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1、IECQ QC 080000IECQ QC 080000 中譯本4 Gen eral requireme nts4.品質(zhì)管理系統(tǒng)4.1 Quality Man ageme nt System4.1 一般要求事項(xiàng)The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the additi onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求4.1.1 Ge neral4.1.1概述Each organization shall include in its ISO 9001:2000 man dated

2、 quality man ageme nt system the procedures, docume ntati on, and process man ageme nt practices n ecessary to achieve HSF product and product ion processes.組織應(yīng)在其ISO 9001:2000指定品質(zhì)管理系統(tǒng) 中,加入達(dá)成HSF產(chǎn)品與作業(yè)流程所需之程 序、文件與流程管理實(shí)務(wù)。The orga ni zati on shall組織應(yīng)a) Ide ntify and docume nt all hazardous substa nces in

3、 use in the orga ni zatio n.a)確認(rèn)與記錄組織使用的所有有害物質(zhì)。b) ide ntify the specific processes to be man aged releva nt to its HSF goals.b)確認(rèn)與HSF目標(biāo)相關(guān)且待管理的特定流 程。c) determ ine the in terdepe ndence and in teract ion of these processes and develop an appropriate HSF process man ageme nt pla n.c)決定這些流程的相互依賴關(guān)係與交互作 用

4、,並發(fā)展適當(dāng)之HSF流程管理計畫。d) establish criteria upon which to objectively determ ine the effective ness of the organization s HSFeps management.d)建立能客觀決定組織HSF流程管理功效 的條件。e) en sure the availability of resources and information needed to support effective HSF process man ageme nt.e)確保支援有效HSF流程管理所需之資源 與資訊容易取得f)

5、 mon itor, measure and an alyze these processes, andf)監(jiān)督、量測與分析這些流程。g) impleme nt actions to en sure con ti nu ous process improveme nt in achiev ing HSF.g)採取行動以確保流程之持續(xù)改善以達(dá)成HSF。h) have a process established to restrict an d/or elim in ate the use of hazardous substa nces from products and processes.h

6、)建立流程,以限制及(或)中止對產(chǎn)品與 在流程中使用有害物質(zhì)。4.1.2 Relatio nship with ISO 90014.1.2 與 ISO 9001:2000 的關(guān)連The inten ti on of this docume nt is that HSF process man ageme nt is to be con grue nt with the elements of ISO 9001:2000 international Sta ndard.本文件的目的是要讓 HSF流程管理符合ISO 9001:2000國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的要項(xiàng)。4.1.3 Outsourci ng4.1.3委

7、外Where an orga ni zati on chooses to outsource若組織選擇將任何會影響其產(chǎn)品 HSF特性IECQ QC 080000IECQ QC 080000 中譯本any process that affects its products characteristics, and accept into its operations the product of processes outside its own operati ons, the orga ni zati on shall en sure man ageme nt of and con trol

8、 over such processes.的H流程外包出去,並將外包流程之產(chǎn)品引進(jìn)其 本身的作業(yè),則該組織應(yīng)確保此等流程之管理 與管制。4.2 Docume ntati on requireme nts4.2文件要求The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the additi onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求4.2.1 Ge neral4.2.1概述The quality man ageme nt system docume ntatio n shall in cl

9、ude品質(zhì)管理系統(tǒng)文件化應(yīng)包括a) The HSF requireme nts shall be an in tegral part of the organization s quality manasystem and shall in cludea) HSF要求應(yīng)為組織品質(zhì)管理系統(tǒng)中不可或 ge缺的n部份,並應(yīng)包含下列各項(xiàng):b) a list of all hazardous substa nces used within the orga ni zati on.b)組織內(nèi)使用之所有有害物質(zhì)清單。c) stateme nts of HSF policy and objectives wi

10、th inclusion of a timeline for elimination of use of all hazardous substa nces, as appropriatec) HSF政策與目標(biāo)之聲明。若適當(dāng)?shù)脑?,?含停止使用所有有害物質(zhì)之時程。d) in the organization s quality manualsecti on on the HSF process man ageme nt pla n and objectives and refere nee to HSF docume nted proceduresa d)組織的品質(zhì)手冊中應(yīng)說明 HSF流程管理

