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無線充電技術 無線充電技術( Wireless charging technology; Wireless charge technology )。 無線充電技術,源于無線電力輸送技術。無線充電,又稱作感應充電、非接觸式感應充電,是利用近場感應,也就是電感耦合,由供電設備(充電器)將能量傳送至用電的裝置,該裝置使用接收到的能量對電池充電,并同時供其本身運作之用。由于充電器與用電裝置之間以電感耦合傳送能量,兩者之間不用電線連接,因此充電器及用電的裝置都可以做到無導電接點外露 。 概述 麻省理工學院的研究團隊在 2007 年 6 月 7 日美國科學雜志的網站上發(fā)表了他們的研究成果。研究小組把共振運用到電磁波的傳輸上而成功 “ 抓住 ” 了電磁波。他們利用銅制線圈作為電磁共振器,一團線圈附在傳送電力方,另一團在接受電力方。當傳送方送出某特定頻率的電磁波后,經過電磁場擴散到接受方,電力就實現了無線傳導。這項被他們稱為 “ 無線電力 ” 的技術經過多次試驗,已經能成功為一個兩米外的 60 瓦燈泡供電。這項技術 的最遠輸電距離還只能達到 2.7 米,但研究者相信,電源已經可以在這范圍內為電池充電。而且只需要安裝一個電源,就可以為整個屋里的電器供電,現在這種技術已經被桑德力有限公司用在了桑德力無線移動電源上來了。 共振原理 。 麻省理工學院的科研組不是第一個提出無線能量轉換的組織??茖W家早在 19 世紀就發(fā)現了電磁轉換現象,從理論上說,電力可轉化為通過無形的介質傳播的電磁波,實現電力 的無線輸送。但是電磁波向四面八方輻射,能量大量散失,因此 “ 無線輸電 ” 的研究始終進展不大, 19 世紀的物理學家和工程師尼古拉 特斯拉進行了遠程無線能量轉換系統(tǒng)實驗,但是當他的財力用盡后,這項最有野心的嘗試 (29 米高的瓦登克萊弗塔 )宣告失敗。其他嘗試包括激光等定向能量轉換機制。然而,它們與麻省理工學院的工作不同,這些都需要連續(xù)的可視線路,這對住宅周圍的電力設施不好。 研究組成員,助理教授馬林 索亞克教授和他的科研組正在改進這個設備。 “ 這是一項還未得到發(fā)展的系統(tǒng),它證明能量轉換行得通。但是你不會愿意利用它給你的膝上 型電腦供電。我們的目標是縮小這個設備的體積、擴大感應器間的距離和提高電力轉換功效。 ” 他與同事安德烈 庫爾斯、阿里特迪茲 卡拉里斯、羅伯特 莫埃特、約翰 加儂珀洛斯和彼得 索利科合作,進行了這項研究。 這個系統(tǒng)利用了共振 (當一個物體與另一個物體的固有頻率一樣時,就會產生震動 )原理。當兩個物體的振動頻率相同時,它們傳遞能量的強度不會受到周圍事物的影響。索亞克教授解釋說: “ 如果房間內放了許多相同的杯子,你向瓶中倒入不同度數的葡萄酒,這時這些杯子就會產生不同的振幅。 ” 例如,如果用勺子敲擊,每個杯子都會發(fā)出不同的聲音 。 “ 如果我進入房間,開始用非常高的聲音歌唱,當我的聲音與其中一個杯子的頻率相同時,它就有可能爆炸。 ” 據英國廣播公司 2007 年 6 月 19 日報道,這個無線電力傳輸不像電力設備,它可以避免被鼠巢破壞,減少很多麻煩,因為它并不需要電線連接。研究人員在科學雜志上對這種設備作了詳細介紹。在實驗測試中,這個設備讓距離它 2 米 (7 英尺 )的一盞 80 瓦電燈泡發(fā)出光亮。該裝置被稱作 WiTricity,研究人員根據物理學原理研發(fā)了它,這種設備還適合為膝上型電腦等裝置提供電源。 WiTricity 利用的是低頻電磁波共振,而不是利用聲學共 振。在實驗中,兩個感應器都以 10 兆赫的頻率震動,產生共振,讓能量在兩者之間傳遞。倫敦帝國學院的約翰 本德萊教授解釋說: “ 隨著每一次共振,感應器中會有更多的電壓產生。 ” 經過產生多次共振,感應器表面就會集聚足夠的能量,讓燈泡發(fā)出光亮。這個能量的集聚也是為什么一位歌手用與杯子相同頻率的聲音歌唱時,杯子不會立刻破裂的原因。本德萊教授說:“ 酒杯不斷集聚能量,直到能將自己打碎。 ” 據本德萊教授說,利用波長為 30 米 (100 英尺 )的低頻電磁波具有安全優(yōu)勢。他說: “ 通常用千兆赫茲 (更短的波長 )的手機時,會有電場和磁場輻射同時 產生。 ” 這個過程就是我們所知的 “ 遠聲場 ” 的一個典型特征,這種場是從振幅超過一個波長的設備里產生的,如果振幅小于一個波長,產生的將主要是磁場。約翰說: “ 身體對電場的反應很強烈,這也是為什么你能利用微波爐烹制雞肉的原因。但是磁場不會對人體產生影響。根據身體對能量的吸收,它對磁場的反應幾乎為零。 ” 因此,這項設備不能給人類帶來任何明顯的健康風險。 主流技術 現在的無線充電 技術已經被桑德力公司給使用,現在主流的無線充電標準有三種: Qi標準、 Power Matters Alliance(PMA)標準、 Alliance for Wireless Power(A4WP)標準。桑德力牌無線移動電源就是通過了 QI 標準,下面我們就針對這三種標準進行簡單介紹。 1、 Qi 標準 Qi 是全球首個推動無線充電技術的標準化組織 -無線充電聯盟 (Wireless Power Consortium,簡稱 WPC)推出的 “ 無線充電 ” 標準,具備便捷性和通用性兩大特征。首先,不同品牌的產品,只要有一個 Qi 的標 識,都可以用 Qi 無線充電器充電。其次,它攻克了無線充電 “ 通用性 ” 的技術瓶頸,在不久的將來,手機、相機、電腦等產品都可以用 Qi 無線充電器充電,為無線充電的大規(guī)模應用提供可能。 現在,市場比較主流的無線充電技術主要通過三種方式,即電磁感應、無線電波、以及共振作用,而 Qi 采用了目前最為主流的電磁感應技術。在技術應用方面,中國公司已經站在了無線充電行業(yè)的最前沿。據悉,現在 Qi 在中國的應用產品主要是手機,這是第一個階段,以后將發(fā)展運用到不同類別或更高功率的數碼產品中。截至現在,聯盟成員數量已增加到 74 家,包括飛利浦、 桑德力、 HTC、諾基亞、三星、索尼愛立信、百思買等知名企業(yè)都已是聯盟的成員。 2、 Power Matters Alliance 標準 Power Matters Alliance 標準是由 Duracell Powermat 公司發(fā)起的,而該公司則是由寶潔與無線充電技術公司 Powermat 合資經營,擁有比較出色的綜合實力。除此以外,Powermat 還是 Alliance for Wireless Power(A4WP)標準的支持成員之一。 現在已經有 AT&T、 Google 和星巴克三家公司加盟了 PMA 聯盟 (Power Matters Alliance縮寫 )。 PMA 聯盟致力于為符合 IEEE 協會標準的手機和電子設備,打造無線供電標準,在無線充電領域中具有領導地位。 現在 Duracell Powermat 公司推出過一款 WiCC 充電卡采用的就是 Power Matters Alliance 標準。 WiCC 比 SD 卡大一圈,內部嵌入了用于電磁感應式非接觸充電的線圈和電極等組件,卡片的厚度較薄,插入現有智能手機電池旁邊即可利用,利用該卡片可使很多便攜終端輕松支持非接觸充電。 3、 A4WP 標準 A4WP 是 Alliance for Wireless Power 標準的簡稱,由美國高通公司、韓國三星公司以及前面提到的 Powermat 公司共同創(chuàng)建的無線充電聯盟創(chuàng)建。