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當前民辦高校輔導員隊伍建設中存在一個普遍的現(xiàn)象,就是輔導員隊伍的流動性較大問題。輔導員隊伍穩(wěn)定性缺失,人才流失,嚴重影響了民辦高校學生的教育管理工作,也阻礙了輔導員隊伍自身的發(fā)展。因此,如何解決好輔導員隊伍的流動性較大問題,已成為民辦高校一項緊迫而重要的任務。作為一名民辦高校政治輔導員,筆者結合民辦高校的辦學特點和自身的工作經(jīng)驗,力圖分析民辦高校輔導員隊伍流動性大的原因,探討解決輔導員隊伍流動性較大問題的對策和建議。一、輔導員隊伍流動性較大問題的原因從當前民辦高校輔導員隊伍的現(xiàn)狀來看,流動性較大問題的原因主要有以下四個方面:(一)民辦高校對輔導員隊伍角色重視不夠輔導員對于民辦高校教育管理工作的重要性不言而喻。但長期以來,民辦高校領導對這支隊伍的認識存在片面性,不夠重視。原因在于:首先,這是由民辦高校的性質決定的,民辦高校是伴隨我國市場經(jīng)濟而出現(xiàn)的教育管理模式,完全遵循市場規(guī)律辦學,重視市場競爭,忽視社會準入;重視人事調整,忽視必要投入,在財務預算方面關于輔導員隊伍建設資金投入不夠;其次,由于輔導員在民辦高校的管理工作中處于最低層,年輕,學歷和職稱較低,社會認同度較差,導致在現(xiàn)實的工作當中很多人不把輔導員看作教師,認為輔導員的工作無足輕重,專業(yè)性不強,任何人都可以做好,沒有引起領導的重視;再次,民辦高校領導對輔導員工作系統(tǒng)缺乏全面的認識,沒有意識到輔導員政治教育工作穩(wěn)定性,持續(xù)性的重要性,對輔導員隊伍的流動沒有給予足夠的重視,甚至聽之任之,導致當天招進來,第二天上崗,第三天離崗的情況普遍存在。(二)缺乏制度保障,發(fā)展前途渺茫民辦高校輔導員隊伍建設缺乏制度保障,發(fā)展前途渺茫,輔導員本身對所從事職業(yè)缺乏認同感,安全感和歸屬感不強,是輔導員流動性較大的重要因素,具體表現(xiàn)在:首先,民辦高校在輔導員隊伍制度保障上還不完善,安排不合理。比如輔導員的選拔、培訓、日常管理及考核、激勵等制度都還沒有形成科學合理的體系,導致輔導員工作缺乏組織性和積極性,新輔導員無法從前任同行和工作中找到工作成就感;其次,輔導員地位不明確,發(fā)展空間受限。目前多數(shù)民辦高校都實行專職輔導員制度,但晉升難確是普遍存在的問題,主要是輔導員職務、職稱評定沒有制度化,導致輔導員對其發(fā)展前景持不樂觀態(tài)度,而且民辦高校在待遇,社會福利等遠遠趕不上公辦高校,盡管在同一高校,跟專職老師的經(jīng)濟待遇也有很大差距。經(jīng)濟狀況較差,工資與社會經(jīng)濟發(fā)展不匹配,制度缺乏保障,這些都導致大部分輔導員時刻在為換崗發(fā)展作好準備。(三)輔導員年齡結構不合理據(jù)統(tǒng)計,民辦高校大部分輔導員都是剛剛從公辦學校畢業(yè)出來的,較年輕,平均工作年齡平均不超過3年。輔導員的價值觀、人生觀、世界觀不穩(wěn)定,容易受到外界的影響。首先,由于剛剛畢業(yè)出來,受到當今“先就業(yè)后擇業(yè)”觀念的影響,在現(xiàn)實情況中,許多輔導員從一開始就抱著將輔導員工作作為職業(yè)生涯跳板的念頭,在沒有確定個人職業(yè)發(fā)展道路前,職業(yè)流動是不可避免的。其次,由于受到社會經(jīng)濟的影響,年輕輔導員都喜歡比較、喜歡新事物、喜歡幻想,加上對輔導員工作性質認識不清,當看到自己同事有更好的發(fā)展,便會不自覺比較起來,導致輔導員即使在崗,思想也不穩(wěn)定,缺乏工作的歸屬感,當獲得更好的發(fā)展機會時,就會不由自主的選擇跳槽,產生“多米諾骨牌效應”。(四)輔導員工作壓力較大,職業(yè)成就感欠缺首先,輔導員在民辦高校教育管理工作中處于最低層的地位,直接面對學生,工作范圍涉及學生的思想、學習、生活、心理等諸多方面,工作任務普遍繁重。據(jù)了解,民辦高校的輔導員平均每人所帶學生超過250個學生,完全沒有達到國家規(guī)定不得超過200個學生的要求,而且民辦學生的素質普遍偏低,管理上有很大的難度。其次,由于職責不明,制度不完善,學校各項規(guī)章制度的實施輔導員都要參與其中,需要和很多職能部門打交道,在工作中常常需要協(xié)助各部門工作,客觀上加重了輔導員的工作。再次,輔導員工作沒有固定時間,加班是再正常不過的事情,但是輔導員的待遇,受到的尊重和認同度卻很低。長期如此,輔導員往往會感到身心疲憊,有失落感、困惑感,走心大于守心。最后,輔導員工作是育人工作,是一個長期的循環(huán)過程,因此,輔導員工作的成就感很難在短時間內體現(xiàn)出來,導致輔導員信心不足,缺乏職業(yè)成就感,一有機會就改行。二、解決輔導員隊伍流動性較大問題的對策和建議種種現(xiàn)象表明,保證輔導員隊伍的穩(wěn)定性,解決好輔導員隊伍流動性問題對做好民辦高校學生工作有重要而深遠的意義。民辦高校應認識到該問題的嚴重性,完善機制,加強輔導員隊伍的物質保障,創(chuàng)設人文工作環(huán)境,促進輔導員正常流動,切實保證輔導員隊伍的穩(wěn)定。具體對策和建議如下:(一)輔導員自身應增強適應能力,提高職業(yè)認同感輔導員大部分來自公辦重點高校,由于公辦高校和民辦高校的性質和管理模式差別甚大,理想和現(xiàn)實的差距容易產生消極心理和挫折感,因此,輔導員應該正確的認識民辦高校的辦學特點,了解并盡快適應其工作方式。其次,輔導員工作是一項光榮而神圣的事業(yè),直接關系到國家未來人才的培養(yǎng),也關系到學校改革、發(fā)展和穩(wěn)定,因此,輔導員自身要提高職業(yè)認同感,認識到這份職業(yè)的意義所在。在失落、遇到挫折和抱怨的時候能及時調整自己的心態(tài),以最好的狀態(tài)投入的工作當中。 (二)民辦高校領導要加強對輔導員隊伍建設重要性的認識輔導員隊伍在高校教育管理中的地位較低、社會認同感較差、工作績效難于直接體現(xiàn)出來等等原因導致其沒有得到領導的重視,嚴重打擊輔導員的自信心和歸屬感。因此,高校領導應該改變對輔導員這一職業(yè)的不正確的觀念,從政策上體現(xiàn)輔導員的重要地位,肯定其價值,讓其有優(yōu)越感和受尊重感,讓其認識到其工作的重要性,感受到崗位的神圣和學校大家庭的溫暖,以激勵更多年輕人、優(yōu)秀知識分子從事這項重要工作,從而保證隊伍的穩(wěn)定性。當然,不僅要在口頭上和政策上給與肯定,還要從行動上給與輔導員工作足夠的保障。(三)完善各項管理機制,為輔導員創(chuàng)造良好工作環(huán)境一直以來,民辦高校制度的不完善嚴重制約著學生管理工作的發(fā)展。在一定程度上影響了輔導員隊伍的穩(wěn)定性及其可持續(xù)發(fā)展。首先,輔導員的職責不清,不能較好的理清其與學校各職能部門的職責及工作關系,導致輔導員的工作過于繁瑣;其次,民辦高校在輔導員招聘制度、培訓機制、績效考核體制、職稱評定制度等都沒有明確的規(guī)定,就算有規(guī)定,在實際的操作當中也沒有落實到位。因此,民辦高校必須完善各項工作體制,嚴格按照普通高等學校輔導員隊伍建設規(guī)定明確輔導員的工作職業(yè)和其他職能部門的工作范圍,理清其與職能部門的關系,做到權責分明,解決輔導員工作繁重的問題。同時,還要健全各項考核制度和評優(yōu)制度,制定符合輔導員崗位實際的職稱評級體系,提高輔導員的工作熱情和成就感,從機制上為輔導員營造良好的工作環(huán)境和政策環(huán)境。(四)提高輔導員待遇,拓展輔導員發(fā)展空間工資待遇是勞動者工作價值的具體體現(xiàn),成為影響職工擇業(yè)的重要因素之一。在民辦高校,輔導員工作待遇較差,發(fā)展空間較小是這支隊伍流動性較大的一個重要原因,必須有針對性的解決該問題。