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7西安歐亞學院本科畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)外文翻譯譯文學生姓名: 蔡 陽 分院(系): 信息工程學院 專業(yè)班級: 通信工程0701 指導教師: 趙雨 完成日期: 2011 年 1 月 5 日 不能觸碰這個無線電力傳輸Cant Touch ThisWireless power transmission作者:Bill Weaver, Ph.D.起止頁碼:出版日期(期刊號):2006年10月25日出版單位:(以上文字用小4號宋體,數(shù)字、字母用Times New Roman體)外文翻譯譯文:幾年前,一個同事和我參加在校大學生團體的一個老式的實地考察,考察地位于新澤西州的愛迪生國家歷史遺址的西橙。我們隨公眾參觀,并參觀了設(shè)置于建筑物內(nèi)的實驗室,了解了白熾燈燈泡和電影技術(shù)的發(fā)展。然而,令我最感動的是其中的兩個復雜的附加功能。首先,是配備了當時美國專利局的所有出版物的研究圖書館??茖W家和工程師的代表關(guān)注到適銷對路的產(chǎn)品可能會在創(chuàng)造新技術(shù)中有所用途。大學是隨之而來的發(fā)現(xiàn)科學技術(shù)的偉大場所,但愛迪生的實驗室卻是作為一個企業(yè)而存在的。在 19 世紀后期是沒有互聯(lián)網(wǎng)連接的,因此,圖書館便擔任起了實驗室的信息存儲庫。就像今天,當研究人員所需要的信息是有關(guān)于化學反應、一個數(shù)學公式或他們最先進的工程解決方案而咨詢目前的文獻一樣,只不過當時是通過紙張。第二個令人印象深刻的事情是生產(chǎn)和加工設(shè)施的復雜性。創(chuàng)建工具,使新的工具催化技術(shù)的發(fā)展,是愛迪生實驗室的一個創(chuàng)新過程的早期代表性的例子。通過快速采用標準,進一步簡化此過程。由于工具和設(shè)備大部分可以在本地發(fā)展,便可以在數(shù)英畝大小的校園中部署自己的標準并創(chuàng)造該設(shè)施。這種標準之一是權(quán)力分配的方法。最終已知的電網(wǎng)發(fā)展供電是著名的愛迪生燈泡,早期的愛迪生實驗室使用的工具是由一個通用線路軸組成的機器。組成一個類似于后輪驅(qū)動汽車傳動軸的長旋轉(zhuǎn)軸或像是一個海洋船只的螺旋槳軸,使整個工廠的旋轉(zhuǎn)的勢能形式分散了鍋爐產(chǎn)生的機械能。個別機器通過皮帶和簡單的離合器系統(tǒng)被連接到線路軸,通過使用周圍的軸帶來加強對杠桿的強度。隨著時間的推移,由于過多的摩擦,皮帶便穿了出來。但這種技術(shù)提供了一個相比早期高壓蒸汽和液壓系統(tǒng)來說不太復雜的動力分配方法。隨著時間的推移,以及電器及電子設(shè)備的開發(fā),在不久之后我們的生產(chǎn)廠房、辦公室和家庭中必須采用高壓電源和更多的分配標準。在美國,產(chǎn)生的電力是60赫茲,并最終產(chǎn)生在120,240和480伏特之間的標準額定電壓。典型的電源插座被規(guī)定制造為容納15安培電流和配有熟悉的三個插腳,兩個槳組成的垂直的和U型接地的插腳。具有前瞻性的零售商制造不同形狀和取向標準的插腳,以防止其他不兼容的設(shè)備連接。除非沒有足夠的電源插座、插頭或延長線帶,標準的三孔電源線是一種普遍存在的設(shè)備來“塞“進配電系統(tǒng)。隨著技術(shù)的不斷發(fā)展,目前我們擁有的移動和手持設(shè)備正在蓬勃發(fā)展,因此電池企業(yè)隨之產(chǎn)生。將這些小型設(shè)備物理上連接到電網(wǎng),將嚴重影響他們的功能。正是因為這個原因,他們應把自己的自帶電源一次性耗盡或生產(chǎn)充電電池。電池制造商們快速的開發(fā)出自己的行業(yè)標準,其中包括“AA“和“C”型單元,以減輕消費者更換電池時可能產(chǎn)生的混淆。雖然年初晶體管收音機、玩具用傳感器流行,但一次性使用的化學電池不能為如筆記本電腦、智能手機和個人娛樂游戲機這些擁有復雜的計算要求的設(shè)備提供其所需的充足電流。他們可充電的電池被收納入設(shè)備的內(nèi)部,很少需要用戶自行更換。這使設(shè)備制造商可以據(jù)此選擇電池如何制造,例如大小,電池壽命和設(shè)備組件的內(nèi)部配置功能。電池的這一特性,授予了制造商的工業(yè)設(shè)計師們在造型、外觀和感覺上區(qū)分他們產(chǎn)品的更多權(quán)利。但充電電池的缺點是,他們最終依然需要充電。我們很容易便可通過一個交直流電源適配器連接到電源。然而較難是電池怎樣連接到適配器或“充電器”,因為每個電池制造商都可以自由地設(shè)計電池的外形和接口。什么?在此之后的可愛的百年創(chuàng)新中,其并未隨著應有的模式有所改變。一個陰謀理論也許可以說明,便攜式設(shè)備制造商承認,電池充電器是一個利潤豐厚的收入渠道。類似氣泡噴墨打印機制造商依賴于油墨在設(shè)備中的消耗作為銷售渠道,以彌補銷售價低于成本的差額,用戶支付25美元至100美元更換損壞或丟失的電源適配器,這樣便抵消了一個服務計劃或低成本的筆記本電腦手機中的“自由的真實成本”。一個無辜的非陰謀理論可能是與2000年(Y2K)問題相關(guān)。程序員預想不到這個制造于兩位數(shù)年份的設(shè)備會為未來制造多大的麻煩,同時也很少有便攜式設(shè)備設(shè)計者可能預料到如今同時攜帶筆記本電腦、移動電話、MP3播放器和數(shù)字攝像機的消費者的數(shù)量。這些功能最終可能會由一個獨立的超級智能手機來提供,但是,目前,個別的充電器使用者還是很不方便。充電器也有類似的,設(shè)備之間不兼容的問題,用戶可能會導致交換升級或丟失設(shè)備。如果你正在使用你的第五部手機,很有可能在你的車庫的工作臺上會有四個已過時的充電器。今年2月,由歐洲聯(lián)盟電信局(CEPT)和隨后的歐洲聯(lián)盟(EU)共同授權(quán)同意設(shè)立陽獅集團Speciale移動協(xié)會(GSMA),這是一個在2012年開發(fā)的標準的,供移動電話使用的微型USB接口充電器規(guī)范。除了使用戶更加的便利,這項規(guī)范也被應用到被丟棄的適配器的回收浪潮中。雖然不是針對不同的移動設(shè)備之間的轉(zhuǎn)接器的標準化問題,但它看起來是一個好的開始。但是,試想一下,如果將AC/DC適配器完全可以消除。這是無線能量轉(zhuǎn)移的未來,尼古拉特斯拉于1893年首先將其效用發(fā)表出來。電感耦合變壓器利用無線技術(shù)可替換普通電源適配器,糾正了電感耦合變壓器的兩個感應線圈充電所需的直流電壓由交流電源插座提供電力的弊端。不幸的是,隨著發(fā)射機和接收機之間的距離增加電感效應迅速減弱,經(jīng)常受到干擾的影響。在最近的其他事態(tài)發(fā)展中,馬林索爾教授和他的同事們最近在麻省理工學院,制訂可以使用調(diào)到特定的共振頻率的電感耦合線圈,以克服這些限制。這提高了電源的耦合效率,并減少了其他無關(guān)緊要的位于設(shè)備周圍或線圈之間的干擾。麻省理工學院稱之為其發(fā)展的“Witricity”,它正在由富爾頓創(chuàng)新Ada MI商業(yè)化,并被稱為 eCoupled 技術(shù)。同時利用 Witricity 諧振感應的高效率,包括發(fā)件人和接收器的eCoupled 系統(tǒng),適當?shù)耐胶蛢?yōu)化共振頻率之間的數(shù)據(jù)通信服務。更像敵我識別(IFF)或無線射頻識別(RFID)系統(tǒng),發(fā)射器察覺到一個不包含無線射頻識別芯片的金屬設(shè)備或裝置的開關(guān)后進入睡眠模式。附加的數(shù)據(jù)服務健全和規(guī)范的通信,而且會在電池充滿后自動斷電。如果被廣泛采納,無線電力傳輸將會被列為公共服務設(shè)施。想象一下,eCoupled發(fā)射機簡單的取代了旅店夜間排隊、航空公司充電臺、圖書館的參考咨詢臺、 實驗室工作臺、 汽車的座充或大學的研究枕頭。當談到有用來鞭策自己,通常采用兩種主要方法的新標準。說到新的標準,通常有兩個主要方法用于推動其發(fā)展。首先是有力的法規(guī)規(guī)范。其次,發(fā)明一種技術(shù)使得制造商競相模仿,使之廣泛流行兩種方法都強大,但我更喜歡后者那種不干預的方式。