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1、.word 完美格式.2018 年南京市中考英語試題注意事項:1. 本試卷共 8 頁。全卷滿分 90 分??荚嚂r間為 90 分鐘。試題包含選擇題和非選擇題??忌痤}全部答在答題卡上,答在本試卷上無效。2. 請認真核對監(jiān)考教師在答題卡上所粘貼條形碼的姓名、考試證號是否與本人相符合, 再自己的姓名、考試證號用 05 毫米黑色墨水簽字筆填寫在答題卡及本試卷上。3. 答選擇題必須用 2b 鉛筆將答題卡上對應的答案標號涂黑。如需改動,請用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案。答非選擇題必須用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水簽字筆寫在答題卡的指定位置, 在其他位置答題一律無效。選擇題(共 40 分)一、單項填空(共 15

2、小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)請認真閱讀下列各題,從題中所給的 a、b、c、d 四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上。1. -look at the text in the notice. what does it say?-the students who do not sign up before friday lunchtime.a. will have to work at lunchtime next fridayb. will have to work in the afternoon next weekc. wont be able to do afternoon ac

3、tivities next fridayd. wont be able to choose their afternoon activities next week2. neil armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon20july1969.a. inb. onc. atd. for3. -is it from the childrens palace to nanjing south railway station,tom?- about 10 minutes ride by busa. how soonb. how longc. how

4、 fard. how much4. the schools in qinhuai district will develop the museum courses suitable for children duringschool time.專業(yè)知識編輯整理.a. theyb. theirc. themd. theirs5. “reading pavilion”, which entered luhe library this spring, has made it for the citizens to experience the pleasure of reading than bef

5、ore.a. easyb. easierc. easilyd. more easily6. some people enjoyout their messages in bottles when they travel onthe sea.a. to sendb. sendc. sendingd. sent7. -simon, do you know who invented the kite?-sure! itby mozi over 2,000 years ago.a. is inventedb. inventedc. was inventedd. will be invented8. m

6、exican and tex-mex foods were popular in the usa,now chinese foodhas more fans.a. becauseb. butc. sod. unless9. -weto yun brocade museum with the exchange students this comingsummer holiday.-thats amazing!a. wentb. goc. have goned. will go10. before you start reading, ask yourselfyou are reading thi

7、s book. mostpeople read for two main reasons, pleasure or knowledge.a. wyb. whatc. whered. when 11.- do you have this t-shirt in a small?-im afraid not. it only comes in medium.a. sizeb. colourc. materiald. taste12. milliemissed the train this afternoon. it started to leave rightafter she got on it.

8、a. almostb. alreadyc. reallyd. seldom13. -amazingly, ive managed to finish the project by myself.-i told you it was easya. with pleasure.b. guess what?c. there you are!d. it doesntmatter14. which of the following sentences has an object clause?a. his mother called him robbie when he was a babyb. on

9、mars you might see people who wear special bootsc. mr. green tells us that wed better use the internet properlyd. our life has improved because the environment is getting better.15. read the following sentences. there are lots of excellent sights in nanjing. have you ever been to any of them? the un

10、derlined part is to.a. make a statementb. ask a questionc. give an instructiond. give an exclamation二、完形填空(共 10 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 10 分)請認真閱讀下列短文,從短文后各題所給的 a、b、c、d 四個選項中,選出最佳選項, 并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。he was pleased to learn that chibi knew all the places where the wildgrapes and wild potatoes grew. he was amazed t

11、o 16 how muchchibi knew about all the flowers in our class garden. he liked chibis black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be 17 .he liked chibis own handwriting, which no one but chibi could read, and he put that up on the wall.but, when chibi appeared on the stage at the talent sho

12、w of that year, no one could 18hiseyes.“ who is that?”“ what can that stupid do up there?”until mr isobe announced that chibi was going to imitate(模仿)the voices ofcrows. “ voices?”“ voices of crows?” 19he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows. and he made themother crows voice. he showed how cr

