



1、2014年七年級英語下冊期中考試試題第卷 選擇題聽力部分(30分)一、情景反應。聽兩遍。(每小題1分,共5分) ( )1. a happy new year, too. b the same to you. c thank you. ( )2. a thank you. b not at all c where where. ( )3. a. by bike b on feet c by a bus ( )4. a sure. b no, you cant c of course. ( )5. a twice a week. b at 8 oclock. c two weeks. 二、. 聽對

2、話,選擇正確答案。每段對話讀兩遍。(每小題2分,共10分) ( )6.a.he is watching tv at school b. he is making cards at home. c. he is watching tv at home. ( )7 . a. 12:03 b.1:03 c. 2:59 ( )8 . a. a english class. b.a chinese class. c. an english class. ( )9 . a. at school. b. at home. c. in classroom. ( )10. a. kangkang b. meim

3、ei c. lily 三、聽對話,判斷正(t)誤(f)。對話讀兩遍。(每小題1分,共5分) ( )11.wang lis bike is new. ( )12.wang li usually walks to school. ( )13.she has six classes every day. ( )14.she likes chinese best. ( )15.she usually watches tv after school. 四、聽短文,選擇最佳答案。聽兩遍。(每小題2分,共10分) ( ) 16. what time does li lei get up on sundays

4、? a. half past six. b. six oclock. c. a quarter to six. ( )17.li lei has at eight oclock. a. breakfast b. lunch c. supper ( )18.li lei often play games with in the afternoon. a. his friend b. his classmates c. his friends ( )19. li lei goes shopping with . a. his father b. his mother c. his father a

5、nd mother ( )20.which of the following (下面敘述中哪一項)is right? a. li lei likes watching tv. b. li lei and his parents get back home at 11:00 a.m. c. li lei helps his mother to do homework一、單項選擇(20分)( )1.can you play the piano?_. a. yes, i am. b. yes, i do . c. no, i cant. d. yes, a little.( )2. kate wan

6、ts _the english club. a. joins b. to joins c. to join d. joining( )3. your sister doing the housework now? a. does b. is c. do d. are( )4. do you play piano in free time? no. i like sports, so i often play soccer with my friends. a. /; the b. the; / c. the; the d. a; a ( )5. jim often gets_ school a

7、t eight and gets _ home at fivea. ; b. to; to c. ; to d. to; ( )6. what do you usually do_ sunday morning.a. in . b. at . c. on. d. for.( )7.it takes one hour his homework. a. he; do b. him; do c. him; to do d. his; to do ( )8.how do you usually go to school? i usually go to school _.a. by my bike b

8、. by bikes c. by bike d. by a bike( )9. _are you staying there? for two weeks.a how long b. how far c. how often d. how many( )10.how do you _ there? i take the train.a. reach to b. get to c. arrive d. arrive in( )11. _do you think of your teacher?a. how b what c. which d. where( )12. _play computer

9、 games after school.a. cant b. no c. not d .dont( )13. dont run in the hallways. _,i wont do it again.asorry b. excuse c. thank you d. no( )14. the teacher tells us not _a hat in class.a. wear b. wearing c. to wear d. wears( )15. _do you like pandas. _they are cute.awhy; because b. why; so c. what;

10、because d. what; so( )16. there is elephant in the zoo. elephant comes from africa. a. an; an b. the; the c. a ; the d. an; the ( )17. the monkey is animal. its cute. a. a kind of ; a kind of b. kind of ; kind of c. kind of ; a kind of d. a kind of ; kind of ( )18. listen! the bird in the tree. a. s

11、ing b. sings c. is singing d. is sing( )19. is nancy doing her homework? - . she is watching tv. a. yes, she is b. no, she isnt c. yes, she does d. no, she doesnt( )20. do you like newspapers? - yes. i newspapers these days. a. looking at; read b. reading; am reading c. seeing; am reading d. reading

12、; read二、閱讀理解(30分) a tom often gets up at six. he has breakfast at home. he goes to school at half past seven. classes begin at eight. there are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. tom studies hard. he likes english very much. he reads it every morning. he goes to school from monday

