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1、外貿(mào)函電,Fundamentals of Writing English Business Letters英文商務(wù)信函寫作的基本知識(shí),1.1 Introduction(簡介,目的:掌握商務(wù)信函的寫作要求、寫作原則、以及信封和信函的基本構(gòu)成和行文要求,1.2 Requirements for Business Letter Writers(商務(wù)信函的寫作要求,要寫就一封成功的商務(wù)信函,需要起草人具備以下條件: (1)精通英語(Good command of English) (2)通曉外貿(mào)理論和實(shí)務(wù)(Knowledge of business theory and practice) (3)通曉

2、術(shù)語(Knowledge of technical terms) (4)通曉人的心理(Knowledge of psychology) (5)熟悉推銷藝術(shù)(Skills in salesmanship,1.3 Seven Guidelines of Writing English Business Letters(英文商務(wù)信函寫作七原則,7C原則”,即清楚、簡潔、正確、具體、禮貌、體諒和完整。 1. 清楚(Clarity) 商務(wù)信函應(yīng)使讀者一目了然,沒有艱澀難懂或產(chǎn)生誤會(huì)之處,2. 簡潔(Conciseness) 言簡意賅地表達(dá)所需表達(dá)的意思,同時(shí)又無損于書信的完整和禮貌。 3. 正確(Cor

3、rectness) 正確的商務(wù)信函不僅表現(xiàn)為語法恰當(dāng),標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)和詞匯拼寫正確,還要求敘述正確、提供的事實(shí)和數(shù)字無誤、寫作格式規(guī)范、技巧運(yùn)用恰當(dāng)以及商業(yè)術(shù)語正確,4. 具體(Concreteness) 商務(wù)信函必須避免采用模糊、大概和抽象的詞語和語句,應(yīng)盡量運(yùn)用具體的事實(shí)和數(shù)字,一般使用主動(dòng)語態(tài)來陳述內(nèi)容。 5. 禮貌(Courtesy) 在商務(wù)信函的寫作過程中,及時(shí)是禮貌之首。此外,應(yīng)避免使用可能激怒、傷害對(duì)方的言辭或語氣,語調(diào)上要盡可能站在客戶的立場(chǎng)上做到互惠互利,6. 體諒(Consideration) 發(fā)信人應(yīng)盡可能從收信人的立場(chǎng)來考慮問題,在分析對(duì)方會(huì)如何理解信息的基礎(chǔ)上,提供其所需要

4、的信息。 7. 完整(Completeness) 商務(wù)信函必須力求完整,要包括寫信人希望收信人做出積極反應(yīng)的一切情況,或是回答來信所提出的全部問題和要求,1.4 Addressing Envelopes(信封的寫法,在寄往國外信函的信封上,收信人和收信人地址以及寄信人和寄信人地址的書寫位置,都不同于國內(nèi)信封的寫法,見圖1-1,圖1-1 寄往國外信函的信封寫法,General Trading Co. 28 North Road Beijing 100020 P. R. China Overseas Trading Co. 52 Hooigracht Street Amsterdam, the N

5、etherlands,注意事項(xiàng),1)寄信人姓名和地址應(yīng)寫在信封的左上角,且務(wù)必與封內(nèi)地址在形式和標(biāo)點(diǎn)上一致。 (2)收信人姓名和地址寫在信封中下偏右的位置,收信人的姓名和國名須分行書寫,3)寄信人和收信人的姓名和地址的書寫順序是:先寫姓名后寫地址。地址的書寫應(yīng)由小至大,先寫機(jī)構(gòu)名稱,再依次寫門牌、街道、城市、州/省及郵政編碼,最后書寫國名。 (4)關(guān)于信件類別、投遞方式及其他事項(xiàng)說明,寫在信封左邊寄信人地址下,或?qū)懺谧笙陆?。如懷疑信件能否送交收信人,可在信封最下邊?biāo)明:IF UNDELIVERED PLEASE RETURN TO XXX,即:如無法投遞,請(qǐng)退交XXX,1.5 Parts of

6、 English Business Letters(英文商務(wù)信函的組成部分,1. 信頭(Letter head) 信頭也稱為信箋抬頭,由寄信人公司名稱、地址、電話號(hào)碼、E-mail地址和傳真構(gòu)成。信頭通常位于信紙的最上端,2. 日期(Date) 日期頂邊寫在信紙的左邊或右邊,距離信頭三到四行。 注意事項(xiàng): (1)年份必須全部寫出。 (2)月份最好用英文全拼,不提倡用縮略式。 (3)日期可以用序數(shù)詞或基數(shù)詞。 (4)年份前要加逗號(hào)。 (5)日期切忌全部用數(shù)字表示,3. 信函編號(hào)(Reference number) 給信函編號(hào)是為了便于往來書信的存擋和查閱,一般采用Your Ref.(你方編號(hào))或

