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953464687pdfWAPTXT49 4 ( 184 ) 2008 12 SH IPBU I I G O F CH I LD N NA. V o l 49N o. 4 ( Serial N o. 184) D ec. 2008: 100024882 ( 2008) 04200522009FPSO , ( , 212003), , , FPSO , , , : ; FPSO ; ; ; ; : U 661. 4 : A 1, , , , , 1 3 , , , , , , , 4 , (FPSO ) , , 5 1 12 , , , 13, 14 , , , , 2 15 , ; ;, : 2007204230; : 200820222049 4 ( 184 ) , : FPSO 53 , , , 2. 1 , 1 , , 10mm 1 2 3 315M Pa, 4 350M Pa(a ) 1 ( b ) 2(c) 3 ( d ) 4 1 2 , 1, 2 3 1 8 x y z ; 4 1 2 y , , 20 So lid , 1. 6mm 2mm 2. 5mm 54(a ) 1 ( b ) 2(c) 3 ( d ) 4 22. 2 2. 2. 1, 4 , 50% 80% , 14 FPSO ( 1) 1: ; 2 : 0. 5y ( y ) ; 3: 0. 85y 2 1 2mm 2. 5mm 14 3 1 , 14 3 2 : , ; , ; ; , , 49 4 ( 184 ) , : FPSO 55 1, 2 x ; ?x ; x 3. 2. 2 3 x l ( 1) 4 , , 56(a ) + 1 ( b ) + 5 ( c) + 10 4, , , 1 5 5 , 1 , 107 , 5 : , , 8 , 5 N x ( 1) 2. 2. 3 FPSO , , , , , , , ( 6) , C 1 , 1 ; C 2 , 4 ; (a ) C 1 ( b ) C 2 6 ( 5 )7 7 , C 1 , 1 ; C 2 , 2 4 7 7 , , , 49 4 ( 184 ) , : FPSO 57(a ) C 1 ( b ) C 2, , , 16 2. 2. 4 , 3 3 M Pa1. 2 3 4 5 64 ( res ) afterm ax ( res ) in i ( res ) ini + app y ( app ) 1 8 8 , ( res ) in i + app y 1 , ; ( res ) in i + app y 1 , ( res ) afterm ax ( res ) in i ( res ) in i + app y ; , ( res ) in i + app y 1. 9, , , 8 ( res ) in i + app y 1, ( res ) 2cycle ( res ) in i = 1; ( 1) ( res ) in i + app y 1, ( res ) afterm ax ( res ) in i = - 1. 1 ( res ) in i + app y + 2. 1 ( 1) , ( 1) , ( 1) 3 FPSO , 7 x ( 1) 0 0. 250 0. 650 0. 750 0. 850 0. 50s ( )80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 18058 14 4 ( 1) (P re 2load ) ( 1) ( ?S ) ( 9) , , , 1 10 10 : ( 1) ; , , ; , , ( 1 ) app , ( res ) afterm ax ( res ) in i , , , , ( 1) ( 2) , , , ( 3) 1 2 3 , 1 100M Pa , 25% , , , 1 4, :( 1) , , ( 2) , , , , 84 ( res ) in i + app y ( res ) afterm ax ( res ) ini ?S ?S N 9 ( P re 2load ) f ( 1)49 4 ( 184 ) , : FPSO 59 10 S Nf ( 1), ( 1) ( 3) , , ( 4) , ; , , ; , : M OAN T ZHAN G B , : 1 HAN S, L EE T and SH I B. R esidua l stress relaxa tion of w elded steel com ponen ts under cyclic load J . Steel N 2 DA T TOM A V , G I R G IM D and NOB I E R. N um erica l eva lua tion of residua l stress relaxa tion by cycle load O L 3 II DA K, YAM AM O TO S and TA KANA SH IM. R esidua l stress relaxa tion by reversed loading J . W elding in 4 K I W S, TOM ITA Y, HA SH I O TO K and O SAW A N. Effects of sta tic load on fa tigue strength of sh ip M M structu re A . P roceedings of the Seven th ( 1997 ) In terna tiona l offsho re and Po la r Engineering Conference C . Hono lu lu, U SA , M ay 25230, 1997. ( 2) : 10216. the W o rld, 1997, 39: 39245. J . Jou rna l of Stra in A na lysis fo r Engineering D esign, 2004, 39: 6632672. R esea rch, 2002, 73: 4142420. 5 ECKERL I J and U L FVA R SON A. R edistribu tion of in itia l stresses in sh ip structu ra l deta ils and its effect on D 6 , , , , . J . , 2004, 21 7 ZHAN G B and TO R GE IR M. M ean stress effect on fa tigue of w elded jo in t in FPSO S A . 25th In terna tiona l Conference on O ffsho re M echan ics and A rctic Engineering C . H am bu rg, Germ any, 2006. 8 In terna tiona l a ssocia tion of cla ssifica tion societies. JB P 2I CS Comm on R u les fo r B u lk Ca rrierS . J anua ry 2006. A 9 HU AN G X P, TO R GE IR M. I p roved m odeling of the effect of R 2ra tio on crack grow th ra te J . In terna tiona l m fa tigue J . M a rine Structu res, 1995, 8: 3852406.60of residua l st ress relaxa t ion, residua l st ress and the app lied load under va riab le am p litude cyclic load ing is revea led. T h rough quan t ita t ive ana lysis of residua l st ress relaxa t ion, the veracity and reliab ility of fa t igue st reng th a ssessm en t a re im p roved, and som e fa t igue behavio rs of these k ind s ofw eld jo in t s in exp erim en t s cou ld be exp la ined rea sonab ly.St ructu ra l m em bers of FPSO hu ll often undergo fa irly la rge sta t ic load ing befo re they en ter s service o r va riab le am p litude cyclic load ing w hen they a re in service. T he com b ined effect of app lied st ress and h igh in it ia l residua l st ress is exp ected to cau se the residua l st ress relaxa t ion. H ence, the effect of residua l st ress relaxa t ion m u st be con sidered fo r fa t igue st reng th a ssessm en t of th is k ind of st ructu re. In th is p ap er, residua l st ress relaxa t ion of som e typ ica l w eld connect ion s in sh ip 2shap ed st ructu res is invest iga ted w ith 32 ela st ic2 la st ic fin ite elem en t m ethod. T he rela t ion of the m agn itude D pKey words: sh ip eng ineering; FPSO ; w eld jo in t s; residua l st ress relaxa t ion; fa t igue; fin ite elem en tm ethod 10 HA YAM A T. Effect of residua l stress on fa tigue strength of induction 2ha rdened steel J . B u lletin of J SM E, 14 H yunda i H eavy Indu stries Co. , L td. . Fa tigue test of typ ica l w eld jo in tsR . Ko rea, 2000. Jou rna l of Engineering M a teria l and T echno logy, 2006, 118 ( 4) : 2292234. 15 YU AN M G and U EDA Y. P rediction of residua l stresses in w elded T 2 and I2 in ts u sing inheren t stra in s J . Jo 16 LO T SB ER G I A ssessm en t of fa tigue cap acity in the new bu lk ca rrier and tanker ru les A . . Conference on Com p u ter M ethods in M a rine Engineering C , B a rcelona, Sp an ish, 2005. Conference C , K itakyu shu, J ap an, M ay 26231, 2002. FPSO C . Hono lu lu, U SA , 2004. and Po la r Engineering Conference C . 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