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1、最新 料推薦高中英語語法 1. 句子結構成分分析主語謂語賓語定語狀語補語定語英語的句子成分主要有六種:即主語、謂語、賓語、定語、狀語和補語。 (可以熟記為:主謂賓,定狀補)除了這六種主要成分之外,還有“表語” 和“同位語” 的說法。但表語和系動詞一起作謂語, 因此劃分成分時,劃分在謂語上。 同位語分為主語同位語和賓語同位語,屬于主語或賓語的一部分??键c 1. 劃分句子成分時的常用符號英語中劃分句子成分的符號主語在下面畫直線謂語在下面畫曲線賓語在下面畫雙橫線定語在下面畫虛線 (一行點使我們想到一排釘子,“釘”諧音為“定語”的“定”)狀語下面為短橫線 (短橫線使我們想到短木樁,木樁撞(狀)鐘)補語

2、上一短橫,下一短橫(下一短橫好像是為了彌補上面短橫間的空隙)同位語上下雙曲線(都有曲折,上下位置基本相同)考點 1. 主語主語是一個句子所敘述的主體, 一般位于句首,通常由名詞性的詞來充當??梢宰髦髡Z的詞性或語法結構:1.名詞2.代詞3.數詞4.不定式5.動名詞6.主語從句等表示。7. 名詞化的形容詞(如 the rich)在英語中,形容詞、副詞和介詞短語是不能作主語的。 如果它們在句首時, 句子可能是倒裝句,真正的主語在后面。On the desk aresomebooks. (主語是 books,所以用 are)Down jumps the boy. (主語是 the boy,所以用 ju

3、mps )Gone arethe days. (主語是 the days,所以用 are)練習 1. 在下面句子的主語下面畫橫線,并說出由什么充當。1. During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular.2. We often speak English in class.3. One-third of the students in this class are girls.4. To swim in the river is a great pleasure.5. Smoking does h

4、arm to the health.6. The rich should help the poor.7. When we are going to have English test has not been decided.8. It is necessary to master a foreign language.9. That he isn t at home is not. true10. There comes the bus.11. Beyond the village lies a small village.12. Now comes your turn.考點 2. 謂語謂

5、語由動詞充當,說明主語所做的動作或具有的特征和狀態(tài)。謂語的構成如下:A. 簡單謂語:由一個動詞或動詞短語構成。如:He practicesrunning every morning. He readsnewspapers every day.B. 復合謂語: 由情態(tài)動詞或其他助動詞加動詞構成。如:You may keep the book for two weeks. He has caughta bad cold.My sister is crying over there.I have been waitingfor you all the time. I would stayat hom

6、e all day.最新 料推薦Has he come back?He didntattend the meeting yesterday. 由系 加表 構成。 系 不能 獨作 ,要和表 一起作 。如:We are students.Your idea sounds great.考點 3. 表 表 多是形容 ,用以 明主 的身份、特征和狀 ,它一般位于系 (如 be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem等)之后。表 一般由名 、 代 、形容 、分 、數 、不定式、 名 、介 短 、副 及表 從句表示。練習 2. 畫出下列句中的表 ,并 明由什么充當。1. O

7、ur teacher of English is an American.2. Is it yours?3. The weather has turned cold.4. The speech is exciting.5. Three times seven is twenty-one.6. His job is to teach English.7. His hobby( 好) is playing football.8. The machine must be under repairs.9. The truth is that he has never been abroad.考點 4.

8、 賓語 由名 性的 充當, 表示 作的 象或承受者,一般位于及物 和介 后面。 分 動詞賓語 和介 。練習 3. 畫出下列句中的 , 并 明由什么充當。1. They planted many trees yesterday.2. (How many dictionaries do you have?) I have five.3. They helped the old with their housework yesterday.4. I wanted to buy a car.5. I enjoy listening to popular music.6. I think ( that)

9、he is fit for his office.考點 5. 足 足 和 構成 上的主 關系。 句 ,在意思上, 相當于 的主 。 有 足 的一般句型 : 某些及物 (如 make 等) +賓語 + 。 可由名 、形容 、副 、不定式、分 、介 短 和從句充當。練習 4. 用下劃 畫出下列句中的 足 ,并指出是什么 充當,同 體會 和 之 的 關系。1. His father named him Dongming.2. They painted their boat white.3. Let the fresh air in.4. You mustn t force him to lend h