首先,在物質待遇方面,高校應該平衡新舊輔導員之間、專職老師與輔導員之間、民辦高校與民辦高校之間的差距。建立輔導員專門的工資體系,使其收入與績效掛鉤。比如新舊輔導員之間根據(jù)工齡建立梯級的薪酬體系。擔任團委書記、學生會指導老師輔導員與一般輔導員在待遇方面要有所區(qū)別,完善輔導員工作績效考核體制等等,真正改變輔導員收入偏低的狀況,最大限度發(fā)揮薪酬的激勵作用,實現(xiàn)待遇留人。其次,在輔導員發(fā)展空間方面,民辦高校應該結合全校、全社會發(fā)展的大環(huán)境,推動輔導員的多樣化發(fā)展,在確保穩(wěn)定的情況下形成合理的流動機制。比如可以讓有條件的輔導員兼課;給輔導員提供合理的科研平臺并提供資金的支持,培養(yǎng)他們成為專業(yè)老師。根據(jù)輔導員的性格,工作能力,對于一些特別優(yōu)秀的人員安排其擔任學生工作要職,發(fā)揮其特長增強其成就感和事業(yè)感,使輔導員隊伍獲得持續(xù)穩(wěn)定、廣闊的職業(yè)發(fā)展空間。(五)加強輔導員隊伍文化建設輔導員的日常工作任務繁重,壓力過大,學校不僅要在物質上給與保障,也應該加強人文關懷,達到感情留人的目的。首先,高校領導在日常的工作當中應該多了解,多關心輔導員的生活和心理健康,讓輔導員感受到上級領導的關懷和照顧;其次,在輔導員隊伍當中要努力營造一個相互幫助、相互關心、相互支持的良好氛圍,從思想上、信念上保持輔導員隊伍的穩(wěn)定;最后,加強對輔導員系統(tǒng)的專業(yè)培訓和文化交流。比如高校可以嘗試開展職業(yè)發(fā)展、業(yè)務研討、心理健康等方面的培訓,加強輔導員隊伍文化知識建設,建立學習型的輔導員隊伍;也可以通過輔導員內部交流活動、與其他高校輔導員進行經(jīng)驗交流,外出考察等等途徑,加強輔導員隊伍凝聚力,更好的發(fā)揮其作用。三、總結輔導員是高校學生思想政治教育工作最基層的組織者,教育者和管理者,也是學生日常管理工作的主要力量。保持輔導員隊伍的穩(wěn)定性和可持續(xù)發(fā)展,解決好輔導員隊伍的流動性問題,是高校做好學生工作的根本保障。因此,必須正確認識民辦高校輔導員隊伍流動性較大的根本原因,并采取相應的對策,穩(wěn)定輔導員隊伍,從而提高學生管理工作質量,為社會建設培養(yǎng)更多的人才。The current existing in the non-governmental university counselor team construction is a common phenomenon, is the liquidity of a contingent of larger problems. Headteachers stability is missing, the brain drain, which seriously affected the education of private college students management work, also hindered the development of counselor team itself. Therefore, how to solve the problem of good liquidity of a contingent of large, private colleges has become an urgent and important task. Private colleges as a political instructor, the author based on the school-running features of private colleges and their work experience, and tries to analyze the cause of private great mobility of headteachers construction, discusses the countermeasures and Suggestions to solve the problem of contingent liquidity is bigger.The reason why the large problems, contingent liquidityFrom the current private university counselor teams current situation, reason why there are large liquidity problem basically has the following four aspects:(a) run by the local role of counselor team in colleges and universitiesCounselor for private colleges education management work of importance is self-evident. But for a long time, private colleges leadership for the team consists of maturation exist, not enough attention. The reason is that: first of all, this is decided by the nature of the private colleges, private colleges is appears along with our country market economy and education management mode, completely follow the market rules of running a school, pay attention to market competition, to ignore the social access; Attaches great importance to the personnel adjustment, ignoring the necessary input, in the aspect of the financial budget of the counselor team construction investment is not enough; Second, since the counselor at the lowest level in the management of the private colleges, young, record of formal schooling and title is low, poor social perception, causes in the real work of a lot of people dont consider the counselor teachers, counselors work a lightweight, professional is not strong, anyone can do, did not cause the attention of the leadership; Again, private colleges leadership work system of instructors lack of comprehensive understanding, unaware of the counselor and political education work stability, the importance of sustainability, not pay enough attention to the flow of the counselor team, and even allowed, cause in that day, to work the next day, the third day widespread absences.