高二英語(yǔ) Unit 14 reading I have a dream課件 大綱人教_第1頁(yè)
高二英語(yǔ) Unit 14 reading I have a dream課件 大綱人教_第2頁(yè)
高二英語(yǔ) Unit 14 reading I have a dream課件 大綱人教_第3頁(yè)
高二英語(yǔ) Unit 14 reading I have a dream課件 大綱人教_第4頁(yè)
高二英語(yǔ) Unit 14 reading I have a dream課件 大綱人教_第5頁(yè)
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1、Unit 14readingI HAVE A DREAMMartin Luther KingI have a dream1. Martin Luther King, Jr went to university when he was eighteen.2.Black people refused to take buses for more than 18 months.3.Black girls could not marry white boys.4.Rose Parks was arrested for hitting a white boys.5. The Civil Rights A

2、ct was passed in1965.Fast-reading(F)(F)(T)(F)(F)Scan the reading passage and decide which of the following sentences are true.Rosa Parkswhites-only sectionrefuse to stand up for a white manarrested by the policea boycott of a bus companyQuestions:What do you think of Rosa Parks?Do you think she was

3、brave?What can we learn from her?Why did Martin Luther King fight for civil rights for black people?Careful-readingReasonsseparation ofblacks and whites mixed race marriages forbiddenno right to voteshopsrestaurantshospitalsbuses/trainsschoolsWhat happened in the following time?192919551963196419651

4、968King was born Rosa Parks eventgive the speech “I have a dreamKing received the Nobel Prize for Peace Civil Rights Act was passedVoting Rights Bill became lawKing was murderedMain idea of each paragraphParagraphMain Ideathe background of the speechKings action against racial discriminationthe famo

5、us speech “I have a dream”Martin Luther Kings messageKings deathKings successKings opinionRosa Parks event26138745 If you were asked to move paragraph 1 to another place in the reading passage, where would it best fit in ?Between para. 6 and para.7? When Martin Luther King Jr gave the speech “ I Hav

6、e A Dream, the slavery had already ended in the USA for about _ years. A. 64 B. 100 C. 90 D. 552. When Martin Luther King Jr received the Nobel Prize for Peace, he was only _ years old. A. 35 B. 26 C. 34 D. 36BA3. After the death of Martin Luther King Jr, _. A. there were still few jobs to employ bl

7、acks B. there were still “White-only sections in the buses C. his struggle had been forgotten by black people D. black people gained equal rights as white people in the USAD 4. By saying “ This Wait has almost always meant Never, Martin Luther King Jr. meant _. A. to inspire people all of races to f

8、ight for equality, not to wait for equality B. people of all races could never get equality C. waiting could play an important part in the fight for freedom D. housing conditions for blacks would never improve if blacks didnt waitA5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRU

9、E? A. Jane, a pretty black girl, could marry John, a white young man B. Jane, a pretty black girl, could buy some beautiful clothes in the section for whites C. The South kept its own laws to separate blacks from whites D. Jane, a pretty black girl, could go to college with John, a white young man C

10、 1.free adj. “自由的,無(wú)拘無(wú)束的;免費(fèi)的;空閑的,未被利用的 freedom , freely 1) Everyone is free to express himself.2) Are the drinks free? No, you have to pay for them.3) He has little free time. 4)Is this seat free? Yes, no one is using it. * be free to do sth. 自由自在不受約束地做 某事 * be free from/ of “不受影響的 The old lady is fr

11、ee from/ of pain. * set free 釋放 * v. “使自由,免除,解放,使松動(dòng)eg. The little boy freed the bird from its cage. At last he freed himself from debt. *for free - free of charge Exx. 1 In English classes , you are _ to express yourself _ English . A free , in B freely , with C free, using D freely , in 2 Which of

12、the following is wrong ? A He gave the poor children lessons for free .B I am quite free this morning .C When will the prisoners set free ? D These tickets are free . AC2. forbid vt. “制止,不許,阻止 forbid + sb. + sth forbid + doing sth. forbid + sb. + to to sth. forbid + clauseExx. 1 All of us are forbid

13、den _ absent from the meeting. A being B to be C be D to being 2 . He coughed so badly that he forbade _ in his room . A smoke B to smoke C smoking D smoked 3. You ought _ to stay here later . A to allow B be allowed C to allow to D to be allowed 4. He _ to carry out this experiment . A allowed B pe

14、rmitted C advised D agreed BCDD demand + n. demand + to do sth. demand + sth. of/ from sb. demand of sb. to do sth. demand + clause (用虛擬語(yǔ)氣3. demand v. “要求,需要 語(yǔ)氣較強(qiáng)硬,斷然1) He demanded _ my old overcoat . A me to give him B me for giving C to give D to be given D2). She demanded _ a chance to practise h