該聯盟還包括 Ever Win Industries、 Gill Industries、 Peiker Acustic 和 SK Telecom 等成員,目標是為包括便攜式電子產品和電動汽車等在內的電子產品無線充電設備設立技術標準和行業(yè)對話機制。 轉換裝置 工作原理 利用物理學的 “ 共振 ” 原理 兩個振動頻率相同的物體能高效傳輸能量。 1.輸電線中的電能傳入用銅制造的天線中。 2.天線以 10 兆赫的波長振動,產生電磁波。 3.天線發(fā)出的能量傳播到 2 米 (6.5 英尺 )外。 4.同樣以 10 兆赫的頻率震動的膝上型電腦接收到電流,能量充入設備中。 5.沒有轉換成膝上型電腦的能量不會被天線重新吸收。不能產生 10 兆赫共振的人和其他物體不會對它產生干擾。 主要特點 1、從理論來說,無線充電技術對人體安全無害處,無線充電使用的共振原理是磁場共振,只在以同一頻率共振的線圈之間傳輸, 而其他裝置無法接受波段,另外,無線充電技術使用的磁場本身就是對人體無害的。但無線充電技術畢竟是新型的充電技術,以邁源科的無線充電器來說,很多人都會擔憂無線充電技術會像當初 Wi-Fi 和手機天線桿剛出現一樣,其實技術本身是無害的。 2、桑德力的無線充電技術利用電磁爐原理在充電器與手機之間利用磁能轉化為電能,線圈和電容器則在充電時產生轉化作用。 3、桑德力表示這一系統(tǒng)可以在未來得到廣泛應用,例如針對電動汽車的充電區(qū)以及針對電腦芯片的電量傳輸。采用這項技術研制的充電系統(tǒng)所需要的充電時間只有當前的一百五十分之一。 4、轉化率一直是很多人擔心的問題,麻省理工學院通過研究表明,無線充電技術的損耗比起有線充電技術來說更高。邁源表示:無線充電高轉化,也是無線充電器得以在全球進行應用的關鍵因素。但無線充電技術也受到距離的限制,未來發(fā)展,必然需要解決遠距離傳送對于波段和磁場范圍的精準定位問題。 5、共振控制核心芯片是無線充電技術共振原理控制中心。精準輻射范圍控制,磁場頻率大小,其它控制等都是由芯片實現。 市場需求 1、隨著 iPhone、 iPad 等對電量充滿 “ 饑渴 ” 的設備迅速興起,研發(fā)無線充電等突破性充電技術的需求日益提高。富士 通在一份聲明中說: “ 這項技術將為手機集合緊湊型無線充電功能以及同時為多個便攜式設備充電鋪平道路。對多個設備充電時,設備相對于充電器的位置沒有任何限制。 ” 2、現在有很多無線充電系統(tǒng)都是依靠線圈之間的電磁感應來實現的,這種方式工作距離短,設備需要放置在充電座上。 測試應用 1、測試結果顯示無線傳輸距離大約在 15 厘米左右,但富士通表示無線傳輸距離最終可實現幾米遠。 2、需要指出的是,距離設備越遠,傳輸中損耗的電量越多。 3、桑德力的系統(tǒng)與美國 Witricity 公司研發(fā)的技術類似,后者同樣利用磁共振傳輸電量,傳輸 距離可達到幾米遠。 有關無線充電技術應用的社會實際效益 當今,世界各國都在爭先恐后的研制無線充電技術。隨著自然資源的不斷匱乏和日益加重的環(huán)境保護問題,以電能來替代其它能源的運輸工具已逐漸的發(fā)展開來,電動汽車以及電動自行車已普遍的深入到了人們的生活當中。作為電動汽車快速充電設備的技術難題還有很多,其中之一就是如何利用無線充電技術來實現電動汽車日益增長的需要。無線充電技術的不完善,問題的關鍵點就是能源損失太大和磁電感應轉換的效率較低。另外,還有大功率無線充電技術的遠距離傳輸和電磁對環(huán)境的輻射 影響等因素還沒有得到充分的解決。 電動汽車實現無線充電技術的優(yōu)點是替代了原始的電網直插式鏈接的諸多弊端,還有電能補充的時間長、車位占地面積大以及人工操作繁瑣等不利因素。對于以往的這種充電技術來講只是一次性電網的電能轉換,而且一次性電磁感應的電能損失小,因為變壓器初次級的電能頻率與電網是一致的( 50 赫茲),所以不存在中頻以上電磁輻射對環(huán)境產生的影響。但其缺點是在充電時必須提前安裝好接電裝置和需要加長電源引線以及存在某些不安全性等繁瑣操作因素。隨著電動力汽車技術的不斷完善和市場的保有量逐步的增加,也是為了方 便電動汽車的能源補給,人們開始嘗試著研究如何利用無線充電技術對電動汽車進行充電,以解決電動汽車在有線充電過程中的諸多不利環(huán)節(jié)。 優(yōu)缺點 有線充電技術與無線充電技術各有各的優(yōu)缺點。 有線充電技術的優(yōu)點 : 1,能源轉換一次性獲得,電能損失小,節(jié)能環(huán)保。 2,交直流轉換一次性,不存在中高頻電磁輻射。 3,設備技術含量低,經濟投入不大,維修方便。 4,電功率的調節(jié)范圍較寬,適合多種不同電壓和電流等級的蓄電瓶儲能補給。 有線充電的缺點: 1,設備的移動搬運和電源的引線過長,主要是人工操作繁瑣。 2,設備以及在對電動汽車充電時其公共占地面積過大, 3,在人工操作過程中,極易出現設備的過度磨損以及不安全性等因素。 無線充電技術的優(yōu)點: 1,利用無線磁電感應充電的設備可做到隱形,設備磨損率低,應用范圍廣,公共充電區(qū)域面積相對的減小,但減小的占地面積份額不會太大。 2,技術含量高,操作方便,可實施相對來說的遠距離無線電能的轉換,但大功率無線充電的傳輸距離只限制在 5 米以內,不會太遠。 3,操作方便。 無線充電技術的缺點: 1,雖然設備技術含量高,但設備的經濟成本投入較高,維修費用大。 2,因實現遠距離 大功率無線磁電轉換,所以設備的耗能較高。無線傳輸的距離越遠,無用功的耗損也就會越大。 3,無線充電技術設備本身實現的是二次能源轉換,也就是將網電降壓(或直接)變?yōu)橹绷麟姾笤谶M行一次較高頻率的開關控制交流變換輸出。由于大功率的交直交電流轉換是進行電能的二次性無線傳輸原因,所以電磁的空間磁損率太大。 4,因為采取無線傳輸,磁能的無用功耗損會隨著無線充電設備的功率增高而上升。 如今,無線充電技術在小功率的范圍內還是可以顯示出它的優(yōu)越性的。比如小型直流用電設備中的通訊儀器儀表、民用無線通訊手機、微型計算 機、小型便攜式家用電器等。但實施大功率的無線傳輸來說,就比較困難了。根據磁能無線傳輸理論來說,傳輸的距離越遠,磁能的消耗就會越大,而在終端設備中所獲得的電能量也就越小。從電動汽車所需的能量補充電功率來說不是很小,一般小型的家用電子設備的充電電流在 0.5安培至 2安培之間。而一部幾十馬力的電動汽車所需的電能補充電流大多在 5 安培至 20 安培左右。電動汽車的功率越大,所需補充電能的電流量也就越大。而且我們在制造無線充電設備時,其輸出功率會大于 500 瓦特以上或甚至更高。如果多部機車的聯動充電,那么所需的總電源功率輸出就會直線上升。對市電的供電系統(tǒng)來說無疑是雪上加霜,從而帶給整座城市的是電網改造和巨額的經濟投入,真是得不償失。 另外,我們可計算一下經濟賬。按充電電壓 24 伏特和 15 安培的電流對一部電動汽車進行充電,充電時間為 10 小時,其電能損耗只不過在 3 度左右,按市電當前的 0.5 角價格計算,給一部電動汽車充電的費用大約在一元五角錢左右。如果個人將電動車開到公共無線充電場合去充電的話,其費用不用說是很高的,我們這里所說的是自己使用一般的有線充電裝置對電動車充電時所產生的費用。我們可對比一下,在同一臺電動車充電的狀態(tài)下,無線 充電設備的功率肯定大于一般有線充電裝置。