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1、中國(guó)文化練習(xí)題及答案Part 1 Wisdom and BeliefsUnit 1 Confucian Thought on Heaven and HumanityHomework:(一)Questions:1) What is The Analects mainly about?2) What is Confucius view on Heaven?3) What is Confucius innovative idea about Heaven?4) What does the “heavenly mission” refer to?5) How is Confucius concept

2、of Heaven related to the modern ecological civilization?6) What is Confucius interpretation of ren?7) According to Confucius, what is the most important part of li?8) What qualities are “persons of virtue” supposed to have?9) Why do people need to study music according to Confucius?(二)Translation 1)

3、天何言哉?四時(shí)行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉? 2) 生生之謂易。 3)天地之大德曰生。 4)獲罪于天,無(wú)所祿也。 5)仁者,人也,親親為大。 6)父母在,不遠(yuǎn)游,游必有方。 7) 父母之年,不可不知也。一則以喜,一則以懼。8) 己欲立而立人,己欲達(dá)而達(dá)人。9) 己所不欲,勿施于人。10)子生三年,然后免于父母之懷。11)禮之用,和為貴。12)知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂(lè)之者。(三)Careful Reading1、Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1)A

4、ll the following are the titles of Confucius EXCEPT _. A. an educator B. a biologist C. a scholar D. a philosopher2)The expression “filial piety” most probably means being _. A. loyal to the state B. obedient to sister(s) C. responsible D. dutiful to parents3) Which of the following can best describ

5、e Confucius view on the relationship between man and nature/Heaven? A. Brothers. B. Husband and wife. C. Doctor and patient. D. Mother and son.4) Through burial and ancestral worship rituals, people can learn that_. A. nature is lifeless so it will never die B. individuals life can be everlasting by

6、 joining nature C. they should be grateful to their parents for giving them livesD. individuals lifespan is short, so they should enjoy life as much as possible5) Which of the following is the most important part of Confucius curriculum? A. Music. B. Calligraphy C. Virtue D. Mathematics6) Zi lu, Ran

7、 You and Gongxi Chis aspirations represent_, while Zeng Dians reflects_. A. personal ambition; selfishness B. lofty ideals; meaningless pursuit C. personal struggle; generous contribution D. individual contribution to society; harmony(四)Communication1) God bless2) Thank God3) Please God4) For Gods s

8、ake5) God forbid6) Man proposes, God disposes.7) God helps those who help themselves. Answers(一)Questions1. 1) The Analects is mainly about Confucius words and life story. 2) Confucius regarded Heaven as nature. 3) Confucius innovative idea about Heaven is that Heaven (or nature) is the process of l

9、ife creation. 4)The heavenly mission is to accomplish Heavens purpose of protecting and improving life. 5) Confucius advocated “ standing in awe of the ordinances of Heaven” and warned against offending Heaven. This is, in essence, equivalent to the modern idea of staying in harmony with nature. So

10、in this way Confucius concept of Heaven is similar to the modern ecological civilization. 6) Confucius interpreted ren as love of people, which begins with the love for ones parents. 7) According to Confucius, the most important part of li is the burial and ancestral worship rituals. 8) Persons of v

11、irtue are supposed to have sound character and uplifted minds and they can shoulder important social responsibilities and make contributions to society. 9) According to Confucius, studying music can lift ones spirit and help one appreciate beauty. (二)Translation1)Heaven does not speak in words. It s

12、peaks through the rotation of the four seasons and the growth of all living things.2) Continuous creation of life is change.3) The great virtue of Heaven and Earth is creating life.4) He who offends against Heaven has none to whom he can pray.5) The greatest love for people is the love for ones pare

13、nts.6) Children should not travel far while their parents are alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.7) Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy for the health and longevity of their parents. They should also feel concern fo

14、r the aging of their parents.8) While fulfilling ones own desires, allow others to fulfill theirs.9) Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.10) A child should not leave his parents bosom until he is three years old.11) The role of li is to maintain harmony among people

