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1、根據(jù)首字母填空專項練習(含答案)Can animals be made to work for us ? Some scientists think that one day animals may be tto do a nu mber of simple jobs .They sthat in a film or on TV wemay see elepha nts , mon keys ,dogs ,bears ,or other ani mals doing a lot of thi ngsf you wcarefully , you may find that those ani m

2、als are give n somethi ng to eat inreturn for dthem . The scie ntists say that many dan imals may be taught todo a nu mber of simple jobs if they will get someth ing to eat .Of course, as we know , dogs can be used to guard a house ,and elepha nts can be used to do some heavy j . And we can also tea

3、ch animals to work inf .Apes ,for example have bused in America to help make cars andscie ntists bthat these mon keys may one day get in crops and edrivetrains .1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.may want to study to be animal doctors.They are often c_ vets ” . Many ofthem work in ani mal h. Others may wo

4、rk on farms or at a z. Some studyani mal diseasesa nd try to find wto keep the ani mals from gett ing i.They do studies in mfor animals.Vets listen to an animals s h. Theycheck its ears, eyes, mouth and blood. They oon ani mals whe n they n eed to.They may give the an imals shots注 射) and tell the pe

5、ts owhat food is best.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.On ly mother love is true love. It gives eeverythi ng all his life.When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waki ng hours she always holds you in her arms. Whe n you are ill,she stops her work right now t

6、o look after you day and nand forgetsabout herself. Whe n you are grow ing up day by day, she feels very happy.When you are old eto go to school, mother still looks after you allthe t. On cold win ter days, she always tells you to pon more clothes.She always sta nds in the wind wait ing for you back

7、 from school every day. Whe n youhurry to leave home for school with little b . She always feels worriedabout you at home. She uknows about you study and spe nd much moneyon your school things. When you do well at school , you will see the brightestson her face. Mother can do everyth ing for you day

8、 after day.Mother is always ready to give everyth ing she has to her childre n, not to receive.What true love that is in the w! We will rMother Love for ever!1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Whe n I was walk ing dow n the street one day , I sa small bag on theground . I picked it up and ope ned it to se

9、e wI could find out the ownern ame . There was nin side it except some dollars and a picture of a woma nand a young girl about twelve years old . I put the photo back and took the bag to the police stati on . Before I left , the policema n wrote dow n my n ame and my a.He thought the owner might wan

10、t to tha nk me .That eve ning I went to have dinner with my aunt and un cle . They had also asked a young woman to have dinner with us . Her face was famil iar , but I couldn t rwhere I had see n her . Dour talk , the young woma n happe ned tosay that she had l her bag that after noon . All at once

11、I rememberedwI had see n her . She was the young girl in the photo . though she lookednow much otha n the girl in the picture . She was very s, of course , whe n I told her about the bag . After dinner we went to the police stati on and got backher bag . The policeman said to me ,“It s a wonderful t

12、hing . Yoiyttheid not onl1. 2. 3. 4. 5.bag , but also the owner of the bag .6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Seumas Mcsporran is a very b man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteenjobs. He is a postman , a policeman ,a fireman , a taxi driver , a school-bus driver , a boatman ,an ambulanee man , an accountant , a pe

13、trol attendant , a barman , and an un dertaker .Also , he and his wife , Margaret , have a shop and a small hotel.Seumas l and works on the isla nd of Gigha in the west of Scotla nd. Only 120 peoplelive on Gigha but in s 150 tourists come by b every day.Everyweekday Seumas gets up at six and makes b

14、for the hotel guests. At eight hedrives the island s children to s At nine he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island pub. Then he helps Margaret in the s .He says: “Margaret likes beingbusy,too.We n have holidays and w

15、e don like w television. In theeve ning Margaret makes supper and I do the acco un ts. At ten we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. Pour life isn t very exciting, but we like it.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Tim spe nt in a bookshop can be enjo yable . If you go to a good s, noassistantwill

16、come near to you and say , “ Can hyou ?” You needn buyayou don t want . You may try to find out where the book you want is . Butif you w, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away . It seemsthat he is not in terested iselli ng any books at all .There is a story which tus about a goo

17、d shop . A medical stude nt founda very useful book in a shop , but it is too expensive for him to b. He couldn tget it from the library , e. So every after noon he went there to ralittle at a time . One day , however , he couldnt find the book from its usual place an(was leav ing whe n he saw an as

18、sista nt sig ning to him . To his s, the assista ntpointed to the book in a corner , “ put it there so as not to be sold out . ” ssthfe assista nt . Then he let the stude nt go on with his read ing .1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.(S=salesgirl ; H=Ha n mei )S: Good morning. Can I help you ?H: Yes. Ithi

19、s blouse last week, but theres somethi ng wrong with it. Whe n Iit, the colours ran. I cantit no w. I want you tothis blouse or give me myback.S: Let me see. Did you wash it inwater ?H: Of course not.S: Itas if it has nt bee n washed follow ing the.Did you leave it inwateryou washed it ?H: No, I did

20、 nt do that,. I did nt put it cold water un til I washed it.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.When you go to England you may find the traffic there is different from ours. As a f you must be cin the streets, because the traffic d onthe left. You must look to the right and then the left before you cross a

