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1、住在富人區(qū)的她2022年考研考博-考博英語(yǔ)-通用考博英語(yǔ)考試名師押題精選卷I(帶答案詳解)(圖片可根據(jù)實(shí)際調(diào)整大?。╊}型12345總分得分一.綜合題(共50題)1.單選題With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very ( ) for the nineteenth-century factory workers.問(wèn)題1選項(xiàng)A.hostileB.anxiousC.tediousD.obscure【答案】C【解析】形容詞詞義辨析。hostile敵對(duì)的;anxious焦慮的;tedious單調(diào)乏味的, 沉悶

2、的;obscure模糊的, 隱蔽的。句意:對(duì)于19世紀(jì)的工廠(chǎng)工人來(lái)說(shuō), 一周工作80個(gè)小時(shí), 幾乎沒(méi)有什么樂(lè)趣, 生活一定很乏味。選項(xiàng)C更符合句意。2.單選題Frank ( ) all his strength, pushed past the players blocking him, and ran for a touchdown.問(wèn)題1選項(xiàng)A.called onB.called downC.called upD.called for【答案】C【解析】考查動(dòng)詞詞組辨析。call on “拜訪(fǎng);號(hào)召”;call down “引起;責(zé)罵”;call up “給打電話(huà);調(diào)用”;call for

3、“去接(某人);去?。澄铮?。句意:弗蘭克用盡全力推開(kāi)阻礙者,越線(xiàn)得分。選項(xiàng)C符合題意。3.單選題Here the burden of his thought is that the philosopher, aiming at truth, must not( )the seduction of trying to write beautifully.問(wèn)題1選項(xiàng)A.subject toB.carry onC.yield toD.aim at【答案】C【解析】考查動(dòng)詞詞組辨析。subject to “使遭受,受制于”;carry on “繼續(xù),參與”;yield to “屈服,服從”;aim

4、 at “目的在于”。句意:他的思想負(fù)擔(dān)是,追求真理的哲學(xué)家不應(yīng)該屈服于嘗試優(yōu)雅寫(xiě)作的誘惑。選項(xiàng)C符合題意。4.單選題Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.問(wèn)題1選項(xiàng)A.It may put too much pressure on team members.B.It may harm the culture of todays workplace.C.It may hinder individual career advancement.D.It may result in unwillingnes

5、s to take risks.問(wèn)題2選項(xiàng)A.They can hardly give expression to their original views.B.They may eventually lose their confidence and creativity.C.They can become less motivated to do projects of their own.D.They may find it hard to get their contributions recognized.問(wèn)題3選項(xiàng)A.They can get chances to engage i

6、n research.B.They can enlarge their professional circle.C.They can complete the project more easily.D.They can make the best use of their expertise.25.問(wèn)題4選項(xiàng)A.It may prevent making a timely decision.B.It may cause lots of arguments in a team.C.It may deprive a team of business opportunities.D.It may

7、give rise to a lot of unnecessary expenses.【答案】第1題:C第2題:D第3題:B第4題:A【解析】Recording ThreeToday Id like to talk about the dangers of being too collaborative. Being a good team player is a central skill in our modern workplace. The ability to work well with others and collaborate on projects is a sought-

8、after ability in nearly every position. However, 22 placing too much emphasis on being a good team player can negatively affect your career growth.Dont be overly focused on gaining consensus. Dont be too concerned with the opinions of others. This can hinder your ability to make decisions, speak up

9、and gain recognition for your individual skills and strengths.Some people are too subordinate to others opinions, too focused on decision consensus, too silent about their own point of view, too agreeable to take things on when they dont have time or energy. This leads to building a brand of underco

10、nfident, submissive, low-impact non-leaders and hampers then-growth and career advancement.23 Collaboration certainly makes your individual competencies and contributions more difficult for outsiders to identify. Collaborative projects mean youre sharing the spotlight with others. Outsiders may then

11、 find it difficult to determine your contributions and strengths. This may end up costing you opportunities for promotions or pay raises. You certainly shouldnt ditch teamwork, but how can you avoid the hazards of being an over-collaborator?Working in a team can have huge benefits. Your team may hav

12、e repeated successes and often gain recognition, 24 you then have more opportunities to expand your professional network than if you worked alone. However, finding a balance between team efforts and individual projects that give you independent recognition is important for making a name for yourself

