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1、1,英語的基本句型,2,1. 主語 ( Subject ),表示句子說的是“什么人” 或 “什么事”。 通常由名詞、代詞、主語從句或doing短語等充當(dāng)。,例如: 1. My teacher hates telling lies. (指老師這個人) 2. Great changes have taken place in China in the past thirty years.所發(fā)生的事情 變化),3,2. 謂語 ( Predicate ),說明主語“做什么” “是什么” 或 “怎么樣”。 通常由動詞或動詞短語結(jié)合時態(tài)、語態(tài)、語氣等充當(dāng)。 要弄清兩個概念: 及物動詞:后面直接接賓語的動詞

2、; 不及物動詞:后面不能直接接賓語的動詞。,例如: 1. Children like playing games. 2. They were talking about a new film.,4,3. 賓語 ( Object ),常指及物動詞或介詞后面使之意思完整的詞或短語。 常由名詞、代詞、動詞不定式或doing短語等充當(dāng)。,例如: 1. She has finished doing the experiment. 2. We like English and are good at it.,5,4. 表語 ( Predicative ),與系動詞連用,一起構(gòu)成謂語,說明主語的性質(zhì)特征等。

3、 常由名詞、代詞、形容詞、數(shù)詞、短語或從句等充當(dāng)。 英語中常見的連系動詞有: look; sound; feel; seem等。,例如: 1. Her grandfather is an engineer. 2. The two countries were at war then. 3. The fact seems that he didnt notice the car.,6,5. 定語 ( Attributive ),常指修飾名詞的詞或短語。 常由形容詞、形容詞性物主代詞、名詞、數(shù)詞、副詞、 介詞短語、動詞不定式或分詞短語等充當(dāng)。,例如: 1. The black sweater is

4、 mine. 2. We have eight classes every day. 3. The coffee cup on the table is mine.,7,6. 狀語 ( Adverbial ),常指修飾動詞、形容詞或副詞的成分,修飾動詞時 表示動作發(fā)生的時間、地點、目的或方式等;修飾 形容詞或副詞時表示它們的程度等。狀語常由副詞、 介詞短語、動詞不定式或分詞短語等充當(dāng)。,例如:1. The miners work very hard. 2. She often helps Mike at school. 3. Hearing the news, he couldnt help

5、jumping.,8,7. 賓語補足語 ( Object Complement ),常指補充說明賓語的成分,邏輯上與賓語是“主謂” 關(guān)系。常由形容詞、名詞、介詞短語、動詞不定式 或分詞短語等充當(dāng)。,例如: 1. She keeps the house clean every day. 2. Nobody calls me a liar. 3. We last saw him playing on the playground.,9,五種基本句型,主語+不及物動詞 Everybody smiled. 2. 主語+及物動詞+賓語 He knows everything. 3. 主語+雙賓動詞+間接

6、賓語+直接賓語 I showed him my passport. 4. 主語+系動詞+表語 The boy looks healthy. 5. 主語+及物動詞+賓語+賓語補語 What made you angry?,祈使句的主語一般都省略掉,10,一 主語+不及物動詞,1.主語+不及物動詞 The sun is rising. It will snow. Can you fly?,2.主語+不及物動詞+狀語 Did you sleep well? She often dreams. You go first and I will follow behind.,11,3. 主語+不及物動詞+

7、副詞(構(gòu)成成語動詞) The engine broke down. How did the accident come about? The bomb blew up.,4.主語+不及物動詞(有被動意思) Is the book selling well? Does this cloth wash well?,12,二主語+及物動詞+賓語,1.主語+及物動詞+名詞(代詞) Do you know them? He loved ice-cream.,2. 主語+及物動詞+反身代詞 Now I will introduce myself. They blamed themselves for th

8、e accident.,13,3. 主語+及物動詞+不定式(做賓語) We cant afford to pay such a price. You must try to improve. He forgot which way to go. 4.主語+及物動詞+doing(做賓語) Would you mind waiting for a few minutes? I prefer standing. I propose resting for half an hour.,14,5.主語+及物動詞+從句 (做賓語) He claimed that he saw the accident.

