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1、四六級寫作答疑,Bobby,評分標準,整體評分法 5分:基本切題。表達思想不清楚,連貫性差。有較多的嚴重語言錯誤。 8分:基本切題。有些地方表達思想不夠清楚,文字勉強連貫;語言錯誤相當多,其中有一些是嚴重錯誤。 11分:切題。表達思想清楚,文字連貫,但有少量語言錯誤。 14分:切題。表達思想清楚,文字通順、連貫,基本上無語言錯誤,僅有個別小錯。 字數(shù)不足應酌情扣分。 2. 閱卷老師的評分考慮,應對的原則,努力做到少出錯 四、六級考生的最大問題不是寫得太簡單,基礎一般的同學即使使用中小學掌握的詞匯和句型,只要使用得基本正確,也可以得到及格分數(shù)。 應避免嚴重錯誤: 最常犯的語言錯誤包括:語法、拼寫

2、、不成句子。 最常犯的語法錯誤包括:,時態(tài)、冠詞、主謂一致、名詞單復數(shù)等,應對的原則,2. 努力做到多出彩 詞匯-豐富多變 最常用的詞要規(guī)避重復,使用頻率高的詞要注意升級 -同、近義詞的替換,句型-豐富多變 句子長短有變-大珠小珠落玉盤 短句是指10個詞左右的句子,不能全篇都是5、6個詞的短句。 長句一般有1520詞即可,太長則易冗贅。全文應有一定數(shù)量的長句。,-精煉的短句可以放在段首表示強調;復雜的長句可以進行具體的論證、舉例或描述。 -盡量加大并列句和復合句的比例,而減少簡單句的比例,句子寫好寫長,大學生剛剛畢業(yè)就想立刻找到高薪的工作是不可能的 It is impossible for s

3、b. to do sth. 填詞:在sb. 的位置填上“剛剛畢業(yè)的大學生”,在不定式的位置填上“找到高薪的工作”, 如下所示: It is impossible for 剛剛畢業(yè)的大學生to找到高薪的工作。,形容詞 “剛剛畢業(yè)的” -你會嗎? 定語從句:college students who have just graduated 形容詞 “高薪的” -想得起來嗎? 變招 定語從句:to find jobs which can give them a lot of money 整個句子寫成:It is impossible for college students who have just

4、 graduated to find jobs which can give them a lot of money. (真的贊賞這樣的句子嗎?),換種思路,再簡單點,大學生剛剛畢業(yè)就想立刻找到高薪的工作是不可能的。 拆分成為四句: 每年,都有很多大學生畢業(yè)。 他們都想找到工作。 這些工作可以給他們很多錢。 這是不可能的。,拆解翻譯容易啊 Every year, many college students graduate。 They all want to find jobs。 These jobs can give them a lot of money。 This is impossib

5、le。,潤色一下: Every year, many college students graduate。 換詞: many=? 擴充:graduate from.(可以填什么呢?) 最后變成:Every year, heaps and heaps of college students graduate from universities and institutes.(成氣候了),They all want to find jobs。 These jobs can give them a lot of money。 怎么處理好呢? =They all want to find jobs,w

6、hich can give them a lot of money. 潤色 1)換詞 give=?a lot of money =? give=offer a lot of money =handsome salaries 2) 變身為: They all want to find jobs,which can offer them handsome salaries. 3) 還能變嗎?再復雜點 They all want to find jobs,which they hope can offer them handsome salaries。,They all want to find j

7、obs,which they hope can offer them handsome salaries. This is impossible。這句怎么辦? 這次不采用復合句,而采用并列句,與上句是什么邏輯關系? 轉折-but 潤色: impossible太簡單了,也太絕對了 改為:hardly possible,Every year, many college students graduate。 They all want to find jobs。 These jobs can give them a lot of money。 This is impossible。 對比一下 1)E

8、very year, heaps and heaps of college students graduate from universities and institutes. They all want to find jobs,which they hope can offer them handsome salaries,but this is hardly possible。 再對比 2)It is hardly possible for newly-graduated students to find well-paying jobs 你喜歡那個句子?但那個更適合你呢?,應對的原則

9、,結構清晰,層次分明 -各類指路詞,連接詞的運用,應對的原則,語言比內容更重要,應對的步驟,審題-“明目”,細讀題目以及所列提綱中的內容 劃出考題關鍵詞是我們解決內容的第一步,確?!皩懙膶Α?依據(jù)審題的過程中劃出的關鍵詞,打開思路,構思內容,保證 “寫的多” 篩選出最佳的寫作內容和思路從而達到 “寫得好”,常見話題,大學生的視角/公民的視角 06年上半年考察大學生自主選擇任課教師 06年底考察對除夕春節(jié)聯(lián)歡晚會的看法,常見話題,大學生的視角/公民的視角 07年考應用文:An announcement to welcome students to join to a club 07年底考察對選修

