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1、合同編號:_2021年對外貿易合同范本甲 方:_乙 方:_簽訂時間:_簽訂地點:_溫馨提示:本合同示范文本只是提供給當事人在簽訂合同時的一種參考,當事人須根據(jù)具體實際情況正確選擇適用的條款并作相應的調整,切勿套用,訂立重大合同或者內容復雜的合同最好咨詢相關的法律專業(yè)人士,感謝您的閱讀下載!第 1 頁 共 9 頁NO.:DATE:THE BUYERS:ADDRESS :TEL: FA_:買方:地址:THE SELLERS:ADDRESS:TEL: FA_:This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereb

2、y the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under mentioned modity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:買方與賣方就以下條款達成協(xié)議:1. COMMODITY:Item No.Description名稱及規(guī)格Unit單位Qty數(shù)量Unit Price單價Amount總價CIP _IAN AirportTOTAL VALUE CIP _IAN Airport USDSay U.S. Dollars only.2. COUNTR

3、Y AND MANUFACTURERS:原產國及造商:3. PACKING:制To be packed in standard airway packing. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the modity and e_penses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard to

4、the packing.包裝:標準空運包裝.如果由于不適當?shù)陌b而導致的貨物損壞和由此產生的費用,賣方應對此負完全的責任.4. SHIPPING MARK:The Sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: “KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE” “HANDLE WITH CARE” “THIS SIDE UP” etc. and the shipping mark:

5、嘜頭:賣方應用不褪色的顏料在每個箱子外部刷上箱號、毛重、凈重、尺寸,并注明“防潮”、“小心輕放”、“此面向上”等,嘜頭為:5. TIME OF SHIPMENT(裝運期)within days after receipt of L/C6. PORT OF SHIPMENT(裝運港)7. PORT OF DESTINATION(目的港) , CHINA8. INSURANCE(保險)To be covered by sellers for 110% invoice value against All Risks.9. PAYMENT(付款方式)The buyer open an irrevoca

6、ble 100% L/C at sight in favor of seller信用證付款:買方給賣方開出100%不可撤銷即期信用證.銀行資料:10. DOCUMENTS:1. Full set of Air waybill in original showing “Freight Prepaid” and consigned to applicant. 空運提單一套2. Invoice in three copies. 發(fā)票一式叁份3. Packing list in three copies issued by the Sellers. 裝箱單一式叁份4. Certificate of Q

7、uality issued by the Sellers. 制造廠家出具的質量證明書5. Insurance Policy. 保險單一份6. Certificate of origin issued by the Sellers. 原產地證書7. Manufacturers certified copy of fa_ dispatched to the applicant within 24 hours after shipment advisingflight No., B/L No., shipment date, quantity, Gross weight, Net weight, a

8、nd value of shipment.制造廠家通知開證申請人有關貨物裝運的詳細資料傳真復印件壹份8. The sellers Certificate and waybill certifying that e_tra documents have been dispatched accordingto the contract terms by e_press airmail.賣方有關另外用特快郵寄壹套單據(jù)給開證申請人的證明書及郵寄底單.9. Certificate of No Wooden Packing or Certificate of Fumigation.非木包裝聲明或熏蒸證.I

9、n addition, the Sellers shall, within three days after shipment, send by e_press airmail one e_tra sets ofthe aforesaid documents directly to the Buyers.另外,賣方應于貨物發(fā)運后三天內,用特快專遞寄送一套上述的單據(jù)給買方.11. SHIPMENT:The Sellers shall ship the goods within the shipment time from the port of shipment to the destinati

10、on. Transshipment is allowed. Partial shipment is not allowed.運輸:賣方應于交貨期內將合同貨物從裝貨港運到目的港,不許分批,允許轉運.12. SHIPPING ADVICE:The sellers shall, immediately upon the pletion of the loading of the goods, advise by fa_ the buyers of the Contract No., modity, quantity, invoiced value, gross weight, name of ves