(2) the lack of system guarantee, the development prospectsNon-governmental university counselor team construction lack of institutional guarantee, development prospects and counselors themselves lack of identity for their jobs, a sense of security and belonging is not strong, is the important factor of counselor liquidity, specific displays in: first, private colleges on contingent institutional guarantee is not perfect, arrangement is not reasonable. Such as selection, training, daily management and assessment of counselors, incentive system, such as have not form a scientific and reasonable system, leads to a lack of organizational and enthusiasm, the counselor new instructors cannot work from former colleagues and find a job in a sense of accomplishment; Second, the counselor position unclear, development space is limited. At present most of the private colleges shall practise a system of full-time instructors, but difficult to promotion is a common problem, mainly is the counselor, position, determining no institutionalized, lead to the counselor to its development foreground is not optimistic attitude, and private colleges in treatment, social welfare is far behind the public colleges and universities, such as though in the same university, it is a great gap with full-time teachers economic treatment. Poor economic conditions, wages do not match with social and economic development, lack of system security, all of these can lead to the development of most of the counselor to relieve guard all the time to prepare.(3) the counselor age structure is not reasonableAccording to statistics, most of the private colleges counselors are just graduated from public schools, the younger, the average working age average no more than 3 years. The counselors values and outlook on life, world outlook is not stable, easily affected by the outside world. First, due to graduate from college, under the influence of the modern concept of employment first selection, in reality, many instructors hold right from the start will be thought of as a springboard for his career counselor work, before not sure personal career development path, occupational mobility is inevitable. Second, due to the influence of social economy, young instructors are like comparison, like new things, like fantasy, and nature of work of instructors, understanding unclear when see your colleagues have a better development, will involuntarily compared to cause even on-the-job counselors, thought also is not stable, lack of sense of belonging, work when get a better development opportunities, will involuntarily choose job-hopping, produces domino effect.(4) the counselor work pressure, professional accomplishmentFirst of all, the counselor in the private university education management work at the lowest level, directly facing the students, the scope of work involves students thinking, learning, life, psychology, and many other aspects, common heavy work task. According to understand, run by the local college counselor on average with more than 250 students, completely not reached the requirements of the regulations of the state, shall not exceed 200 students, and run