13、ows cry early in the morning. he showed how crows cry when the village people have some unhappy accident. he showed howcrows20when they are happy and cheerful. everybodys mind was taken tothe 21mountainside from which chibi probably came to school.chibi made very special22deep down in his throat(喉嚨)

14、to imitate acrow in an old treein the end. now everybody could imagine 23the far and lonely place wherechibi lived with his family.then mr isobe explained 24 chibi had learned those calls-leaving hishome for school at sunrise, and arriving home at sunset, every day for six long years.every one of us

15、 cried, thinking how much we had been 25 to chibi allthose long years.he was a boy beyond our usual imagination!16. a. complainb. countc. findd. refuse17. a. admiredb. printedc. punishedd. avoided18. a. checkb. hurtc. opend. believe19. a. laterb. nextc. lastd. first20. a. jumpb. callc. flyd. dance21

16、. a. farb. crowdedc. neard. modern22. a. scriptsb. reportsc. speechesd. sounds23. a.hardlyb.happilyc.exactlyd.peacefully24. a. whatb. howc.whetherd. who25. a. wrongb.kindc.honestd.generous三、閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題 1分,滿分15分請認真閱讀下列材料,從材料后各題所給的 a、b、c、d 四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。there are over 20,000 animals at c

17、hester zoo. all are flying, jumping and playing happily in 125 acres of wonderful gardenslantern magica relaxed and unforgettable night timejourney through the zoo with festive characters and giant animal lanterns to light your waywww.chester zoo. org/christmastalking animalsfind out more about our

18、20,000 animals by joining one of our daily animal talks in the zoo. plan your day using our app.v/talks.stay overtreat the family and stay over in one of chester and cheshires many hotels. visit www.chesterzoo. org/hotels and make great savings on hotel &zoo ticket package deal

19、s!membership& adoptionsyou can support us and our animals by becoming a member or adopting an animal. by .26. if you want to know more about animals when you visit the zoo, you can .a. have a night time journeyb. become a member of the z00c. stay in one of chester a

20、nd cheshires hotelsd. join one of the daily animal talks in the zoo27. which can help you if you want to spend a night in a hotel in chester?a. lantern magic.b. stay overc. talking animalsd. membership and adoptions28. you can buy your membership ata. b./hotels c.

21、/talksd./christmasbthere are almost as many ways to write as there are kinds of texts. some writers cannot produce a word unless they are poised behind a desk, while others prefer to write sitting outdoors or in noisy restaurants. some writers create an entire wor

22、k before going back to read what they have written, while others may rewrite a single paragraph many times before moving on. individual writers techniques may be different, but successful writers do have one thing in common: the writing process( 步 驟 ). the writing process is made up of fourstages, a

23、nd each stage involves certain activities. the chart below summarizes what happens during each stage of the writing process.what you do during the writing processprewritingchoose your topicidentify your purpose and audience, and select a writing form appropriate tohat purpose and audiencegenerate id

24、eas and gather information about the topicbegin to organize the in formationdecide the main point you want to expresswritinga draft(草稿)catch your readers attention in the introductionprovide background information.state your main points. your support, and your elaboration of themfollow a plan of org

25、anization.wrap up with a conclusion.revising(修改)evaluate your draftrevise the draft to improve its content, organization, and style.publishingproofread, or edit your final draft.publishing o publish, or share your readers.finishedwritingwithreflect on your writing experience29. what do successful wr

26、iters have in common?a. they have the writing processb. they like to read what they have writtenc. they write outdoors or in noisy restaurantsd. they rewrite a single paragraph many times30. when you write a draft, you shoulda. choose your writing topicb. get your readers attention in the introducti

27、onc. publish or share your finished writing with readersd. revise the draft to improve its content, organization and style31. what is the best title of the passage?a. writing pointsb. writing waysc. writing as a processd. writing with materialscbeijing opera is the most representative of all chinese

