



1、1 Would you like to work in the building in the photo below? Explain why or why not. 2 Which people in your organization have their own office? Do they have their own office because of a) seniority; b) a need for confidentiality; c) the type of work they do?,How important are the following in showin

2、g a persons status in an organization? Give each one a score from 1 (not important) to 5 (very important)., a reserved parking space having a secretary an office with a window taking holidays when you like a uniform the size of your desk a personal business card more than one seat in your office you

3、r own office flying business class a company car a company credit card your name on your door having fixed working hours,Match the words to the pictures.,subsidiary,call center,warehouse,head office,outlets,factory/plant,distribution center,service center,1 Stock levels have been low for two weeks n

4、ow. - warehouse,Listen to the comments from different places in the organization and write them down. Then match them to the places in Ex A.,2 Can you e-mail these sales figures through to head office as soon as possible?,3 Hold on a minute, please, Ill transfer you to a supervisor.,4 We need to del

5、iver this consignment on Friday.,5 The production line is operating at full capacity.,6 The Board of Directors have fixed the Annual General Meeting for Tuesday the second.,7 Why do we always have to check with the parent company before making decisions?,8 All our engineers are out working on repair

6、s at the moment.,branch/outlet,call center,distribution center,factory,head office,subsidiary,service center,Which of the words below can describe:,good qualities of an organization? bad qualities of an organization?,bureaucratic caring centralized decentralized conservative democratic dynamic hiera

7、rchical impersonal market-driven professional progressive,b),a),a) or b),b),b),a),a),b),b),a),a),a),SOL Cleaning Services provides services throughout Finland and in Estonia, Latvia and Russia. We offer our clients a centralized package comprising most services related to business and public premise

8、s. Cleaning services is the basis of our service contract, but it can easily be linked to other services. These include facility services (including reception, mail and messenger services) as well as security services, meeting and conference services, the maintenance of vending machines, replacement

9、 of carpets, washroom hygiene services, green area services and versatile local laundry services for companies and their employees. Our clients comprise companies and institutions from all business and public sectors: the food and pharmaceutical industries, hospitals, the retail sector, energy indus

10、try, schools, hotel and catering business, the metal industry and transportation.,A,Read paragraph 1 of the article and answer these questions.,1 Where is SOL located? 2 What is unusual about the company? 3 What does SOL do?,It is in Helsinki, Finland.,You feels like youve entered a playground; the

11、office explodes with color, creativity and chaos; people are walking round talking on yellow mobile (portable) phones.,Its a cleaning company.,B,Read the article and match the headings below to paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.,A People set their own targets B Hard work has to be fun C Loose organization

12、s need tight systems D Great service requires cutting-edge technology E There are no low-skill jobs,2,3,4,5,6,C,Which of these statements are true? Correct the false ones.,1 Everyone has their own office. 2 Liisa Joronen believes cleaners can feel good about their job. 3 At the end of the training c

13、ourse there is an exam. 4 The training course takes 28 months to complete. 5 At SOL giving responsibility to employees is important. 6 SOL thinks measuring performance restricts freedom. 7 Every month Liisa Joronen measures each teams performance. 8 All the information is stored in filing cabinets.,

14、false,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,D,Match these phrases from paragraph 5 of the article to their meanings.,1 keen on accountability 2 fanatical about measuring performance 3 establish performance benchmarks 4 rates the teams performance a) assesses how the group have done b) extremely inte

15、rested in judging achievements c) interested in people being responsible for what they do d) set up standards of achievements,1,2,3,4,We can combine two or more nouns in several ways. 1 s possessive Julias desk Mr. Smiths office Sonys new product 2 one noun used as an adjective head office company c

16、ar graduation ceremony 3 phrases with of Director of Communications sales of last month 4 compound nouns forming one word boardroom businessman notebook airshow Match these examples from the article on page 24 with the categories above. a) customer satisfaction b) way of life c) SOLs logo d) salespe

17、rson,2,3,1,4,A,Find noun combinations in the article on page 24. Write them under these four headings:,s possessive one of northern Europes most admired (lines 12) SOLs competitive formula (lines 910) the companys upbeat image (line 15) SOLs logo (line 16) the companys budget reports (line 17) SOLs

18、training program (line 22) the new customers site (line 40) the teams performance (line 43),one noun used as an adjective SOL City (line 1) business playground (line 3) film studio (line 4) Cleaning Service (line 8) key ingredients (line 10) status symbols (line 21) time management (line 26) people