by the students quality is generally low, the management has the very big difficulty. Second, due to unclear responsibilities, system is not perfect, the implementation of the regulations of the school counselor should be involved, need to deal with a lot of functions, in the work often need to assist each department work, objectively aggravate the counselors work. Once again, there is no fixed time, counselors work overtime is normal, but the counselor, respect and esteemed is lower. So for a long time, the counselor will often feel exhaustion of body and mind, a loss and confusion, is greater than the heart heart. Finally, counselor of the educational work, the work is is a long cycle, therefore, the counselor work achievement is very difficult to in a short period of time, lead to instructors lack of confidence, lack of professional accomplishment, a career change possible.Second, the countermeasures and Suggestions to solve the problem of contingent liquidity is biggerVarious phenomena show that guarantee the stability of the counselor team to solve contingent liquidity problem for to do a good job of private college students has important and far-reaching significance. Private colleges should realize the seriousness of the problem, perfect the mechanism, strengthen the material guarantee contingent, promote counselor normal flow, and create a humane working environment to ensure the stability of the counselor team. The specific countermeasures and Suggestions are as follows:(a) the counselor should strengthen their ability to adapt and improve the professional identityCounselors from public universities, largely because the nature of the public colleges and universities and private colleges and the management pattern difference is very large, the ideal and the reality gap is easy to produce negative psychology and frustration, therefore, instructors should correct understanding of school-running characteristics of private colleges, understand and adapt to the work as soon as possible. Second, the counselor work is a glorious and sacred cause, is directly related to national future talent cultivation, reform, development and stability, also relates to the school, therefore, instructors should improve their professional identity, to realize the meaning of this job. At the time of loss, setbacks, and complain can adjust their own state of mind, to the best state into work. (2) run by the local universities should strengthen the recognition of the importance of the counselor team constructionHeadteachers in the low position of the education management in colleges and universities, poor social identity, job performance is difficult to reflect directly, and so on reasons cause it didnt get the attention of the leadership, to hit their self-confidence and sense of belonging. Therefore, universities should change about the career counselor incorrect ideas, reflects the important role of counselors from policy, its value for certain, let it have a superiority complex and respected feeling, let it realize the importance of their work, feel the sacred the warmth of family and school, to encourage more young people, excellent intellectuals engaged in this important work, so as to ensure the stability of the team. , of course, not just in verbally and policy to give affirmation, but also give counselors work enough protection from the action.