10、課的看法和具體選擇的原因。,常見話題,大學生的視角/公民的視角 08年上半年考察娛樂活動,要求大學生站在自己的立場發(fā)表看法覺得娛樂活動是使人受益還是對人有負面影響 08年底考察對限塑令的個人看法和其意義所在。,常見話題,大學生的視角/公民的視角 09年考察博物館是否應該對公眾免費開放,并要求考生站在一個普通市民的角度提出看法,判斷博物館是否應該免費開放 09年12月考察的就直接是校園綠化的話題,要學生提出搞好校園綠化的建議措施。,2010年6月四級考題,Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling 1. 如今不少學生在英語學習中不重視拼寫, 2. 出現(xiàn)這種

11、現(xiàn)象的原因是 3. 為了改變這種狀況,我認為.,想得到才能寫得出-“醒腦”,問題一: 不知寫什么 方法一: 頭腦風暴:,方法二: 逐層遞進法: 個人-家庭-社區(qū)-國家-世界,2. TMM STREEC 法 (他媽媽上街法)streec =street,Technology & Efficiency (效率) Mind & Soul (精神) Money & Fun Society & Crime Time & Space Rights & Responsibilities Environment & Health Employment (就業(yè)) & Competition (競爭) Cultu

12、re & Population,Tech & Ef Mind & Soul Mon & Fun Soci & Crim Time & Spa Ri & Resp Envi & Heal Empl & comp Cul & Pop,科技(提高)效率 頭腦(對應)精神 金錢(買到)樂趣 社會(常有)犯罪 時間(對應)空間 權利(對應)義務 環(huán)境(影響)健康 就業(yè)(帶來)競爭 文化(繁榮)人口,例子What electives to choose,就業(yè)(employment) In order to obtain an extra certificate for their job hunting

13、after graduation 頭腦 (mind) Because they think more knowledge can ensure more chances of getting a good job. 樂趣 (fun) Others may have their choices made just for fun. They tend to hold the idea that college life could be more colorful if .,段落的組織-“強骨”,三段式(內容依提綱所提示) 段落內部的三類句子:主題句+支持局+擴展句,如何布局三類句子:主題句+支

14、持局+擴展句,一個主題句+三個分論點(三個分論點各帶有自己的支持句),Example 1 Para.1,Nowadays, students attach less importance to the spelling of words in the process of English study. This phenomenon greatly influences students writing and brings on worries among teachers.,Para.2,There are possibly three reasons contributing to th

15、is phenomenon. First, exam-oriented education makes the students pay less attention to spelling. Second, some teachers should also be responsible for it because they dont emphasize the importance of spelling during teaching. Last but not least, some students are too lazy to recite words.,Since spell

16、ing is one of the most important aspects in English study, due attention should be given to it. As for me, I think, first, exams should be modified to add some factors into it, which would help students pay more attention to spelling. Then, schools should also set effective mechanisms to help teache

17、rs as well as the students to realize the importance. Finally, for students themselves, they can, through other ways, make them be interested in word spelling. Only by these can we surly realize the importance of spelling and make improvement.,一個主題句+兩個分論點(兩個個分論點各帶有自己的支持句),Example 2 Para.1,Correct sp

18、elling is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students do not pay much attention to it. basic: fundermental however: nevertheless, nonetheless pay attention to: attach importance to,Para.2,They have their own reasons for misspelling. First of all, they like an easy way of studying

19、, which causes some omissions and changes in spelling. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students spelling. In China, teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling. There are various reasons accounting for this,Para.3,To change this situation, in my o

20、pinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one hand, the teachers should give more attention to students spelling, asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves

21、are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study.,To sum up, correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling.,通脈,三類句子的竄連 明確的指路詞 first、second和third on the one hand、on the other hand 或for one thing、for an

22、other to begin with,moreover,whats the most important in the first place,in the second place,last but not least,通脈-還要給力,用好連接詞-“啟、承、轉、合”,“啟、承、轉、合”關聯(lián)詞,(一) 有關“啟”的常用詞語 用于引導主題句,或用于主題句的后面,引導第一擴展句。 first(ly) 第一 at first 最初 first of all 首先,第一 in the beginning 起初 in the first place 首先,第一 to begin with 首先,第一