11、 計畫與目標(biāo)、以及HSF文件化程序之參考章 節(jié)e) docume nted procedures as required by the organization s HScepeomanagement plan with con trol of all such docume nts executed as required by section 4.2.4 of the ISO 9001:2000 intern atio nal Stan dard.e)按照組織HSF流程管理計畫要求之文件 化程序,並按ISO 9001:2000國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)第 4.2.4節(jié)之規(guī)定控管所有此類文件。f) recor

12、ds of the organization s HSFman ageme nt performa c組織HSF流程管理績效之記錄,Note: Consistent with the ISO 9001:2000 intern ati onal Stan dard,“ docume ntedprocedures ” means that the procedure is established, docume nted, impleme nted and maintain ed. Additi on ally, the exte nt of documentation requir

13、ed is specific to the size of the orga ni zatio n, complexity of processes, and the compete nee of pers onn el.說明:與ISO 9001:2000國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)一致,文 件化程序指程序應(yīng)建立、記錄、執(zhí)行與維護(hù)。 此外,文件記錄的程序應(yīng)按照組織規(guī)模、流程 複雜度與人員的能力而定5. Man ageme nt Resp on sibility5.管理責(zé)任5.1 Man ageme nt Commitme nt5.1 承諾證據(jù)I ECIECQ QC 080000IECQ QC 080000 中譯本

14、The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the additi onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求Top man ageme nt shall provide evide nee of its commitme nt to the developme nt and impleme ntati on of practices con siste nt with aehiev ing HSF products and product ion processes and th

15、e continu ous improveme nt of such by高階主管應(yīng)就符合HSF產(chǎn)品與作業(yè)流程、及 該等產(chǎn)品與作業(yè)流程之持續(xù)改進(jìn),就實(shí)務(wù)發(fā)展 與實(shí)施提供承諾證據(jù),其方法如下:a) com muni cati ng to the orga ni zati on the importa nee of meet ing customer as well as statutory and regulatory requireme nts.a)與組織組織溝通達(dá)到客戶要求與達(dá)到法定 與規(guī)章要求同等重要。b) establish ing the HSF policy.b)建立HSF政策。c)

16、 en suri ng that HSF objectives are established.c)確定HSF目標(biāo)的建立d) in clud ing HSF in man ageme nt reviews, andd)在管理階層審查時納入 HSF,以及e) providi ng resources to en sure progress toward HSF products and product ion processes.e)提供資源以確保朝 HSF產(chǎn)品與作業(yè)流程 發(fā)展。f) en suri ng the list of hazardous substa nces is com muni

17、 cated throughout the orga ni zati on.f)確保全組織均了解有害物質(zhì)清單。g) Determi ning HSF requireme nts.g)決定HSF需求5.2 Customer focus7.2客戶為重Top man ageme nt shall en sure that customer HSF requireme nts are determ in ed, are met and in cluded in the measure of customer satisfact ion.高階管階層應(yīng)確定客戶的 HSF要求已決定 並已達(dá)到,同時納入客戶滿

18、意度的量測中。5.3 HSF Policy5.3 HSF政策Top management shall ensure that the HSF policy is appropriate for the purpose of the orga ni zati on, and高階主管應(yīng)確定HSF政策適合組織的宗 旨,並a) in cludes a commitme nt to comply with requireme nts and con ti nu ally improve the effective ness of the HSF man ageme nt practices.a)包含遵守

19、要求以及持續(xù)改善 HSF管理實(shí) 務(wù)績效的承諾。b) provides a framework for establishi ng and reviewi ng HSF objectives.b)提供建立與審查HSF目標(biāo)之架構(gòu)。c) is com muni cated and un derstood with in the orga ni zati on, andc)已在組織內(nèi)溝通且為了解d) is reviewed for con ti nuing suitability.d)已對持續(xù)適用性完成評估5.4 Pla nning5.4規(guī)劃IECQ QC 080000中英文對照表IECQ QC 08

20、0000IECQ QC 080000 中譯本The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the additi onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求5.4.1 HSF objectives5.4.1 HSF 目標(biāo)a) Top man ageme nt shall en sure that HSF objectives are established at releva nt fun cti ons and levels within the organization. The

