建筑經(jīng)濟(jì)(Building economy)_第1頁(yè)
建筑經(jīng)濟(jì)(Building economy)_第2頁(yè)
建筑經(jīng)濟(jì)(Building economy)_第3頁(yè)
建筑經(jīng)濟(jì)(Building economy)_第4頁(yè)
建筑經(jīng)濟(jì)(Building economy)_第5頁(yè)
已閱讀5頁(yè),還剩19頁(yè)未讀 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、建筑經(jīng)濟(jì)(Building economy)1. The actual cost of the construction project is the final settlement price2. The construction project cost is the sum of the one-time expenses of the construction project to carry out the production of fixed assets in a planned way and to form the corresponding intangible ass

2、ets and the circulating funds3. Classify the construction projects as new projects, expansion projects and recovery projectsNational investment projects, foreign investment projects, bank credit financing projects, self-funded projects4. Project component sequence construction project single item un

3、it project sub-item project sub-itemA factory or a school is a construction project6. The basic unit of organizing the construction work and preparing the budget for construction drawings or construction budgets is the sub-item project7. The basis of price formation is value8. From the construction

4、process, the project cost is the sum of one-time expenses needed for the construction of the corresponding intangible assets, and it is also the price of the engineering product itself9. Taxes and profits in price (P = c + v + m) are the monetary performance of profit (m) in value10. Product prices

5、are made up of production costs and profits, which include profits and taxes11. Production costs and circulation costs in the formation of prices are the monetary performance of materialized labor (c) and living Labour (v) in value12. Construction cost is a kind of production area price13. According

6、 to the characteristics of engineering cost, the project cost has the characteristics of single, combinatorial and multiple14. Construction projects are priced multiple times and the relationship between them isInvestment estimate control design estimates; The design estimates should not exceed 10%

7、of the estimated investment in the feasibility reportTo control the budget of construction drawings; The construction drawing budget shall not break the design budget15. The design estimates are the implementation of investment estimates16. The basic building procedure generally consists of three ph

8、asesThe early stage of decision-making (stage of construction), implementation phase (construction phase), production operation stage17. Real estate development programs can be divided into four phasesDevelop investment decision analysis, pre-development work, development construction implementation

9、 and real estate leasing18. In the basic construction, a project (single project) meansAn independent design document that can be independently produced for production capacity or benefit, such as a school or factory19. According to the construction procedure, the planning and design stage of the pr

10、oject can be divided into the preliminary design stage, the design stage of the construction drawing, and the technical design stage according to the need20. The office building in the plant area is a single project in the construction project of the factory21. The expenditures of construction enter

11、prises to set up temporary facilities at the construction site shall be included in the field fundsThe on-site funds are made up of two parts, namely, temporary facilities and on-site management fees22. Direct engineering costs are incurred at the site of the construction, including direct engineeri

12、ng, other direct costs and on-site funding23. The original price of domestic standard equipment generally refers to the delivery price of the equipment manufacturer24. Equipment purchase cost = equipment original price + equipment freight25.The wages of the construction unit management personnel sha

13、ll be included in the expenses of the construction unit26. The cost of a single equipment test shall be included in the installation of the project fee27. The combined test operation costs are more than the loss of the test operating income when the entire workshop load or the no-load test runs28. I

14、n the preliminary design scope of approval, the cost of design change, local foundation treatment and other increases shall be included in the basic reserve fees29. The reserve fee is the reserve fee for the forecast of the change of the construction cost during the construction period due to the ch

15、ange of the price30. The purchase fee for tools, appliances and production furniture is generally calculated through (equipment purchase fee x rate)31. The consumption tax shall be levied on some imported equipment and the formula is calculatedConsumption tax = (cif + customs)/(1 - consumption tax r

16、ate) * consumption tax rate32. The price of FOB (FOB) is the most used price for imported equipment in China,The sellers responsibility is to handle the export formalities and ship the goods on board33. The pay for sick workers and workers death and funeral expenses shall be included in the enterpri

17、se management fee (labor insurance expense)34. The subsidies for power supply belong to other costs of construction35. The cost of construction of the construction installation project refers to the costs of the production of workers directly engaged in construction installation works36. The origina

18、l price of domestic non-standard equipment does not include business tax, since the equipment is used as a production product only for value-added tax and not for business tax37. Property and insurance fees for construction site management shall be included in the field funds38. During the construct