10、is money to you.5. We saw her entering the room.6. We found everything in the lab in good order.7.We will soon make our city what your cityis now.8.I want your homework done on time.考點 6. 主 主 的 充。含有 足 的句子在 成被 , 作主 , 原來的 就成了主 足 。He was electedmonitor.She was foundsinging in the next room.He was advis

11、edto teach the lazy boy a lesson.考點 7. 定 定 是 名 或代 起修 、 限定作用的 、短 或句子, 中常用“的”表示。定 通常位于被修 的成分前。在英 中, 多情況下,定 是放在所修 后面的, 點與 不同, 也是 多同學不能 懂 句的主要原因。 定 后置常 的有以下幾種情況:A. 副 用作定 一般要后置。People there are very friendly. (那兒的人 ) He didntlike the man downstairs. (樓下的那個人)最新 料推薦B. 形容詞短語作定語一般放在所修飾詞之后。單個形容詞作定語一般放在所修飾詞之前,

12、而形容詞短語作定語一般放在所修飾詞之后。The next man is a scientist.The man next to me is a scientist.(我旁邊的那個人)C. 介詞短語作定語時要后置。The boy under the tree is Tom(. 樹下的那個男孩)The tallest boy in our classis John.(我們班最高的那個男孩)D. 現(xiàn)在分詞短語、過去分詞短語、動詞不定式作定語常后置。I have something to say. (直譯:我有要說的話 )The boy crying over thereis my classmate

13、.(在那邊哭的那個男孩)The housebuilt last year is impressive.(去年建的那座房子)練習 5. 口頭翻譯下列句子,用下劃線標出定語部分,留意定語的位置,并說明定語是由什么詞性或結構充當。1. The letter on the desk is for Mr. Wu.2. The woman with a baby in her arms is his mother.3. We need a place twice larger than this one.4. She carried a basket full of eggs.5. It s a book

14、 worth no more than one dollar.6. It s a city far from the coast.7. He has money enough to buy a car.8. The man downstairs was trying to sleep.9. There are lots of places of interest needing repairing in our city.10.Tigers belonging to meat-eating animals feed on meat.11.A boy calling himself John w

15、anted to see you.12.He picked up a wallet lying on the ground on the way back home.13.There are many clothes to be washed.14.Most of the singers invited to the party were from America.15.Then the great day came when he was to march past the palace in the team.考點 8. 狀語修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞或整個句子 , 說明動作或狀態(tài)特征的句子成

16、分,叫作狀語。He writes carefully. He walks slowly.(認真地寫,慢 慢地走,修飾動詞用副詞,作狀語 )This material is environmentally friendly. (修飾形容詞用副詞,作狀語)He runs very slowly.(修飾副詞 slowly, 因此 very 是副詞,作狀語)Unfortunately, he lost all of his money.(修飾整個句子用副詞,作狀語)A. 幾個并列狀語的先后順序:方式 地點 時間一個句中有幾個并列狀語時,其順序較靈活,但一般是:方式 地點 時間。如:I found a

17、lost pen outside our school yesterdaymorning.He was walking slowly outside the park at that moment.B. 英語中時間狀語、地點狀語的排列一般是從小到大先寫時間,再寫上 /下午,再寫星期幾,再寫幾月幾號。最后寫幾幾年。I invited him to watch a movie at 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 28th, 2015.I was born at 6 a.m., March 16, 2000.He lives at 1120 Green Street, Lon

18、don.C. 頻度副詞 often, always, usually, sometimes, never 等在句中要放在情態(tài)動詞、系動詞、助動詞之后 , 實義動詞之前。You can never tell what he will do.He is often late.He is always helping others.He often came late.最新 料推薦D. 狀語按意義分類在句子成分中,主語、謂語、賓語、定語、表語、補語都比較好辨認, 如果這幾個成分都不是,那很可能就是狀語了。因此,狀語的種類很多, 可以表示時間、 地點、原因、目的、結果、程度、條件、方式和讓步等。練習