21、 HSF objectives shall be measurable and con siste nt with the HSF policy.a)高階主管應(yīng)確保按組織的相關(guān)職能與層級 建立HSF目標(biāo)。HSF目標(biāo)應(yīng)為可量測的, 並與HSF政策一致。b) The HSF objectives shall in clude a timeli ne, as appropriate, for the elimination of hazardous substances identified and used in processes or products in clud ing procured

22、 products.b) HSF目標(biāo)應(yīng)包括一份時程表。若適當(dāng)時, 按表除去在流程或產(chǎn)品(包括採購產(chǎn)品)中所 識別出與使用中之有害物質(zhì)。5.4.2 HSF pla nning5.4.2 HSF 規(guī)劃Top man ageme nt shall en sure that咼階主管應(yīng)確保下列各項(xiàng)a) the practices required to achieve HSF are integrated into the quality management system planning and are elements in the quality objectives, anda)達(dá)成HSF所需

23、之實(shí)務(wù)已整合至品質(zhì)管理 系統(tǒng)規(guī)劃當(dāng)中,並為品質(zhì)目標(biāo)之一b) the continuity of the HSF effort is maintained as improveme nts and cha nges are executed.b)藉由改善與變更,維持持續(xù)HSF的努力。5.5 Resp on sibility, authority and com muni cati on5.5責(zé)任、職權(quán)與溝通The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the additi onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001

24、的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求5.5.1 Resp on sibility and authority5.5.1責(zé)任與職權(quán)Top man ageme nt shall en sure that HSF relatec responsibilities and authorities are defined and com muni cated within the orga ni zati on.高階主管應(yīng)確保已制定 HSF相關(guān)責(zé)任與職 權(quán),並在組織內(nèi)溝通。5.5.2 Man ageme nt represe ntative5.5.2管理代表Top man ageme nt shall ap

25、po int a member of man ageme nt who, irrespective of other resp on sibilities, shall have resp on sibility and authority that in cludes最高管理階層應(yīng)在管理階層中指派一員擔(dān)任 管理代表,該代表不受其他責(zé)任所影響,明訂 其責(zé)任與職權(quán),包括a) en suri ng that processes, procedures, and practices are established pursua nt to achiev ing HSF goals.a)確保流程、程序

26、與實(shí)務(wù)是為達(dá)成 HSF目標(biāo) 而建立。b) report ing to top man ageme nt on the organization s performanee pursuant to theHSF pla n and n eeds and recomme nded improveme nts in executio n.b)向高階主管回報按照 HSF計畫與需求所 達(dá)成之組織績效,並提出執(zhí)行上的改善建議。I ECIECQ QC 080000IECQ QC 080000 中譯本c) en suri ng that HSF related requireme nts and resp o

27、n sibilities are com muni cated and un derstood throughout the orga ni zati on.c)確定HSF相關(guān)要求與責(zé)任均已在組織內(nèi) 充份溝通與了解。d) en suri ng the aware ness in supplier orga ni zati ons of their HSF related requireme nts and resp on sibilities.d)確保供應(yīng)商組織了解 HSF相關(guān)要求與責(zé) 任。5.5.3 Internal Communi cati on5.5.3內(nèi)部溝通a) Top man ag

28、eme nt shall en sure that the orga ni zati on s pers onnel are in formed ofperforma nee effective ness and issues as relate to the HSF policies and executio n pla n.a)高階主管應(yīng)確保已向員工溝通與 HSF政策 及執(zhí)行相關(guān)之績效與議題。b) Hazardous substa nces in formati on shall be com muni cated, as required throughout the orga ni z

29、ati on.b)當(dāng)需要時,應(yīng)在組織內(nèi)溝通有害物質(zhì)之資 訊。5.6 Man ageme nt review5.6管理階層審查The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the additi onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求5.6.1 Ge neral5.6.1概述Top man ageme nt shall in clude and report on, duri ng the regular man ageme nt reviews, activities relat