28、 traditional dramatic art forms and the largest chinese opera form. having a history of about 200 years, it is developed from absorbing(吸收)many other dramatic forms,mostly from the local drama huiban, which was popular insouth china during the 18th century. it is a scenic(戲劇的)art integratingmusic, p

29、erformance, literature, aria, and face painting.theatrical art forms in many other countries do not present singing, dancing and spoken parts in one single drama. an opera singer, for example, neither dances nor speaks on stage; there are no singing or dancing parts in a modern play; in a dance dram

30、a, the dancer has no speaking role and does not sing either. traditional chinese drama, including beijing opera, is a kind of entertainment which includes spoken parts, singing, dancing and acrobaticsin addition to its presence in china, beijing opera has spread to many otherplaces. mer lanfang, one

31、 of the most famous performers(表演者)of all time, was the first to introduce beijing opera to foreigners and made highly successful tours to foreign countries.“you will be puzzled(困惑)all the way through and a little bored from timeto time; but you will be charmed and interested. you will be strongly a

32、ttracted to beijing opera even if you know nothing of the dramatic background. this is how one american traveller described his firs experience in watching beijing opera.beijing opera is chinas national opera and it is full of chinese cultural traditions. welcome to china and enjoy beijing opera!32.

33、 what makes beijing opera different from theatrical art forms in many other countries?a. it has one opera singer on stage.b. it has one dancer who has no speaking role.c. it has already spread to many other countries.d. it includes spoken parts, singing dancing and acrobatics.33. people think mei la

34、nfang played an important role in the spread of beijing opera because.a. he made many tours o a foreign countryb. he was a famous beijing opera performerc. he was the first to introduce beijing opera to foreignersd. he made beijing opera different from other theatrical art forms.34. from paragraph 4

35、 we know that the american traveler .a. felt bored all the wayb. thought highly of beijing operac. found beijing opera interesting at firstd. knew the background of beijing opera35. what does the underlined word “it” mean in the passage?a. beijing operab. local dramac. an opera singerd. amodern play

36、dthere was a kingdom long, long ago. it was ruled by king who loved riddles. once a year the king made a new riddle. he gave a prize to the person who could solve the riddle.there was a baker who also lived in this kingdom. everyone agreed that he baked the finest breads. the baker had almost everyt

37、hing he needed except for a horse. if the baker had a horse, he could sell his fine breads from one end of the kingdom to the other.one year the king made a new riddle that puzzled everyone. i will give a prize to the personwho can solve my riddle, the king said. whoever wins will have the pick of o

38、ne of my strongesthorses. he then drew a line down the middle of the courtyard make this line shorter without erasing(清除) any part of it,” the king challenged.people came from far and wide. they looked at the line and squinted at it.they even put theirnoses to the ground and scratched their heads.ho

39、w can you make a line shorter without erasing any part of it?” the people in the crowd asked each other. some of them tried. the dressmaker kicked dirt( 泥 土 )over the line to hide it. the farmer poured water over the line tomake it disappear. none of these efforts worked, and the people went home di

40、sappointed. everyone was puzzled about how to solve this new riddle.a week passed, and nobody had any new ideas. then one day the baker came into the courtyard with a bag of flour(面粉).your majesty, the baker said to the king, i can make your line shorter without erasing any part of it. then the bake

41、r opened his bag of flour. he poured out a line of flour right next to the kings line. the line the bakermade was longer than the kings line.now, good king, the baker smiled, your line is shorter.the people were amazed. the king laughed and clapped his hands. you have won the prize. i will give you

42、a horse of your choice.the baker was excited. now he could sell his breads from one end of the kingdom to the other.36. what was the bakers problem at the beginning of the story?a. he couldnt make fine breadsb. he needed money to open more storesc. he didnt have enough flour to make more breadsd. he

43、 had difficulty selling breads all over the kingdom37. the dressmaker and the farmer failed because they botha. tried to erase the lineb. poured water over the linec. kicked dirt over the lined. put their noses to the ground38. the baker smiled because.a. he was glad to see he kingb. he wanted to ma

