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1、Subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive moodGrammar1.英語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞有三種語(yǔ)氣: 陳述語(yǔ)氣,祈使語(yǔ)氣和虛擬語(yǔ)氣。2. 定義: 用來(lái)表示說(shuō)的話不是事實(shí),或者是不可能發(fā)生或可能性比較小的情況,而是一種愿望,

2、建議,假設(shè)的語(yǔ)氣叫虛擬語(yǔ)氣。一、虛擬語(yǔ)氣定義 1.虛擬語(yǔ)氣在if條件狀語(yǔ)從句中的用法Q:Whats the difference between the two sentences?If I am free, I will visit you. If I were a bird, I would fly into the sky. (虛擬條件句) (真實(shí)條件句) 2)if 虛擬條件句的概念由 if 引導(dǎo)的虛擬條件句叫作 if虛擬條件句I could easily recognize if I had seen him before.其他虛擬條件句(without 或but for )Witho

3、ut your help, I couldnt have finished my work on time. 3) if 虛擬條件句的結(jié)構(gòu)a. 表示與現(xiàn)在事實(shí)相反的假設(shè)b. 表示與過(guò)去事實(shí)相反的假設(shè)c. 表示與將來(lái)事實(shí)相反的假設(shè)a.表示與現(xiàn)在事實(shí)相反的假設(shè), If I were a boy, I would join the army.If I won the lottery, I would buy an expensive car. (與現(xiàn)在事實(shí)相反)If it were fine now,I would go shopping.c. If I _ (be) in your positio

4、n, I _ (ask) for teachers help.werewould askIf he had got up early, he would not have been late for school.(與過(guò)去事實(shí)相反)如果他早起,他就不會(huì)上學(xué)遲到。If I _ (learn ) how to swim,I _ (be) trapped in this island.(與過(guò)去事實(shí)相反)had learntwould not have beenIf I _time last night, I _ to see the film with you . (have time; go)ha

5、d hadwould have gonea. If Tom _ (be) more careful in the exam, he _ (pass) it already.b. If you _ (get) up earlier, you _ (catch) the first train.had beenwould have passedhad gotwould have caughtPRACTICE 2: Fill in the blanks.catch-caught-caughtc. If I _ (meet) you yesterday, we _ (go) to the concer

6、t together.had metwould have gone假如他來(lái)了, 我們對(duì)他說(shuō)什么呢?If he were to come, what should we say to him?假如他看見(jiàn)我, 就會(huì)認(rèn)識(shí)我。If he should see me, he would know me.一、一般條件句中的虛擬語(yǔ)氣had donewould should +have done sthcouldmight助動(dòng)詞 be用 were 實(shí)義動(dòng)詞 do 用 didwould should + do sthcouldmightdid / were should dowere to dowould sh

7、ould + do sthcouldMight2.虛擬條件句可以轉(zhuǎn)換的形式:1)省略連詞if.在書(shū)面語(yǔ)中,如果虛擬條件句中有were,had或should,可以把if省略,并把這幾個(gè)詞發(fā)到主語(yǔ)的前面,構(gòu)成主謂倒裝。eg.If i were you ,I would not do it. = Were I you , I would not do it.虛擬語(yǔ)氣的倒裝If I were a teacher, I would have lots of students._ I a teacher, I would have lots of students.If I had entered rui

8、an high school, I would not sit here now._ _entered ruian high school, I would not sit here now.If we should visit Zhejiang University tomorrow, I would play basketball there._ _ Zhejiang University tomorrow, I would play basketball there.WereHad IShould weTesting form1. I didnt see your sister at t

9、he meeting. If she _, she would have met my brother. A. has come B. did come C. came D. had come2.But for the help of my English teacher, I _the first prize in the English Writing Competition.A. would not win B. would not have won C. would win D. would have won3 If there were no water in the world,

10、everything _. A. will die B. would die C. would have died D. have died 4 If I _ you, I _ more attention to English idioms and phrases.A. was; shall pay B. am; will pay C. would be; would pay D. were; would pay 3 If there were no water in the world, everything _. A. will die B. would die C. would hav

11、e died D. have died 4 If I _ you, I _ more attention to English idioms and phrases.A. was; shall pay B. am; will pay C. would be; would pay D. were; would pay 7.(2002上海高考題)It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love,at the age of seven,with the Melinda Cox Library in my h