7、Our Ref.(我方編號(hào))。信函編號(hào)通常放在日期的上方或與日期平齊靠左的位置,打上如下字樣: Your Ref.: Our Ref.,4. 信內(nèi)地址(Inside address) 信內(nèi)地址包括收信人的姓名、頭銜、單位名稱、營業(yè)地址以及城市、國家名稱和郵政編碼。收信人的姓名和地址應(yīng)和信封上的內(nèi)容相同。信內(nèi)地址一般在信紙左上角低于日期的地方。書寫順序是由小單位到大單位。每項(xiàng)內(nèi)容單獨(dú)成行: Mr. Francis Lawrence Vice President Swinton Co. 87 Unico Avenue Toronto, ST 9878 Canada,5. 稱呼(Salutation

8、) 稱呼寫在信內(nèi)地址下面空兩行處。 常見的正式稱呼有:Dear Mr. Smith,Dear Mrs. Smith,Dear Miss Brown,Dear Ms. White。 如果稱呼多個(gè)男性,則在姓名前用Mr.的復(fù)數(shù)形式Messrs。Mrs.沒有復(fù)數(shù)形式,如果稱呼多個(gè)女性,則在姓名前用Mmes.,如Mmes. White and Gray。 寫信給一家公司時(shí),通常用Dear Sirs,也可以用Gentlemen,6. 事由(Subject) 事由是為對(duì)方在閱讀信的正文以前對(duì)信的主題、內(nèi)容有一個(gè)了解,也便于登記歸檔和查卷。寫在稱呼下面、信的中間位置。事由下面可以劃線,也可以不劃線,有時(shí)可全

9、部用大寫字體。 例如: Subject:Mens Bicycles Re:Sales Confirmation No.2536 Your Order No.: Reference,7. 信函正文(Body of the letter) 信函正文是商務(wù)信函中最重要的部分,要遵循“7C原則”。 正文一般遵循三段式的格式。第一段一般是引入主題,第二段詳細(xì)討論,第三段以總結(jié)或建議來結(jié)束全文。 需兩頁或更多的信紙時(shí),在前一頁最后一行的右邊寫上to be continued。續(xù)頁應(yīng)采用不帶信頭的信紙,并注明收信人名稱、頁數(shù)和日期。 如:Mr. John Smith, Page 2, June 3, 200

10、5,8. 信尾客套語(Complimentary close) 信尾客套語是一種禮貌,是結(jié)束信函的正式方式,類似中文信函中的“此致,敬禮”等。 常用的有:Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Best regards;更親切一點(diǎn)的有:Cordially, Cordially yours;再正式一些的有:Yours truly, Respectfully yours, Yours faithfully。 注意,只有第一個(gè)字母大寫。一般打印在正文下面空一行處,9. 簽名(Signature) 簽名通常在信尾客套語下空三行的位置。簽名可采用不同寫法

11、,一般包括:公司名稱、寫信人的手寫簽名、寫信人的打印簽名、寫信人的頭銜。有時(shí),也可以不寫公司名稱。 例如: Yours truly, General Trading Co. (Signature) John Smith Sales Manager,10. 經(jīng)辦人代號(hào)(Reference notation) 經(jīng)辦人代號(hào)是提供信件產(chǎn)生的信息資料,便于必要時(shí)查對(duì)之用。經(jīng)辦人代號(hào)是由信件口授者和秘書的姓名首字母組成,用冒號(hào)或斜線號(hào)分開,可用以下方式書寫: FCM/HL,F(xiàn)CM:HL,F(xiàn)CM/hl,fcm:hl,11. 附件(Enclosure) 假如信封內(nèi)除信紙外,尚附有其他文件,可以在信中說明附件份

12、數(shù)和內(nèi)容。當(dāng)附件只有一件時(shí),注明Enclosure 或Encl.即可;一件以上時(shí),要加上編碼,以便收信人識(shí)別,用Enclosures.說明。 例如: Enclosures 3: 1.Birth Certificate 2.Visa 3.Letter of Reference,12. 抄送(Carbon copy/C.C.) 發(fā)信人若需把此信抄送給有關(guān)單位,可在附件下方即信左下端打上C.C.,然后打上抄送單位的名稱, 例如: C.C.: The Bank of China Copies to: directors Cc to: CEO Copy to: Sales Manager,13. 附筆(

13、Postscript/ P.S.) 若寫完信后還須附加項(xiàng)目時(shí),就需補(bǔ)述,這類似于中文信中的附言。有時(shí)并非真正將忘了寫的事情補(bǔ)上,而是故意引起對(duì)方的注意。附筆被放在抄送下方。在寫完P(guān).S.之后,有時(shí)也把簽字人姓名的首字母縮寫附在最后,1.6 The Opening and Conclusion of English Business Letters(英文商務(wù)信函的開頭和結(jié)尾,信函的開頭應(yīng)該直入主題,要避免空洞。根據(jù)書寫商務(wù)信函的目的不同,開頭一般分為兩大類:一是回復(fù)信件;二是主動(dòng)與對(duì)方聯(lián)系。 對(duì)于回復(fù)信件,可采用以下方式開頭,1. 英文商務(wù)信函的開頭,1)感謝對(duì)方的來信,2)對(duì)來信進(jìn)行回復(fù),3)