19、ion process, the general identification of construction materials and components, and the expenses incurred in the inspection shall be included in other direct fees for inspection and testing fees39. The constituent tax price of VAT is the basis for the calculation of value added tax on cif basis, n

20、ot on cif basis40. The value of CIF, freight, insurance and other prices is CIF41. Waste loss is an integral part of the original price of domestic non-standard equipment, excluding equipment42. The composition of the equipment and miscellaneous expenses is the freight, loading charge and storage fe

21、e43. The price of goods on cif basis is generally referred to FOB.44. The financial expenses in the indirect costs of the installation of the building include net interest on short-term loans, net loss of exchange and handling of financial institutions45. Fees for construction installationOther dire

22、ct costs and on-site funds for civil engineering are based on direct fees; Indirect costs are based on direct engineering fees; Plan profit (direct engineering fee + indirect fee) is the basis for taking chargeThe cost of installation engineering is based on the cost of labor46. The migration of lan

23、d requisition and compensation fees for land requisitioned include land compensation fees, plant compensation and trees on the land requisitioned houses, water Wells, such as attachments to compensation, resettlement compensation, compensation for water resources and hydropower engineering of reserv

24、oir flood processing47. The calculation method of the original price of domestic non-standard equipment mainly includes cost calculation valuation method, unit combination valuation method and comprehensive valuation method48.The mode of delivery of imported equipment can be divided into three categ

25、ories: inland delivery, destination port and port of shipment, and the port of shipment is the most commonly used in China49. The cost of construction installation should include direct engineering, indirect costs, planned profits and taxes50. The composition of the assessable price shall include cu

26、stoms duties, customs duties and excise duties51. The direct costs of the other direct fees including increased winter rainy season construction fees, night construction increase secondary handling fee, material fee, inspection fee, special engineering training, flow construction subsidiary, product

27、ion tool appliance royalties, project positioning, repetition and point, land clearing fees52. The tax in the construction and installation project cost includes business tax, urban and rural maintenance construction fee and education fee53. Other costs of construction include land use fee, construc

28、tion unit management fee, project insurance premium and joint trial operation fee54. The cost of the material budget shall include the original price of the material, the service fee of the supply and Marketing Department, the packaging fee, the transportation fee and the purchase and storage fee55.

29、 Construction enterprise management should include the management of basic wages, wage subsidies, welfare funds, travel, transportation, office cost, fixed assets depreciation charge for the repairs, tools, equipment use, union funds, employee education funds, labor insurance, endowment insurance, u

30、nemployment insurance, taxes and other56. In the construction cost of civil engineering, indirect fee, plan profit and tax are about 30% of the direct engineering fee57. The direct costs of construction and installation projects shall be paid for by labor, materials and construction machinery58. Pro

31、vision is made for the cost of construction preparation, organization and construction production and management59. The calculation of urban and rural maintenance construction costs and educational expenses is based on business tax60. The investigation and design fee is for other costs of constructi

32、on61. The secondary handling fee of the material is the other direct charge of the building installation project62. The advertising fee shall be attributed to the indirect feeThe salary of the retired personnel shall be part of the management fee of the enterprise, which shall be included in the ind

33、irect cost of the enterprise construction and installation project63. The cost of the survey and design work completed by the construction unit shall also be included in the investigation and design fee64. The assignment of land use right means that the construction project shall obtain the right to

34、 use the land within the prescribed time limit and pay the fee according to the provisions65. The material inspection and testing fee is the research and test fee for other expenses of the project and does not include the budget price of the materials66. The project bidding fee for the construction

35、unit is an integral part of the construction units expenses, which shall be included in the management fee of the construction unit67. During the construction period, the temporary facilities (including temporary quarters and offices, etc.) required by the construction unit shall be part of the cons

36、truction costs68. The new project shall include the purchase fee of the necessary office equipment and living furniture to ensure the normal operation of the construction work, and shall be charged to the construction unit management fee as the construction unit69. The budget quota is a comprehensiv

37、e expansion of the construction quota and it reserves a reasonable range of 10%70. The estimate quota is a comprehensive expansion of the budget quota and it retains a reasonable range of 5%71.In project investment estimation, high building standards, large investment, high building plot ratio of th

38、e project, the proportion of outdoor general engineering investment generally according to the construction and installation engineering of 10-15% of their total investment plan72. In advanced hotel buildings, mechanical and electrical equipment cost the largest proportion73. In high-rise residentia