外文翻譯原文: A few years ago, a colleague and I enjoined a group of undergraduates on an old-fashioned field trip to the Edison National Historic Site in West Orange, NJ. We took the public tour and visited the storied laboratories that witnessed the development of the incandescent light bulb and motion picture technology. However, I was most impressed by two additional features of the complex.The first was the research library outfitted with a complete collection of the publications of the U.S. Patent office at the time. The scientists and engineers were concerned with the creation of new technology that could be leveraged into marketable products. Universities are great places for following scientific discoveries for the sake of the science, but the Edison laboratories existed as a business. Not having Internet connectivity in the late 1800s, the library served as the laboratorys information repository. Much like today, when a researcher needed information concerning a chemical reaction, a mathematical formula or cutting edge engineering solution they consulted the current literature, albeit via paper.The second impressive thing was the complexity of the production and machining facilities. Creating tools to make new tools catalyzes the development of technology, and the Edison laboratories are an early representative example of the process of innovation. This process is further streamlined through the rapid adoption of standards. Since a majority of the tools and equipment was developed on site, the facility created its own standards that could be deployed throughout the multi-acre campus.One such standard was the method of power distribution. Ultimately known for the development of electrical grids to power the famous Edison light bulb, the early machine tools used by the Edison laboratories were powered by a universal line shaft. Consisting of a long rotating shaft similar to the drive shaft of a rear-wheel drive automobile or the propeller shaft of an ocean vessel, the mechanical energy produced by the factory boiler was distributed throughout the factory in the form of rotational momentum. Individual machines were connected to the line shaft via a belt and simple clutch system that tightened the belt around the shaft through the use of a lever. Over time, the belt would wear out due to considerable friction, but this technology provided a less complicated method of power distribution when compared to early high-pressure steam and hydraulic systems.Over time, the development of electrical and electronic devices necessitated the distribution of high-pressure electrons throughout our manufacturing plants, offices and homes and additional standards soon followed. In the U.S., electrical power is generated at 60 Hz and is ultimately delivered in standard nominal voltages of 120, 240 and 480 volts. Typical electrical outlets are limited to 15 amps and accommodate plugs having the familiar three prongs, consisting of two vertical paddles and a u-shaped grounding prong. Higher amperage outlets sport differing standard prong shapes and orientations to prevent the accidental connection of incompatible devices. Apart from not having enough electrical outlets, plug strips or extension cords, the standard three-prong power cord is a ubiquitous way to plug devices into the power distribution system.As technology continued to develop, our present menagerie of mobile, hand held devices flourished, and so too did the utility of battery power. Physically connecting these miniature devices to the power grid would seriously interfere with their function, and it is for this reason that they incorporate their own local source of power in the form of single use or rechargeable batteries. Battery manufacturers quickly developed standard form factors for their industry including AA and C size cells to ease consumer confusion when they needed to be replaced.While popular for use by early transistor radios, sensors and toys, single-use chemical batteries cannot supply the large amount of current required by sophisticated computational devices such as laptop computers, smartphones and personal entertainment