13、 to saturday. he has no classes on sunday.tom has supper at six twenty. in the evening, he does his homework. he goes to bed at about nine every day.根據短文內容判斷正(t)誤(f)( )1. tom has breakfast at school.( )2. tom has six classes on sunday.( )3. tom reads english in the morning and does his homework in t

14、he evening.( )4. tom goes to school at 7 on sunday.( )5. tom has supper at six every day. b bill is from australia. he lives in sydney. he can speak french and english, but he can t speak chinese. he has a pen pal in the united states. her name is lisa and she lives in new york. bill s favorite spor

15、t is basketball and he can play the guitar. lisa s favorite sport is tennis. she cant play the guitar, but she can play the piano and sing very well.( )1.bill is from .a. australia b. france c. the united states d. the uk( ) 2. lisa is an .a. chinese b. american c. english d. japanese( ) 3. what lan

16、guages does bill speak?a. chinese b. french c. english d. b and c( ) 4. what is bill s favorite sport?a. tennis b. volleyball c. soccer d. basketball( )5. which sentence is not right?a. bill has a pen pal in the usa. b. bill can play the piano and lisa can play the guitar.c. bill and lisa like diffe

17、rent sports. d. lisa lives in new york. c. bob has a good friend, caesar. he is a brown dog. he is not very old. bob gets him from mr. mason.one day bobs father, mother and bob go to the masons farm (農場) for lunch. after lunch, mr. mason says, “im going to a big city. so i cant take him there. you c

18、ant have a young dog in a big city.”“ let me have him, ”mr. mason, “ he knows me well and we have no dog, ” mr. mason looks at bobs mother and father.“please , mother, let me have him,” says bob.“ask your father,” says she.“please, dad?”“yes, you can have him.”“thank you, dear dad. thanks, mr. mason

19、. come here, caesar.”“see! the dog is his now,” says mr. mason.( )1. what color is caesar? itsa. black b. yellow c. brown d. white( )2. how old is the dog? itsa. very old b. not very old c. half a year d. one year and a half( )3. mr. mason works .a. in a school b. in a factory c. with mr. green d. o

20、n a farm( )4. mr. mason wants to .a. take the dog to a big city b. give bob the dogc. leave (離開) home with the dog d. sell the dog( )5. caesar is bobsa. friend b. brother c. doll d. name 第卷非選擇題三、讀下面的短文,回答問題(10分)the smiths live at 87 king street. .in the morning, mr smith goes to work and the childre

21、n go to school. their father takes them to school every day .mrs smith stays at home every day. she does the housework. she always eats her lunch at noon. in the afternoon,she usually sees her friends. they often drink tea together. in the evening, the children come home from school. they arrive hom

22、e early. mr smith comes home from work.he arrives home late. at night, the children always do their homework, then they go to bed. mr smith usually reads his newspaper,but sometimes he and his wife watch television. 1. where do the smiths live?_2. what does mrs smith do every day?_3. who does mrs sm

23、ith see in the afternoon?_4. do the children arrive home early?_ 5. what do the children often do at night?_四、詞匯(10分)1. 當人們外出就餐時,我就會很忙。 i m very busy when people _ _ to dinners.2. 這個男孩想當一名記者。 the boy _ _ be a reporter. 3他們正在和誰談話? who are they _ _? 4. 謝謝你的來信。 _ _your letter. 5. 他們正在圖書館看書嗎? _they_ in

24、the library?6. 看!樹下每個人玩得都很高興。 look! everyone is _ _under the tree.7有些人在看書,有些人在聽音樂。 _people are reading books , _ are listening to music.8. 我希望你旅途愉快。 i _ you _ a good _. 9. 我不喜歡數學,因為太難了。i _ _ math because its _ _.10. 你在聽我說話嗎? are you _ _ me?五、用所給詞的適當形式填空。(10分)1.his sister usually _ (take) a shower at

25、 8:00 in the evening.2._ (do) your parents_ (run) every day?3.i take a bus _ (go) to school .4.how about_ (take) a bus to school?5.she _ (not do) her homework now.6.it takes tom an hour _ (finish) his homework.7._ (do) your homework before dinner.8.lets _(see)the pandas first.9.chinese people are gr

