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綜合英語第一、二冊詞匯分類整理第一冊:重點單詞+一詞多義1 Hand in hand:1. 手拉手 2. 緊密相連: Theory and practice must go hand in hand.2 Manner: (注意manner的作單復數(shù)時不同的意思) mannered 矯揉造作的;矯飾的;不自然的1singular: 方法;方式: in a/the manner 2. (言行的)方式: aggressive manner; 3. 種類:all manner of sth 各種各樣的人(或物);(as) to the manner born 自然而然地;in the manner of= in the style of 以風格3. plural: 1.禮貌;規(guī)矩:good/bad manners; have no manners= behave badly 沒有禮貌2(某個人群的)風俗;習慣;Middle-class manners 3Appreciation/appreciate1.感激;感謝U in appreciation of : The award is given in appreciation of her huge contribution to the film business. 2.理解;體會;明白 There is a growing appreciation of the need for environmental reform 3.欣賞;賞識 4. 漲價;增值4. Cherish 1.懷念: cherish the memory of those happy times; 2. 關愛;愛護 3. 珍愛;珍視: a cherished dream/hope/memory5. Infectious 1.傳染性的 2. (心情、行動)有感染力的;有影響力的:His enthusiasm was infectious.6Jolt 1.震動;顛簸:The bus jolted to a stop. 2.使震驚;使驚醒:The alarm jolted me out of a deep sleep.7. Bolt n 1.(門或窗的)金屬插銷 2.螺栓 a bolt from/out of the blue:大出意外的事;晴天霹靂 v(用螺栓)把釘在一起:bolt sth to sth8. Scramble:1. i +over/up/down/out of etc 爬;攀登 scramble to your feet 匆匆站起身2i 爭搶;爭奪 +for/ scramble to do sth 3.炒蛋:Scrambled eggs9. confidence/confident/confidential1.confidence: 1.信心+in 2.信任;信賴+in 3.信心;把握 4.秘密:gain/get sbs confidence 贏得某人的信任; in confidence 秘密地;私下里2. confident in the knowledge that :確保 You can go out, confident in the knowledge that your house is safe.10. skim :v1.撇去(液體面上的浮物)+off : Skim the fat off the soup. 2.(使) 在表面上方快速移動 In the distance, water skiers skimmed across/over the bay;The children are skimming stone on the lake. 3.瀏覽;略讀 +through11. steer :steer sth away from/towards/into/through etc sth 1. 掌舵;駕駛 2.引領;引導 3.影響;引導 He steered the country through a transitional period to elections;steer sb to victory=help someone win 幫助某人取得成功; steer a course:1.遵循:They tried to steer a middle course between overconfidence and undue pessimism. 2.朝著前進 steer a course for12Smash: 1.用力打破;打碎 2.粉碎,搗毀(組織等);擊敗;擊潰:The government would take whatever necessary action to smash the rebellion by separatist guerillas.13Bond 1.聯(lián)系;關系+between: The trade agreement strengthened the bond between the two countries. 2.公債;債券 a government/Treasury bond; 3.契約;合同 4.(鄭重的)許諾;保證:my word is my bond 我的話像契約一樣可靠;我一定會履行諾言 5.bonds: 枷鎖=shackle;束縛物:She longs to escape from the bonds of children and housework.14.affect 1.影響;身體上的傷害;感情上的打動 affecting;震動 2. 假裝;佯裝 She affected a look of disinterest as she glanced at his newspaper.15.plagueepidemic/pandemic/:1.瘟疫;傳染病 2. singular普遍的禍害: the plague of violence in America today 3. (動物或昆蟲)無限制的大量滋長;泛濫:A plague of journalists surrounded around the superstar. vt:給造成長期的災禍;長期困擾:The children plagued him with questions.16.conformist 1.adj 墨守成規(guī)的;因循守舊的 2.n墨守成規(guī)的人,因循守舊的人17. distinction 1.差別;不同 make/draw a distinction between 2.