30、ed to the HSF plan with regards to identification, use of hazardous substances, noncon forma nee s and corrective actions.7.8.1在例行管理階層審查時,咼階主管應(yīng)納 入並回報HSF計畫相關(guān)活動,例如有害物質(zhì) 之識別與使用、不符合事項(xiàng)與矯正措施6. Resource Man ageme nt6.資源管理6.1 Provisi on of resources6.1資源提供The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with t

31、he additi onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求The orga ni zati on shall determ ine and provide the resources n eeded to impleme nt and maintain HSF processes and products組織應(yīng)決定並提供實(shí)施與維護(hù) HSF流程與 產(chǎn)品所需之資源。6.2 Huma n resources6.2人力資源The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the addit

32、i onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求6.2.1 Gen eral6.2.1概述Pers onnel perform ing work affect ing HSF product shall be compete nt on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experie nee.8.2.1職務(wù)會影響HSF產(chǎn)品之員工,應(yīng)受過 適當(dāng)?shù)慕逃?xùn)練並具備技術(shù)與經(jīng)驗(yàn)6.2.2 Compete nee, aware ness and training6.2.2

33、能力、認(rèn)知與訓(xùn)練The orga ni zati on shall組織應(yīng):IECQ QC 080000IECQ QC 080000 中譯本a) determ ine the n ecessary compete nee for pers onnel perform ing work affecti ng HSF product quality,a)決定職務(wù)會影響 HSF產(chǎn)品品質(zhì)之員工的 必備能力。b) provide training specific to the HSF plan for the identification, use, and elimination of hazardo

34、us substa nces.b)專為HSF計畫規(guī)劃,以識別、使用與消除 有害物質(zhì),提供訓(xùn)練c) evaluate the effective ness of the actions take n,C)評估已採取之行動的有效性。d) en sure that pers onnel are aware of the releva nee and importa nee of their activities and how they con tribute to the achieveme nt of the HSF objectives, andd)確保員工知道其活動之關(guān)聯(lián)與重要性,以 及如何

35、協(xié)助達(dá)成HSF目標(biāo)。e) maintain appropriate records of educati on, training, skills and experie nee.e)維持教育、訓(xùn)練、技術(shù)與經(jīng)驗(yàn)的適當(dāng)記錄。6.3 In frastructure6.3基礎(chǔ)架構(gòu)The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the additi onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求The orga ni zati on shall determ ine, provide and m

36、aintain the infrastructure needed to achieve con formity to HSF process and product requireme nts.組織應(yīng)決定、提供並維護(hù)達(dá)成 HSF流程與產(chǎn) 品要求所需之基礎(chǔ)架構(gòu)。7 Product Realizati on7.產(chǎn)品實(shí)現(xiàn)n7.1 Pla nning of HSF process and product realizati on7.1 HSF流程與產(chǎn)品實(shí)現(xiàn)之規(guī)劃The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the additi onal re

37、quireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求The orga ni zati on shall pla n and develop the processes n eeded for HSF product realizati on.組織應(yīng)規(guī)劃並發(fā)展實(shí)現(xiàn) HSF產(chǎn)品所需的流 程。In pla nning HSF product realizati on, the orga ni zati on shall determ ine the follow ing, as appropriate:在規(guī)劃實(shí)現(xiàn)HSF產(chǎn)品時,若適當(dāng)?shù)脑?,組織 應(yīng)決定下列項(xiàng)目:a) q

38、uality objectives and requireme nts for the HSF product;a) HSF產(chǎn)品的品質(zhì)目標(biāo)與要求:b) the n eed to establish HSF processes, docume nts, and provide resources specific to the HSF product;b)建立HSF流程、文件的需求,並提供針對 HSF產(chǎn)品的資源;c) required verification, validation, monitoring, inspection and test activities specific to

39、the HSF product and the criteria for product accepta nee. This shall in clude in formati on services providers as appropriate;c)針對HSF產(chǎn)品所需之特疋的查證、確認(rèn)、 監(jiān)測、檢驗(yàn)及試驗(yàn)活動,以及產(chǎn)品之允收準(zhǔn) 則。若適當(dāng)?shù)脑?,?yīng)包含資訊服務(wù)供應(yīng)商;IECQ QC 080000IECQ QC 080000 中譯本d) docume nted procedures or work in structi ons for processes that in clude the

