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1、 . keep 1.NOT CHANGE 不改變linking verb,連系動詞, T to(使)保持,(使)處于 keep (sb/sth) warm/safe/dry etc?We huddled around the fire to keep warm. 我們擠在火堆邊取暖。 keep calm/awake/sane etc?I was struggling to keep awake. 我努力不讓自己睡著。 keep sth clean/tidy?Keep your room tidy. 保持房間整潔。 keep sb busy/amused/occupied?some toys t

2、o keep the kids amused 一些供孩子消遣的玩具 ?You wont be able to keep it secret for ever. 你不可能永遠(yuǎn)保密下去。 ?Peter cycles to work to keep fit. 為了保持健康,彼得騎自行車上班。 ?Dont keep us in suspense any longer! 別再讓我們心里懸著了! keep (sb/sth) away/back/off/out etc?The police put up barriers to keep the crowds back. 警方設(shè)置了障礙物來擋住人群。?If

3、I were you, Id keep away from that area at night. 要是我的話,晚上就不會去那個地區(qū)。?a sign saying Danger: Keep out 寫著“危險,請勿靠近”字樣的告示牌?The little boy kept close to his mother. 那個小男孩總黏著他媽媽。 keep (sb) out of sth?Keep him out of trouble. 別讓他闖禍。 ?You keep out of this, Mother (= do not get involved ). Its no concern of yo

4、urs. 媽媽,這事你別摻和。不關(guān)你的事。 ?How can I cut your hair if you wont keep still! 你老是動來動去的,叫我怎么給你剪頭發(fā)! keep left/right (=stay to the left or right of a path or road as you move)靠左側(cè)/右側(cè)行走 keep sb/sth doing sth?Jane kept the engine running. 簡讓引擎保持運轉(zhuǎn)。 2.繼續(xù);重復(fù)keep (on) doing sth ?I keep thinking about Joe, all alone

5、 in that place. 我老是想到喬,他獨自一人在那種地方。 ?I keep telling you, but you wont listen! 我一再跟你說,但你就是不肯聽! ?She pretended not to hear, and kept on walking. 她假裝沒聽見,繼續(xù)往前走。 3.保留,留下,留著?You can keep it. I dont need it any more. 你留著吧,我不需要了。 4.保留,留著 ?We decided to keep our old car instead of selling it. 我們決定留著我們的舊汽車不賣。

6、?I kept his letters for years. 我把他的信保留了許多年。 ?In spite of everything, Robyns managed to keep her sense of humor. 盡管發(fā)生了這一切,蘿賓還是努力保持了她的幽默感。 5.存放,儲存 ?Where do you keep your teabags? 你把茶包放哪兒啦? ?George kept a bottle of whiskey under his bed. 喬治在床底下放了一瓶威士忌。 6.監(jiān)禁,關(guān)押,拘留尤在監(jiān)獄或醫(yī)院里 ?He was kept in prison for a w

7、eek without charge. 他被關(guān)押了一個星期,但沒被起訴。 7.耽擱,延誤 ?He should be here by now. Whats keeping him? 他現(xiàn)在本該到這兒了,什么事把他耽擱了? 6 / 1 . 8.遵守,篤守,恪守 ?patients who fail to keep their appointments 未能如約來就診的病人 keep your word/promise ?How do I know youll keep your word? 我怎么知道你會說話算話? 9.keep a secret保守秘密?Can I trust you to k

8、eep a secret? 我能相信你會保守秘密嗎? 10.keep sth quiet/keep quiet (about sth)別把某事說出去/(對某事)保密 11.keep a record/account/diary etc定期記錄/記賬/寫日記等 12.keep going(使某人)堅持活下去,(使某人)盡力維持下去 ?That womans been through such a lot I dont know how she keeps going. 那女人經(jīng)歷了這么多磨難,我不知道她是怎么堅持下來的。 if you keep a business, institution,

