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1、專題三完形填空,題型1,題型2,完形填空是一種考查考生語法和詞匯知識(shí)綜合運(yùn)用能力以及語篇理解能力的題型。它介于單項(xiàng)選擇和閱讀理解之間,結(jié)合了這兩種題型的特點(diǎn),既有對(duì)語法規(guī)則、習(xí)慣用法和詞語搭配的考查,又有對(duì)文章內(nèi)容的通篇理解。 題型1選擇型完形填空 選擇型完形填空是中考中最常見的一種完形填空題型。文章通常設(shè)置1015個(gè)空白,對(duì)每個(gè)空白處提供四個(gè)選項(xiàng),要求考生從所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)最佳答案,使文章句意通順、內(nèi)容完整,題型1,題型2,選擇型完形填空的解題方法: 1.重視首句,把握開篇。細(xì)讀首句,通??膳袛辔恼麦w裁,同時(shí)還可預(yù)測(cè)文章的主旨和大意。 2.通讀全文,掌握大意。解題前,要

2、快速通讀全文,了解文章的基本內(nèi)容和整體結(jié)構(gòu)。首先要跳過空白處,通讀全文,遇到對(duì)意思理解不透的地方時(shí),仍要快速閱讀下去,不要把時(shí)間浪費(fèi)在對(duì)個(gè)別字句的推敲上,應(yīng)全力以赴捕捉可能獲得的所有信息,盡快了解文章大意,弄清楚文章中所涉及的“W”,即:who(人物),what(事件),when(時(shí)間),where(地點(diǎn)),why(原因),whose(相互關(guān)系)。切忌看一空填一空,以免斷章取義,誤解作者的本意。 3.瞻前顧后,逐步填空?!罢扒邦櫤蟆?即答題時(shí)要回顧上一句,兼顧下一句。如果一句中有兩個(gè)空白處待填,在初定答案時(shí)要“雙管齊下”,在兩處同時(shí)試填,然后通讀全句,確定答案,題型1,題型2,4.抓住關(guān)鍵點(diǎn),

3、根據(jù)上下文解題。解題時(shí),要善于發(fā)現(xiàn)文章中起重要作用的詞、短語或句子,以便準(zhǔn)確了解所提問題的特定語境以及語篇中的內(nèi)在關(guān)系,做到言之有據(jù)。比如文章的第一句、每段的第一句和最后一句等,它們往往是全文或全段的主題句,通過它們可以知道文章的題材、大意、時(shí)間、人物和事件等。 5.復(fù)讀全文,驗(yàn)證答案。把填好的短文通讀一遍,將不合題意的答案進(jìn)行調(diào)整或修改;如果實(shí)在無法確定,可以作推理性猜測(cè),不可放棄不填。進(jìn)行核查時(shí)注意以下三點(diǎn): (1)上下文的一致性:時(shí)態(tài)、語態(tài)的一致;代詞、名詞、單復(fù)數(shù)的一致。 (2)語法和慣用法及習(xí)慣搭配。 (3)段與段、句與句之間的銜接是否連貫,題型1,題型2,例1】 A science

4、 teacher wants to show some ideas to his students.He takes a large-mouth bottle and1 several large stones in it.He then asks the class,“Is the bottle full now?” They all reply,“Yes!” The teacher then takes some small rocks and puts them into the2.The small rocks go into the3 between the big rocks.He

5、 then asks,“Is it full?” This time some students give no answer,but most reply,“Yes,1.A.touchesB.placesC.pushesD.hits 2.A.mouthB.cup C.bottleD.bowl 3.A.spacesB.roomsC.fieldsD.edges,答案,題型1,題型2,答案,The teacher then starts to drop some sand into the bottle.The sand4 the spaces between the small rocks.Fo

6、r the5 time,the teacher asks,“Is it full?” Now most are doubting,but still,some reply,“Yes!” 4.A.puts upB.turns up C.sets upD.fills up 5.A.firstB.second C.thirdD.fourth,題型1,題型2,Then the teacher brings out a cup of water into the bottle.“Whats the6 of this show?” asks the teacher.One7 student answers

7、,“No matter (無論) how8you are,you can always find time to do some more things.“No,” says the teacher,“the point is that9 you dont place the big rocks into the bottle first,youll never get them in.The big rocks are the10 things in your life.If you fill your life with small things as shown by the small

8、 rocks,the sand and the water youll never have the time for the important things.,6.A.pointB.methodC.progressD.rule 7.A.angryB.funnyC.brightD.crazy 8.A.busyB.richC.greatD.popular 9.A.whatB.untilC.unlessD.if 10.A.pleasantB.importantC.friendlyD.interesting,答案,題型1,題型2,題型2短文填空型完形填空 短文填空型完形填空的特點(diǎn)與選擇型完形填空的