23、to start with 首先,第一 for one thing首先(常與 for another 連用) lately 最近 currently 目前 recently in general 一般來說 generally speaking 一般地說,有關“承”的常用詞語 用于承接主題句或第一個(或前一個)擴展句。 second(ly) 第二,第二點 in other words 換句話說 third(ly) 第三,第三點 in particular 特別,尤其 also/too 并且,又,也 in the same way 同樣地 besided(this) 此外 moreover /in

24、 addition,furthermore 而且,此外 what is more 而且,此外 for another 其次 similarly 同樣地 for example 例如 for instance 例如 equally important 同樣重要地 meanwhile 與此同時 as an example 例如 as another example 再如 namely 即,就是 consequently 結果 for this purpose 為此,(三) 有關“轉”的常用詞語 用來表示不同或相反的情況。 after all 畢竟 on the contrary 相反地 but 但

25、是 in contrat 相比之下 yet 仍,然而 unlike 與不同 however 然而 whereas 然而 nevertheless 盡管如此 on the other hand 另一方面 conversely 雖然 unfortunately 不幸地 though 盡管 still 仍然 although 盡管 in fact 事實上 in spite of sth 盡管 as a matter of fact 事實上,(四) 有關“合”的常用詞語 用于小結段落中上文的內容,引導最后一個擴展句或引導結尾句表示段落結束。 finally 最后 as has been noted 如

26、前所述 hence 因此 as I have said 如我所述 in brief 簡言之 at last 終于,最后 in conclusion 總之 at length 最后,終于 in short 簡言之 by and large 一般來說 in sumary 摘要地說 consequently 因此 therefore 因此 eventually 最終 thus 因此 accordingly 于是 to sum up 總而言之 indeed 的確 to conclude 總而言之 surely 無疑 to summarize 總而言之 no doubt 毫無疑問 briefly 簡單地

27、說 undoubtedly 無疑 above all 最重要的是 truly 的確,語法錯誤的避免-“排毒”,名詞:可數(shù)名詞一定不能光頭光腳。注意單復數(shù)等基本問題 謂語動詞:時刻注意“與時俱進”,任何時候用動詞都要想清楚時態(tài)的使用,分詞(現(xiàn)在或過去分詞)虛擬語氣的動詞使用也要格外注意 句子結構方面:一定要注意句子結構完整性,一個句子只能有一個動詞 注意關系代詞和副詞的正確使用:非謂語動詞使用時注意主被動關系 修飾關系:動詞和形容詞一定要用副詞修飾,不一致(disagreements):不光指主謂不一致,它還包括了數(shù)的不一致,時態(tài)不一致及代詞不一致等 例:When one have money,

28、 he can do what he want to 詞性誤用(misuse of parts of speech)常表現(xiàn)為:形容詞當副詞用;名詞當動詞用,動詞當名詞用等,4種高分句型-養(yǎng)顏,第一種句式:狀語提前-把一個由副詞、介詞、現(xiàn)在分詞或動詞不定式形成的小短語放在句首。 In spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children can not be denied. Not surprisingly, students who are under great stress in their st

29、udies may suffer from mental problems or even commit crimes.,Most importantly, the government should make sure that citizens can improve their lives. To solve the problem of traffic jams, the government should encourage people to take the subway.,第二種句式:倒裝句 Only in this way can this issue be effectiv

30、ely solved. On no account / by no means / under no circustances can we lose sight of the significance of education.,第三種句式:強調句 1. It is the traditions in China that attract many foreign tourists. 2. It is through competition that children can learn the meaning of courage,第四種句式:虛擬語氣 It is high time we

31、 take initiative to .,詞匯的升級 很多年輕人認為提高英語水平是重要的。 many: young men: think: important:,模板-補氣,1. 什么人需要模版 2. 使寫作確實是走了捷徑 3. 模板協(xié)助理清思路的走向,邏輯的發(fā)展,起到聚精凝神的作用 4. 局限:反過來就像一條繩索勒著,束縛了自由,范文-補氣,好的范文就是個好的老師,修改-補氣,1是否使用了正確的語法結構,比方說,動詞時態(tài)一致、主謂一致、用詞準確、詞性(尤其是名詞、動詞、形容詞)、名詞單復數(shù)、冠詞錯誤和介詞錯誤等 2. 句式是否有變化 (如各種從句的使用、分詞結構等 ) 3使用了一定的詞匯量

32、 ( 如用同義詞或詞組來避免過多的重復) 4單詞拼寫沒有錯誤。,5. 每一段話都緊扣文章的主題。 6每段的主題句中都表明了這個段落的中心思想,所有擴展句都緊扣主題 7每一分論點都得到充分的支持和展開。 8使用了過渡性詞語,因而句子之間和段落之間都有邏輯性和條理性。 9. 提供了足夠的細節(jié)、例子或論據(jù),背誦-補氣,可分為以下5個層次: (1)精彩詞匯, (2)精彩句型, (3)精彩句子, (4)萬能框架, (5)經典范文。 背誦前,確保自己已充分理解所有內容,寫作 背誦5篇佳作 每周寫2篇練筆 背誦經典句型 掌握升級詞匯,佳句推薦-再給力,一句否定句 There is no denying(no