15、er English. A having B to have C being had D to be had 3). He demanded that I _ my homework immediately . A handed in B would hand in C had handed in D should hand in BD4). He demanded too high a price to me . 5) Our teacher demanded us to take notes in class . to of /from demanded required4. 1) jud

16、ge v. “判定,審判, 評(píng)價(jià)eg. Dont judge a man by his looks. This case will be judged at a court.2) judgeby/ from “根據(jù)作出判斷A man should be judged by his deeds, not his words.Judging from what you said, you must be an honest man. 3) n. “法官,評(píng)判員,裁判 A judge hears and decides cases in a law-court. Our teacher serve

17、as judges at the sports meet.5. Mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law.法律制止不同種族的人通婚。 mixed-race marriages或 mixed marriages, “異族通婚 。 1mixed 不同種族或宗教結(jié)合的a mixed neighborhood2mixed 男女混合的 a mixed school mixed doubles各種族混居的街坊男女生兼收的學(xué)?;旌想p打通常根本不允許黑人進(jìn)入賓館、學(xué)校或圖書館。 allow somebody into some place 允許某人進(jìn)入某處She w

18、ont allow the children into the house until they have taken off their shoes. 6. Often blacks were not allowed into hotels, schools or libraries at all.He made the same mistake as I made yester day. 他所要說(shuō)的是:黑人不應(yīng)該被隔離,而應(yīng)該和 其他人一樣受到同等的尊重。7. His message was that black people should not be separated but sho

19、uld be treated with respect in the same way as other people. 他犯了和我昨天犯的一樣的錯(cuò)誤。1) - Have a nice weekend ! - _ . A The same to you B You do , too C The same as you D You have it , too 2). -Happy birthday to you ! - _ . A The same to you B All right C Thanks D Thats all right AC3). - Is your camera like

20、Bills and Anns ? - No, but it is almost the same as _ . A her B yours C them D their 4 ). She is the same teacher _ spoke at the meeting the other day . A like B which C as D that BD5 ). His school bag is as _ as mine . A same B the same C a same D of same 6). The bookshelf is of _ the other one . A

21、 the same height as B as high as C high D the same high AA7). I want to buy the same color TV set _ is shown on TV . A it B that C as D which 8). Nobody in the class had such a useful dictionary _ . A as his B as he C like him D like his CB8. _in 1929, King went to university when he was fifteen.A H

22、e was born B Born C Be born D Bear B9. Winning a scholarship gave him the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states, where black people had equal rights and were free to live, study and work as they wished.獲得一個(gè)獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金使他贏得了到北方某洲一所大學(xué) 學(xué)習(xí)的時(shí)機(jī),那里黑人擁有平等的權(quán)利,能按 他們自己的意愿自由地生活、學(xué)習(xí)和工作。 as somebody wishe

23、s/ pleases/ likes 按照某人的 意愿/ 喜歡;要是某人愿意/ 喜歡。as 引導(dǎo) 方式狀語(yǔ)從句。例如:Do as you wish. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 。你喜歡怎么做就怎么做。入鄉(xiāng)隨俗1.Read the text again to get a better understanding.2.Preview the Word Study and Grammar3. Get some information about Martin Luther King on internet if possible.Homework9、靜夜四無(wú)

24、鄰,荒居舊業(yè)貧。2022/10/132022/10/13Thursday, October 13, 202210、雨中黃葉樹,燈下白頭人。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/2022 6:30:08 AM11、以我獨(dú)沈久,愧君相見頻。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/13Oct-2213-Oct-2212、故人江海別,幾度隔山川。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/13Thursday, October 13, 202213、乍見翻疑夢(mèng),相悲各問(wèn)年。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/132022

25、/10/1310/13/202214、他鄉(xiāng)生白發(fā),舊國(guó)見青山。13 十月 20222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1315、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。十月 222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/202216、行動(dòng)出成果,工作出財(cái)富。2022/10/132022/10/1313 October 202217、做前,能夠環(huán)視四周;做時(shí),你只能或者最好沿著以腳為起點(diǎn)的射線向前。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/132022/10/139、沒有失敗,只有暫時(shí)停頓成功!。2022/10/132022/10/13Th

26、ursday, October 13, 202210、很多事情努力了未必有結(jié)果,但是不努力卻什么改變也沒有。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/2022 6:30:08 AM11、成功就是日復(fù)一日那一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)小小努力的積累。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/13Oct-2213-Oct-2212、世間成事,不求其絕對(duì)圓滿,留一份缺乏,可得無(wú)限完美。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/13Thursday, October 13, 202213、不知香積寺,數(shù)里入云峰。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/202214、意志堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的人能把世界放在手中像泥塊一樣任意揉捏。13 十月 20222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1315、楚塞三湘接,荊門九派通。十月 222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/20221


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