14、回復(fù)來信中的有關(guān)問題,4)回復(fù)來信中提出的要求或指示,5)表達(dá)滿意和欣喜,6)表達(dá)遺憾和驚訝,對(duì)于主動(dòng)和對(duì)方聯(lián)系的商務(wù)信函,可以用以下方式開頭,1)通過別人的介紹了解到對(duì)方,2)對(duì)以前信函的補(bǔ)充或確認(rèn),3)通知對(duì)方一些情況,2. 英文商務(wù)信函的結(jié)尾,商務(wù)信函的結(jié)尾應(yīng)該簡潔、中肯,與寫信的主旨相符。根據(jù)是否需要對(duì)方回復(fù)把結(jié)尾分為兩類,對(duì)于期待對(duì)方回復(fù)的信件,可以用以下的方式結(jié)尾,對(duì)于期待對(duì)方回復(fù)的信件,可以用以下的方式結(jié)尾,對(duì)于無須對(duì)方答復(fù)的信函,可以用以下兩種方式結(jié)尾:(1)表達(dá)感謝或希望繼續(xù)合作的意愿,2)表達(dá)歉意,1.7 Useful Sentences in Common Busines

15、s Letters(一般商務(wù)信函中的實(shí)用語句,1. 回信 We are offering a sound article at popular price, and we should appreciate an opportunity to substantiate our claims. In answer to your favor of the 8th June, we inform you that we are unable to take the goods offered by you. In answer to your inquiry for bran, we offer

16、you 40 tons of the same,2. 收訖 We acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday, and gratefully accept the appointment on the terms you mention. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 15th inst. Kindly acknowledge receipt, and have the goods sent by the last steamer in December. We duly recei

17、ved your favor of the 25th June, contents of which we note with thanks,3. 通知 We inform you that I have now removed my factory to the above address. Having established ourselves in this city, as merchants and general agents, we take the liberty of acquainting you of it, and solicit the preference of

18、your order. We are pleased to inform you that our business will be turned into a limited company on the 1st August,4. 確認(rèn) In confirmation of my cable today, I regret to state that the factory was completely destroyed by fire last night. We confirm our call of last week respecting our offers to you. W

19、e confirm our respects of the 3rd June, and inform you that your consignment has duly arrived. Confirming our letter of last week, we ask you to appoint an early interview with our representative,5. 愉快欣慰 We have the pleasure to inform you that we will forward by tomorrows mail to the Bank five bonds

20、 of USD500 each. We have the pleasure of enclosing herewith the documents. We have pleasure in enclosing herewith a Bill of Lading covering 50 bales of cotton,6. 附函 We enclose for realization drafts as per the list at foot. Enclosed please find the invoice of 80 bales wool bought by your order. Encl

21、osed please find three orders for immediate attention. An order form is enclosed. Fill it out and attach your check,7. 迅即 Kindly see the empty sacks are returned as promptly as possible. The goods were at once dispatched by rail to your address. Please give us forwarding instructions promptly. Pleas

22、e deliver these goods with all speed to the London dock,8. 依照、關(guān)于 In accordance with your letter of yesterday, I am sending tonight 15 cases of whisky. Referring to our conversation of this morning, we enclose a pamphlet describing our new articles. With reference to your letter of the 16th inst., we

23、 are glad to inform you that there has been a great demand for the articles,9. 期滿、到期 The steamer will be due in Yokohama on the morning of the 15th May. I received in due course your letter of the 28th June. We have duly received your valued favor of the 16th May,10. 抱歉、遺憾 We are sorry to learn from

24、 your letter of the 10th June that your customer is still dissatisfied with the condition. We are sorry that we have taken the liberty in writing you prematurely on the subject. I am regretted to have to inform you that two cases of them are so bad in quality,11. 榮幸 We feel specially honored to be g

25、iven this opportunity to meet such a nice group of distinguished people like you. Today, we feel very much honored to have Prof. Wilson with us,12. 感謝 We take this opportunity to thank our patrons and friends for the liberal support extended to us during our business career. We appreciate your telli

26、ng us about the defective sets, and are glad to make things right. While thanking you for your valued support, I wish to ask for a continuance of your confidence in the new company,13. 提供服務(wù) We wish to assure you that we appreciate an opportunity afforded us for service. In the meantime, please be as

27、sured of our most cordial good wishes and of our desire to be of service. We thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you. We are always pleased to serve you at any time,14. 希望、愿望 We hope to hear from you favorably. We hope that you will give this matter prompt attention. We hope this actio

28、n will meet with your approval,15. 留意簽名 We would ask you kindly to note our respective signatures given below. I request your attention to his signature, appended below,16. 誠請(qǐng)回信 Then send back the postcard and well gladly tell you without a bit of obligation, of course. A postcard is enclosed for your convenience in requesting further information. Make out your check for USD50, put it in the enclosed envelope, and start it on its way to us at once,1.


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