優(yōu)秀;卓越;杰出:of (great) distinction; He is a writer of high distinction. 3.聲譽;特征;特點;Have/hold/gain the distinction of : She holds the distinction of being the first woman editor of the Harvard Law Review.18.distinct 1.不同的;單獨的:They were classified into two distinct groups; as distinct from: The Company, as distinct from its shareholders, should be liable for any debts.2.清晰的;清楚的;明顯的:As dawn broke, the outline of a building became distinct against the sky. 3.usually before noun確實的;顯著的: I had the distinct impression that he did not like me.19.stature 1.身高 He will be taller than his father when he reaches his full stature. 2. 名望;威望: Gain/grow/rise in stature20. fragment 1.n碎片:fragments of glass 2.v(使)破碎;(使)分裂 Fragmentation(含抽象意味);n破碎;破裂;分裂 of the Soviet Union21Polar 1.極地的 2.截然不同的:The novel deals with the polar opposites of the love and egrate1.使融入;使打成一片:integrate sb into sth 2.使結合;使成為一體:integrate sth into/with sth 3.使取消種族隔離 Integrated:融合的;整體的;綜合的;互相協(xié)調的team 2.無種族隔離的 Integration 1. 融合;融入:+into 2.種族融合:the of school 3.結合;融合;整合:+of/with/into Integrity 1.正直;誠實:maintain/preserve your integrity; question/doubt sbs integrity; professional/artistic/political integrity 2.完整;完全:defend the new states territorial integrity23.spectrum 1.系列;范圍;幅度 wide/broad spectrum=a large range: The course covers a wide spectrum of musical activity from opera to rock 2. 光譜 3. 頻率24.capacity 1.能力;:capacity to do/for sth;2.身份in a professional/personal/advisory etc capacity;in your capacity as :I attended in my capacity as chairman of the safety committee.3.容量;容積;容納力1.The seating capacity of the theater is 5,000. 2.The hall was filled/full to capacity.25.discipline n1.紀律;懲罰:Impose discipline/maintain discipline 2.自控能力;自制力:Their attention wandered and they lacked the discipline to learn. 3.訓練方法:Studying a foreign language is a good discipline for mind. 4.(尤指大學的)學科;科目 v1.懲罰;處罰:The strikers were disciplined by management. 2.discipline yourself:約束自己26.conscious:1.意識到;注意到 of doing sth/that 2.神志清醒的;有知覺的 3.慎重的;有意的;刻意的decision/effort 4.特別感興趣的;關注的:Environmentally-conscious27.refine: 1. 精煉;提純:refined sugar 2. 改善;改進;使精煉:refine ones manners28.reflection;1. 映像:He admired his reflection in the mirror. 2. (聲、光、熱等的)反射 3. 反映;顯示;表達:The increase in crime is a sad reflection on(=shows sth bad about)our society. 4.沉思;深思;審慎的思考:She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all.29. induce : 1. 勸說;誘使 induce sb to do sth 2.引起;導致=cause or produce, result in, bring about, entail : Drugs which induce sleep 30. Persist 1. 頑強地堅持;執(zhí)著地做 in sth/in doing sth/with sth ; 2.維持;保持;持續(xù);存在:If the pain persists, consult a doctor.31Vision 1.視力;視野: good/perfect/poor/blurred/normal vision; 2.想象;幻想 3. 想象力;眼力;遠見卓識=foresight: a leader of foresightVisionary 1.有眼力的;遠見卓識的 2. 夢幻的;(尤指)宗教異象的;神示的32Vain futile1. 徒勞的;枉然的;in the vain hope/in a vain attempt to do/in vain; 2.