



1、第十三章 祈使句祈使句(Imperative Sentences)是英語的基本句型之一,表達說話人對對方的叮囑、勸告、請求或命令等,往往有表示請求、命令、希望、禁止、勸告等意思。有時為了表達說話人較委婉或客氣的語氣,可在句子開頭或末尾加please。祈使句一般省去主語“you”。祈使句有四種結構:一、Do型這類祈使句是最常見、最簡單的,它以行為動詞原形開頭。例如:All rise! 全體起立!Sit down! 坐下!Stop!停下來!Keep off the paint! 油漆未干,不可觸摸!Watch your steps! 腳下留神!Mark your words! 留心聽著!Mind

2、your head! 小心別碰了頭!Follow me! 跟我來!Look out! 小心!Shut up! 閉嘴!Come and meet my family. 來看看我家人。Give the book to the teacher. 把書給老師。Do it like this, please. 請像這樣做。Open the door, please. 請把門打開。Catch the ball!接球!Go and ask the teacher. 去問問老師。Put the books in your bag. 把書放到書包里。Please have a rest. 請休息一下。Pleas

3、e help me. 請幫幫我。Come here on time, please. 請準時到這兒。Do me a favor, please. 請幫我一個忙。Please look after your little sister. 請照顧好你的小妹妹。Please show me your ID card. 請你出示身份證。Always remember that genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 永遠牢記天才出于勤奮。Study, study and once more study. 學習、學習、再學習。Learn from Comra

4、de Lei Feng. 向雷鋒同志學習。Working people of all countries, unite! 全世界無產者,聯(lián)合起來!有些是有get開頭引導的。例如:Get out! 滾出去!Get away! 滾開!Get back. 回來。Get organized! 組織起來!Get done with it. 完成這件事吧。Get out of here. 走開。Get along with you! 去你的!這類祈使句的否定形式是在前面加上dont或never。例如:Dont swim in the river. 別在河里游泳。Please dont be noisy.

5、請不要大聲喧嘩。Dont let them play with fire. 別讓他們玩火。Dont go there, please. 請別去那兒。Dont worry. Ill soon be all right. 你們不要擔心,我很快就會好的。Dont disturb him. 不要打擾他。Dont tell me its too late. 不至于太晚吧。Never do it like that. 千萬不要那樣做了。Never open that door! 千萬別開那扇們。Never speak to me like that again. 別在那樣對我說話了。在較慎重的場合與強調時

6、,可用do not。例如:Do not touch my things! 不要碰我的東西! Do not come in unless asked. 非請莫入。二、Be型這類祈使句是以動詞Be開頭。例如:Be quiet! 安靜!Be a good student. 做個好孩子。Be quiet, boys and girls. 孩子們,安靜點。Be polite to your teacher! 對你的老師有禮貌點Be careful!小心!Be serious. 嚴肅點。Be brave! 勇敢些!Be nice to her. 要待她好些。Be seated, please. 請坐。Be

7、 gone. 滾開。Be reassured. 請放心。Be refreshed by taking a bath. 洗個澡恢復恢復精神吧。這類祈使句的否定形式也是在前面加上dont或never。例如:Dont be lazy! 不要懶惰!Dont be shy. Dont be so cruel to me. 別對我那么兇。Dont be selfish. 不要自私。Dont be angry! 不要生氣!Dont be leaning out of the window! 勿將頭伸出窗外!Never be late next time. 下次千萬不要遲到。三、Let型由let引導的祈使句也

8、是常見的句型,它用來表示建議、愿望、警告、蔑視、威脅等。用Lets時,包括聽話者在內;用Let us時,則不包括聽話者。例如:Let me try. 讓我試試。Let us play football. 我們去踢足球吧。Lets try it, shall we? 咱們再試試,好嗎?Lets say good-bye here. 我們在此道別吧。Lets go at once. 咱們馬上動身吧。Lets have a beer or something. 咱們喝點啤酒什么的。Let Wythe go there himself. 讓偉茲自己去那兒。Let her take charge of

9、the department. 讓她負責這個部門。Let her join our choir. 讓她加入我們的合唱團。Let them carry the desks. 讓他們搬桌子。 Let him try and he wont succeed. 讓他試試,他不會成功的。 Let the invaders come and we will wipe them out in no time. 讓侵略者來吧,我們會很快消滅他們的。Let the criminals be sent to prison. 把那些罪犯送到監(jiān)獄去。Let the boys out. 讓那些男孩出去。Let it b

