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1、SAFETY HANDBOOK員工安全手冊Content1. Safety policy2. Safety philosophies3. Applicable safety rules4. Safety in structi ons Pers onal protective equipme nt Weld ing and cutt ing Gas bottles Machi nes, mecha ni cal equipme nt Maintenan ce, machi nes, premises Lifti ng operatio ns ma nu al, with crane Electr

2、icity Compressed air Han dli ng chemicals Tools-ha nd tools, portable power tools or ones operated by compressed air Work ing at heights* Ladders -portable, fixed* Accide nts involving slipp ing and falli ng* Fire* Tran sport5. Terms and defi niti on6. Report ing of accide nt/n ear miss7. Safety sig

3、 ns and expla nati on8. Proposal of safety recog niti on and reward systems1. Safety Policy無錫海德魯鋁業(yè)有限公司管理層相信事故預防和有效生產(chǎn)是同等重要的。我們的理念 不是生產(chǎn)第一、安全第二,而是安全生產(chǎn)。我們盡一切所能為我們的員工提供一個安全的工作環(huán)境。為了完成這個目標,我們將 提供一切合理的防護用品以保證安全的工作環(huán)境。我們將遵守國家和地方的法律法規(guī),并制定安全方針、程序及方案以保證所有員工、 客戶、來賓及社區(qū)居民的安全和健康。沒有工作重要到或訂單緊急到我們不能花時間安全生產(chǎn)。員工應使用公司所提供的安

4、 全防護用品,遵守安全規(guī)章制度。任何與工作有關的事故、傷害、疾病或潛在的安全 事故都必須引起高度重視,應及時報告、調(diào)查以實施必須的整改措施。 所有員工的協(xié)同合作將提供安全的工作環(huán)境和無事故的績效。在公司內(nèi)應盡一切所能持續(xù)改進我們工作環(huán)境的安全。 安全是頭等大事,也是每一個人的責任2. Safety Philosophies所有的事故都是可預防的。 我們每個人都有防止事故發(fā)生的直接責任。每位經(jīng)理 /主管對本部門的安全負責,同時每位員工必須對自己的安全負責。 每位員工都需要在安全方面接受培訓。良好的衛(wèi)生環(huán)境是創(chuàng)建安全工作環(huán)境的前提。 每位員工都必須做到安全生產(chǎn),遵守規(guī)章制度及操作規(guī)程。 發(fā)現(xiàn)潛在的

5、與工作環(huán)境相關的安全隱患極為重要。每位員工都有權利、有義務報告 安全的行為及生產(chǎn)條件。公司的安全哲學及安全規(guī)章制度同樣適用于短期在廠人員、參觀客人及承包商。 安全應納入公司的投資計劃及設備采購。積極地提高員工的安全意識會提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量,使公司成為運轉(zhuǎn)良好的、盈利的公司3、Applicable safety rules Before starting any type of work, you must find out what safety regulations apply at HAW.* Specified and suitable protective equipme nt must

6、be used. Make sure you know where the first-aid equipme nt is located. Find out where fire-ext in guish ing equipme nt is located at your place of work.* Find out where the assembly point is at your place of work, in case a fire or accide nt should occur which is of such a n ature that evacuati on i

7、s required.* Permissio n is required from the safety resp on sible before carry ing out jobs involving heat. Training in jobs involving heat is a requireme nt.* The emergency number is 119 for fire,120 for ambulance and 110 for police. Guard house extension number is 837. Memorize it.SAFETY INSTRUCT

8、IONSPersonal protective equipmentWhen you are work ing, a nu mber of work operati ons may invo Ive han dli ng materials that may cause harm. If so, you are required to wear protective equipme nt of a suitable type.* Use desig nated protective clothi ng and protective equipme nt.* Make sure the prote

9、ctive equipme nt fit your size* Follow every specific in struct ion before use.* Look after the protective equipme nt well and report any defects.* Always wear desig nated protective equipme nt within the work area.Eye protectionYour eyes are eno rmously sen sitive to damage at work and can not be r

10、eplaced. You can only lose your eyesight on ce-so protect your eyes!* Wear safety goggles or a helmet visor that protects your eyes against dust, flying particles, sparks, liquids, smoke and light and heat radiati on.* Think about passers-by, particularly if you are welding, cutting or grinding.* Ne