自負的;自視過高的: She is too vain to wear glasses.33. Given : 1.adj已經(jīng)安排好的;規(guī)定的:They were to meet at a given time and place. Be given to sth/to doing sth: 經(jīng)常做;習慣于;2.prep考慮到;鑒于 Given his age, he is remarkably active. Given that: It was surprising the government was re-elected, given that they had raised taxes so much.34. moral adj1. 道德的:a moral issue/dilemma/question 2.道義上的;道德上的:moral responsibility/duty 3.品行端正的;有道德的 4.能辨別是非的:Children are not naturally moral beings. Take/claim/seize the moral high ground 聲稱自己的論點在道義上占優(yōu)勢n1.品行;道德 2. 寓言:The moral of the fable is that honesty is always the best policy.35. scarcely adv1.幾乎不:I can believe whats happened. 2.才;僅僅:We had driven a mile when the car broke down. 3.決不;一定不:I can scarcely refuse to help after all hes done for me.36.conviction 1.定罪;判罪:previous conviction; 2.堅定的信仰;信念;3.深信;確信:lack conviction(缺乏信心);not carry conviction(沒有說服力)37. nest 1.鳥巢 2.+of 一套;一組: a nest of table38. off 1.離開;走開:be off/be off to; off/on course 偏離/在正確航線;航向2.從(頂部或表面)離開:keep/stay off the grass 3.不上課;不工作;休息:be off 4.off and on/on and off 有時;間或;斷斷續(xù)續(xù)39Distant 1. 在遠處的:in the not too distant future:在不久的將來;Distant memory 遙遠的記憶;the dim and distant past:很久以前;遙遠的過去;Keep a respectful distance 敬而遠之;2疏遠的;不友好的;冷淡的; 3. 恍惚的;心不在焉的;4.遠親的;遠房的 a distant relative40.somehow:1.以某種方法:somehow or other:不管怎么樣;2.由于某種未知的原因41Lean 1.清瘦而健康的;2.倚靠:lean against/on sth 3.有(選擇或支持某事物的)傾向:lean in the direction of sth; lean on sb 依靠某人;leaning towards 對的傾向;愛好;偏愛42Extend 1.提供;給予;(向某人)表示(歡迎、感謝、同情)extend sth to sth 2.涉及(范圍;延伸(距離)延續(xù)(時間);Rain is expected to extend to all parts of the country. The desert extends for miles.Extension/extent: 1.This kidnapping shows an _extension_ of terrorist activity to innocent children. 2. This kidnapping shows the _extent_ of terrorist activity which has got innocent children involved.43. Identify: 1.indentify sb as sth:1.辨認;確認;2.是的標志;顯示出; 2.identify with sb 體會(某人)的思想感情;理解并同情(某人)的感受:He didnt seem to be able to identify with ordinary people and their aspirations. 3.be identified with sb/sth 把某人或某物聯(lián)系在一起 4.identify sth with sth 認為和一致;將等同于44.ground v1.使飛機停飛;船只擱淺;2. 罰呆在家里His parents grounded him for two weeks for smoking.3.使決定、想法建立在之上,基于:be grounded in/on sth n4.理由;原因:on the grounds of: She is suing the company on the ground of unfair dismissal. 45.sway v1.搖動;搖擺 2.影響某人;使改變看法:Sway sb into doing sth 3.nhold sway :1.(對人們的觀點或行為)有巨大的影響力;2.控制某個區(qū)域 under sbs sway:在某人的控制或統(tǒng)治下46Smear:1.(胡亂地)涂,抹:be smeared with sth 2.玷污;誹謗:slur/smash/malign47Facility 1.通常用復數(shù)(房間、設備等)設施;2.(工具、制度等的)特點:Have the facility to do sth : The software has the facility to produce high-quality graphics displays. 3.(用作某種用途的)區(qū),大樓;4.單數(shù)/U天賦;技能;技巧:He has a facility for languages.注:facility作單數(shù)時指場所;作復數(shù)時指設施。48.hover 1.(鳥、昆蟲或飛機)翱翔;2.守候;猶豫:The waiter was hovering over their table. 3.(在之間)搖擺不定;不確定+between:His girlfriend is hovering between life and death.4.