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1、Unit 1 Careers and skills,Grammar and usage,Simile and metaphor,1. What is figurative language? 2. Can you suggest some common types of figurative language?,Figurative language is often used to help readers imagine what is happening in a text.,Simile and metaphor.,Warming up,3. Have you ever used th

2、is kind of language? If you have, can you give some examples?,My love is like a red, red rose. Robert Burns,A simile:,A metaphor:,Its raining cats and dogs.,An idiom:,No news is good news.,A euphemism:,Senior citizens are respected in our country.,Simile and metaphor,Simile: 1. What is a simile?,A s

3、imile is a comparison of two different things that are not usually thought to be similar.,2. What words are used in similes? 3. How to make a simile effective?,Readers must be familiar with the things being compared.,As and like.,Analyse the following similes: using as: Bob runs as quickly as a deer

4、.,By comparing Bob to a deer, his speed is emphasized and made more obvious.,using like:,He loved to camp, and his job was like a holiday for him.,Here the job is compared to holiday to express the person really enjoys his work and finds it relaxing.,Metaphor What is a metaphor?,Metaphor is when you

5、 use two nouns and compare or contrast them to one another. Unlike simile, you dont use as or like in the comparison.,e.g. Something is something.,Analyse the following metaphors: As a business person, you cant be a mouse. You have to be a tiger.,You cant be a timid person. You should be a brave per

6、son.,For lawyers, a courtroom is a battlefield.,A lawyer is compared to a fighter. He must fight to win cases here.,Going to work everyday became a chore for him, and he could hardly wait to find a new and exciting job.,Work is compared to a chore. This work is boring and the speaker is tired of it.

7、,Practice,1. Im not as timid as a rabbit. 2. I am not Angel. 3. You are as blind as a bat. 4. Im drowning in art. 5. His feet are as big as boats. 6. I am a rainbow.,Simile,Metaphor,Simile,Simile,Metaphor,Metaphor,7. He was a big bear of a man. 8. He has a heart of gold. 9. The old mans hair was as

8、white as snow. 10. The sun is like a yellow ball of fire in the sky.,Metaphor,Simile,Metaphor,Simile,11. The day we passed together for a while seemed a bright fire on a winters night. 12. You are like a hurricane: theres calm in your eye, but Im getting blown away.,Simile,Simile,If you want to be,I

9、f you want to be a spy like James Bond 007, you need to be as cool as a cucumber and as sly as a fox and you need cast iron nerves.,simile,Read and find out the figurative language.,metaphor,If you want to be a model, you need to be as tall as a tree and eat like a bird. If you want to be an actor,

10、And a martial arts expert like Jackie Chan, you can not be a weed.,simile,metaphor,If you want to be successful like Bill Gates, you need to have a mind like a computer and be as sharp as a spear in business.,simile,simile,If you want to be a magician like David Copperfield, you need to make people

11、see that black is white and white is black. If you want to succeed in life, you need to be as hungry as a lion.,metaphor,simile,Fill in blanks.,weak and not brave,wanting sth. very much,very clever,things appear different,a very strong will,clever at tricking others,eat very little,very tall,My life is a dream My life is a dream, like a tiger wakingup from her deep sleep.My life


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