因為無線充電設備的電損肯定大于有線充電設備的損耗,鑒于兩種設備之間的經濟投入和充電費用,所以人們往往還是喜歡采取低經濟投入的有線充電設備來使用。依據電工學理論,我們知道,變壓器的磁路越長,磁損會越大。不論是采取那一種電磁 磁電的遠距離傳輸轉換,都會損失大量的電能。而且電磁 磁電的轉換次數越多,電能的損耗也會越大。而且電子器件的工作電流越大,器件的老化期也會越提前,這給我們對設備的維修和使用帶來了很多的不便利因素。 關于電動車充電站的設立,在我看來不礙采取兩種方 式進行對比。就其一次性的充電費用來說,客戶們還是喜歡選擇一般有線充電的充電方式。我說的前提是兩種充電設備具有一樣的技術指標,都可實施快速充電方式和同樣的充電質量。此時,我們可通過對充電設備的電能耗損參數做個對比,看看哪種設備的經濟價值和社會效益更高。因為我們這個社會是以市場經濟核算下的區(qū)域部門單位,人人都要計算經濟的投入與回報,所以每一項高科技產業(yè)的投入也必須考慮大眾化的普遍認可和產業(yè)自身的經濟杠桿問題。同時在化石能源還沒有達到枯竭的現代社會,民用電動汽車的發(fā)展也不會太快,如果能夠提高蓄電池的一次性充電使用 周期才是解決問題的最好辦法。較短的電池一次性充電使用周期是制約電動汽車發(fā)展的最大阻力,從汽車的功率和速度來看,燃料汽車還是存在較多的優(yōu)越性。 根據現代能源匱乏的實際情況,電動運輸工具實現大功率無線充電技術的產業(yè)運作還為時過早。為什么會這樣的說呢?雖然發(fā)展電動汽車可以節(jié)約能源和有利于環(huán)境的保護,但對供電系統(tǒng)的各方面量化要求也會更大;如增加電站的建設投資、輸電網絡的改造增容等原因。還有,因為電動汽車的社會保有量越大,所需的長期停車充電場所的占地面積也要隨之擴大。實際上,采取大功率無線充電技術的社會經濟投 入費用普遍較高,而利用常規(guī)有線式充電方式既簡便,一次性投資又小,而且對市電的量化需求又不大。還有就所占用的土地面積來說也相對的減少,這里所說的減少,是因為每個家庭都可以實施對電動汽車的能量補充,不會統(tǒng)一的集中到公共場所去充電。另外,每個家庭也不會購買價格較高的無線充電設備的,而且自己所擔負的充電費用較公共場所要低得多。所以我們一定要宗合來考慮實施大功率無線充電技術的步子邁得是否不要太大,這僅僅是為了一時的方便,而導致了社會總體資源的大量消耗是否是得不償失呢? Wireless charging technology Wireless charging technology (Wireless charging technology; Wireless charge technology).Wireless charging technology, is the result of wireless power transmission technology.Wireless charging, also known as induction charging, non-contact inductive charging, induction is the use of the near field, which is the inductance coupling, by the power supply equipment (charger) to transfer energy to the utilization device, the device using the received energy of the battery, and at the same time for its own operation.Because between the charger and power device with inductively coupled transmission energy, not between wires, so the charger and electric device can do without conductive contact the leakage. An overview of the A team of researchers at the Massachusetts institute of technology in June 7, 2007, the United States in the journal science published their research results on the website.The team on the application of resonance to the electromagnetic wave transmission and successful grab the electromagnetic waves.They use copper coil as a magnetic resonance device, a coil attached to transmit power, another group in power.When sending party sent out a certain frequency electromagnetic waves, through the electromagnetic field spread to the receiving party, realize the wireless transmission power.This what they called a wireless power technology after many experiments, has successfully for a 60 watt light bulb power of two metres away.The transmission range of this technology also can reach 2.7 meters, but the researchers believe that the power can be in the range of the battery.And only need to install a power, it can be for the whole house appliances, this technology has been sander co., LTD in the Thornton forces the wireless mobile power supply. The principle of resonance. Colleagues at the Massachusetts institute of technology is not the first to put forward the organization of the wireless energy conversion.As early as the 19th century scientists found that the phenomenon of electromagnetic transformation, in theory, can be converted into electricity by invisible medium