39、l buildings, the cost of elevators is 8-9% of the total cost74. Civil engineering costs account for about 10-15% of the direct costs of civil engineering75. Because of the different layers, the construction cost ratio is different. If the cost ratio of 1 floor building is 100 %, the construction cos

40、t of 4 stories is the lowest76. The loan interest of the construction period is the component part of the construction cost of the single column, but it is not included in the other costs of construction construction77. Lange coefficient refers to the ratio of total construction cost to equipment co

41、st78. The liquidity that occurred after the project went into production was a permanent liquid investment79. The estimation methods for static investment of fixed assets include capital turnover method, proportion estimation method, coefficient estimation method and index estimation method80. The e

42、stimation method of the expanded index is the estimation method of liquid capital81. The estimation of static investment is generally based on the year before commencement82. The calculation of the reserve price increases is based on the planned investment of each year of the construction period83.

43、It is in the detailed feasibility study phase that the feasibility of the project will be concluded84. Dynamic investment refers to the total amount of investment required to complete a construction project, which should include all the static and dynamic investments85. Production capacity index met

44、hod estimation formula C2 = C1 (A2 / A1) n by f86. Investment estimates in the project proposal (preliminary feasibility study) phase should be controlled at plus or minus 20 per cent87. Investment estimates for the feasibility study phase should be controlled at plus or minus 10 per cent88. The Lan

45、ge coefficient method estimates that the investment of proposed projects is based on the cost of the main equipmentD = (1 + Ki) * Kc * CKi, Kc is the estimated coefficient, C is the main equipment cost89. Estimation of liquidity is generally based on a detailed estimation method and an expanded inde

46、x method; The detailed estimation method is of high accuracy90. The liquidity of the floor is 30 per cent of the total liquidity91. The feasibility study report of the construction project is the basis for lending to Banks92. The proposed design estimate for the preliminary design is the basis for t

47、he compilation of the construction drawing budget93. The construction budget of the construction drawing is an important basis for the practice of bidding94. The bidding stage contract is the basis for the settlement of the project95. The coefficient estimation in the estimation of static investment

48、 includes the runge coefficient method, the equipment and plant coefficient method and the main shop coefficient method96. Basic reserve fees refer to unanticipated engineering costs in the initial design and design estimates97. The purchase of equipment and equipment in industrial construction proj

49、ects accounts for about 60-70% of fixed asset investment98. Static investment includes construction installation, equipment and equipment purchase, construction and other costs and basic reserve fees99. From an investment expense perspective,Construction cost refers to the total fixed asset investme

50、nt cost of construction of a project expected expenditure or actual expenditure100. The comprehensive estimate of the single project is a summary of the estimates of construction projects and equipment and installation, which should include other costs for construction projects when the general budg

51、et is not compiled101. Installation fee = equipment weight per ton of equipment installed cost indicator; Or installation cost = equipment original price x installation rate102. Investment estimation is required during the project proposal and feasibility study stage103. The general estimate of the

52、design shall be carried out in the preliminary design phase of the project104. The design phase is the key stage to control the cost of engineering105. When the initial design reaches a certain depth and the construction structure is relatively clear, a budget estimate can be adopted for the compila

53、tion of construction projects106. The main methods for the compilation of the proposed design budget include the expansion of the unit price method, the proposed index method and the similar engineering pre-algorithm107. The proposed design estimates can be divided into unit engineering estimates, s

54、ingle project comprehensive estimates and general estimates of construction projects108. The estimate of the lighting project and the project estimate of the water supply and drainage pipeline belong to the project budget of the construction unit109. The estimate of ventilation and air conditioning

55、projects, the budget for the installation of mechanical equipment and the installation of communication equipment are the estimates of the equipment and installation units110. The general budget for the construction project consists of a comprehensive budget for a single project, an estimate of othe

56、r costs for the construction of a project, as well as a reserve fee, an investment orientation adjustment tax, and a loan interest rate for the construction period111. The preliminary design of large-scale projects with insufficient depth should not be used to compile the budget estimates using the

57、methods of calculating the main works, applying the quota units and calculating a number of expensesOnly similar project budgets, budget estimates and technical economic indicators should be used to prepare estimates112. The estimate of civil engineering is an estimate of the unit project113. The pr

58、oposed design estimates are divided into unit engineering, single project and construction project general budget, rather than subdivided into sub-division and itemized project estimates114. The proposed single project estimates in the proposed design budget may be divided into the estimates of construction projects and equipment and installation estimates11


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