2020小升初英語(yǔ)作文預(yù)測(cè) 我的家庭_第1頁(yè)
2020小升初英語(yǔ)作文預(yù)測(cè) 我的家庭_第2頁(yè)
2020小升初英語(yǔ)作文預(yù)測(cè) 我的家庭_第3頁(yè)




1、2020小升初英語(yǔ)作文預(yù)測(cè) 我的家庭 You have been to my home? Know my house? Want to know, that is just e with me. My home located in a building in five mountains park to suck avenue, fifth floor, is about more than 140 square, 3 rooms 2 hall two toilet, a kitchen. Big enough. However, a few people live there, much

2、a few minutes cold and cheerless. My family like an army, mother is mander, father is an officer, my sister and I are poor batman, allow to dominate. At ordinary times, all is mother mand to dad, dad shouted push my sister and I go to do all kinds of things. Although very reluctant, but under the si

3、tuation of persevering, we can only work hard. Sometimes, my sister and I are have a good time, father was to do a heavy work, is the last straw, no longer endure, we began a peasant uprising. Dont down a few times, is dad that hard long rod laid the table. Sometimes, my sister and I are good scar f

4、orget pain, again more, win the brief. Do not believe, you see, we the aidental cocky manner, enough to keep the stranger. We had a few days later also fortable day emperor, morale, momentum slowly fade, rebel forces also gradually weaken, down a peg or two was dad three times five divided by two, c

5、ut down. Alas, when batman this days. See yet? This is my family. What do you think? In a word, I feel not good, not good. 你們到過(guò)我家嗎?知道我家怎么樣呢?想要知道,那就快跟我來(lái)吧。 我家位于黔北大道五峰公園的一幢樓里,第五層,面積大約是140多個(gè)平方,三室二廳二廁一廚。夠大的吧。不過(guò),人一少,住在那兒,倒多了幾分冷清。 我的家庭好似一個(gè)部隊(duì),媽媽是司令,爸爸是軍官,我和妹妹卻是可憐的小兵,任人支配。平時(shí),都是媽媽傳令給爸爸,爸爸就吆喝著催我和妹妹去做各種各樣的事。雖然很不情愿,但在“敵強(qiáng)我弱”的形勢(shì)下,我倆也只能任勞任怨了。有時(shí)候,我和妹妹正玩得高興,又被爸爸叫去做“重活”,實(shí)在是“忍無(wú)可忍,無(wú)需再忍”,我倆開始了“農(nóng)民大起義”??蓻](méi)威風(fēng)幾下,就被爸爸那硬邦邦的長(zhǎng)棍子打下了臺(tái)。有的時(shí)候,我和妹妹是“好了傷疤忘了痛”,又開始了“大反撲”,贏得了短暫的勝利。不信,你瞧,我倆那偶然的趾高氣揚(yáng)的神態(tài),足以將陌生人拒之千里。我倆居然還過(guò)了幾天舒服的皇帝日子,斗志、氣勢(shì)也漸漸消


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