15、.12) Simply knowing the highest standard of virtue is not as good as setting it as ones goal. Setting it as ones goal is not as good as enjoying practicing of it.(三)Careful ReadingB D D B C D(四)Communication1)上帝保佑用于向某人表示關(guān)愛(ài)2)謝天謝地,感謝上帝3)但愿用于表示非常強(qiáng)烈的愿望4)看在上帝的份上,行行好把表示某事很重要5)但愿(某事)不會(huì)發(fā)生6) 謀勢(shì)在人,成事在天。7)自助者天

16、助也Unit 2 Laozis Philosophy of Non-actionAssignment- fill in the blanks 1) Laozis thought has a great influence on the characteristics; trends of thought; and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese people. 2) The examples of birds, fish, clouds and flowers are used to illustrate that everything in th

17、e world has its own way of being and development. 3) The difference between great ingenuity and ordinary ingenuity lies in the fact that the latter can be achieved through human effort, but the former is superior to the latter. 4) In order to become strong, one should start with ones own weak points

18、;instead of oppressing the weak. 5) In Laozis opinion, fragility is the symbol of life. 6) The highest level of ones cultivation is to return to the state of a newborn baby, who is free of any knowledge, desire; impurity or falsehood . 7) People fight and deceive one another out of desire. 8) Accord

19、ing to the laws of nature, people should not rob the poor and oppress the weak.Assignment- translation 1. 順應(yīng)自然。 Follow the way of nature. 2.無(wú)為而無(wú)不為。 Act through non-action. 3.大巧若拙。 Great ingenuity appears to be stupidity. 4.以柔弱勝剛強(qiáng)。 Overcome the strong by being weak. 5.不戰(zhàn)而屈人之兵。 Win a war without fight

20、ing water. 6.兼愛(ài)。 Love for all. 7.上善若水。 The greatest virtue is like water. 8.人往高處走,水往低處流。 Humans tend to seek higher positions. 9.無(wú)欲則剛。 One is invincible because he desires nothing and contends for nothing. 10. 返璞歸真。 Return to the state of a newborn baby.Assignment- translation 1. Nature is conquered

21、 by obeying her. 順應(yīng)自然方能征服自然。 2.He that follows nature is never out of his way. 按自然規(guī)律辦事的人絕不會(huì)迷失方向。 3.The drop of rains makes a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by the frequency of falling. 滴水穿石,非蠻力所致,皆因堅(jiān)持不懈。Unit 3 Sunzis Art of War: Source for All Books on WarAssignment Answer questions 1) Why

22、is Sunzis Art of War regarded as the greatest among so many books on war? Sunzis Art of War is regarded as the greatest among so many books on war because it excels over the other books in terms of strategy design, philosophical grounding and in tactical application. 2) What did Sunzi mean by “treac

23、hery”? By “treachery” Sunzi meant that deceiving the enemy with false impressions. 3) Why is “ Winning a war without fighting it” advocated by Sunzi? “ Winning a war without fighting it” is advocated by Sunzi because he wanted to avoid large-scale killing and destruction. 4) According to Sunzis dial

24、ectical thinking. What should commanders consider? According to the dialectical thinking of Sunzi, commanders should consider gains and losses from both positive and negative sides. 5) Suppose our troops have strength similar to the enemy troops, how can we win an absolute advantage over the enemy?

25、Suppose our troops have the similar strength with the enemy troops, we can win an absolute advantage over the enemy by dispersing the enemy troops. 6)What does Sunzis Art of War begin and end with? Sunzis Art of War begins and ends with warnings against war. 7)What are the first three countries that

26、 published the translation of Sunzis Art of War? The first three countries that published the translation of Sunzis Art of War are Japan, Republic of Korea and France.Assignment-careful reading 2) The word “treachery” in Sunzis Art of War is closest in meaning to_ . A. deception B. betrayal C. preac

27、hing D. irritation A 3) The strategy of the lowest level in a war is to _ . A. use different strategies B. frustrate the diplomacy of the enemy C. attack the army of the enemy D. attack the city of the enemy D 4) From Sunzis warning, we can infer that sometimes a war could be declared just because _

28、 . A. one country was under attack from another B. the king or emperor just wanted to invade another country C. the ruler was irritated for the time being D. the commander and general had a bad temper CAssignment- translation 1) 先計(jì)而后戰(zhàn) Planning before going to war. 2) 知己知彼,百戰(zhàn)不殆。 One can fight and win