10、e so! 但愿如此!Let each man decide for himself. 讓各人自己決定吧。之類祈使句的否定形式有兩種:如果賓語是第一人稱,多用“Letnot”;如果賓語是第三人稱,常用“Dont let.”。例如:Lets not disturb him. 咱們不要打擾他。Lets not waste time. 咱們不要浪費時間了。Lets not say anything about it. 對于這件事,咱們什么也不要說。Its raining now. Lets not go out until after the rain. 現(xiàn)在,天在下雨,雨停后咱們再出去。Dont

11、let these kind of things happen again. 不要讓這種事再發(fā)生了。 Dont let him do that again.別讓他再那么做了。Dont let him in. 不要讓他進來。Dont let the water run into the room. 不要讓水流進屋里。四、不用動詞開頭的祈使句有些祈使句不用動詞開頭,這類祈使句在口語中十分常用。例如:Good morning! 早晨好!Happy New Year! 新年快樂!Many happy returns! 祝你長壽!Good luck in everything! 萬事如意!My best

12、 wishes to you! 致最好的祝愿!On your marks, get set. Go! 各就各位,預備,跑!To the airport! 去機場!After you! 您先請!Now for it! 干起來吧!Patience! 耐心點!Order! 安靜!Eyes left! 向左看齊! Hands up! 舉起手來!Hands off! 不許干涉!Guns down! 把槍放下!Danger! 危險!Over. 完畢,請回復。Forward to new victories! 向新的勝利前進!Louder! 大聲點!On board, please! 上車(船、飛機)了!T

13、his way, please. 請這邊走。Bottoms up! 干杯!This side down! 這邊向下!Away with them all! 把他們通通帶走!Off with your shirt! 把襯衫脫掉!Out with it. 拿出來。In with you! 進里面吧!Down with the pens! 把筆放下!Down with “the Gang of Four”! 打倒“四人幫”!Up with the box! 把箱子放上去!Out with the toy! 把玩具拿出來!On with your hat! 把帽子戴上!Out with you! 滾!

14、No smoking! 不準吸煙!No spitting! 不準隨地吐痰!No parking at night! 夜晚嚴禁停車! No entry! 不準入內!No passage! 禁止通行!No thoroughfare! 此路不通!No Bill. 不準招貼。No litter! 不準亂丟果皮紙屑! No admittance except on business! 閑人免進!No scribbling on the wall! 不準在墻上涂寫!No falsehood! 決不要說謊!Not to be taken away! 不可取走!None of that! 別來那套!None

15、of your little tricks. 不要再耍鬼把戲。None of your little games! 切不可耍小聰明!None of your business! 不關你的事! 在使用祈使句時,還要注意以下情況:1、可在祈使句前面加上助動詞do來加強語氣。例如:Do stay with us!千萬跟我們呆在一起!Do come here often! 千萬要常來!Do sit down. 務必請坐。Do study hard. 一定要努力學習。Do save us! 天那!Do be sweeping the floor when I come in. 我進來時,一定在擦地板吧。

16、2、祈使句的主語通常不說出,但有時為了指明向誰提出請求或命令,或為了加強語氣,用來表示說話者的不滿、憤怒、厭煩、鄙視等,也可加主語。例如:Now you listen to me. 現(xiàn)在聽我來講。You clean the room. 你去打掃房間。You come with me. 你與我一起去。You do it right away. 你給我馬上就做。You mind your own business! 你別多管閑事!You go out of here! 你從這里滾出起!You be quiet! 你們安靜一些!Girls come to the front! 女孩們到前面去!Eve

17、rybody freeze! 每個人都不要動!Nobody move. 誰也不許移動。Everybody stand up, please! 請每個人都站起來!Somebody open the door! 誰去把門開開!Someone answer phone. 誰去接電話。Vincent stand over there. 文森站到那邊去。3、祈使句有時有呼喚語,呼喚語可以出現(xiàn)在句首或句尾。不要混淆祈使句的主語與呼喚語,呼喚語一般用逗號隔開,而祈使句的主語一般位于謂語前,不用逗號。例如:Rebecca, pass me the magazine. 麗蓓卡,把那本雜志遞給我。Come her

18、e, Bard. 過來,巴德。有時呼喚語和主語可以同時出現(xiàn)。例如:Neil, you listen to me! 尼爾,你聽我說!You go and tell father, Susan. 蘇珊,你去向爸爸說吧。You write this sentence, Alva, and you write that, Tina. 阿爾瓦,你寫這句句子,蒂娜,你寫那句句子。4、如要表示客氣或委婉的請求,可在祈使句中加please。please可放在句前、句中或句尾,在句尾時,通常用逗號隔開。例如:Please be seated. 請坐。Please dont be late. 請不要遲到。Please do come often. 請千萬常來。Please help yourself. 請隨便用。Dont stand please on ceremony. 請不要拘束。Dont be nervous, please!請別緊張!Have a rest, please. 請休


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