40、use of restricted substa nces to in clude preve nti on where the possibility of con tam in atio n exists.d)對使用限制性物質(zhì)的流程所準(zhǔn)備的文件化 程序或作業(yè)指示,包括如何預(yù)防可能的污染:e) records n eeded to provide evide nee that the HSF realizati on processes and result ing product meet requireme nts.e)提供HSF實(shí)現(xiàn)流程與產(chǎn)出產(chǎn)品符合要求 所需的證據(jù)記錄。f) The

41、output of this HSF pla nning shall be in a form suitable for the organization soperati ons.f)此HSF規(guī)劃應(yīng)以適合組織作業(yè)方法的格式 m輸hodofNote: A document specifying the HSF processes (in clud ing the product realizati on processes) and the resources to be applied to a specific product can be referred to as a quality

42、 pla n.註1:指定HSF程序的文件(包括產(chǎn)品實(shí)現(xiàn) 流程)以及應(yīng)用於特定產(chǎn)品的資源,可當(dāng)成品 質(zhì)計畫參照7.2 Customer-related process7.2客戶有關(guān)之過程The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the additi onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求7.2.1 Determ in ati on of requireme nts related to the HSF product7.2.1 HSF產(chǎn)品之相關(guān)要求決定The orga ni

43、zati on shall determ ine組織應(yīng)決定:a) HSF requireme nts specified by the customer,a)客戶規(guī)定之HSF要求。b) HSF requireme nts not stated by the customer but n ecessary for specified or inten ded uses, where known.b)非客戶所陳述之要求,但為已知的特定或 意圖使用所必需者。c) HSF statutory and regulatory requireme nts related to the product, an

44、dc)與產(chǎn)品相關(guān)的HSF法令與規(guī)章要求。d) any additi onal HSF requireme nts determ ined by the orga ni zati on.d)組織所決定的任何額外HSF要求。7.2.2 Review of HSF requireme nts related to the product7.2.2 HSF產(chǎn)品有關(guān)要求之審查The orga ni zati on shall review the requireme nts related to the HSF product. This review shall be con ducted prior

45、 to the orga ni zatio n commitment to supply HSF product to the customer and shall en sure that;組織應(yīng)審查與HSF產(chǎn)品有關(guān)之要求。此審查 應(yīng)在組織承諾供應(yīng)產(chǎn)品給顧客之前,且應(yīng)確 保sa) HSF product requireme nts are defi ned, anda) HSF產(chǎn)品要求已予界定b) the organization has the ability to meet the HSF defi ned requireme nts.b)組織有能力符合所界定之HSF要求c) any u

46、se of or possibility of con tam in atio n or mix ing of processes or product that containc)任何包含限制性物質(zhì)的流程或產(chǎn)品之使 用、污染可能性或混合,均應(yīng)向客戶說明,IECQ QC 080000IECQ QC 080000 中譯本restricted substa nces shall be com muni cated to the customer.d) Records of the results of the HSF review and actions aris ing from the rev

47、iew shall be kept and maintain ed.d) HSF評估結(jié)果記錄及評估後產(chǎn)生之行動記 錄均應(yīng)保存與維護(hù)7.3 Desig n and developme nt7.3設(shè)計與開發(fā)The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the additi onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求7.3.1 HSF desig n and developme nt pla nning7.3.1. HSF設(shè)計與開發(fā)規(guī)劃The orga ni zati on shall

48、pla n and con trol the desig n and developme nt of HSF product.組織應(yīng)規(guī)劃並管制HSF產(chǎn)品的設(shè)計與開發(fā)。In planning the design, the use of any restricted substance shall be identified in the docume ntatio n and a pla n for con trol and eventual replacement/elimination of the part.在規(guī)劃設(shè)計時,任何限制性物質(zhì)的使用應(yīng)記錄 在文件、以及一個用於管制及最終取代/演

49、除 該零件的計畫內(nèi)。7.3.2 HSF Desig n and developme nt in puts7.3.2 HSF設(shè)計與開發(fā)輸入In puts relat ing to HSF product requireme nts shall be determ ined and records maintain ed.與HSF產(chǎn)品要求相關(guān)之輸入,應(yīng)予以決定並 將紀(jì)錄加以維持HSF in puts shall be reviewed for adequacy. Requireme nts shall be complete, un ambiguous and not in conflict wi