33、 doubt) that + S + V .(不可否認的.) 例句:There is no denying that the practicality of our higher education has gone from bad to worse. 不可否認的,我們高等教育的實用性已經每況愈下,一句眾所周知 It is universally acknowledged that + 句子 (全世界都知道.) 例句:It is universally acknowledged that it is the doctors duty and obligation to heal the wo

34、unded and rescue the dying.全世界都知道救死扶傷是醫(yī)生的天職,一句優(yōu)點是 An advantage of is that + 句子 (.的優(yōu)點是.) 例句:An advantage of childrens participating in some paid work is that this practice can cultivate their independence, self-determination and sense of responsibility. 孩子參加有償勞動的一個優(yōu)點是這種實踐可以培養(yǎng)小孩的獨立性、自主性和責任感,一句原因是 The

35、reason why + 句子 is that + 句子 (.的原因是.) 例句:The reason why a large number of customs have altered a great deal is that most of them are connected with some superstitious beliefs, and they cannot fit in this world with highly-developed technology.多數(shù)舊風俗習慣都產生了巨大的改變的原因是它們大多與封建迷信有關,與現(xiàn)代社會格格不入,一句通過方法(憑借手段) by

36、 means of +Ving, can (借著.,.能夠.) 例句:By means of putting the responsibility into the governments hand, citizens can enjoy a higher level of assurance in quality. 借著將這種職責放在政府手中,市民在質量上能夠享有更高程度的保障,一句是時候干什么 It is time + S + 過去式 (該是.的時候了) 例句:It is time we evaluated the roles that modern technology plays in

37、 our life from more balanced and objective perspectives.該是我們從更加公正和客觀的角度來評價現(xiàn)代科技在我們的生活中所發(fā)揮的作用的時候了,一句絕對不能 On no account can we + V (我們絕對不能.) 例句:On no account can we ignore the significance of education. 我們絕對不能忽略教育的重要性。 by no means =by no means = in no way = on no account 一點也不,一句明顯的 It is apparent that

38、+ 句子 (顯然的) It is now manifest that + 句子 例句:It is apparent that with the rapid development in society and economy, competition is becoming increasingly fierce and acute,一句值得的 It pays to do (.是值得的。)或It is worthwhile to do sht 例句:It pays to create a fair atmosphere in which both males and females coope

39、rate and compete on an equal footing. 創(chuàng)造一個讓男女平等合作競爭的良好環(huán)境是值得的,一句與息息相關 there is a clear link betweenand be closely related to (與.息息相關) 例句:Expanding population and influx of migrant workers are closely related to the problem.人口激增與外來民工大量涌入與交通問題息息相關,一句多虧有了什么 Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving, (因為.) 例句:

40、Thanks to coeducation system, benign competition and cooperation between male and female students are rightly encouraged.由于男女共校的教育體制,異性同學間的良性競爭和友好合作精神得到了發(fā)揚,一句對。產生重大影響 have (exert, impose) a great influence on (對.有很大的影響) 例句:Quality of citizens has a great influence on a nations prosperity. 國民的素質對于國家的

41、繁榮有重大的影響,一句對。構成重大威脅 pose a great threat to 例句:abortion poses a great threat to both womens physical and mental health,一句對有益(有害) do good to (對.有益),do harm to (對.有害) be beneficial to,is detrimental to 例句:Reading does good to our minds. 讀書對心靈有益。Overwork is detrimental to health. 工作過度對健康有害。,一句產生積極或負面影響句

42、 exert positive (grave side) effects on 一句發(fā)揮重要作用句 play a vital role in 一句就什么而言句 when it comes to/in terms of 一句為了什么目的句 for the sake of,一句應該怎么句 be supposed to/be well-advised to 一句重要的是句 It is crucial that we take vigorous measures to tackle these problems,一句什么是錯的句 It would be erroneous if we fail to

43、acknowledge that。 一句做什么是困難的句 It would be hard-pressed to imagine how much pleasure and excitement tourism can afford us 一句常識告訴我們句 Common sense and our experience inform us that,一句什么是可能的句 It is highly probable that 一句值得注意的是 It is worth noting that 一句好處超過壞處句 Advantages created by far outweigh the disadvantages 一句我堅信句 I am convinced that,一句我支持什么觀點句 I strongly commit to the idea that 一句我的結論是句 If we take a c


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