



1、 Unit 2 單元檢測(cè)卷一、單項(xiàng)選擇1. My English teacher is _ old woman. Shes _ very nice teacher.A. a a B. An an C. an a D. a an2. _ do you live? I live in a tall building close to the park.A. what B. where C. why D. when3. Anna is good _ playing piano.A. for B. with C. to D. at4. Does Tom _ by bike every day?A. g

2、o to school B. goes to school C. go school D. goes school5. would you like _some milk?A. have B. having C. to have D. to having 6. How _ your father go to work?A. are B. is C. do D. does7. I _ English, but Jack _ it.A. like; doesnt like B. likes; doesnt like C. like; dont like D. likes; dont like8.

3、Lucy lives close to her school, _ she usually walks to school.A. because B.so C.but D.if9. _ do you visit your grandparents? Twice a monthA. how much B. how many C. how often D. how old 10. Helen lives far away, but she is _ late for school.A. always B.often C.sometimes D. never二、完形填空Do you need to

4、write letters? If you dont have any _1_, can you send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone far away from you ? With _2_ you can just do that.You can _3_ an Email quickly on the Internet. Sending a letter is much _4_ than sending an Email. The _5_ side of the world will _6_ get your email mes

5、sagesEmail is _7_ to use and it saves time and money, you can get or send an email at any _8_ during the day or at night.No one has to wait there to get an email.And dont need to _9_ if your friends are seeing a film at the cinema when you send emails to them,or you are _10_ when they send emails to

6、 you.1. A.subjects B.changes C.friends D.stamps2. A.practice B.email C.money D.letters3. A.send B.write C.read D.get 4. A.stronger B.quieter C.faster D.slower 5. A.other B.right C.left D.near6. A.never B.soon C.only D.also 7. A.strange B.important C.different D.easy8. A.place B.cost C.work D.time 9.

7、 Aplete B.worry C.answer D.begin10. A.sleeping B.talking C.waiting D.trying三、閱讀理解AThis is Peters study (書(shū)房). You can see some Chinese paintings (書(shū)畫(huà)) on the wall. A big bookcase is near the window. Many books are in it. Near the bookcase you can see a computer, some CDs are on it. And theres a chair

8、and a desk near the door. Peters textbooks and a pencil case are on the desk. A lamp is on the desk, too. Under the desk you can see Peters bag. Peters study is not very big, but its quite clean and tidy(整潔) .( ) 1Where are Chinese paintings? A. On the wall. B. In the bookcase. C. Behind the door D.

9、 On the desk. ( ) 2What can you see on the desk? A. Textbooks. B. A pencil case. C. A lamp. D. A, B, and C.( ) 3Which of the following is true about Peters study? A. Its not very big. B. It s not clean. C. Its not tidy. D. It doesnt have a chair.( ) 4Which is under Peters desk? A. Peters pencil case

10、. B. Peters textbook. C. Peters bag. D. Peters lamp ( ) 5Which the following is wrong? A. There many books in bookcase. B. You can see a cat in Peters study. C. The desk is near the door D. The bookcase is very big. 來(lái)源:Z。xx。kB The following is Dicks timetable (日程表). Look at the timetable and answer

11、the question.Dicks day6:00 a.m.Get up6:40 a.m.Have breakfast7:10 a.m.Leave home home and go to school7:40 a.m.Begin class11:30 a.m.Have lunch3:30 p.m.Play games5:00 p.m.Go home7:00 p.m.Have super7:30 p.m.Watch TV8:00 p.m.Do homework10:00 p.m.Go to bed( ) 6When dose Dick get up? A. At six oclock in t

12、he morning. B. At six thirty in the morning. C. At seven oclock in the morning. D. At half past six in the morning.( ) 7Where dose Dick have breakfast? A. At school. B. On his way to school. C. At home. D. In a restaurant (飯店).( ) 8. It is time for Dick to have class. What time is it? A. A quarter t

13、o seven. B. A quarter past seven. C. Twenty to eight. D. Twenty past eight( ) 9What is Dick doing after ten oclock in the evening? A. He is watching TV. B. He is reading books. C. He is doing his homework. D. He is sleeping.( ) 10Dick watches TV for . A. one hour B. half an hour C. two hours D. a qu

14、arter四、單詞拼寫(xiě)1. I often r a bicycle to go to school.2. The lunch b is form 12:00 to 2:00.3. We usually do morning e at half past eight.4. Most student go home when the bell r .5. Do you like playing the g .五、將下列漢語(yǔ)句子翻譯成英語(yǔ),每空一詞。1. 鮑勃最喜歡的科目是地理。 Bobs favourite is .2. 我們的暑假九月一號(hào)結(jié)束。 Our summer holiday the fi

15、rst of September.3. 戴爾想?yún)⒓訉W(xué)校的音樂(lè)社團(tuán)。 Dale wants to school music club.4. 你經(jīng)常彈吉他嗎? Do you often ?5. 我妹妹總是走路去學(xué)校。My sister always goes to school .6、 書(shū)面表達(dá) 請(qǐng)以“my daily life” 為題,寫(xiě)一篇英語(yǔ)短文,描述你一天的生活。(可以是上學(xué)中的一天,周末的一天或者假期中的一天。)My daily life_Keys:一、1-5 CBDAC 6-10 DABCD二、1-5 CBADA 6-10 BDDBA三、1-5 ADACB 6-10 ACCDB四、1.

16、 ride 2. break 3. exercises 4. rings 5. guitar五、1. subject; Geography 2. ends on 3. take part in 4. play the guitar 5. on foot六、One Possible Version:My daily lifeI get up at six every day. I brush my teeth and wash my face at six fifteen. I have breakfast at half past six. After breakfast I go to school. I have four lessons in the morning and three in the af


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