50、th each other.應(yīng)檢視HSF輸入之充足性。要求應(yīng)完整、不 模擬兩可且不彼此衝突。7.3.3 HSF Desig n and developme nt outputs7.3.3 HSF設(shè)計與開發(fā)輸出The HSF outputs of desig n and developme nt shall be provided in a form that en ables verification against the design and developme nt in put and shall be approved prior to release.HSF設(shè)計與開發(fā)之輸出,應(yīng)以一

51、種能針對設(shè)計 與開發(fā)輸入進(jìn)行查證之形式予以提供,並在發(fā) 行前應(yīng)加以核準(zhǔn)。Whe n the desig n requires the use of a restricted substa nce a docume nted procedure shall be developed for the con trol, ide ntificatio n, monitoring and measurement of the process/product to in clude subc on tracted product.1當(dāng)設(shè)計要求使用限制性物質(zhì)時,應(yīng)發(fā)展文件化 程序。以管制、識別、監(jiān)督與量測

52、納入外包產(chǎn) 品之流程/產(chǎn)品,7.3.4 HSF Desi gn and developme nt review7.3.4 HSF設(shè)計與開發(fā)審查At suitable stages, systematic reviews of the desig n and developme nt shall be performed in accorda nce with the HSF pla n.在適當(dāng)階段,應(yīng)依所規(guī)劃的安排事項(xiàng)執(zhí)行HSF 設(shè)計與開發(fā)之系統(tǒng)性審查。7.3.5 Design and development verification7.3.5設(shè)計與開發(fā)杳驗(yàn)The requirements o

53、f ISO 9001 shall applyISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用7.3.6 Desig n and developme nt validati on7.3.6設(shè)計與開發(fā)確效The requirements of ISO 9001 shall applyISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用7.3.7 Con trol of HSF desig n and7.3.7 HSF設(shè)計與開發(fā)變更之管制IECQ QC 080000IECQ QC 080000 中譯本developme nt cha ngesHSF desig n and developme nt cha nges shall be

54、identified and records maintained. The changes shall be reviewed, verified and validated, as appropriate, and approved before impleme ntatio n.HSF設(shè)計與開發(fā)變更應(yīng)予以鑑別並將紀(jì)錄予 以維持。適當(dāng)時,變更應(yīng)予以審查、查證及確 認(rèn),且在實(shí)施前予以核準(zhǔn)。7.4 Purchas ing of HSF products7.4. HSF產(chǎn)品之採購The requirements of ISO 9001 shall apply along with the add

55、iti onal requireme nts below:ISO 9001的要求事項(xiàng)應(yīng)適用,並增加下列要求a) The orga ni zatio n shall en sure that procured product con forms to HSF requireme nts.a)組織應(yīng)確保採購品符合 HSF要求。b) the orga ni zati on shall evaluate and select suppliers based on their ability to supply product in accorda nce with the orga ni zati o

56、n HSF requireme nts.b)組織應(yīng)根據(jù)供應(yīng)商能否提供符合組織HSF要求之產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行評估並選擇供應(yīng)商sc) the orga ni zatio n shall en sure that any HSF part/material is free from possible contamination with a restricted substance.c)組織應(yīng)確保任何 HSF零件/材料不可能 受到限制性物質(zhì)的污染。d) procureme nt of restricted substa nces shall be clearly identified on the purch

57、ase document and upon receipt of the material.d)限制性物質(zhì)的採購應(yīng)在採購文件上與接收 材料時清楚確認(rèn)。e) Verification of HSF purchased producte) HSF採購產(chǎn)品之查驗(yàn)f) The orga ni zati on shall establish and implement the inspection or other activities n ecessary for en suri ng that purchased product meets specified HSF purchase requireme nts.f)組織應(yīng)建立與實(shí)施必要之檢驗(yàn)或其他活 動,以確保採購產(chǎn)品付合詳細(xì)載明的 HSF採 購要求。g) The procureme nt route of purchased goods shall be fully un derstood and any process that has the possibility of contaminat


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