44、ke the king happyc. he felt sure that he solved the riddled. he sold a lot of breads to the villagers39. this story shows that the king liked.a. to be richb. to train horsesc. to eat breadsd. to havefun40. who tells this story?a. the kingb. the farmer and the dressmakerc. the bakerd. someone who is

45、not a character in the story非選擇題(共 50 分)四、填空(共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)a) 請根據(jù)括號中所給的漢語寫出單詞,使句子意思完整正確,并將答案填寫在答題卡標號為 41-45 的相應橫線上。41. simon,(推) hard when i tell you to.42. whats the (日期) today, millie?-its 17 june. oh, tomorrow is dragon boat festival.43. students can ask for help (無論何時) they need it at

46、school.44. lin tao was(勇敢的) enough to save his neighbour from a fire.45. look, our library is(東)of the classroom building. it looks modern.b) 請根據(jù)句子意思,用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空,并將答案填寫在答題卡標號為4650 的相應橫線上。46. -its raining again!-yeah, this is the(four) rainy day in the week!47. you watch tv all the time. you shou

47、ld( go) out and relax!48. we are going to paris next week. its a good chance to try some(france) dishes.49. shi yuqi, a badminton(play) from jiangsu, helped china win the2018 thomas cup50. thanks for all the( member) hard work! more and more people havelearned how tokeep kids from danger now.wherean

48、sweringcompletelycame downtheyc) 請根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從下列方框中選擇適當?shù)膯卧~或短語填空,使對話內(nèi)容完整正確,并將答案填寫在答題卡標號為 51-55 的相應橫線上。a: hello, im barry lai, a reporter with tv news. would you mind 51 a fewquestions aboutthe events of this afternoon? b: not at alla: all right then. 52were you when the birds landed?b: i was shopping in

49、central.a: how many birds do you think there were?b: id say there were about 1,000 birds in all. a: can you tell me what 53 looked like?b: they were small brown and green birds.a: and what did they do, exactly?b: well, they 54 and landed in statue square. they stayed there for about 15minutes before

50、 flying off again. a: how did people react?b: oh, everyone was amazed. traffic stopped 55and the police had to becalled.a: ok. thanks very much for talking to me.五、閱讀填空(共 20 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 20 分)a) 請認真閱讀下列短文,并根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容在文章后表格中第 56-65 小題的空格里填入一個最恰當?shù)膯卧~。注意:每個空格只填 1 個單詞。請將答案填寫在答題卡標號為 56-65 的相應橫線上。claudemonets

51、 paintings were quite different from the art styles that werepopular in the 1870s france. traditional artists always did their artwork in a studio and their paintings were realistic-they looked exactly like the real world. claude monet was part of a group of painters who were calledimpressionists(印象

52、派畫家). their paintings were light and a bit fuzzy-theygave an impression of what the real world looked like. sometimes impressionists worked outside, which was a very unusual thought in their time. impressionism received its name from an early painting by claude monet titled impression, sunrise.knowi

53、ng that trains were interesting subjects and represented modern progress, claude monetcrated a series of impressionist paintings of trains from january to march of 1877. he worked onhis paintings right on the train platform at the gare saint-lazare, the train station on saint lazarestreet. although

54、there were many train stations in paris, this was the first train station built in paris so it had historical significance(意義).monets friend, impressionist painter pierre auguste renoir, told thefollowing story to his sons about claude monet and painting the trains. monetneeded permission(允許)to spen

55、d timeo on the sonsmonets friend, impressionist painter pierre auguste renoir, told the following story to his sons about claude monet and painting the train platform and paint what he saw in his impressionistic ( 允 許 )to spend time on the train platformand paint what he saw in his impressionistic style. one day monet dressed himself in his very best suit along with a fine top hat, a good linen shirt and a silk tie. he appeared to be a wealthy gentleman while he really was a poor painter.when


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