transmission of electromagnetic wave, realize the wireless transmission of power.Electromagnetic radiation in all directions, however, a lot of energy is lost, so that the study of wireless transmission is less progress, physicists and engineers in the 19th century nikola tesla remote wireless energy conversion system experiment was carried out, but when his money run out, the most ambitious attempt (29 meters high walden clover) failed.Try to include other laser directed energy conversion mechanism, etc.However, they are working with at the Massachusetts institute of technology, there needs to be visible lines in a row, its bad for residential power facilities around. Team member, ma Lin, assistant professor, professor Jacob and his colleagues are to improve the equipment.This is a system that has not been developing, it proved that energy conversion work. But you dont want to use it to your laptop power supply. Our goal is to shrink the volume of this equipment, enlarge the distance between sensor and improve the power conversion efficiency.He and his colleagues Andre coors, ali teddy, Carla rees, Robert mo etta, John nong perlow and Peter solis, cooperation, carried out the research. This system takes advantage of the resonance (when an object with another object of the inherent frequency is same, can produce vibration) principle.When two objects of vibration frequency at the same time, they transfer energy intensity will not affected by the surroundings.Mr. Professor Jacob explained: if the room to put many of the same cup, you to pour into different degrees of wine in bottle, then can produce different amplitude for the cups.For example, if hit with a spoon, every cup of different sounds.If I entered the room and began to sing with the voice of a very high, and when my voice and one of the frequency of the cup at the same time, it could explode. According to the British broadcasting corporation reported on June 19, 2007, unlike the wireless power transmission power equipment, it can avoid destroyed by rats nest, reduce a lot of trouble, because it does not need to wire connection.Researchers in the journal science on this kind of equipment has made the detailed introduction.In laboratory tests, the equipment for a distance of 2 meters (7 feet) a 80 - watt light bulb light.The device is called WiTricity, researchers have developed it according to the principle of physics, this equipment is suitable for devices such as laptop power supply.WiTricity USES the low frequency electromagnetic wave resonance, rather than using acoustic resonance.In the experiments, two sensors are at a 10 MHZ frequency vibration, produce resonance, make the energy transfer between the two.Imperial college London professor John bender lai explained: as each resonance, produced in the sensors will have more voltage.Through generates multiple resonance, sensor surface can offer enough energy, let the light bulb.The energy concentration is why a singer to sing with the voice of the same frequency and cup, the cup is not immediately broken reasons.Professor bender lai said: gather energy glass until can take break. According to professor bender lai