()【考點】閱讀理解29 分( 分 ) 讀短文,判斷下列句子對錯。Bob Pat twins. are from England. They came China their parents in 2014. Now they in Hangzhou. Their is an engineer, their mouther is an En

16、glish teacher. Bob Pat 12 years old. They are in Grade 6, but they are in different classes. Bob Class 2 Pat is in Class They go school by bike every day. friends in China. They often play basketball their friends. They like swimming with their friends in summer. They enjoy their in China.() and are

17、 American boys.() mother an engineer.() and are in the same class.() and like swimming in summer.() live in Suzhou now.答: ()誤()誤()誤()確()誤【考點】閱讀理解30 分( 分 ) 2019 六上惠月考)閱讀短文,判斷句子的正誤There are three people in my family: my father, mother and We have different hobbies. My father likes playing football. He busy. So he often plays football for a rest. mother likes dancing. says it can help her keep healthy. Do you know hobbies ar


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