equipment. Their rechargeable batteries are incorporated into the interior of the device and rarely require user replacement. This allows the device manufacturers to select battery form factors based on features such as size, battery life and the internal configuration of device components. Increased numbers of battery form factors grant industrial designers additional freedom to sculpt and differentiate the look and feel of their products.But the downside of rechargeable batteries is that they eventually need to be recharged. Connecting the battery to the power grid through a standard AC/DC power adapter is easy. The difficult part is connecting the adapter or charger to the battery since each battery manufacturer is free to design the form factor of this connection. What? After this lovely century-old narrative of innovate and standardize, this step does not follow the pattern.A conspiratorial theory may suggest that portable device manufacturers recognize battery chargers as a lucrative revenue channel. Similar to bubble-jet printer manufacturers relying on the sale of ink over the life of the device to offset the below-cost price of the machine, paying $25 to $100 to replace a broken or lost power adapter offsets the true cost of a free phone with service plan or low-cost laptop. An innocent non-conspiratorial theory may be in line with the Year 2000 (Y2K) problem. Programmers did not envision the future difficulties created by a two-digit year field, and few portable device designers may have predicted the number of consumers simultaneously carrying laptops, cell phones, mp3 players and digital video cameras. These capabilities may eventually be provided by a single uber-smartphone but, at the moment, the number of individual chargers is quite inconvenient. Chargers also are incompatible among similar devices that users may swap due to upgrades or lost equipment. If you are currently using your fifth cell phone, there is a high probability that you have four obsolete chargers on your garage workbench.This past February, the Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA) formed by the Confederation of European Posts and Telecommunications (CEPT) and later endorsed by the European Union (EU) mandated the development of a standard mobile phone charger utilizing the micro-USB interface by 2012. Apart from increasing user convenience, this effort is being applied to stem the tide of discarded adapters entering the waste stream. While not addressing the adapter standardization problem between different mobile devices, it looks to be a good start.But, what if the AC/DC adapter could be eliminated entirely? This is the goal of wireless energy transfer, an effect first demonstrated by Nikola Tesla in 1893. Utilized inside the very adapters the wireless technology may replace, inductively-coupled transformers rectify the AC electricity available at the power outlet into the DC voltage required to charge the battery though the utilization of two induction coils. Unfortunately, the induction effect decreases rapidly as the distance between transmitter and receiver increases and often suffers from interference. Among other recent developments to overcome these limitations, Professor Marin Soljacic and his colleagues at MIT have recently developed the use of inductively-coupled coils that can be tuned to a specific resonance frequency. This increases the efficiency of the power coupling and reduces the amount of interference from extraneous objects located near or between the coils. MIT has dubbed their development Witricity and it is being commercialized by Fulton Innovation of Ada, MI, in a product called eCoupled Technology.While exploiting the high efficiency of the Witricity resonant induction, the eCoupled system includes data communication services between senders and receivers


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