said, using the wavelength is 30 meters (100 feet) of low frequency electromagnetic wave has the security advantages.He said: usually use thousand MHZ (shorter wavelength) of the phone, there will be radiation electric field and magnetic field is produced at the same time.This process is known as far sound field characteristics of a typical from the amplitude of this field more than a wavelength in the equipment, if the amplitude is less than a wavelength, the mainly is the magnetic field.John said: the bodys response to the electric field is very strong, this is also why you can use microwave oven to cook chicken. But magnetic field will not affect the human body. According to your body to absorb energy, its response to the magnetic field is almost zero.Therefore, the device cant bring any apparent to the human health risk Mainstream technology Now Wireless charging technology have been used by Thornton force companies to, now there are three kinds of mainstream Wireless charging standard: standard of Qi, Power Matters Alliance (PMA) standard, the Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP) standard.Thornton force wireless mobile power is through the QI standard, lets standard for these three simple introduced. 1, the Qi standard Qi is the worlds first promote organization for standardization of Wireless charging technology, the Wireless charging alliance (Wireless Power Consortium, referred to as the WPC) launched the charging standard, with two big features convenience and versatility.First, different brand products, as long as there is a Qi logo, can use Qi wireless charger.Second, it overcome the technical bottleneck of wireless charging generality, in the near future, mobile phones, cameras, computers and other products can use Qi wireless charger, for large-scale application of wireless charging. Now, the market is the mainstream of wireless charging technology mainly through three ways, namely, electromagnetic induction, radio waves, and the function of the resonance, and Qi adopted at present the most mainstream electromagnetic induction technology.In terms of technology, Chinese companies have stood in the wireless charging the forefront of the industry.It is reported, now Qi products mainly used in Chinas mobile phone, this is the first stage, the development will be applied to different category or a higher power of digital products.As of now, union membership has increased to 74, including philips, sander, HTC, nokia, samsung, SONY Ericsson, best buy and other famous enterprises have been is a member of the alliance. 2, Power Matters Alliance standards Power Matters Alliance standard is made up of Duracell Powermat launched, and the company is by p&g and the Powermat wireless charging technology company joint venture, with better comprehensive strength.In addition, the Powermat or Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP) standards support member. Now has three companies AT&T, Google and starbucks joined the Alliance of PMA (Power Matters Alliance).PMA alliance commitment to conform to the standard of the IEEE association mobile phones and electronic devices, make wireless power supply