13、 and providing opportunities for advancement.Be selective in who you work with. This will maximize the benefits and minimize the downsides of being a team player. Collaborate with people who have complementary expertise. Select projects where theres potential for mutual benefit. Perhaps youre bringi

14、ng your unique knowledge and gaining access to someone elses professional network. Or maybe youre able to learn a new skill by working with someone. Seek out your teammates purposefully rather than jumping on every new group project opportunity.When were too collaborative, we want everyone to agree

15、with a decision before we proceed. 25 This can create unnecessary delays as you hold meetings trying to achieve consensus. Its fine to be collaborative when seeking input, but put a deadline on the input stage and arrive at a decision, even if its a decision that doesnt have consensus.22. What does

16、the speaker say about being over collaborative?【試題答案】C【試題解析】題目問(wèn)的是錄音中給出的關(guān)于過(guò)度合作的信息。錄音開(kāi)頭提到過(guò)于強(qiáng)調(diào)成為一個(gè)好的團(tuán)隊(duì)成員會(huì)對(duì)職業(yè)發(fā)展產(chǎn)生負(fù)面影響,這里placing too much emphasis on being a good team player即問(wèn)題中所說(shuō)的being over collaborative, 因此C選項(xiàng)“可能阻礙個(gè)人職業(yè)發(fā)展”符合原文。A選項(xiàng)“它可能給團(tuán)隊(duì)成員帶來(lái)太大壓力”;B選項(xiàng)“它可能會(huì)損害當(dāng)今的職場(chǎng)文化”和D選項(xiàng)“它可能會(huì)導(dǎo)致人們不愿意冒險(xiǎn)”在錄音中均未提及。23. What d

17、oes the speaker say about people engaged in collaborative projects?【試題答案】D【試題解析】題目問(wèn)關(guān)于參與合作項(xiàng)目的人,說(shuō)話(huà)者說(shuō)了什么?錄音提到,合作會(huì)使個(gè)人能力和個(gè)人貢獻(xiàn)更難被外人發(fā)現(xiàn)(makes your individual competencies and contributions more difficult for outsiders to identify)。D選項(xiàng)“他們可能會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的貢獻(xiàn)很難被識(shí)別出來(lái)”與之表述相符,因此正確。A選項(xiàng)“他們幾乎不能表達(dá)他們?cè)瓉?lái)的觀(guān)點(diǎn)”,錄音說(shuō)的是“他們太過(guò)隱藏自己的觀(guān)點(diǎn)”(t

18、oo silent about their own point of view),因此A選項(xiàng)不正確;錄音中只是提到了underconfident(信心不足),并沒(méi)有提到“合作”對(duì)創(chuàng)造力和動(dòng)力的影響,因此B選項(xiàng)“他們最終可能會(huì)失去信心和創(chuàng)造力”和C選項(xiàng)“他們會(huì)變得更沒(méi)有動(dòng)力去做自己的項(xiàng)目”均不正確。24. How do people benefit from working in a team?【試題答案】B【試題解析】題目問(wèn)人們從團(tuán)隊(duì)合作中得到什么益處?錄音提到,在團(tuán)隊(duì)中工作有很大的好處團(tuán)隊(duì)也許會(huì)多次獲得成功,并經(jīng)常獲得認(rèn)可,團(tuán)隊(duì)成員便有更多的機(jī)會(huì)來(lái)擴(kuò)大其職業(yè)關(guān)系網(wǎng)(expand your p

19、rofessional network),因此B選項(xiàng)“他們可以擴(kuò)大自己的職業(yè)圈子”與之表述相符。A選項(xiàng)“他們可能有機(jī)會(huì)從事研究工作”這一信息在錄音中并未提及;C選項(xiàng)“他們可以更容易地完成項(xiàng)目”,錄音中沒(méi)有對(duì)比個(gè)人項(xiàng)目和團(tuán)隊(duì)項(xiàng)目哪個(gè)更容易完成,因此可排除;D選項(xiàng)“他們可以充分利用自己的專(zhuān)業(yè)知識(shí)”,利用錄音中的expertise設(shè)置干擾,錄音中指的是與專(zhuān)業(yè)知識(shí)互補(bǔ)的人合作(Collaborate with people who have complementary expertise),而不是利用自己的專(zhuān)業(yè)知識(shí),因此D選項(xiàng)也不正確。25. Why is it undesirable to spen

