



1、湖北省襄陽市第四十七中學(xué)八年級英語下冊unit 4 self-check學(xué)案(無答案)人教新目標(biāo)版勵(lì)志小木屋 : today must borrow nothing of tomorrow.預(yù)習(xí)目標(biāo):1知識目標(biāo):本課時(shí)的單詞與短語2.能力目標(biāo): 1)理解并運(yùn)用短語2) 掌握并運(yùn)用句型:3. 情感目標(biāo): 能主動與人交往,并能自省。4. 預(yù)習(xí)重難點(diǎn): 直接引語與間接引語的轉(zhuǎn)換一 、自主預(yù)習(xí):(一)預(yù)習(xí)任務(wù):task1.英漢互譯:傳遞信 息 _ 幫助我做功課 _ 狠狠地吵架 _抄襲某人的作業(yè)_ 獨(dú)立完成工作 _ 原諒 _ 確定,確信 _task 2 閱讀課本 p31 2, 根據(jù)課文編寫對話。( 二)

2、 預(yù)習(xí)診斷:(1)根據(jù)句意及漢語提示完成單詞1._( 抄襲 )others homework is a bad habit.2.we should take exercise every day to keep in good_(健康 ) 。3.can you_( 借 )me your dictionary?4.last week i had a big_(吵架 )with my deskmate.5.she didn t want to be best friend_(不再)。(2)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. he said he_(be) free the next day.2. my fath

3、er told me he_(call) me when he_(get) to washington the next friday.3. linda said she _(have) a party for mary at that moment.4. the teacher said the earth _(go) around the sun.5. mr green told us that we _(can) giveour homework to him two days later.( 三 ) 預(yù)習(xí)反思: do you have any question?二課中實(shí)施:step1.

4、 預(yù)習(xí)交流step2. warming-up step 3: lead- in step4 practicestep 5精講點(diǎn)撥 :he borrowed your jacket and didnt return it.copy keep borrow happen lendreturn 意思是“回來,歸還”, 作“回來”講時(shí),return=comeback, 作“歸還”講時(shí),1return=give back to,本句中的“ return ”意思是“歸還”。step 5拓展延伸:選詞填空1. what _ to marcia yesterday? she was knocked down

5、by a bike.2. how many books can you_ from the library at a time? two.3. -how long can _ the book borrowed from the library?-for two weeks.4.may i use your car? sorry, iv e _ it to gina.5.i don t think it right for you to _ others homework.step 6 summary三、 限時(shí)作業(yè)(每空一分,共10分)得分率 _單選 :1.he said he_ happy

6、to see me.a.isb. wasc. were d. are2.lilys mother looked for her for half an hour, but could not find _. a. whatlily was b. what was lily c. where lily wasd. where was lily3. jack is afraid of flying. he feels_ before he gets on a plane.a. surprised b. excited c. proud d. nervous4. my physics teacher

7、 said that light _ fasterthansound.a. travel b. travels c. traveledd. traveling5. you _ arrive at 6:00 am, but you arrive at 7: am last sunday. dontbe latethis time.a. supposed tob. were supposed toc. are supposed tod. suppose to詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:6. the result was very_(disappoint), we all feel_(disappoint)7

8、. he forgot _(do) his homework yesterday. that made his teacher angry.8. i do _ (well) that my sister in english.9. she said she _(go) to the movies the next day.10. he said he _(clean) his bedroom at this time yesterday.homework: 根據(jù)漢語提示完成英語句子1. 聽說你病了,我感到很難過。2i m _ _ _ that you are ill.2. 我希望我奶奶健康。 i hope my grandma is _ _ _.3. 當(dāng)我回答問題的時(shí)候我總是感到很緊張。i always _ _ when i answer question.4. 我相信他會克服它的。 i believe he can _ _ it.5. 他不知道外面正在發(fā)生什么事。he didn t know wha


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