standard, leading in the field of wireless charging. Now Duracell Powermat launched a WiCC rechargeable card used in the Power of Matters Alliance standards.WiCC was larger than the SD card, inside the coil for electromagnetic induction type contactless charging and electrode components, such as the thickness of the card is thinner, insert the existing smart phone batteries can be used by it, use the CARDS can make a lot of portable terminal support non-contact charging easily. 3, A4WP standard Short for A4WP is Alliance for Wireless Power standard, by qualcomm, samsung, and mentioned the Powermat Wireless charging Alliance to create together to create.The alliance also includes (Win Industries, Gill Industries, Peiker Acustic members and SK Telecom, goal is to include portable electronic products and electronic products, including electric cars and other wireless charging equipment to set up the technical standards and industry dialogue. Conversion device The working principle of By using the theory of resonance of physics - two vibration frequency of the same object can efficiently deliver energy. 1. The power in a transmission line to made of copper in the antenna. 2. The antenna to the wavelength of 10 MHZ vibration, electromagnetic wave is produced. 3. The energy transmitted from the antenna to the outside of the 2 meters (6.5 feet). 4. Same with 10 MHZ frequency of vibration of the laptop computer receives the current energy filling the equipment. 5. Not convert the energy of the laptop wont be antenna to absorption.Does not produce 10 MHZ resonance and other objects will not interfere with it. The main features 1, from the theory, wireless charging technology harmless to the human body, the use of wireless charging is magnetic resonance resonance principle, only in the same frequency resonance transmission between coil, and other devices cannot accept band, in addition, wireless charging technology USES magnetic field itself is harmless to the human body.But, after all, wireless charging technology is a new type of charging technology, to take the source of the wireless charger, many people have concerns about wireless charging technology will as wi-fi and mobile phone mast just appear, in fact, the technology itself is harmless. 2, sander force of wireless charging technology use induction cooker principle between the charger and mobile phone use magnetic energy into electricity, while the coil and capacitor charging into effect. 3, Thornton said the system can be widely used in the future, such as the recharge area for electric cars and computer chip for power transmission.Using the technology of the charging system need charging time is only about one over one hundred and fifty of the current. 4, the conversion has been a lot of people worry about a problem, the Massachusetts institute of technology through the study, the wastage of the wireless charging technology is higher than the cable charging technology.Michael source said: wireless charging high conversion and wireless charger to application of the key factors in the world.But as wireless charging technology is limited by distance, the future development, must need to solve the long-distance transmission for accurate positioning problem of wave and magnetic field range. 