26、eat and _ (friend).10.look! your sister _(do) her homework.七、書面表達(10分) 假設bill是你最好的朋友,請你根據表格中的信息,寫一篇短文介紹一下bill。姓名bill年齡13愛好玩電子游戲和打籃球能力唱歌,彈鋼琴到校時間早上7:40放學時間下午4:30到校方式乘公共汽車從家到學校 約10公里聽 力 材 料及答案 一、情景反應。聽兩遍(每小題1分,共5分) 1.happy new year! 2.your skirt looks very nice! 3.how do you usually go to school? 4.exc

27、use me, may i borrow this book? 5.how long can i keep the books? 二、. 聽對話,選擇正確答案。每段對話讀兩遍。(每小題2分,共10分) 6.w:hi, jim. what are you doing? m: im watching tv at home. q: what is jim doing? 7.w:excuse me, what time is it now? m: its one to three. q: what time is it now? 8. m: what are they doing? w: they a

28、re having an english class. q: what class are they having? 9.w:hello, jim. nice to see you again. m: nice to see you, too. maria. w: where do you usually have lunch? m:i usually have lunch at home. what about you, maria? w:i usually have lunch at school. q:where does jim usually have lunch? 10.m: me

29、imei, what do you think of english? w: its difficult and boring. kangkang, what about you? m: its easy and interesting. i think it is my favorite subject. q: who likes english? 三、聽對話,判斷正(t)誤(f)。對話讀兩遍。 w:hi, li ming! nice to see you. m:hi, wang li! nice to see you, too. your new bike looks very nice.

30、 w:thank you. m:do you usually go to school by bike? w:yes, i do. m:how many classes do you have every day? w:six. we have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. m:which subject do you like best? w:i like math best. m:do you have lunch at school? w:no, i usually have lunch at

31、home. m:what do you usually do after school? w:i usually read books. 四、聽短文,選擇最佳答案。聽兩遍(10分) on sundays, li lei gets up at six thirty. he has breakfast. at eight. then he helps his mother to do the housework. at ten he leaves home and goes shopping with his parents . at about eleven oclock they comes

32、back home. he likes cooking very much. he helps his mother with the cooking. they have lunch at twelve. in the afternoon he often play games with his friends. they have supper at six thirty. in the evening he does his homework. sometimes, he watch tv for a little while. he goes to bed at nine. 下面是贈送

33、的勵志文檔需要的朋友可以好好欣賞,不需要的朋友可以下載后編輯刪除!謝謝!不想窮,就好好讀懂這些話!一言驚醒夢中人! 1、成功的人,就是那種能用別人扔向他的石頭來鋪設路基的人。2、批評你的人是你今天的敵人,明天的朋友;吹捧你的人是你今天的朋友,明天的敵人。3、nothing is impossible、只要選擇了目標,不要再想太遠,每天腳踏實地,風雨兼程。生命不息,戰(zhàn)斗不止。4、你和你的朋友會一起在將來打造一個可能很輝煌的事業(yè)。很好聽是嗎?記住,你們都要努力。 5、后悔是一種耗費精神的情緒,后悔是比損失更大的損失,比錯誤更大的錯誤,所以不要后悔。6、別怕丟人,追求丟人是一種成功的嘗試,至于為此笑








41、樹立一個目標。一個人過去或現在的情況并不重要,將來想要獲得什么成就才最重要。除非你對未來有理想,否則做不出什么大事來。49、不要把過去的事全讓人知道,尊敬不喜歡你的人。50、成大事的方法多種多樣 ,別不接受你看不慣的方法。51、一切以健康為中心,遇事瀟灑一點,看世事糊涂一點。52、氣不鼓不能前進,氣太足可能爆胎。53、三個忘記:忘記年齡,忘記過去,忘記恩怨。54、樂觀的人看見問題后面的機會,悲觀的人只看見機會后面的問題,機會是從來不會主動敲響你的門,無論你等待多少年。它也只會如一陣風一樣拂面而過,需要你的反應能力和追隨速度。朝著一個目標前進,盡量使用你的潛能,才華橫溢的你會發(fā)現機會的存在。風雖



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