19、skills (line 27) power players (line 30) customer satisfaction (line 38) performance benchmarks (line 42) budget documents (lines 4950) performance reports (line 50) training schedules (line 51) company news (line 52),phrases with of headquarters of one of northern Europes most admired companies (li

20、nes 12) the heart of Helsinki (line 4) the rules and regulations of conventional corporate life (lines 1819) hours of work (line 20) a limited number of ways (lines 2425) way of life (line 29) The real power players of the company (line 30) a team of up to 50 cleaners (lines 3132),compound nouns for

21、ming one word headquarters (line 1) playground (line 3) jumpsuits (line 15) salesperson (line 39) benchmarks (line 42) laptops (line 46) cell-phones (line 46),B,Underline the most suitable noun combination in each group.,1 a) the meeting of today 3 a) a business card b) todays meeting b) a card of b

22、usiness c) today meeting c) a businesses card 2 a) a letter of credit 4 a) a datas base b) a credits letter b) a base of data c) a letters credit c) a database,C,Nouns used as numerical adjectives are singular. For example, a plan which lasts for 10 years = a ten-year plan. Change the following phra

23、ses in the same way.,1 a hotel with five stars 2 a budget worth 3 million dollars 3 a presentation that lasts 20 minutes 4 a contract worth 200,000 pounds 5 an industrial empire which is 150 years old,1 a five-star hotel 2 a 3-million dollar budget 3 a 20-minute presentation 4 a 200,000-pound contra

24、ct 5 a 150-year-old industrial empire,D,Match each noun in column 1 to two of the nouns in column 2 to make word partnerships.,1 business a) virus b) cards c) plan 2 management a) style b) technology c) policy 3 sales a) campaign b) department c) trade 4 labor a) force b) technology c) market 5 comp

25、any a) house b) headquarters c) logo 6 trade a) union b) technology c) fair 7 consumer a) goods b) logos c) awareness 8 research a) project b) findings c) knowledge 9 information a) technology b) force c) desk 10computer a) union b) program c) virus,A,Richard Brown is the managing partner of Cognosi

26、s, a management consultancy in London which advises companies on organization and change. Listen to the first part of the interview and answer these questions.,1 What four approaches does Cognosis use to analyze a business? 2 How many different business character types does Cognosis recognize? 3 Wha

27、t three things do companies deal with differently, according to Richard?,1 Study the tone and style of the companys communications. 2 Interview the companys top executives in depth. 3 Conduct research, more broadly, across the companys staff and its customers. 4 Analyze the companys internal documen

28、ts.,16,These different types of organization handle aspects of change, innovation and relation to customers in very different ways.,B,Listen to the second part of the interview. Tick the sentences below which are true, according to Richard, and correct those which are false.,1 The hardest way to cha

29、nge the character of a business is to merge it with another company. 2 When Guinness and Grand Metropolitan merged, they wanted to create a business culture which was different from the two companies. 3 The senior managers spent a lot of money training staff in the new business methods. 4 The new cu

30、lture was only partly successful.,false,true,true,false,C,In the third part of the interview, Richard Brown describes 3 ways in which successful companies are similar. Complete the description below.,First, theyre _ : they have a very clear sense of _ . Second, theyre _: they invest much time and en

31、ergy in understanding and _ And third, they are _. By that I mean that people inside the organization are very clear about the values that should _ _ and behaviors.,future-oriented,where they are headed,customer-driven,responding to their markets,value-driven,guide their,decisions,A,Listen to the th

32、ree conversations. Choose the correct description from the list for each one.,Greeting someone and talking about the past Introducing another person Introducing yourself and giving information about your company,1,2,3,B,Listen to the first conversation again and answer these questions.,1 Which of th

33、ese expressions do you hear in the dialogue? a) Nice to see you again. d) How about you? b) Fine, thanks. e) I changed my job last year. c) Wonderful! f ) Im in banking now. 2 Who is head of data processing? 3 Who now works in marketing?,Marcus,Louise,C,Listen to the second conversation again and co

34、mplete the chart below.,Atsource Solutions,MCB,Outsourcing various services including payroll, IT services and human resources,Financial services,D,Listen again and complete this extract from the second conversation.,Don Well, were basically an _ business. We supply large companies with various services Including payroll, _ and human resources. Erika Is Atsource Solutions a new company? Don No, were well established. The company was _ in 1978. Its organized into three _ We have over 6,000 _; weve got our _ in Frankfurt and _ in over 20 countries were pretty big.,outso


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