(在上下)徘徊:+around/near: hover on the brink/edge/verge of sth 接近于某事邊緣,瀕于某事邊緣(尤指令人不快的事)49.mock adj僅用于名詞前1.假的;仿真的mock guns and knives 2.假裝的;虛假的affected 3.(考試、面試等)模擬的4.v譏笑;嘲笑50.confer 1.授予(權力、權利或榮譽):confer sth on sb; 2.討論;商談;商議;協(xié)商:Confer with 51Involved :1.牽涉在內的;卷入的+in;2.參與的;3.復雜難懂的第二冊1. resonate;1.(使)產生情感共鳴+with: Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, as I do live in a small family. 2.回響;回蕩:The building resonates with historic significance.2. due:1.adj僅用于名詞前,適當?shù)?;恰當?shù)模篐e was found to have been driving without due/necessary care and attention. / in due course:在適當?shù)臅r候:We will announce the results of our investigation in due course./with all due respect:恕我直言 2.預定的;預期的;預計應出生的:When is the next bus due?/Their baby is due in June. 3.UN應有的權利;應得到的東西:He failed again, but to give him his due, he did try hard. 說句公道話;4.ndues復數(shù):應繳款;會費3. spell:n1.一段時間;一會兒:a brief spell;2.(特定天氣情況的)持續(xù)時間:a hot/cold/wet/dry spell;3.(疾病突然的)一次發(fā)作:a dizzy/fainting spell;4.魔咒;魅力: cast a spell on sb 5.v意味著(通常是不好的事)spell a disaster/doom for sb;6.vt暫時代替某人4. lumber :1.木材2.給某人增加麻煩;拖累:Lumber sb with doing sth. 3.緩慢吃力地移動;笨拙地行進:In this distance, we could see a herd of elephants lumbering across the plain. 5. stifle v1.壓制;抑制:an attempt to stifle innovation/debate/democracy 2.使窒息strangle/suffocate/smother/choke/asphysixate :strangle;又指抑制;扼殺經(jīng)濟發(fā)展the economy; suffocate:扼殺抑制好的發(fā)展;smother又指溺愛;寵愛:smother sb with kisses6. groom v1.刷洗(馬,狗等);2.訓練;培養(yǎng):My boss is grooming me to take over his job next year. 3.n馬夫 7. declarev1.宣布;宣告;聲明:declare sb/sth (to be) sth; 2.申報(收入、財產)Are your going to declare all that wine at customs? Declare for/against:表態(tài)支持/反對 8. claim v1.聲稱;主張;斷言claim to do sth;2.(尤指作為權利)聲稱擁有;認領:claim credit/responsibility/victory;3.要求;索?。篶laim refund; +on:(向保險公司)索賠:Can you claim on your insurance for damage to furniture? 3.奪去的生命mainly journalism:The severe flooding has claimed over 500 lives.4.贏得;獲得:claim a title9. Assert 1.斷言;宣稱:ones innocence; assert yourself:(堅定而自信地)說出自己的觀點;堅持自己的主張 2.維護;堅持:rights;3.(事實、觀點或趨勢等)顯示威力,發(fā)揮作用:Assert itself: After a while her old bad habits began to assert themselves.10. stroke: 1.中風;2.(意外但重要的)事件,行動,舉動:a stroke of luck/genius/inspiration/brilliance 3.打,擊;4.游泳姿勢;5.(鋼筆或毛筆的)一筆,一畫;6.(某些鐘表整點報時的)一敲,一響:at the stroke of nine;7.撫摸;輕撫;at one/a stroke 一下子;not do a stroke of work 什么事也不做 11. bust n1.半身像;2.(尤指警方對毒品的)搜查;搜捕;adj3.破產的:go bust;4.破壞了的;壞了的;v5.打破;打碎;6.逮捕;7.使終止;破壞:bust up 12. scalp n1.頭皮;2.失敗者;v剝下帶發(fā)頭皮;倒賣;炒賣13. endorse v/n1.(尤指公開地)贊同,支持:I fully everything you said.;2.(名人在廣告中)吹噓endorse products.;3.在支票或正式文件的背面簽名;4.(在駕駛執(zhí)照上)注明違章:his license was endorsed/suspended/revoked14. transient:1.adj轉瞬即逝的;短暫的:population:流動人口2.n流動人員;流浪者15. fierce :1.感情強烈的;殘暴的:debate/criticism 2.(天氣)狂暴的;猛烈的storm;3.激烈的:competition/opposition16. patron/patronage:1.資助人;贊助者/資助;贊助;2.主顧,顧客/惠顧;光顧17. patronize :1.