(3) improve the management mechanism, create good working environment for the counselorFor a long time, the imperfect system of private colleges seriously restricts the development of student management work. To a certain extent, affected the stability of headteachers and its sustainable development. First of all, the counselors responsibility is not clear, can better clarify the responsibilities and working relationship with the school department, lead to the counselors work too cumbersome; Second, private colleges in the counselor recruitment system, training mechanism, performance appraisal system, the title evaluation system and so on are not clearly defined, even if has a regulation, in the actual operation is not in place. Private colleges, therefore, must perfect the work system, in strict accordance with the ordinary institutions of higher learning counselor team construction rules clear career counselors work scope of work and other functional departments, clarify its relationship with the functional departments, do it right, the problem of counselors work hard. At the same time, to perfect the assessment system and assessment system, formulates the counselor post actual title rating system, improve the counselors work enthusiasm and a sense of achievement, to create a good working environment for counselors from the mechanism and policy environment.(4) improve the counselor treatment, expand the counselor development spaceSalary is the embodiment of the workers value, become one of the important factors that influence employees. In private colleges, a counselor with poor working conditions, the smaller is the team liquidity larger development space of an important reason, there must be targeted to solve the problem. First of all, in the material benefits, universities should balance between old and new, counselor, full-time teachers and counselors, the gap between the private colleges and private colleges and universities. Counselor special wage system should be established to ensure revenue and performance. Such as between old and new instructors based on length of service of cascade compensation system. As a youth corps committee secretary, student instructors counselors and general counselors to differ in their benefits and improve counselor performance appraisal system and so on, real change counselor low income situation, give play to the role of compensation incentive, maximum retention, achieve treatment. Secondly, in terms of counselors development space, private colleges should be combined with the school environment, the development of the whole society, promote the diversified development of counselors, in ensuring stability under the condition of forming the reasonable flow mechanism. Such as can let conditional counselor holds; Funds for instructors to provide reasonable scientific research platform and support, train them to become a teacher. According to the counselors personality, ability to work, for some of the outstanding staff to arrange the work as a student, exert their expertise to enhance their sense of accomplishment and business sense, give headteachers continued stable and broad space for career development.(5) strengthening the construction of counselor team cultureCouns
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