19、6. 指出下列畫線部分屬于什么狀語。1. How about meeting again at six?1. The young man, my brother, works in the office.2. Our English teacher, Mrs. Wang, often helps us with study.3. They, some railway workers, are busy repairing the train.I. 單句改錯根據所學主語相關內容,改正下列句中的錯2. Mr. Smith lives on the third floor.3. Last night

20、 she didn誤。 t go to the dance partybecause1.Beyond the mountains lie a small village.of the rain.2.Gone is the days when I had to go to school4. She put the eggs into the basket with greaton foot.care.3.Play basketball is my favorite sport.5. She came in with a dictionary in her hand.6. In order to

21、catch up with the others, I must workharder.7. To make his dream come true, Tombecomes veryinterested in business.8. The boy needs a pen very much.9. The boy really needs a pen.10. He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.11. She works very hard though she is old.12. I am taller than he is.13

22、. I shall go there if it doesn t rain.14. On Sundays, there is no student in the classroom.15. Having to finish his homework, the boy needs apen.考點 9. 同位語同位語是在名詞或代詞之后的并列名詞或代詞,對前者加以說明, 近乎于后置定語。如:We studentsshould study hard. (students是 we 的同位語,都是指同一批“學生” )It s good to studentsus.練習 7. 畫出下列句中的同位語。4. G

23、ive up English is not an option.5. By doing part-time jobs can help them gain social experience.6. Without a friend will feel lonely.II. 語法填空(每空至多填三詞)7. They planned_(take) two days off next week.8. He practiced _ (speak) English every day.9. Here _(be) your books.10. On the wall _ (hang) two pictur

24、es.III.寫作技能提升A. 注意句子主語的形式。11. 在我看來,早睡早起將對我們的健康有好處。( in my opinion, get up early, go to bed early, do a lot of good to, our health)12. 他這次考試不及格使他不高興。( he failed the exam, make, upset)13. 在那兩座高樓之間,矗立著我們教學樓。( between the two tall buildings, stand, teaching building)14. 我們現(xiàn)在正在學的知識對我們將來的生活和工作都很有 幫助 。( wh

25、at we are learning now, be of great help to, our life and work, in the future)B. 用形容詞作后置定語。最新 料推薦15. 你 Tom 旁 的那個人 ?( know, next to)16. 盡 早 把 他 送 到 距 你 家 最 近 的 醫(yī) 院 。(sendto, nearest to, as soon as possible)17. 我 有一個能容下 3000 學生用餐的餐 。(dining hall, large enough, hold)C. 注意狀 的 序。18. 那 他正在教室內 真地寫作 。(do hi

26、s homework, in the classroom, carefully, at that moment)19. 上周日我 在校園內栽了很多 。 ( plant lots of trees, in the schoolyard)20. 他昨天在演 比 中表 得異常 秀。( perform incredibly well, speech contest) D. 注意 度副 的位置。 QQ32995088521. 我永 不會忘 他那天 我 的 。(will, forget, what he told me, never)22. 我 經 常 去 那家 超 市 。( frequently, th

27、e supermarket)23. 他 是幫助 人。(always, helping)24. 我們 什么時 候都不能 那樣 對 待 老人 。( never, treat an old man like that, should)25. 活到老,學到老。(one, never, too old to learn)最新 料推薦答案:練習 1.在下面句子的主語下面畫橫線,并說出由什么充當。1. During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular(名.詞)2. We often speak English

28、in class(.代詞)3. One-third of the students in this class are girls.(數詞)4. To swim in the river is a great pleasure.(不定式短語)5. Smoking does harm to the health.(動名詞)6. The rich should help the poor.(名詞化的形容詞)7. When we are going to have an English test has not been decided(.主語從句)8. It is necessary to mas

29、ter a foreign language.(it 作形式主語, 真正的主語為后面的不定式)9. That he isn t at homeisnot true. ( 主語從句, that 不能省略 )10.There comesthe bus. (副詞不能作主語,本句為倒裝句,名詞 the bus作主語 )11.Beyond the village lies a small village. (介詞短語不能作主語,主語是后面的名詞短語 )12.Now comes your turn . (副詞不能作主語,主語是后面的名詞)練習 2.畫出下列句中的表語,并說明由什么充當。1. Our tea