20、d too much time trying to reach consensus?【試題答案】A【試題解析】題目問(wèn)為什么花太多時(shí)間以求達(dá)成共識(shí)會(huì)令人討厭?錄音最后提到,當(dāng)我們過(guò)度合作時(shí),會(huì)希望每個(gè)人都同意某個(gè)決定,而這會(huì)造成不必要的延誤(create unnecessary delays),也就是說(shuō)“可能會(huì)妨礙我們及時(shí)做出決定”,因此A選項(xiàng)正確。B選項(xiàng)“可能會(huì)在團(tuán)隊(duì)中引起很多爭(zhēng)論”在錄音中未提及;C選項(xiàng)“可能剝奪團(tuán)隊(duì)的商業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)”,主要是利用錄音中的opportunities for advancement(晉升機(jī)會(huì))和group project opportunity(團(tuán)隊(duì)項(xiàng)目機(jī)會(huì))設(shè)干擾,

21、但這些不等同于C選項(xiàng)中的business opportunities(商業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)),因此C選項(xiàng)不能選;D選項(xiàng)“可能會(huì)產(chǎn)生很多不必要的費(fèi)用”在錄音中也沒(méi)有信息提及。5.單選題The human criterion for perfect vision is 20/20 for reading the standard lines on a Snellen eye chart without a hitch. The score is determined by how well you read lines of letters of different sizes from 20 feet aw

22、ay. But being able to read the bottom line on the eye chart does not mean approximate perfection as far as other species are concerned. Most birds would consider us very visually handicapped. The hawk, for instance, has such sharp eyes that it can spot a dime on the sidewalk while perched on top of

23、the Empire State Building. It can make fine visual distinctions because it is blessed with one million cones per square millimeter in its retina (視網(wǎng)膜).And in water, humans are farsighted, while thekingfisher, swooping down to spear fish, can see well in both the air and water because it is endowed w

24、ith two foveae (凹窩) areas of the eye, consisting mostly of cones that provide visual distinctions. One fovea permits the bird, while in the air, to scan the water below with one eye at a time. This is called monocular vision. Once it hits the water, the other fovea joins in, allowing the kingfisher

25、to focus both eyes, like binoculars, on its prey at the same time. A frogs vision is distinguished by its ability to perceive things as a constant motion picture. Known as “bug detectors”, a highly developed set of cells in a frogs eyes responds mainly to moving objects. So, it is said that a frog s

26、itting in a field of dead bugs wouldnt see them as food and would starve.The bee has a “compound” eye, which is used for navigation. It has 15,000 facets that divide what it sees into a pattern of dots or mosaic. With this kind of vision, the bee sees the sun only as a single dot, a constant point o

27、f reference. Thus, the eye is a superb navigational instrument that constantly measures the angle of its line of flight in relation to the sun. A bees eye also gauges flight speed. And if that is not enough to leave our 20/20 “perfect vision” paling into insignificance, the bee is capable of seeing

28、something we cantultraviolet light. Thus, what humans consider to be “perfect vision” is in fact rather limited when we look at other species. However, there is still much to be said for the human eye. Of all the mammals, only humans and some primates can enjoy the pleasures of color vision.1.The Sn

29、ellen eye chart measures ones eyesight by( ).2.How is hawks eyesight better than ours?3.Monocular vision enables the kingfisher to( ).4.A bee finds its direction by( ).5.What is the main idea of the passage?問(wèn)題1選項(xiàng)A.The Snellen eye chart measures ones eyesight by the number of lines he readsB.the dist

30、ance he stands away from the chartC.the speed at which he recognizes the lettersD.several integrative factors問(wèn)題2選項(xiàng)A.It can identify small items more quickly than we do.B.It can see at a longer distance than we do.C.It has more cones in the retina than we do.D.It has bigger eyes than we do.問(wèn)題3選項(xiàng)A.avo

