



1、Umt4 EarthquakesGrammar- the Attributive ClauseBy-歐陽偉目標(biāo)1. Knowiedge :(1) Learn the Attributive Clause.(2) Learn the differenee between Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses.2. Ability :(1) Learn to choose the correct Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses.(2) Train the students abilit

2、y to report what others have said.3. Emotion :Train the stude nts ability to coop erate with each other.教學(xué)重點(diǎn)(1) Learn the Attributive Clause.(2) Train the students ability to report what others have said.教學(xué)難點(diǎn)Lear n to choose the correct Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses.教具準(zhǔn)備(1) a tape re

3、corder(2) a projector(3) the blackboard教學(xué)過程Ste p 1 Greeti ngsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2 Revisi onT: In the last period , we learned the usage of some difficult words and expressions.Now let s check your homework exercises.Look at Part 1 in Using Words and Expressions on Page 63.Describe a

4、n earthquake using the vocabulary in this unit.Then choose the words and exp ressi ons from the box to compi ete the p assage.Cha nge the form if n ecessary.(One student reads the short passage.The teacher corrects any mistakes if there are any.)T: Then let come to the next part.Translate the senten

5、ces into English using the words and exp ressi ons in the brackets.I will ask some of you to read the senten ces.S1: The evening before last, she was too nervous to eat anything.S2: When people found there was a second quake, they rushed out of their houses right away.S3: After that terrible disaste

6、r ,60 percent of the homeless children were sent to other safe cities to live.S4: To the north of the factory, a little girl was dug out of the ruins.S5: We are proud of the soldiers,who rescued those boys from the race.S6: We should honor those who organized the rescue work.T: You did a quite good

7、job.Ste p 3 Grammar(The teacher writes the sentence “ Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. on the blackboard before class begi ns.)T: Please look at the sentence on the blackboard , paying special attention to the underlined part.What kind of clause is it ?Ss: The Att

8、ributive Clause.T: Yes.You are right.The Attributive Clause tells us which person or thing ( or what kind of person or thing) the sp eaker means.e.g.The woman who lives next door is a teacher.A sentence with an attributive clause is a comb in ati on of two shorter senten ces .In the sentence above,

9、the two short sentences are: “ The woman is a teacher. and “ The woman lives next door. The Attributive Clause is the answer to the question : Which woman is a teacher ?Would you try to divide the sample sentence on the blackboard into two short sentences ?S1: Workers built shelters for survivors.Th

10、e survivors homes had been destroyed.T: Thats right.Now try to find all the sentences with Attributive Clauses in the Reading passage.(After several minutes.)S2: But the one million people of the city , who thought little of these events , went to bed as usual that ni ght.S3: It was heard in Beijing

11、 , which is one hundred kilometers away.S4: A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut across houses , roads and can als.S5: The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400000.S6: The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury

12、 the dead.T: Very good.Then which part of the Attributive Clause , do you think , is the most difficult one?S7: The relative pronouns.T: You have noticed that many exercises about the Attributive Clause are designed for the stude nts to choose a better relative pronoun .So n ext I will say someth in

13、g about the com mon relative pronouns.“ Who is used for people.e.g.The man has bee n caught.He did the robbery.T The man who did the robbery has bee n caught.“ Which is used for things.e.g.The chair was a broke n onesat in the chair.T The chair which I sat in was a broke n one.“ Thatis used for thin

14、gs or people.e.g.A plane is a mach ine.lt can fly.T A plane is a mach ine that can fly.Here is the boy.He damaged the vase.T Here is the boy that damaged the vase.“ Whose is used in stead of his/her/their.e.g.She is the girl.Her En glish is the best in our class. T She is the girl whose En glish is

15、the best in our class.“Whom ” is quite formal , and in most cases it is all right to use who instead.But when whom has a prep ositi on before it , it cannot be rep laced by who.e.g. (1) I wan ted to see the woma n. She had already left.T The woma n whom/who I wan ted to see had already left.(2)The w

16、orkers,some of whom stayed here for four years,come from different countries.T: Now look at Part 2 in Discovering Useful Structures on Page 28.Try to complete each sentence using that, which,who,or whose.(After several minutes.)S8: The terrible shaking of the building woke up all the people who were

17、 asleep.T: Oh,atte ntio n, pl ease .In this sentence we cantuse “ whom ”,because “ whom ” cant act as a subject in the Attributive Clause.S9: So you mean “who” can act as a subject, while “whom” can act as an object in an Attributive Clause.T: Yes.A nd “ who ” can also act as an object in the Attrib

18、utive Clause.Now,let come to the n ext senten ce.Si0: The next day people put up shelters in the open air with all kinds of things that/which they could find.S11: Several days later most of the buildi ngs that had bee n damaged were rep aired.S12: We went to see our teacher whose husband was killed

19、in the earthquake.S13: A number of children whose parents had died in the quake were sent to live with families in other cities.T: You did a quite good job.Step 4 Con solidati onT: Now we are going to practice using the Attributive Clause.Think about an unusual experienee and how you felt.Work in gr

20、oups.Take turns asking questions, using “ Was it someth ing that ?” or “ Was there some one who?” Take no tes about the exp erie nces of your group members and report back to the class.(Ss work in gro up s.Mea nwhile the teacher goes around the class and helps Ss deal with any difficulties that they

21、 may have.)T:Si:S2:S3:S4:S5:onto the(After several minutes.)Each group should choose one rep rese ntative to make a report to the whole class.Was it something that frightened you ?Yes, I was really frightened and felt terribly painful.Was there some one who came to help you?Yes.Some p assers-by came to help me and they sent me to the n earest hos pital. While riding a bike back home ,Xiao Ming was hit by a car.He fell down from the bike ground.He felt terribly painful.Some passers-by came to help him and sent him to hos pital.After exam in ati on , the doctors


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