30、cher of English is an American(.名詞)2. Is it yours?(代詞)3. The weather has turnedcold.(形容詞)4. The speech isexciting.(分詞 /形容詞,這樣的分詞已形容詞化了)5. Three times seven istwenty-one.(數詞)6. His job is to teach English.(不定式)7. His hobby(愛好) is playing footbal.(動名詞)8. The machine must beunder repairs(.介詞短語)9. The t

31、ruth is that he has never been abroad.(從句)練習 3.畫出下列句中的賓語 , 并說明由什么充當。1. They planed manytreesyesterday.(名詞)2. (How many dictionaries do you have?) I have five.(數詞)3. They helped the old with their housework yesterday(.名詞化形容詞)4. I wanted to buy a car.(不定式短語)5. I enjoy listening to popular music(.動名詞短語

32、)6. I think that he is fit for his office(.賓語從句)練習 4.用下劃線畫出下列句中的賓語補足語,并指出是什么詞充當。1. His father named him Dongming.(名詞)2. They painted their boat white.(形容詞)3. Let the fresh air in.(副詞)4. You mustn t force himto lend his money to you.(不定式短語)5. We saw her entering the room.(現(xiàn)在分詞)6. We found everything

33、in the lab in good order.(介詞短語)7. We will soon make our city what your city is now.(從句)8. I want your homework done on time(.過去分詞短語 )練習 5.口頭翻譯下列句子,用下劃線標出定語部分,留意定語的位置,并說明定語是由什么詞性或結構充當。最新 料推薦1. The letter on the deskis for Mr. Wu.桌子上的那封信是給吳先生的。 (介詞短語作后置定語)2. The woman with a baby in her arms is his mo

34、ther .懷里抱嬰兒的那個 婦女是他的母親。(with 的復合結構作后置定語)3. We need a place twice larger than this one.我們需要一個比這個地方大兩倍的地方。(形容詞短語作后置定語)4. She carried a basketfull of eggs.她提著一個裝滿雞蛋的籃子。 (形容詞短語作后置定語)5. It s a bookworth no more than one dollar.那是一本僅值一美元的書。 (形容詞短語作后置定語)6. It s a cityfar from the coast.它是一座距海岸很遠的城市。 (形容詞短語

35、作后置定語)7. He has moneyenough to buy a car.他有足夠能買一輛車的錢。 (形容詞短語作后置定語)8. The man downstairswas trying to sleep.樓下的那個人正在盡力睡覺。 (副詞作后置定語)9. There are lots of places of interest needing repairing in our city.在我們城市有許多需要維修的名勝。 (現(xiàn)在分詞短語作后置定語)10.Tigers belonging to meat-eating animalsfeed on meat.屬于食肉動物的老虎以肉為食。

36、(現(xiàn)在分詞短語作后置定語)11.A boy calling himself John wanted to see you.一個自稱為 John的男孩想見你。(現(xiàn)在分詞短語作后置定語)12.He picked up a wallet lying on the ground on the way back home.在回家的路上,他撿起一個躺在路上的錢包。(現(xiàn)在分詞短語作后置定語; 副詞短語作后置定語)13.There are many clothesto be washed.有許多要洗的衣服。 意譯為:有許多衣服要洗。(動詞不定式短語作后置定語)14.M ost of the singers i

37、nvited to the party were from America.大多數被邀請參加派對的歌手都來自美國。(過去分詞短語作后置定語)15.Then the great day came when he was tomarch past the palace in the team.接著,他要列隊游行經過宮殿的那一天到了。(定語從句修飾 the great day)練習 6.指出下列畫線部分屬于什么狀語。1. 時間狀語2. 地點狀語 3. 原因狀語4. 方式狀語5. 伴隨狀語 6. 目的狀語7. 目的狀語8. 程度狀語 9. 程度狀語10. 結果狀語 11. 讓步狀語 12. 比較狀語13. 條件狀語 14. 時間狀語;地點狀語15. 原因狀語練習 7.畫 出 下 列 句 中 的 同 位 語 。QQ3299508851. The young man, my brother , works in the office.2. Our English teacher,Mrs Wang often helps us with study.3. They, some railway workers, are busy repairi


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