31、id farsightednessB.be able to see underwaterC.move one eye at a timeD.focus its eyes on the prey問(wèn)題4選項(xiàng)A.dividing what it sees into thousands of dotsB.constantly gauging its flying speedC.using the sun as a constant point of referenceD.measuring the angle of the sun問(wèn)題5選項(xiàng)A.The differences between human

32、 eyes and other species eyes.B.The advantages of other species eyes in comparison with human eyes.C.The factors that make other species eyes better than human eyes.D.The standard that determines the “perfect vision” of human eyes.【答案】第1題:A第2題:B第3題:C第4題:C第5題:A【解析】1.根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞“Snellen eye chart”定位至第一段:Th

33、e human criterion for perfect vision is 20/20 for reading the standard lines on a Snellen eye chart without a hitch. The score is determined by how well you read lines of letters of different sizes from 20 feet away(可知,判斷人的視力是否完好的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是在看斯內(nèi)倫視力表的時(shí)候是否能毫無(wú)障礙地達(dá)到20/20的視力。測(cè)試值取決于從20英尺之外,你能看到多少行大小不一的字母)。據(jù)此可知,A項(xiàng)

34、為正確答案。2.根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞“hawks eyesight”定位至第一段:The hawk, for instance, has such sharp eyes that it can spot a dime on the sidewalk while perched on top of the Empire State Building. It can make fine visual distinctions because it is blessed with one million cones per square millimeter in its retina (視網(wǎng)膜)(鷹的視

35、力非常敏銳,當(dāng)它在帝國(guó)大廈的頂層時(shí),它能看清在人行道上的一角硬幣)。據(jù)此可知,鷹眼可以從更遠(yuǎn)的距離看清物體,B項(xiàng)為正確答案。3.根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞“Monocular vision”定位至第一段:One fovea permits the bird, while in the air, to scan the water below with one eye at a time. This is called monocular vision.(一個(gè)中央窩讓飛翔在空中的翠鳥(niǎo)每次用一只眼睛掃視水下面的情況,這被稱(chēng)為單眼視覺(jué)。)因此,C項(xiàng)為正確答案。4.題干問(wèn)的是“蜜蜂是怎么找到方向的”,定位至第二段

36、:With this kind of vision, the bee sees the sun only as a single dot, a constant point of reference. Thus, the eye is a superb navigational instrument that constantly measures the angle of its line of flight in relation to the sun (有了這種視覺(jué),蜜蜂只把太陽(yáng)看作一個(gè)單點(diǎn),一個(gè)不變的參照點(diǎn)。因此,眼睛是一種極好的導(dǎo)航儀器,它不斷地測(cè)量飛行路線(xiàn)相對(duì)于太陽(yáng)的角度)。因此,

37、蜜蜂是以太陽(yáng)為常參考點(diǎn)的,C項(xiàng)為正確答案。5.綜觀(guān)全文可知,文中先是描述人類(lèi)測(cè)試視力的方法,而后指出人類(lèi)的視力不如其他物種并舉例加以說(shuō)明。后面又指出人類(lèi)視力在某一方面優(yōu)于其他物種。因此,本文主要通過(guò)舉例說(shuō)明人類(lèi)的眼睛和其他物種眼睛的不同之處,A項(xiàng)為正確答案。6.單選題Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.問(wèn)題1選項(xiàng)A.They were proud of their cuisine.B.They were particular about food.C.They were all good at c

38、ooking.D.They were fond of bacon and eggs.問(wèn)題2選項(xiàng)A.His parents.B.His parents friends.C.His friends.D.His schoolmates.問(wèn)題3選項(xiàng)A.No one of the group ate it.B.It was a little overcooked.C.No tea was served with the meal.D.It was the real English breakfast.問(wèn)題4選項(xiàng)A.It was full of excitement.B.It was rather dis

39、appointing.C.It was a risky experience.D.It was really extraordinary.【答案】第1題:C第2題:B第3題:A第4題:B【解析】Conversation OneM: Guess what? The worst food I ever had was in France.W: Really? Thats odd. 1 I thought the French were all good cooks.M: Yes, thats right. I suppose its really like anywhere else though

40、. You know, some places are good, some bad. But its really all our own fault.W: What do you mean?M: Well, it was the first time Id been to France. This was years ago when I was at school. 2 I went there with my parents friends from my fathers school. They hired a coach to take them to Switzerland.W:

41、 A school trip?M: Right. Most of them had never been abroad before. Wed crossed the English Channel at night and we set off through France and breakfast time arrived, and the coach driver had arranged for us to stop at this little cafe. There we all were tired and hungry and then we made a great dis

42、covery.W: What was that?M: Bacon and eggs.W: Fantastic! The real English breakfast.M: Yes, anyway we didnt know any betterso we had it, and ugh!W: What was it like? Disgusting?M: Ah, it was incredible. They just got a bowl and put some fat in it. And then they put some bacon in the fat, broke an egg

43、 over the top and put the whole lot in the oven for about ten minutes.W: In the oven? Youre joking. You cant cook bacon and eggs in the oven!M: Well, they must have done it that way. It was hot, but it wasnt cooked. There was just this egg floating about in gallons of fat and raw bacon.W: 3 Did you

44、actually eat it?M: 3 No, nobody did. They all wanted to turn round and go home. You know, back to teabags and fish and chips. You cant blame them really. Anyway, the next night we were all given another foreign speciality.W: What was that?M: 4 Snailsthat really finished them off. Lovely holiday that

45、 was!1. What did the woman think of the French?【試題答案】C【試題解析】題目問(wèn)女士認(rèn)為法國(guó)人怎么樣?錄音開(kāi)頭,男士對(duì)女士說(shuō)他吃過(guò)最糟糕的食物是在法國(guó),女士聽(tīng)后表示驚訝,因?yàn)樗J(rèn)為法國(guó)人都是很好的廚師。C選項(xiàng)“法國(guó)人都很擅長(zhǎng)烹飪食物”是對(duì)錄音原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,因此正確。A選項(xiàng)“他們對(duì)自家的烹飪感到自豪”;B選項(xiàng)“他們對(duì)食物很講究”和D選項(xiàng)“他們喜歡培根和雞蛋”在錄音中均沒(méi)有信息提及,因此可排除。2. Who did the man travel with on his first trip to Switzerland?【試題答案】B【試題解析】題目

46、問(wèn)男士第一次去瑞士的時(shí)候是和誰(shuí)一起去的?錄音中提及男士第一次去法國(guó)是跟隨他父母的朋友一起去的。因此B選項(xiàng)“他父母的朋友”正確。A選項(xiàng)“他的父母”和C選項(xiàng)“他的明友”均是利用錄音中個(gè)別字詞斷章取義;D選項(xiàng)“他的同學(xué)”是利用錄音中的when I was at school設(shè)置的干擾項(xiàng),也可排除。3. What does the man say about the breakfast at the little French cafe?【試題答案】A【試題解析】題目問(wèn)關(guān)于法國(guó)小咖啡館的早餐,男士說(shuō)了些什么?男士描述了那家法國(guó)小咖啡館如何烹飪培根和雞蛋后,女士問(wèn)男士到底有沒(méi)有吃上這道菜,男士馬上說(shuō)沒(méi)有

47、人愿意吃。因此A選項(xiàng)“沒(méi)有人吃它”正確。B選項(xiàng)“它煮得有點(diǎn)久”在錄音中并沒(méi)有提及;C選項(xiàng)“用餐時(shí)沒(méi)有配上茶水”只是利用錄音中的teabags作干擾,錄音中并沒(méi)有提及是否配有茶水,因此可排除;D選項(xiàng)“它是真正的英式早餐”,在錄音中確實(shí)有出現(xiàn),但這是女士的觀(guān)點(diǎn)并不是男士提出來(lái)的,不符合題意,因此也可排除。4. What did the man think of his holiday in France?【試題答案】B【試題解析】題目問(wèn)男士認(rèn)為他在法國(guó)的假期怎么樣?在錄音的最后,男士感嘆道:“真是個(gè)美好的假期啊!”但是根據(jù)前面錄音男士對(duì)那次法國(guó)之旅的一系列描述來(lái)看,那個(gè)假期給他留下的印象并不是很好