9、特點(diǎn)差不多,要求在正確理解和把握文章大意的基礎(chǔ)上通過上下文的邏輯關(guān)系來填寫空缺單詞。它是考查學(xué)生綜合運(yùn)用英語思維能力的一種有效的方法,不僅能比較準(zhǔn)確地考查學(xué)生的各項(xiàng)知識(shí)水平,而且還能培養(yǎng)和提高學(xué)生綜合運(yùn)用英語知識(shí)的能力。 短文填空型完形填空常見的有兩種形式:一種是根據(jù)語境或給出的首字母填空;第二種是用所給單詞或短語的適當(dāng)形式填空。讓考生借助掌握的知識(shí)和對(duì)文章的理解進(jìn)行完形填空,使補(bǔ)足的短文意思通順、結(jié)構(gòu)完整,題型1,題型2,短文填空型完形填空的解題方法: 1.從文章整體出發(fā)。要填的單詞只有在具體的語言環(huán)境中才能確定,因此首先要掌握文章大意,才能正確理解空缺詞在句子中的意義,從而做出合理的選擇。

10、 2.從語法結(jié)構(gòu)考慮。一般的空缺詞都可以通過其所在的句型結(jié)構(gòu)和句法成分來判斷出其詞性,這樣可以縮小空缺詞的選擇范圍,增加選詞的準(zhǔn)確率,題型1,題型2,3.從文章的前后聯(lián)系確定詞的形式。確定了空缺處單詞的詞性后,還要借助上下文確定出它的適當(dāng)形式。如:若空缺處需要填寫動(dòng)詞,那么就要考慮動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)、語態(tài)等;若空缺處需要填寫形容詞,那么就要考慮形容詞的比較級(jí)、最高級(jí)及固定句式等。 4.通讀全文,驗(yàn)證答案。填完所有單詞后,不可孤立地逐個(gè)詞檢查,而要將所有填入的詞代入文章中,復(fù)讀全文,仔細(xì)檢查所填詞是否符合文章的情景內(nèi)容,讀起來是否流暢,是否合乎句法,單詞拼寫是否有誤,單詞形式是否正確等,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題及時(shí)糾正

11、,題型1,題型2,例2】 閱讀理解填詞 In a town in France,there was a farmer who lived alone.Every day he s1 a pound of butter to his neighbour,who was a baker.One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see i2 he was getting a pound.After he weighed it,he found that he wasnt.The baker then took the farmer to th

12、e judge (法官,1.s2.i,sold,if,題型1,題型2,The judge wanted to know the farmers ways to weigh the butter.The farmer replied,“Im so p3 that I do not have enough money to buy anything to weigh it.H4,I do have a kind of scale (天平).” The judge asked,“Then h5 do you weigh the butter?” The farmer replied,“Before

13、the baker started buying butter from me,I had bought bread from him.So now every time when I b6 home the bread from the baker,I put it on the scale and give him the butter of the same w7.,3.p 4.H 5.h6.b 7.w,poor,However,how,bring,weight,題型1,題型2,We always get back what we give to others.Whenever you

14、take action,ask yourself this question,“Am I honest?” Honesty or dishonesty can become a habit.Some dishonest people can lie w8 a red face.Others lie so m9 that they do not even know what the truth is any more.But who is it bad for?In fact,those who lie will hurt t10 by their own dishonest behaviour

15、. 8.w9.m10.t,without,much,themselves,題型1,題型2,例3】 短文填空 (2018烏魯木齊中考) There once was a farmer who grew the best corn in his town. One day, his friend Scott asked him 1 he grew the best corn. The farmer told him that he often gave his good corn seeds(種子) to his 2. “3 do you give your good seeds to your

16、neighbors? They will compete 4 you!”Scott asked. 1.2.3. 4,how,neighbors,Why,with,題型1,題型2,Why?” the farmer laughed. “Dont you know? The wind picks up pollen(花粉) from the corn and 5 it from field to field. If my neighbors grow bad corn, the bad pollen will have bad influence on 6. My corn cannot impro

17、ve 7 my neighbors corn improves.” It is the same with our lives. Those 8 choose to live in peace must help their neighbors to live in peace. Those who choose to live well must help 9 to live well. And those who choose to be happy must help others to find 10, as the happiness of each has something to

18、 do with the happiness of all. 5.6. 7.8.9. 10,blows/spreads,mine,unless,who,others,happiness,題型1,題型2,例4】綜合填空 (2017西寧中考) 閱讀短文,從下面方框中選擇正確的單詞,并用其適當(dāng)形式完成下面的短文。 This summer,my family and my aunts family went to National Parks in Canada.We spent most of the time hiking(徒步,happyhandfollowloveonethinkfull,題型1,題型2,One day,we hiked to a popular hiki


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