21、 street.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work,the streets are very b. traffic is most d then.Whe n you go by bus in En gla nd, you have to take care, too. Always rthe traffic mon the left. You have to t a look first or you will go tothe w way.In many English citi

22、es there are big buses with two f. You can sit on the second one. From there you can see the city very well.7. 7. 8. 9. 10.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Which ani mal do we n eed m? Dogs? Horses? No! The ato thequestion is cows.Why cows? Cows give us milk. And milk is one of our most importa nt kof food.Suppose假設)

23、that all the milk cows make in one year were put i bottles.And suppose these bottles were put side by side. The line of bottles would go all around the world 400j.That is a lot of milk, less than half of it is used fordand cooking. Most of it is uto make butter cheese, ice cream andmany other thi ng

24、s. It takes many cows to give us that m milk. But not as many as it used to. A cow used to give only about 1,500 quarts夸脫 )of milk a year. Now a fine cow may g 9 more tha n 3,000 quarts in a year.Why do cows give more milk today? Now farmers have better cows. The cows get better c 10 a nd better foo

25、d.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Here a part of an e-mail answer from Joe giving some advice to his son in college .“ Whe n I wauryp, I ofte n met t about what to do and whatnot to do . My gran dmother told me not to worry about those things . I odidthem once a year or once a lifetime . I, I should tr

26、y to do well those things ,and I do them every day . For example , I n eed to eat every day , so I should lear n how to c . I n eed to talk to o every day , so I should lear n howto work with d people and know how to s well . I walk everyday , so my sshould be all right and comfortable . Every ni gh

27、t I sleep , somy bed should let me have a good rest . Taking care of the e thingsm that you do abetter job of the one in a lifetime things as well .1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Let me tell you a story . A good frie nd of mine lives with six hun dred ani mals on an isla nd . Ever she left school , he has travelled

28、all over the world lfor animals for his own zoo . He writes books about his travels , and about his wonderful a. The money for his books helps him to p for all theanimal food . My friend told me that when he was looking for water last week (There is not eno ugh water on the isla nd , though there is

29、 a lot all around it ) , he foil . He nmoney for his travels and for his zoo , and a little oil would buyewater for a long time , but he knows that if he tells anybody else about it , itwill be the eof his zoo and his life s work . So I think heiwikh ytaxb dyeyou and me about what he found because o

30、il and water can t be ptogether . Oil may bring greater trouble to his ani mals tha n not hav ing eno ugh water . Do you think so ?1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Can animals be made to work for people ? Some scientists think that one day an imals may be trained to do a nu mber of simple jobs iof peopl

31、e . Theysay that at a circus (雜技場),for e, we may see elepha nts , mon keys ,dogs and other animals doing q skillful things . Perhaps you have seenthem on the television or in a film . If you watch closely , you may find that the trainer (馴獸員)always g the animal some sugar o r a piece of fruit asa re

32、ward . The scie ntists say that many d ani mals may be trained to do alot of simple thi ngs if they know they will get a reward f doing that .Of course , as we know , dogs can be trained to lafter a house,and soldiers in both old and moder n thave used geese to give warning(警報)by m a lot of noise wh

33、en an enemy comes near . And also itmay be possible to train an imals to work in families or f . 7. 8. 9. 10.1. 2.6. 7.3. 4.8. 9.5.10.The umeans the earth ,the sun , the moon and the stars and the spacebthem .Ma ny of the stars are so faway that we can not see them .The moon , our satell

34、ite , travels athe earth . It has already been visitedbman from the earth . Man-made satellites have bee n sent up ispaceby many coun tries .They go round the earth . They are used for help ing us to lear nmore athe earth , the weather and other things . They are also used for sendingand rmessages .

35、 It makes people fdiffere nt coun tries un dersta ndeach other much better . So people say the world itself is becoming a much sthe global villageplace. People call the small placeIf you don t use your arms or your legs for some time , they will become weak ;when you start using them again , they wi

36、ll gradually (逐漸地)become stronger aga in . Everybody knows this . Yet many people do not seem to know that it is thes with memory . When some one says that he has a good memory , he reallymea ns that he d give it eno ugh cha nee to become stron ger.If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak ,

37、we k 3 that it is his own fault . But if he tells us that he has a poor memory , many of us think that his p _4 are to blame , and f _5_ of us know that it is just his own fault.Have you e 6 found some people can t read or write but they usually have b _7_ memories ? This is b 8 they cannot read or

38、write and they h 9 to remember things ; they cannot write them down in a little notebook . They mustremember dates , n ames , songs and stories ; so their memory is the whole time being exercised.So if you want a good memory , l 10 from these people : practise1. 2. 3. 4. 5.rememberi ng .6. 7. 8. 9.

39、10.Henry was worried. This was his first time to go traveling by air. He did not know hto find his seat, so he went to the air hostess and asked, “ Couldyouhelp me?I can t find my seat. ” The air hostebinsthe seat and told him to sit dand faste n the seat belt. She told Henry not to mabout whe n the

40、 pla newas going up. And she also said that Henry s ears might feel a little s, but hedidn need to worry about it bmany people felt like that. When the planewas fvery high, Henry could stand up and walk round. He could eread books, n ewspapers or see films. The air hostess would bfood and drin ks.Henry could ethe flight and arrived home soon.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.KEYS:1taught , say , watch , doing , differe nt , jobs ,


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