初中英語說課稿《What does he look like》_第1頁
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1、初中英語說課稿What does he look like 下面是關(guān)于初中英語說課稿What does he look like說課稿范文,歡迎參考! Unit 7 What does he look like ? section A Good afternoon everyone ! Im very glad to interpret my lesson here today.The lesson plan Im going to talk about is from Book I Unit 7 What does he look like ?the first period. The la

2、nguage goal is: Describe peoples looks . and there are some new description words in it .My understanding of teaching materials include three parts 1)the first one from 1a to 1c . In this part ,help students learn the new words and language .try to describe people with them . (2)the second part from

3、 2a to 3 ,in this part mainly practice their listening and writing .(3) the last part is Grammar Focus , in this part Ill ask students to sum what they have learned in class and Explain some important things to them l In this unit students learn to describe people . and the main content of this less

4、on are the sentences : What does heshe look like ?What do youthey look like? the answers and some description words. l The ability aim is to describe peoples looks . l As a new lesson Ill use different kinds of methods to encourage the students to practice . Make them describe various people and be

5、interested in my class . There are eight steps in the lesson . Here are the steps . Step I Revision Show some pictures of people or other things to revise description words they have learned Like ld young beautiful ugly cute long and so on . Here are the pictures : Step II presentation First , Ill u

6、se some pictures to teach new words : Show some famous stars photos to teach new words . such as Yao Ming . He is tall . He has short hair . Here Ill introduce the new language : What does he look like ? He is _ . He has _ . and then let students ask and answer with the pictures, Then do 1a match th

7、e words with the pictures . finish1b, listen and fill in the blanks . Students read the conversation together . Step III pair work 1c: In this part point out the sample conversation . and ask students to make a new conversation imitate it . look at the picture on page 41, they describe one of them,a

8、nd other students find him or her . After this do Exercise 1 on paper . Step IV listening In this part well finish 2a and 2b . This activity provides guided listening and writing practice using the target language .first listen and circle the correct word, either is or has, When they hear it in the

9、conversation. and then point at the chart in 2b, listen and plete it . then finish Exercise 2 Step V Game Describe someone in the class . Ask your classmates to guess who he is describing then do Exercise II.Work in groups . and at last find which group has the most right answers and they are the ch

10、ampion . have a flag . Step VI Pair work and writing Describe Lilys new friend . plete the dialogue with words to describe Nancys looks . then write a new conversation imitate it Finish Exercise 3. Step VII Sum and Test Review the grammar box . Ask students to read the questions and answers . Point

11、out some important things : Im , theyre , hes and shes with description of height and build . Step VIII Homework . Write a short passage about your good friends ,mother , or father . i think using the target teaching method and the change of /picpetition may arise students interest . each student ca

12、n attend the teaching steps . and try to describe various people .improve their abilities . At last is my blackboard designment : What does he look like ? Words : Hes tall. Short hair He has short hair . curly hair medium build thinmedium height Thats all for my presentation. Thank you for your atte

13、ntion. Exercises : 1. 完成對話: A: Do you know my good friend Linda ? B: Linda ? What _ she look _ ? A: Shes _ _ (中等身材), shes very _ (瘦)。 B: What about her hair ? A: Oh, she has long and _ (卷曲的)hair . She has a round face with _ _ (大眼) and a small mouth. B: What about her clothes ? A: Well, she often _

14、(穿) a red dress . 2.看圖寫句,你能描述下列圖畫中的人物嗎? 1. She is _. She has _. 2. He is _. He has _. He likes _. 3. She is _. She has _. She wears _. 3.補(bǔ)全對話: A: So you _ my sister ? B: What _ she look like ? A: She _ medium height. And she _ short hair . B: Is _ thin ? A: No, she isnt , And she always _ glasses .

15、B: Does she _ curly blonde hair ? A: Yes, she does. B: Oh. I know _ ! Test 單項選擇: 1. _ doesn your father look like ? A. How B. What C. Who D. Where 2. He always _ black shoes . A. wear B. put on C. puts on D. wears 3. - What does old Henry _ ? - Hes sad. A. look like B. looks like C. look for D. look at 4. He _ tall and he _ a medium build. A. is, is


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