29、 a hundred wars if one knows both oneself and the enemy. 3) 兵以詐立。 The army survives by treachery. 4)利而誘之,亂而取之,實(shí)而備之,強(qiáng)而避之,怒而撓之,卑而驕之,佚而勞之,親而離之。 Tempt the enemy with gains, attack the enemy when they are in disorder, be prepared for the enemy when they are equal in strength, avoid the enemy when they ar

30、e stronger, aggravate the enemy when they are angry, cause the enemy to become arrogant when they are prudent, tire the enemy when they are at rest, sow discord among the enemy when they are united. 5) 攻其無(wú)備,出其不意。 Attack the enemy at an unexpected time and place. 6) 不戰(zhàn)而屈人之兵。 Winning a war without fig

31、hting it. 7) 亂生于治,怯生于勇,弱生于強(qiáng)。 Chaos compares with order, cowardice with bravery, and weakness with strength. 8) 兵者,國(guó)之大事,死生之地,存亡之道。 The use of force is a matter of life or death for the soldiers, the people and the country.Unit 4 Chinese Characters: Poetic SymbolsAssignment: 1) Which of the following

32、is irrelevant to the pictographic symbols of Chinese characters? A. Aspiration. B. Imagination. C. Creativity. D. Allusion. 2) Which of the following statements is true of the name of Fudan University? A. The characters both stand for “the sun rising on the horizon”. B.The name is taken from a Chine

33、se classical poem. C. The name encourages the students to get up early in the morning. D. The characters are intended to tell the students to make progress day by day. 3) Which of the following languages mostly consists of language pictures? A) Mandarin Chinese. B) Hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt. C) O

34、racle-bone inscription. D) Seal characters. 4) The symbol for “ swimming” is closed to _ . A) oracle-bone inscription B) mandarin Chinese C) seal characters D) none of the above 5) The symbol for “athletics” contains the ingredients of _. A) dancing and running B) running and swinging C) dancing and

35、 swinging D) triathlon and football 1) A 2) D 3) B 4) C 5) A 2. Find from the passage the English interpretations of the following characters containing 日as an element.CharactersInterpretations1) 旦The sun rising on the horizon2)朝The morning sun rising and shining over the flowing river3)暮The sun set

36、ting into a forest4)明The moon shining through the windowUnit 5 The Great WallAssignment- True or Falsev 1) The construction of the Great Wall took more than 2000 years and involved 19 states.v 2) The driving force for building the Great Wall is to protect lives and peace from wars.v 3) In history, t

37、he northern peoples were mostly engaged in farming.v 4) The Great Wall provided an effective shelter for the southern troops against the northern cavalry.v 5) The Great Wall provided an effective shelter for the southern troops against the northern cavalry.v 6) The spirit of the Great Wall is that o

38、f “ a common will and concerted effort”.v 7) Blockhouses, garrison towns, passes built at strategic points, and beacon towers are mentioned to show the magnificence and variety of the Great Wall.v 8) Wangjing Tower is one of the best places to appreciate the beauty of Beijing City.Answer questionsv

39、1) How long is the Great Wall at present?v The Great Wall is as long as 6700 kilometers. v 2)In which respects is the Great Wall unparalleled?v The Great Wall is unparalleled in its scale and span of construction, as well as in the great quantities of labor and the degree of difficulty involved.v 3)

40、 What are Su Yat-sens quotations used to demonstrate in the passage?v Sun Yat-sens quotations are used in the text to illustrate the great significance of the Great Wall in the development of Chinese civiliztion.v 4) What does “ The Great Wall played a role in a new economic structure” ?v A new econ

41、omic structure refers to the enhancing of agricultural economy in the south and the pastoral economy in the north, and the exchange between the two.v 5) What does the Legend of Lady Mengjiang symbolize?v The Legend of Lady Mengjiang symbolizes the sufferings of the people due to the construction of

42、the Great Wall and their hatred for the tyrannical First Emperor of Qin. filling in the tablev Areasv Land/ Soilv Climatev Productionv Life Stylev The Northv pastoralv coldv Products of animal husbandryv mobilev The Southv arablev warmv Agricultural productsv stablev Assignment English to Chinesev 1