9、regular event etc going, you keep it open or make it continue to happen 使(某事物)繼續(xù)下去 ?The library costs 5 million a year to run, and the council cant afford to keep it going. 這家圖書館每年經(jīng)費達500萬英鎊,市政會無力維持。 to continue doing something difficult 堅持做困難的事?Persevere and keep going until you reach your ideal wei

10、ght. 咬緊牙關(guān)堅持下去,直至達到你的理想體重為止。 if something keeps you going, it is enough to satisfy your need while you are waiting to get something bigger or better 使某人支撐下去?Ill have a biscuit to keep me going until dinner time. 我要吃一塊餅干,好支撐到正餐時間。 13.保鮮,保持不壞 ?Eat the salmon because it wont keep till tomorrow. 把三文魚吃了吧,

11、擱不到明天的。 14.飼養(yǎng)?We keep chickens and a couple of pigs. 我們養(yǎng)了一些雞和幾頭豬。 15.保留,留下?Will you keep a seat for me? 你能否給我留個座位? 16.keep sb waiting讓某人等候 ?Sorry to keep you waiting I got stuck in a meeting. 很抱歉讓你久等了,我剛開會脫不了身。 17.keep guard/watch守護/監(jiān)視 18.T old-fashioned to own a small business and work in it開設(shè),經(jīng)營小商

12、店 19.供養(yǎng),撫養(yǎng),養(yǎng)活?He did not earn enough to keep a wife and children. 他賺的錢不夠養(yǎng)活妻兒。 6 / 2 . keep sb in sth?Theres enough money there to keep you in champagne for a year! 那些錢夠你喝上一年的香檳! 20.護衛(wèi),保護?The Lord bless you and keep you. 上帝賜福于你并保佑你。 21.keep goal/wicket守門/防守三柱門 goalkeeper wicket keeper SPOKEN PHRASES

13、口語短語 1.keep quiet請安靜,別說話 ?Keep quiet! Im trying to watch the game. 安靜!我要看比賽。 are you keeping?過得如何?過得怎么樣? ?Hi, Mark! How are you keeping? Oh, not so bad. “嗨,馬克!你怎么樣?”“噢,馬馬虎虎?!?3.keep your hair/shirt on!保持冷靜! 耐心點! can keep sth由某人去做某事表示你對某事不感興趣 ?She can keep her wild parties and posh friends

14、 I like the quiet life. 隨她去參加各種狂野派對、交富貴朋友吧,我喜歡過安靜的生活。 5.itll keep以后告訴你;以后再做 ?I dont have time to listen now. Dont worry, itll keep? “我現(xiàn)在沒時間聽?!薄皠e擔(dān)心,以后再告訴你。” PHRVB 短語動詞 keep at sth 1.堅持干,繼續(xù)苦干 ?I know its hard, but keep at it! Dont give up! 我知道這不容易,但要堅持下去!別放棄! 2.強迫某人繼續(xù)苦干某事 keep back 1.隱瞞某事?I got the fe

15、eling he was keeping something back. 我感覺他隱瞞著一些事情。 2.抑制,控制情感?She was struggling to keep back the tears. 她在強忍淚水。 3.阻止妨礙某人發(fā)展進步?Fear and stereotypes have kept women back for centuries. 恐懼和陳規(guī)已經(jīng)束縛了女性數(shù)百年。 4.保留扣留某物?They kept back some of his wages to pay for the damage. 他們扣下了他的一部分工資來賠償損失。 keep sb/sth down 1

16、.控制限制增長?We need to keep costs down. 我們需要控制成本。 2.使不吐出,使不嘔吐?I could hardly keep anything down for about three days. 大概有三天時間,我?guī)缀跏浅允裁赐率裁础?6 / 3 . 3.使安靜點,使輕聲點 ?Keep your voice down shell hear you! 小點聲,她會聽到的! ?Can you keep it down Im trying to work. 你能不能安靜一點,我要工作。 4.壓制,控制?Plantation owners kept slaves dow