表現(xiàn)出高人一等的姿態(tài);2.vt光顧;惠顧 patronizing 顯得高人一等的18. sap :n 1.(植物的)汁;液;2.傻瓜;3.v使削弱;使虛弱 sap sbs energy / sap sbs will19. lash:v1.(尤指作為懲罰)用鞭子或棍子抽打;鞭打;風或雨猛烈擊打:The sound of the rain lashing against the windows was deafening. 2.嚴厲批評;責罵:The speaker lashed out against the new regulations. 3.用繩系緊;捆扎 n4.鞭打;5.睫毛20. scoff :1.vi嘲笑;2.vt狼吞虎咽地吃=devour 21. devastating:1.造成嚴重破壞的;毀滅性的:a fire/storm/flood;2.令人大為震驚的;令人心煩意亂的: blow 令人震驚的打擊;3.非常漂亮的;非常吸引人的:ly beautiful/gorgeous 22. rumble:1.發(fā)出隆隆聲rumble across;2.肚子因饑餓而咕咕叫;3.察覺;發(fā)現(xiàn)(非法行為):Im afraid our tax dodge has been rumbled.4.打群架23. rumbling :1.復數(shù):抱怨;不滿的言論;2.隆隆聲=rumble24. ultimate:1.最后的;最終的:goal/aim/objective; 2.首要的;決定性的 responsibility/decision ;3.極限的;絕頂?shù)?;最好的?luxury retreat25. incline :1.有意(做);傾向(于)2.傾斜;3.曲身;彎腰(尤指)點頭26. inclination:1.意圖;意向to do 2.傾向;愛好27. hobble :1.vi跛行+across/along/down;2.vt妨礙;阻礙:A long list of amendments has hobbled the new legislation. 3.(為防止跑掉而)捆縛(動物或人的腿)28. slash :v1.大幅度削減;2.猛削;猛減;3.猛力移動;襲擊:Tornadoes slashed through the area. n1.砍口;切口;2.砍;劈;3.斜線號29. jerk :1.急推;急扭;使猝然一動jerk to a halt 猛地一下停了;2.(從睡夢或沉思中)猛然一動而驚醒wake up from a jerk;3.急拉;猛拉 jerky:顛簸的30. slack:adj1.松弛的;不緊的;2.松懈的;懈怠的;疏忽的;3.(生意)清淡的;蕭條的;不景氣的: slack demand for its products 4v偷懶;逃避工作:Stop slacking and get back to work.ns 寬松褲31. penetrate:1.刺入;戳入;2.(聲音等)穿透;3.i/t被洞察;被了解:What she said didnt penetrate until just now.;4.打入(團體): a market; penetrating voice有穿透力的;尖銳的;penetrating mind 敏銳的頭腦32. dedicate :1.把(時間和力量)用在上:dedicate yourself to doing sth ;2.(在書或歌曲的開頭)題詞把獻給(某人):This book is dedicated to all unknown heroes of the war.33. bomb:n1.炸彈;2.很多錢;3.a bomb徹底的失??;v4.轟炸;5.(尤指車輛)疾駛;6.考試慘?。?.(戲劇、演出等)打敗;票房極差;不賣座位34. drift:v1.漂流;飄;2.隨意走動;游蕩;3.隨意做;偶然出現(xiàn):The conversation drifted towards the subject of money. n4.吹積的雪堆;吹積的沙堆;5.漸變:the away from socialism;6.流動:the population drift;7.意義;含義:get/catch sbs drift 35. grim:1.嚴肅的;堅定的a grim determination;2.令人不快的;令人沮喪的:grim prospect of still higher unemployment;3.(地方)簡陋的;4.生?。徊皇娣eel grim36. dub:1.給起綽號;把稱為:dub sb sth ;2.為配音 dub sth into sth 37. assume:1.想當然地認為;假定:assume sb to be2.裝出;擺出:assume an air of innocence;3.就職;就任;奪去;篡奪:assume the presidency/assume throne/control of sth38. shift:v1.轉變;2.挪動身體;3.擺脫;消除shift this cold;4.出售;n5.輪班工作時間;6.改變+in/toward: shift in consumer demands;6.直筒連衣裙 39. apt:1.恰當?shù)?;適當?shù)模篴pt comparison;2.易于;有傾向be apt to do sth;3.天資聰穎的 40. humor:n1.幽默;滑稽;2.心情;心境;情緒;vt3.遷就;迎合;Hes in rather a bad mood today, so youd better humor him a bit.41. govern: 1.治理;統(tǒng)治;執(zhí)政;2.控制;影響;支配:Prices of goods are governed by the cost of raw materials, as well as by the cost of production and distribution.;3.管理;制約42. consume:1.吃;喝;2.花費(時間、能源或燃料等);3.毀滅;(尤指)燒毀;4.使著迷;使全神貫注:be consumed with/by sth 43. breed:v1.(動物)生育;繁殖;2.培育;育種;3.醞釀,招致:=invite/produce/lead to : Favoritism(偏袒) breeds (produces, leads to) resentment. n4.品種+of; 【派】:breeding:禮貌的行為;教養(yǎng)44. fertile:1.