九年級英語全冊 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to同步作文指導課件 (新版)人教新目標版_第1頁
九年級英語全冊 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to同步作文指導課件 (新版)人教新目標版_第2頁
九年級英語全冊 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to同步作文指導課件 (新版)人教新目標版_第3頁
九年級英語全冊 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to同步作文指導課件 (新版)人教新目標版_第4頁
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1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.,寫作題目: My favorite movie/CD,Learning Target,Write about your favorite movie or music,different kinds of smooth music at the same time spare time electronic music add 5 points action movie dance to,根據(jù)箭頭指向的漢語說出英語短語。每個短語加2分。,Game,Brainstorming How many kinds of d

2、o you know?,movies,Say as many kinds as you can!,comedy,documentary,drama,cartoon,thriller,action movie,science fiction,tragedy悲劇,movies,Brainstorming How many kinds of do you know?,music,Say as many kinds as you can!,pop music,rock music,country music,light music,jazz music,dance music,classical mu

3、sic,electronic music,music,What kinds of movies/music do you like to watch/listen to?,Do A Survey,Share your different answers.,I like movie that has famous stars. I like music that has good lyrics. I dont like movie that has a sad ending. I like movie that has fashion cars. I like movie that we can

4、 know about the history. I like music that is made by Jay chao.,Sum,學以致用!讓我們看看 課文里優(yōu)美的句子!,描述電影內(nèi)容的語句, I prefer movies that can cheer me up., Comedies usually have funny dialogs and have a happy ending., The characters may not be perfect, but they try their best to solve their problems., Documentaries

5、like March of the Penguins which provide plenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting., I prefer movies that are scary.,描述音樂內(nèi)容的語句, The piece which was played on the erhu especially moved me., The music was strangely beautiful, but under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pa

6、in., It was one of the most moving pieces of music that I have ever heard., The erhu sounded so sad that I almost cried along with it as I listened.,你喜愛看電影(聽音樂)嗎?談談你喜歡的電影(音樂)類型,喜歡的電影明星(歌手),并著重推薦一部你喜愛演員的主演的電影(該歌手的專輯),要求不少于80詞。,Writing,1,Tips!,1,You can write in this way 1. Whats your favorite movie/m

7、usic? (reason) 2. Who is your favorite movie star/singer? (reason) 3. Recommendation of a movie /CD What kind of movie /music is it? Whats the name of your favorite movie/CD? Why do you like this movie/CD? What does it remind you of?,When I am stressed out, I always watch movies to relax myself. I l

8、ike movie that is romantic. So, my favorite music is Roman holiday. I dont like movie that dont have beautiful lyrics. I cant stand a movie about detective story. I prefer actress who can do KongFu. I like actor who is handsome enough. My favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn. I like I like her starrin

9、g Roman holiday best. This movie is great because it is so romantic. You can enjoy it with your friends on weekends. Audrey is charming, I think. The movie reminds me of the feeling of love.,Outline,1.確定體材:,2.確定時態(tài):(Tense),The present tense,議論文,3.布局謀篇:,Main body,Ending,Introduction,Watching movies is a good way for me to relax. Im crazy about it.,While-writing,(10 minutes),開聲朗讀自己的文章,并 從結(jié)構、人稱、時態(tài)、字數(shù)、拼寫、大小寫、標點符號等方面進行自我修正。,Task 1,自我欣賞與修正,同伴互賞,欣賞角度: 寫作基本要求:人稱, 時態(tài); 2. 要點齊全; 3. 結(jié)構: 開頭,正文,結(jié)尾; 4. 好詞好句。,Task 2,欣賞與修正 請交換習作欣賞,用紅筆劃出


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