11、ver look at a welder at work without eye protecti on. The UV light from the weldi ng torch may damage your eyes.* Never believe that one type of protective equipme nt is suitable for all kinds of jobs. Safety goggles, for example, may not be resista nt to all kinds of liquids.Hearing protectionProlo

12、n ged exposure to no ise can damage your heari ng. Ear protectors must be worn in areas marked as Noise Protect ion zones and in other areas where there is a risk of ear damage, for example whe n using compressed-air tools, as well as saw ing tools.* Wear ear protectors and make sure they fit proper

13、ly.* Put them on before you en ter a work area where the no ise level is high.* Keep your pers onal ear protect ions in good con diti on.* Never take off your ear protectors in a no isy area.Safety glovesSafety gloves must be worn whe n han dli ng chemicals, hot metals and racks. Never use gloves wh

14、e n han dli ng rotat ing mach in es.Safety shoesSafety shoes must be worn whe n en teri ng manu facturi ng pla nt.Welding and cuttingThere are always two major risks in weld ing and torch cutt in g-the obvious dan ger of fire and the possible risk to health due to smoke or UV light from the electric

15、 welding torch. Strict precautio ns are therefore n eeded in weldi ng operati ons. Check all equipme nt, hoses and cables before us-discard defective equipme nt. Guard the workplace to preve nt uninten ti onal ign iti on of combustible material. Make sure you have a fire ext in guisher to hand and k

16、now how to use it.* Put on suitable protective clothi ng and safety goggles.* Secure gas cyli nders in the upright positi on; put them in a safe place, preferably on special trucks.* Make sure gas hoses and weld ing cables can not obstruckt walkways, nor tan gle or ki nk.* Make sure there is suffici

17、e nt ven tilati on. If you are un sure, use a local evacuatio n device.* Make sure the weldi ng equipme nt is correctly earthed and that the earth lead is attached as close to the workplace as possible.* Never use a regulator for gases other tha n the one it is inten ded for.* If work is in terrupte

18、d for any reas on, close off the gas bottles or disc onn ect the power supply to the electric weld ing set.* Do not take gas bottles with you into areas of risk-they may leak.* Never try to purify the air with oxygen from your welding set. Improving the air quality with oxygen poses a serious risk o

19、f fire or explosion, as materials such as your clothes which are n ormally not readily flammable are far more in cli ned to catch fire in oxyge n -en riched air.Gas bottlesSpecial cauti on is required in the use and storage of gas bottles, the contents may be un der high pressure, poses a fire hazar

20、d or entail major risks. The following suggestions apply to most gas bottles, but you should also check the supplier s product information.* Store the gasa bottles correctly in well ven tilated space-away from heat sources and direct sun light. Keep oxidised gases awayfrom flammable gases and full b

21、ottles away from empty on es.* Make sure the bottles do not topple over when they are stored in the upright position. Some gas bottles, such as acetyle ne gas, must always be stored vertically. Remember that an acetyle ne gas bottle is n ever empty.* Use clear labels, filled and empty bottles must b

22、e kept apart.* Always ope n the bottle valve gen tly, do not close the bottle valve further tha n the point at which the gas is closed off. Do not use excessive force.* Report leak ing bottles to your supervisor immediately.* Never test for leaks with a lit match -use soapy water.* Never man ipulate

23、 safety emblems on valves or bottles.Machines and mechanical equipmentIt is possible to preve nt in juries caused by mach ines and mecha ni cal equipme nt by watchi ng out for the dan gerous, moving parts of the machi ne and practici ng operati on and safety systems whe n worki ng on maintenan ce.*

24、Report damaged or un reliable guards to your supervisor. Make sure the work is properly secured before you start up metal-worki ng mach ines such as drills, milli ng cutters, rolls etc. Keep the floor surface clea n and free from obstacles around the mach ine. Put on safety goggles whe n awork ing w

25、ith grinding and milli ng mach ines which have grinding wheels or whe n tur ning on a lathe. Always disc onn ect the power supply before attempt ing to do any maintenance at all on it.* Always follow any maintenan ce/repair direct ions of equipme nt, dont take risk eve n if schedule is tight Never w

26、ear loose clothes, have your long hair covered.* Never use a mach ine uni ess the safety devices are in place and secured.* Never use your hands to lower the speed, to stop a mach ine or to shift the drive belt duri ng operati on.Maintenance -machines, premises* All mach ines must have a maintenance