(土地)肥沃的;2.富有想象力的;富有成果的45. speculate:vi1.思索;沉思;猜測+on/about/that;2. 投機;做投機生意(+in/on): in property 【派】speculative deals/activities46. latitude:1.緯度;2.某個緯度地區(qū)用復數(shù):The plant grows best in cooler latitudes.;3.u自主行事的自由;選擇的余地We give them enough latitude to express their own ideas when choosing a career. 第一冊:重點詞組、短語、習語和固定搭配 1. be indebted to 感激某人 We are indebted to all who made this such a successful day. 2. confide in sb/confide sth to sb/confide to sb that 3. jolt sb into doing sth 使某人覺醒去做某事 4. well up (液體或感情)流出;涌出 5. conspicuous consumption炫耀性消費 6. summon up the courage to do sth 鼓起勇氣做某事 7. hang out 時常光顧 She knew all the clubs where he usually hung out. 8. turn ones back on sb 輕視;不理睬 9. stick it our 繼續(xù)做,堅持做(困難或不愉快的事情):It was a tough course, but we stuck it out. 10. in conformity with/to 與一致;依照 11. on an impulse: He saw them get into the car and on an impulse, he followed them. 12. have/gain access to information/right 13. entail (doing) sth 使成為必要;導致 14. deviate from 背離;偏離;違背 15. stand out (from/against sth) 顯眼;突出:stand out in a crowd. 16. slough sth off 摒棄;拋棄;擺脫=get rid of 17. a vulgar waste of money金錢的揮霍 18. zeal for/in sth 對的熱情;激情 19. sell out 售完;背叛信念;背叛原則+to=yield to/give in to expediency;出售財產、企業(yè)等 20. close/near at hand:(在時間或距離上)接近 21. make yourself scarce= (go away to avoid trouble).(為避免困境或尷尬局面而)離開;溜走 22. consist in: 在于=lie in 23. stand for: 1.是的縮寫;代表;象征;2.主張;支持 3.接受;容忍通常用于否定句 24. convict sb of (doing)sth 宣判某人有罪 25. ensure sth/that+從句:確保;assure sb of sth/assure sb that 向某人保證;使確信;insure sb/sth against sth 防備的;insure sb/sth for sth(錢)為了投了錢的保險 26. account for 1.是的原因;引起;導致;2.(在數(shù)量或比例上)占;占據(jù);3.對(尤指所負責之事)做出解釋(或說明) 27. back down on/from sth 放棄(別人強烈反對的要求、主張等);認輸: She refused to back down on a point of principle. 28. credit: 1.on credit 賒購;2. take the credit 歸功于自己 3.be a credit to sb/do sb credit 是某人的驕傲;為某人爭光 4. credit sb with sth or be widely/generally/wrongly credited with sth 把某事歸功于某人: Fairlie is widely credited with inventing the phrase the Establishment. 5.credit sth to sth 把某事物歸功于某事物:The team credited their victory to hard work. 29. appoint:1.appoint sb as sth/ appoint sb to do sth 任命某人做;2. the appointed time/place確定,約定的時間或地點 30. conscience: 1.clear/guilty 2.struggle/wrestle with your conscience和良心斗爭 3.ease sbs conscience 使良心得到安寧 4.in (all) good / in all 憑良心;公平地 31. succumb to 1.屈從;屈服;2. 患重病;死于 32. slug it out :一決雌雄 33. be cluttered up with 亂堆;堆滿 34. off and on/on and off for有時;間或;斷斷續(xù)續(xù) 35. estranged from sb/sth與疏遠;不和的 36. hit on/upon sth 突然有個好主意;偶然想到妙點子 37. show up:1.如約趕到;出現(xiàn);露面;2.show sb up 使某人難堪;使蒙羞;3.使顯現(xiàn);使顯露;揭露;揭發(fā):showing up corruption scandals 38. Reminisce about 追憶往事 39. be reminiscent of sth 歷歷在目的往事 40. turn down 拒絕(提議或要求) 41. break away 逃脫;掙脫;脫離 42. break in 打斷;插嘴 43. break out/up 爆發(fā)/停止 44. break up 關系破裂 45. break thro


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