12、ometown. A. wouldnt have fallenB. had not fallen C. should fallD. were to fall8.If it _ so hard,wed go to town. A. isnt raining B. werent raining C. doesnt rain D. has rain 主句與從句的動(dòng)作發(fā)生在不同的時(shí)間, 這時(shí)主從句位于動(dòng)詞的虛擬語(yǔ)氣形式因時(shí)間不同而不同, 這叫做混合條件句。 例句中從句與過(guò)去事實(shí)相反, 主句與現(xiàn)在事實(shí)相反。 If you had asked him yesterday, you would know w

13、hat to do now.If the staff had been more careful, the mall would not be on fire now.二. 名詞性從句的虛擬語(yǔ)氣。主要是表示命令、要求、建議的虛擬語(yǔ)氣。賓語(yǔ)從句。常見(jiàn)動(dòng)詞:一個(gè)堅(jiān)持:insist兩個(gè)命令:order, command 三條建議:advise, suggest, propose四項(xiàng)要求:demand , require, request, ask 這些動(dòng)詞后面的賓語(yǔ)從句要使用虛擬語(yǔ)氣用法。即從句中的動(dòng)詞 使用should + 動(dòng)詞原形,或者將should省略。1.我們建議Tom去休息一下。2.他堅(jiān)決

14、要求我到場(chǎng)。3.國(guó)王命令囚犯明天要實(shí)施死刑。4.他們要求我們派他們?nèi)ツ莾汗ぷ鳌?.We suggested that Tom2.He insisted that I present.4.They requested that we3.The king ordered that the prisoners should have a rest.(should) beshould be killedthe next day.should send themto work there. 2、以上動(dòng)詞相應(yīng)的名詞構(gòu)成的名詞性從句(包括主語(yǔ)從句,表語(yǔ)從句和同位語(yǔ)從句)也要使用虛擬語(yǔ)氣。從句中的動(dòng)詞形式一樣

15、。 order, advice, suggestion, proposal, demand, request, desireIts suggested that the plan be carried out.My demand is that she should come to see me once a week.All of us are for the advice that the chemical factory should be closed down.三、幾種特殊結(jié)構(gòu)中虛擬語(yǔ)氣的用法;1)wish + 賓語(yǔ)從句現(xiàn)在:過(guò)去:未來(lái):過(guò)去時(shí) (did/were)過(guò)去完成時(shí) (ha

16、d done)would/could/might+V. shouldI wish I were a bird. (現(xiàn)在)I wish I hadnt made such a mistake. (過(guò)去)We wish our parents wouldnt punish us. (未來(lái))I wish I _a bird.wereI wish every day _my birthday.wereI wish/wished I _( not eat ) so much watermelon.hadnt eaten2)would rather that -現(xiàn)在:過(guò)去:未來(lái):I would rathe

17、r you _(pay) me now. (現(xiàn)在)I would rather you _ (go) there yesterday. (過(guò)去)Dont come. I would rather you _(come) tomorrow. (未來(lái))過(guò)去時(shí)過(guò)去時(shí)過(guò)去完成時(shí)paid had gonecame3) as if /though + 從句現(xiàn)在:過(guò)去:過(guò)去時(shí)過(guò)去完成時(shí)They talked as if they had been friends for years.She loves the baby as if it were her own son.It seems as if it

18、were summer.4).Its (high) time +that -should +V.過(guò)去時(shí)你該走了。我們?cè)撍X(jué)了。Its high time that you .Its high time that you .Its time that we .Its time that we to bed. wentshould gowent to bedshould go5)If only (要是就好了) If only I knew his name!If only we had followed your advice!If only I could see him again!現(xiàn)在:過(guò)去

19、:未來(lái):過(guò)去時(shí)過(guò)去完成時(shí)could +V原型6)Its necessary /strange/ natural/ important /a pity+ that - 從句中的動(dòng)詞要用虛擬語(yǔ)氣即(should)+動(dòng)詞原形1.It is important that we a foreign language.2. It is strange that she to come to the party.3. Its necessary that we hard.( should ) master(should) refuse(should) study 1 .The volleyball match will be put off if it _. A.will rainB. ra


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