27、 pla n with a pers on specified as being resp on sible.* Maintenance must be dealt with by a pers on appo in ted by HAW accord ing to a specified pla n.* Tag Out/ Lock Out procedure must be followed whe n maintenance is carried out and specified PPE is required* All overhead travelli ng cranes must

28、be in spected and serviced by a certified body every two years* If faults occur betwee n the in specti ons, the supervisor concerned must make sure that the fault is rectified at on ce.Crane operations* Only qualified pers onnel may operate cran es.* Helmet is required whe n operati ng cran es.* Pos

29、ition the hook above the load so that it doesn t swing back)isielcforth when h* Make sure the load is free before lifti ng takes place.* Make sure no pers on is ben eath moving loads.* Never exceed the lift ing capacity of the crane or sli ng. If in doubt over the weight of the load, ask your superv

30、isor.* Never walk or work ben eath a suspe nded load.* Never use single sling to lift cracks -use sling with hooks* Never use defective or damaged cran -report defectsManual liftingCorrect manual han dli ng and lift ing can do a great deal to preve nt stra ins and back ache. A large proportio n of i

31、n dustrial in juries are caused by in correct manu al lift ing.Once you have damaged your back, the damage may rema in for the rest of your life. You can avoid this type of injury by follow ing these suggesti ons:* Assess the weight of the load and get help if it is too heavy for you to lift. Use me

32、cha ni cal aids where appropriate. Assess the job-move any obstacle, note all difficulties, and make sure there is a clear surface where the load can be put dow n. Sta nd close to the object you are going to lift, with your feet about 30 cm apart, one foot slightly in front of the other. Tuck your c

33、hin in -avoid moving your head forwards or back. Crouch dow n, keep ing your back straight. Take a firm grip of opposite corners of the object with the palms of your han ds, grasp ing where the fin gers start. Keep your arms as close to your body as possible. Lift with your thigh muscles, look up an

34、d straighte n your legs. Never cha nge grip while you are carry ing the object. Never twist your back whe n you are lift ing. Never carry if you feel pain. Stop work ing immediately.ElectricityMisuse of electricity can result in fires and explosions, injury and even death. Only authorized personnel

35、are permitted to work on or maintain electrical equipment. Report worn, in efficie nt or damaged electrical equipme nt, such as loosee conn ecti ons and worn cables, to your supervisor. Make sure that no one can come into con tact with such equipme nt before it is repaired. Make sure that the path t

36、o fuse cab in ets and similar in stallatio ns is clear, i n case the power supply has to be switched off in an emerge ncy. Assume that all circuits are live until you are sure that this is not the case. Lear n what acti on to take if some one suffers an electric shock. Before attempti ng a rescue, m

37、ake sure that the power source is in sulated. Switch off the power supply whe n you have fini shed with the equipme nt. Never get invo Ived in un authorized use, repair or maintenan ce. Never make improvised arra ngeme nts in a switch box, for example with clamp leads in plugs with matches or n ails

38、. Never connect power tools to un earthed sockets. Never force a plug into the wrong wall socket. Never use power tools where the earth wire is not screwed tightly in the plug. Never hang electric leads on n ails or leave them lying where they can be damaged. Never misuse the earth termi nal on elec

39、tric weld ing equipme nt.Compressed airCompressed air can cause serious injury. A burst hose can thrash around and cause serious harm. If compressed air is conn ected to applia nces which are not inten ded to cope with the pressure, serious accide nt can occur. Check hoses and coupli ngs before us-r

40、emove damaged equipme nt. Make sure quick-release coupli ngs are correctly locked. Before connecting the compressed air, check that the equipme nt is made to withsta nd the pressure. Make sure that dirt cannot en ter the air supply by back-suct ion at higher pressure from the un it. Close off the ai

41、r supply and ease off the pressure before you take the connections apart. Never improvise with home-made clamps-use professi on ally desighed coupli ngs. Never use compressed air to blow away metal chips, debris or dirt etc without using pers onal protective equipme nt. Particles can blow into your

42、eyes or ears or those of people n earby eve n at low pressure. Never blow dust off you with compressed air.Handling chemicalsMany of the chemical substa nces used by moder n-day in dustrial compa nies are capable of causing harm. But they can also be handled safely if the proper safety regulations a