11、sel and date of delivery etc. In case due to the sellers not having fa_ed in time, all losses caused shall be borne by the sellers.裝運通知:賣方應于裝貨后,立即用傳真將有關合同號、貨物、數(shù)量、發(fā)票價值、毛重、運輸工具名稱、交貨日期、貨物預計抵達日等資料通知買方.如果由于賣方未能通知買方而造成的所有損失均由賣方承擔.13. GUARANTEE OF QUALITY:p, brand new and unused, and plies in all respects

12、with the quality and specification stipulated in this Contract. The guarantee period shall be 12 months counting from the date of signing the Acceptance Report of this machine at the end-users site.質量保證:賣方保證合同貨物采用的材料、精湛的做工、全新、未使用過、質量和技術規(guī)格均符合合同的要求.質保期為最終用戶簽定驗收報告后12個月內.14. CLAIMS:Within 90 days after

13、the arrival of the goods at destination, should the quality, specification, or quantity be found in unconformity with the stipulations of the Contract e_cept those claims for which the insurance pany or not the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, on the strength of the Inspection Cert

14、ificate issued by the State Administration for Entry-E_it Inspection and Quarantine of P.R.C. or the site inspection report issued by the sellers engineer, have the right to claim for replacement with new goods, or for pensation, and all e_penses (such as inspection charges, freight for returning th

15、e goods and for sending the replacement, insurance premium, storage and loading and unloading charges etc.) shall be borne by the Sellers. As regards quality, the Sellers shall guarantee that if within 12 months from the date of signing the acceptance report of this machine, damages occur in the cou

16、rse of operation by reason of inferior quality, bad workmanship or the use of inferior materials, the Buyers shall immediately notify the Sellers in writing and put forward a claim supported by Inspection Certificate issued by the State Administration for Entry-E_it Inspection and Quarantine of P.R.

17、C. .The Certificate so issued shall be accepted as the base of a claim. The Sellers, in accordance with the Buyers claim shall be responsible for the immediate elimination of the defect(s), plete or partial replacement of the modity or shall devaluate the modity according to the state of defect(s),

18、. If the Sellers fail to answer the Buyers within one month after receipt of the aforesaid claim, the claim shall be reckoned as having been accepted by the Sellers.索賠:貨物抵達目的地后90天內,如果質量、技術規(guī)格或數(shù)量發(fā)現(xiàn)與合同的規(guī)定不符(除過保險公司和運輸公司的責任所負),買方應該依據(jù)中華人民共和國出入境檢驗檢疫局的檢驗報告或者是賣方的調試人員在安裝調試時出具的報告,有權要求替換或補償,所有的費用(包括商檢費、替補件來回的運費

19、、保險費、倉儲費、貨物裝貨卸貨費等)均由賣方承擔.賣方的質量保證為簽定關于此批貨物的驗收報告后12個月內;由于貨物內在的質量、差的做工、選材不當而造成操作中的貨物損壞,買方應立即書面通知賣方,并同時隨附中國商檢局出具的檢驗報告作為索賠依據(jù).賣方在接到買方的索賠后,有責任立即解決相應的質量問題、全部或部分地替換貨物或根據(jù)貨物損壞的程度進行折價; 如果賣方在收到買方的上述索賠后一個月內未能作出答復,則視為索賠已為賣方所接受.15. FORCE MAJEURE:The Sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or

20、 non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The Sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within fourteen days thereafter,s, however, are still under the obligat

21、ion to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than 10 weeks, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the Contract.不可抗力:對于制造或裝船運輸過程中可能產生的不可抗力而造成的遲交貨或不能交貨,賣方可以不承擔責任.賣方應立即在不可抗力產生的十四日內將有關情況通知買方,并且賣方應用航空郵件將有關政府當局部門出具的證明不可抗力產生的文件寄送給買方.在此情況下,賣

22、方仍應盡努力采取各種措施促使貨物的發(fā)運.如果事故持續(xù)十周,買方有權取消該合同.16. LATE DELIVERY AND PENALTY:Should the Sellers fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract, with e_ception of Force Majeure causes specified in Clause 15 of this Contract. The Buyers shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the S

23、ellers agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment. The Penalty, however, shall not e_ceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every seven days. Odd days less than seven days should be counted as seven days. In case the Sellers fail to make delivery ten weeks lat


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