43、) 眾志成城v Efforts jointed by many can build the Great Wall.v 2)由今觀之,倘無(wú)長(zhǎng)城之捍衛(wèi),則中國(guó)亡于北狄,不待宋明而在楚漢時(shí)代矣。如是則中國(guó)民族必?zé)o漢唐之發(fā)展昌大而同化南北之種族也。v Seen from today, if it had not been for the protection of the Great Wall, Chinese civilization would have been interrupted by the northern peoples in the late Qin or early Han dy

44、nasties, long before the Song and Ming dynasties. In that case, there would not have been the prosperity of the Han and Tang dynasties, or the integration of southern and northern peoples.v 3)把我們的血肉,筑成我們新的長(zhǎng)城。v Build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood.Unit 6 A silent ArmyAssignment- Answer q

45、uestions 1) What is the significance of the Terracotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin? It is not only a great legacy of the First Emperor of Qins military might, but also a superb paradigm of ancient Chinese sculpture. 2) Which of the four pits is the largest? How large is it? Pit No. 1 is the lar

46、gest, with an area of more than 14000 square meters. 3) What are the four formations in Pit No. 2? The four formation in Pit No. 2 are one of archers in the east, one of war chariots to its right, a bigger chariot formation in the middle and a formation of horsemen and saddled horses to the left. 4)

47、 What was Pit No. 3 probably intended as? Pit No. 3 was probably intended as headquarters of the left, central and right divisions of the entire army. 5) What is the similarity between Pit No.3 and Pit No.4? The similarity between Pit No. 3 and Pit No. 4 is that both of them not to have been complet

48、ed. 6) Which aspects of the Terracotta Army impress people deeply? What impress people deeply are the impressive size of the army and the masterful craftsmanship of the sculptures. 7) What is Paragraph 11 mainly about? Paragraph 11 is mainly about the detailed description of the sculptures, showing

49、how vivid they are and how masterful the craftsmanship of the sculptures is. 8) How many terracotta horses are there in the three pits? There are more than 600 terracotta horses in the three pits.AssignmentCareful Reading 1) From the passage, we can infer that_ A. the Terracotta Army was dug out by

50、villagers in Xianyang B. the archeologists discovered the Terracotta Army by chance C. the warriors and horses were made of pottery D. the Terracotta Army was designed by the First Emperor 1) C 2) Which of the following is NOT found in Pit No. 1? A. Soldiers. B. Commanders. C. Archers. D. Chariots.

51、2) C 3) The formation of Pit No. 1 can be divided into _ main parts. A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 3) B 4) One of the differences between Pit No. 2 and Pit No. 1 is that _. A. the former has more soldiers than the latter B. the former has more war chariots than the latter C. the soldiers hold more modern weap

52、ons in Pit No. 2 D. the war chariot was drawn by horses in the former rather than by soldiers as in the latter. 4) B 5) Which of the following is NOT true about Pit No. 3? A. It lies to the west of Pit No. 1. B. It looks like in 凹shape. C. It has the least warriors among the four pits. D. It was not

53、 finished probably. 5) C 6) The examples in Paragraph 12 are used to illustrate _ . A. how vivid the warriors and horses are B. how impressive the size of the Terracotta Army is C. what kind of suits people wore at that time D. how attentive the soldiers were 6) A 7) What is implied but not stated i

54、n Paragraph 12? A. Each of the archers hair was tied in a knot. B. The bows and arrows were preserved underground. C. The archers were waiting for the order to shoot. D. The Archer were in the half-squatting and half-kneeling posture. 7) C 8) The sculpture of the horses are made to seem _. A. alert

55、B. gentle C. fierce D. handsome 8) AAssignmenttranslate into English 1) 軍陣 1) battle formation 2) 前鋒 2) the front echelon 3) 指揮官 3) commander 4) 鎧甲 4) armor 5) 后衛(wèi) 5) rear guard 6) 戰(zhàn)車 6) chariot 7) 弓箭手 7) archer 8) 騎兵 8) horseman 9) 步兵 9)foot soldier 10) 總指揮部 10) headquartersUnit 7 Peking Opera: Artistry of performersExercisesI.Skimming and Scanning Go through the passage quickly and judge whet


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