17、n by refusing them an education. 種植園主不讓奴隸受教育,以此來控制他們。 keep from 1.不讓(某人)做某事;不讓(某事)發(fā)生 keep sb from (doing) sth ?His ex-wife had kept him from seeing his children.,I hope I havent kept you from your work.他的前妻不讓他看孩子。,希望我沒有妨礙你工作。 keep sth from doing sth ?Put the pizza in the bottom of the oven to keep t

18、he cheese from burning.把比薩餅放在烤箱底部,以免奶酪烤煳。 keep (yourself) from doing sth ?The play was so boring, I could hardly keep myself from falling asleep.這出戲太乏味了,我差點睡著。 2.不讓某人知道某事,對某人隱瞞某事?The government had wanted to keep this information from the public. 政府本想對公眾隱瞞這一消息。 keep sb in 1.讓某人留院?They kept her in ov

19、ernight for observation. 他們讓她留院觀察一夜。 2.使某人留在屋里;尤指罰某人課后留校 keep in with sb 1.與某人友好相處尤因這樣做對自己有利 ?Its a good idea to keep in with the boss. 與老板維持良好關(guān)系是個好主意。 keep off 1.使不碰到;使避開 ?She held an old piece of cloth over them both to keep the rain off. 她拿著一塊舊布蓋在他倆身上擋雨。 keep sth off sth ?How are we going to keep

20、 the flies off this food?我們怎樣才能不讓蒼蠅飛到食物上去? 2.keep your hands off sb/sth used to tell someone not to touch someone or something 別碰某人/某物?Keep your hands off me! 別碰我! 3.keep (sb) off sth to not eat, drink, or take something that is bad for you, or to stop someone else from eating, drinking, or taking i

21、t(使某人)不去吃喝,服用有害的東西 ?Keep off fatty foods. 不吃高脂食物。 4.keep off sth to avoid talking about a particular subject, especially so that you do not upset someone避開某一話題以免激怒別人 5.keep sth off if you keep weight off, you do not get heavier again after you have lost weight 減肥后使體重保持穩(wěn)定 6.if rain keeps off, it does

22、 not fall雨未下 6 / 4 . keep on 1.繼續(xù);反復(fù)做 ?You just have to keep on trying. 你只得繼續(xù)努力。 2.keep sb on to continue to employ someone, especially for longer than you had planned 繼續(xù)雇用某人,留用某人尤指比原定時間長 ?If youre good, they might keep you on after Christmas. 你如果表現(xiàn)不錯,圣誕節(jié)后他們或許還會接著用你。 3.嘮叨,糾纏不休?Theres no need tokeep

23、on and onabout it!沒必要對這件事糾纏不休! keep to sth 1.不離開某一道路、方向、地方等?Its best to keep to the paths. 最好沿著小路走。 2.遵守,遵從?Keep to the speed limits. 遵守限速規(guī)定。 3.緊扣要點/主題等 4.keep sth to sth to prevent an amount, degree, or level from becoming higher than it should 把某物限定在某一數(shù)量、程度或水平上?Costs must be kept to a minimum. 成本必

24、須降到最低。 5.對某事保密,絕口不提某事 ?Id appreciate it if you kept it to yourself. 如果你能對此事保密,我不勝感激。 6.離群索居,不與人來往 keep up 1.將某事繼續(xù)堅持下去 ?I dont think I can keep this up any longer. 我覺得我再也無法堅持下去了。 keep up the good work! 2.情況持續(xù),保持 ?How long can the economic boom keep up? 經(jīng)濟繁榮能持續(xù)多久? 3.跟上,并駕齊驅(qū) ?I had to walk fast to keep

25、 up with him.我要快走才能跟上他。 4.跟上,保持同步 ?Jacks having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.杰克很難跟上班里的其他同學(xué)。 5. 跟上,持續(xù)了解 ?Employees need to keep up with the latest technical developments.員工需要跟上最新的技術(shù)發(fā)展。 6.繼續(xù)保持維持某事物 ?NATO kept up the pressure on the Serbs to get out of Kosovo. 北約繼續(xù)對塞爾維亞人施加壓力,敦促他們撤出科索沃。 7.跟上,與同步 ?Food production is not keeping up with population growth


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