9、I suggested (that) we (should) leave early. Do you see why I did it? She asked if she might call and see me. Ill do what I can. I dont remember when that happened.,15,三主語+雙賓動詞+間接賓語+直接賓語,1.主語+雙賓動詞+人+物 She gave me her telephone number. (to) Ill make you some fresh tea. (for) They bought him a new bike

10、. 2.主語+雙賓動詞+人+從句 I have warned him that it is not allowed. She showed me where her leg hurt. Tell me whatever you know about it.,16,間接賓語前需要加to 的常用動詞有: bring, give, hand, lend, offer, pass, pay, sell, send, show, teach, tell ,wish, read, write等。 間接賓語前需要加for 的常用動詞有: buy, make, order, paint, play(演奏),

11、choose, sing,等。,17,1.感官類:feel ,look, sound, taste, smell. 2.變化類:grow, become, turn, get, go 3.其他類:come true, fall ill , stay calm, keep fit, remain seated, stand still seem sad, appear rich, prove useful,四主語+系動詞+表語,18,1.主語+系動詞+形容詞 How are you? Im fine. He has fallen ill. They kept silent. 2.主語+系動詞+名

12、詞 His dream has at last become a reality. He appeared a fool. It sounds a good idea.,19,3.主語+系動詞+副詞 Is Helen in? Summer is over. The light is on. 4.主語+系動詞+介詞短語 You know what you are after. Keep off the grass. The students are in favour of reform. 5.主語+系動詞+不定式 His plan is to keep it secret. The only

13、thing now is to take a taxi.,20,6.主語+系動詞+doing My job is repairing cars. Talking to him is talking to a wall. His hobby is playing chess. 7.主語+系動詞+表語從句 My opinion is that the plan wont work. The question is what you want to do. Thats where we differ. Thats how I look at it. The problem is who can be

14、 put in charge.,21,8.主語+系動詞+形容詞+介詞短語 She is fond of this country. I was sick of lying in bed. They seem delighted with the result. 9.主語+系動詞+形容詞+不定式(原因狀語) Im happy to meet you. She was eager to see her people. 10.主語+系動詞+形容詞+賓語從句 Im glad you have come. Were not clear what theyre up to. I am not certai

15、n who he is. Hes doubtful whether he can afford it.,22,五.主語+及物動詞+賓語+賓補,1.主語+及物動詞+賓語+形容詞 I thought her so nice and sincere. They didnt believe such a thing possible. You must make the classroom clean. 2.主語+及物動詞+賓語+名詞 They called their daughter Mary. We elected Smith our chairman.,23,3.主語+及物動詞+賓語+介詞短語

16、 He put his books in order. This placed her in a very difficult position. She was placed in a very difficult position. 4.主語+及物動詞+賓語+副詞 She wished herself home. Dont leave me behind. 5.主語+及物動詞+賓語+不定式 What do you advise me to do? I wish you to be happy. The teachers encourage us to keep trying.,24,6.主

17、語+及物動詞+賓語+不帶to的不定式 We cant let this go on. Did you notice him come in? 7.主語+及物動詞+賓語+doing I saw her chatting with Nancy. I found a boy sleeping in class . You mustnt leave the lights burning. 8.主語+及物動詞+賓語+過去分詞 He had his hair cut yesterday. You must make yourself respected. You have to get the compu

18、ter repaired.,25,練習(xí):判斷下面的句子是哪種句型 Your sister dances beautifully. They proved that the earth was round. This food looks inviting. Doing that would be playing with fire.,主謂,主謂賓,主系表,主謂賓,26,5.They kept their room tidy and clean. 6.He played happily. 7.I advise waiting till tomorrow morning 8.Show me what you bought. 9.She never doubted that she was right. 10.Good food keeps you healthy.,主謂賓賓補,主謂,主謂賓,主謂雙賓,主謂賓,主謂賓賓補,27,11.T


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