5, resonance control core chip is wireless charging technology resonance principle control center.Precise radiation range control, the size of the magnetic field frequency, other control is implemented by the chip. The market demand 1, as the iPhone, such as the hunger for power equipment grew rapidly, research and development of breakthrough charging technology such as wireless charging demand is increasing day by day.Fujitsu said in a statement: the technology for mobile phone set compact wireless charging functions and pave the way for many portable devices. At the same time for multiple devices, equipment relative to the location of the charger without any limitation. 2, there are many wireless charging system relied on the coil electromagnetic induction, between this way working distance is short, equipment need to be placed on the charging seat. The test application 1, the test results show that the wireless transmission distance is around 15 cm, Fujitsu, said wireless transmission distance can finally realize a few meters away. 2, it should be pointed out that, the farther the distance devices, the more electricity transmission loss. 3, sander force system of Witricity technology to develop similar with the United States, which is also used magnetic resonance transmission power, transmission distance can be up to a few metres away. On the application of the wireless charging technology social practical benefits Today, all countries in the world in the development of the wireless charging technology.With the lack of natural resources and growing environmental problem, electric energy to the development of transport has gradually replace other energy, electric cars and electric bikes have widely deep into the peoples life.As electric car fast charging equipment technical difficulties and there are many, one of which is how to use the wireless charging technology to realize the increasing needs of the electric car.The imperfect of wireless charging technology, the key problem is energy loss is too big and magnetoelectric induction conversion efficiency is low.In addition, there is power of the wireless charging technology and electromagnetic radiation effects on the environment factors, such as has not been fully resolved.Electric car to realize the wireless charging technology has the advantage of replacing the original straight insert links to drawbacks of power grid, and power added a long time, the parking space covers an area of big and unfavorable factors, such as manual operation trival.For past the charging technology is just a one-off grid electric energy conversion, and disposable electromagnetic induction electric energy loss is small, because the first level of power frequency transformer is consistent with power grid (50 hz), so there is no more than intermediate frequency electromagnetic radiation effects on the environment.But its drawback is in charge must be installed ahead of the electric device and need to be extended power leads and existing some unsafe factors such as complicated