48、。由此可知,他最后說(shuō)的那句實(shí)際上是反話(huà)。因此,B選項(xiàng)“它相當(dāng)令人失望”正確。A選項(xiàng)“它實(shí)在令人興奮”;C選項(xiàng)“它是一個(gè)冒險(xiǎn)的經(jīng)歷”和D選項(xiàng)“它真的很特別”在錄音中均沒(méi)有信息提及,因此排除。7.單選題The government will take some action to( )the two big quarreling companies.問(wèn)題1選項(xiàng)A.jigsawB.jotC.impulseD.reconcile【答案】D【解析】動(dòng)詞辨析。jigsaw 用鋸鋸;jot 匆匆記下;impulse 推動(dòng); reconcile 調(diào)和。句意: 政府將采取措施 這兩家起爭(zhēng)執(zhí)的大公司。因此D項(xiàng)符合

49、句意。8.單選題“May I speak to your manager Mr. Jenson at 2 oclock this afternoon?”“Im sorry. Mr. Jenson( ) to a conference long before then.”問(wèn)題1選項(xiàng)A.will have goneB.had goneC.would have goneD.has gone【答案】A【解析】考查時(shí)態(tài)。“這個(gè)下午兩點(diǎn)”表示將來(lái)時(shí)間,根據(jù)“before then”可知要用將來(lái)完成時(shí),選項(xiàng)A符合題意。9.單選題Parents often faced the( )between doing

50、what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.問(wèn)題1選項(xiàng)A.paradoxB.junctionC.premiseD.dilemma【答案】D【解析】考查名詞辨析。paradox “似是而非的論點(diǎn)”;junction “連接”;premise “前提,假設(shè)”;dilemma “進(jìn)退兩難”。題干中提及家長(zhǎng)在面對(duì)孩子教育上有兩種選擇,讓他們難以抉擇,陷入兩難。選項(xiàng)D符合題意。10.單

51、選題Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.問(wèn)題1選項(xiàng)A.Few of us can ignore changes in our immediate environment.B.It is impossible for us to be immune from outside influence.C.Few of us can remain unaware of what happens around us.D.It is important for us to keep in touch with o

52、ur own world.問(wèn)題2選項(xiàng)A.Make up his mind to start all over again.B.Stop making unfair judgements of others.C.Try to find a more exciting job somewhere else.D.Recognise the negative impact of his coworkers.問(wèn)題3選項(xiàng)A.They are quite susceptible to suicide.B.They improve peoples quality of life.C.They suffer a

53、 great deal from ill health.D.They help people solve mental problems.【答案】第1題:B第2題:D第3題:C【解析】Recording TwoWe are very susceptible to the influence of the people around us. For instance, you may have known somebody who has gone overseas for a year or so and has returned with an accent perhaps. We beco

54、me part of our immediate environment. 19 None of us are immune to the influences of our own world and let us not kid ourselves that we are untouched by the things and the people in our life. Fred goes off to his new job at a factory. Fred takes his ten-minute coffee break, but the other workers take

55、 a half-an-hour. Fred says, “Whats the matter with you guys?” Two weeks later, Fred is taking twenty-minute breaks. A month later, Fred takes his half-hour. Fred is saying, “If you cant beat them, join them. Why should I work any harder than the next guy?”The fascinating thing about being human is t

56、hat generally we are unaware that there are changes taking place in our mentality. It is like returning to the citys smog after some weeks in the fresh air. Only then do we realize that we have become accustomed to the nasty smells. Mix with critical people, and we learn to criticize. Mix with happy

57、 people, and we learn about happiness. What this means is that we need to decide what we want from life and then choose our company, accordingly. You may well say, “That is going to take some effort. It may not be comfortable. I may offend some of my present company.” Right, but it is your life. 20

58、Fred may say, “Im always broke, frequently depressed. Im going nowhere, and I never do anything exciting.” Then we discover that Freds best friends are always broke, frequently depressed,going nowhere and wishing that life was more exciting. This is not coincidence, nor is it our business to stand i

59、n judgment of Fred. However, if Fred ever wants to improve his quality of life, 20 the first thing hell need to do is recognize what has been going on all these years.21 Its no surprise that doctors as a profession suffer a lot of ill health because they spend their lives around sick people. Psychia

60、trists have a higher incidence of suicide in their profession for related reasons. Traditionally, nine out of ten children whose parents smoke, smoke themselves. Obesity is in part an environmental problem. Successful people have successful friends, and so the story goes on.19. What does the speaker


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