43、re followed. The follow ing gen eral suggesti ons can be applied to most chemical substa nces, but for more detailed in formatio n you should check the MSDS for each in dividual substa nee.* Always read the label on every container. Put a label on every container you fill with chemical substa nces.*

44、 Wear the recomme nded protective equipme nt whe n worki ng with chemicals.* Keep solve nts in well ven tilated spaces-away from heat sources and direct sun light. Make sure the equipme nt and pla nt have bee n made safe to work on.* Read the regulatio ns carefully whe n you are going to tran sfer c

45、hemicals from one vessel to ano ther. It may be dan gerous to use dirty contain ers.* Keep all toxic materials on clearly labelled, well sealed containers. If you handle these contain ers, read every warni ng text and follow the in structi ons. Whe never a special han dli ng device is specified, use

46、 it. Never taste or allow unknown products to come into con tact with your skin, and only smell them with the greatest cauti on.Tools - Hand tools, portable power tools or the ones operated by compressed airMost in juries inv olvi ng hand tools are caused by damaged tools, tools that are used in cor

47、rectly or tools that have bee n wron gly stored.* Keep your hands beh ind the cutt ing edge whe n using cutt ing tools. Keep kni ves and other sharp tools in a safe place, not in your pockets. Keep your tools clea n and in good con diti on. Protect the edge of sharp tools whe n carry ing them and wh

48、e n stori ng them.Before using portable power tools, make sure they are in good con diti on. If you are un sure about their safety, report this to your supervisor.* Always use the right tool for the job. Make sure the cables do not come into con tact with oil, heat or sharp edges. Check that all com

49、pressed-air hoses to compressed-air tools are tight. Wear safety goggles and ear protectors whe n worki ng with power tools and tools operated by compressed air. Store tools, hand lamps, cables and hoses in a safe and tidy condition.* Never life to pull power tools by the lead. Never try to modify o

50、r work a grinding wheel. Never press a portable grinding mach ine too hard aga inst the work, as the grinding wheel may develop dan gerous smooth patches. Never modify, adapt or rework the way the tool operates.* Never take your eyes off the job-c oncen trate on what you are doing.Working at heights

51、Falli ng from a great height is less com mon tha n falli ng on the ground, but it obviously causes more serious injuries. Work platforms must satisfy approved sta ndards. If you have to work outside of a temporary or perma nent platform with raili ngs and there is a risk of falli ng, you must wear a

52、 suitable safety harn ess. When working on roofs or modules where it is not possible to wear a retaining belt, the pers on concerned must exercise the greatest possible cauti on and have scaffoldi ng positi oned alon gside the module or area of work.* All kinds of material from n uts to pla nks may

53、fall on to others from scaffoldi ng, platforms, roofs and mach in es.Ladders -portable, fixedIf used correctly, portable ladders can offer a safe way of climbing up when working at heights.* Ladders must have a broade ned base. Remember that it must exte nd at least a metre above the place you are w

54、ork ing on.* Check that the ladder is not defective.* Always ask some one to help if you n eed to move a long ladder.* Position the ladder on a firm surface. Slope it so that it rests at an angle of around 70 degrees (i.e. ? meter out for each meter in height.)* Never stretch too far out from the si

55、de of the ladder.* Move it to make work safer.* Never pull out an exte nsion ladder further tha n in dicated by the safety marking on the sides. Do not push your arm in through the ladder to adjust the safety catches, as the ladder may slip.* Never carry heavy material up by hand. Use a tool belt or

56、 hoisting cable.* Perma nent work from ladder is not allowed.The rules for the correct use of portable ladders can also be applied to work on permanently fixed metal ladders. Remember to close the safety gate or lower the barrier whe n worki ng on a raised platform.Accidents involving slipping and f

57、allingFalls and slip dow n are ofte n due to in correct use or deficie ncies in the desig n of the impleme nts. The greatest con tributi on you can make to preve nt such accide nts is to keep the workplace clean, tidy and free of traps .* Keep the workplace clean. If you spill anything, wipe it up i

58、mmediately.* Use safe routes and walkways. Avoid tak ing shortcuts and use han drails.* Report both damage to or obstacles on floor surfaces, han drails and fen ces, as well as poorly lit surfaces.* Make sure that all temporary ope nings in gan gways are safely closed.* Do not block passages with electric leads and hoses.FireFire protectio n is of the utmost importa nee for all employeeslives and jobs as well as econo mic assets ar


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