operation.With the constant improvement of electric vehicle technology and the market has gradually increased, and for the convenience of the energy supply, electric cars, people began to try to study how to make use of the wireless charging technology to recharge electric cars, electric cars, in order to solve the negative link in the process of charging cable The advantages and disadvantages The cable charging technology and the wireless charging technology, the advantages and disadvantages of each have each. The cable charging technology advantages: 1, energy conversion, a one-time, small power loss, energy conservation and environmental protection. 2, ac/dc conversion of disposable, does not exist in the high frequency electromagnetic radiation. 3, equipment, technology content is low, economic investment, convenient maintenance. 4, power of the adjusting range is wide, suitable for a variety of different voltage and current levels of battery energy storage supplies. The cable charging shortcomings: 1, equipment to transport and power supply wire is too long, mainly manual operation and trival. 2, equipment, and in the electric vehicle charging its public area is too big, 3, in the process of manual operation, appear easily excessive wear and unsafe factors of the equipment. The advantage of the wireless charging technology: 1, the use of wireless magnetoelectric induction charging device can be invisible, equipment wear rate is low, the application range is wide, public charging area area is relatively reduced, but reduce the share of the area is not too big. 2, high technical content, easy to operate, can be implemented relatively remote radio can transform, but high power wireless charging to limit the transmission distance of 5 meters, not be too far away. 3, easy to operate. Today, the wireless charging technology in small power range can still shows its superiority.Such as small dc electric equipment in the communication instruments and meters, civilian wireless mobile phone, microcomputer, small, portable appliances, etc.But the implementation of high power wireless transmission, it is more difficult.According to the theory of magnetic energy wireless transmission, transport the farther the distance, the greater the magnetic energy consumption will be, and in the terminal equipment of electrical energy has the less.From the electrical energy is not needed for the electric car is very small, generally small household electronic device between 0.5 to 2 amps charging current.And a few horsepower required for electric cars to replace current mostly around 5 amperes to 20 amp.The greater the power of the electric car, the required supply electric power flow.And we are making the wireless charging equipment, its output will be greater than 500 w above or even higher.If some of the linkage of locomotive charging, then the total power output will increase.Is definitely icing on the cake for mains power supply system, so as to bring the whole city is a network reconstruction and huge economic investment, its not worth the cost. About the establishment of electric
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