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1、21 世紀視聽說教程 1 答案 【篇一: 21 世紀大學英語視聽說 3 答案】ent/register.aspx1.indoor soccer tournament 2. championship game3. the referee was being such a jerk4. its really unfortunate 5. don,t think about it any more, if there,s anything i can do 6.could possibly be there to support her 1.add five love deposits into y

2、our love account for everywithdrawal1)be kind to each other.2)bring home a little surprise3).give your love attention.4). appreciate your partner of all that the do5). express your love 2. criiticism,anger,putting your partner down,crossing yourarms and turning awaycaba 1. different world, serious 2

3、. expect, running for office 3.breaking up with, proposing4. i a have choice 1.one of the reasons i wanted to come here tonight was todiscuss our future2. ive been thinking about it,and its the right thing to do3. your have no idea the pressure that i am under cadtftf1. would marry him when i was ol

4、d enouch2. which people are not fond of doing,we did sort of agree3. what diseases are going to catch up with usbacdadcadcaunit 2 1. it all over the news.2. in the school paper3. heard it on tv.4.lost his control.5. lose her scholarship soon.6. couldnt staylong due to work 1. there are serveal reaso

5、ns for this.2. this means 3. anotherissue 4. there isnt an easy answer here 5. but 6. at the sametimebbbc 1. on anh a half billion years 2. heroic endeavor 3.monumental sculptures 4. attract thousands of tourists,needed boost to1. mt.rushmore is one of the world s most enormous stone carvings2. mt.r

6、ushmore itself stands nearly 6000 feet above sea level. 3. the four presidents on the mountain would entirely blockniagara falls1.rising food and energy prices and weak housing.2.the u.s.congress.1. anxious about issues2. increase gasoline supplies; oil exploration3. in terms of helping the economy

7、1 bush was asked whether the u.s.economy is a recession 2 the words on how to define the economy 3 either a lack of leadership or a lack of understanding of theissue pretty neighborhoods, great sporting events, and a traditionof embracing both the old and the newssmall, very interesting neighborhood

8、s. one of the mostexciting neighborhoods; it s walking distanec to downtown;anartist s enclave, such as art museum and bakery. the best for afternoon shopping/a great one-stop-shoppingdestination. dcbcbaddunit3 1 rob and angela are boss and secretary, and the are talkingabout some daily office routi

9、nes. 2 bob makes requests in a polite way, repeatedly using “couldyou” instead of giving instructions. angela responds in a verypolite, direct and simple way.cddc1 barriers 2.differences 3.tradition 4.particular 5.nationality 6.tiny【篇二:新英語視聽說教程 答案及原文 unit 7 】spart 1task 1 exercise 11. b2. d3. a4.c5.

10、 dtask 2exercise 11. c2. a3. b4.d 5.a exercise 21. religious issues 2. rarely3. churchgoer non-churchgoer christians non-christianspart 2 task 1 exercise 1 1. getting together lunar calendar the celebrations stretch farbeyond the borders of china. 2. normal theatre productionprofessionalsvolunteers

11、localcommunitylandmarksbackstreets chinatown 3. special freemusical performancesguess-the-mooncake-flavourfan danceexercise 21. f 2.f 3. f 4.t5.t task 21. family reunions football 2. civil holiday religious spiritualthanksgiving may be theonly time of year wheneveryone gets together long-distance tr

12、avel3. turkeyside dishes sweet potatoesdessert pumpkinadditional listening exercise 11. a 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.a exercise 2 1. it is a program that lets foreign students work in the unitedstates during their summer vacations. (the state departmentadministers it for full-time college or university students

13、whospeak english well. students come on a j-1 exchange visa. theycan work for up to four months during their school break. theygenerally work in service jobs in stores, hotels, restaurantsand amusement parks. but summer internships are alsopermitted.) 2. they are supposed to be paid the same as amer

14、icans. 3. sally lawrence advices students to avoid unapprovedgroups offering services, and to research a few differentsponsors. 4. sponsors must confirm the english language ability ofstudents and make sure they are currently in school. 5. sponsors do not all charge the same price for their services

15、.another difference: some sponsors arrange employment andhousing for students before they leave home. others permitstudents to find their own jobs after they arrive.part 1 task1holiday fun for everyone in china, the spring festival is the most important celebrationof the year. holiday celebrations t

16、ake many forms; it can be atime to be merry, to exercise, to learn and to reflect. we take alook at how some chinese people spend the holiday. askanyone about their spring festival plans, and the same placewill always pop up. temple fairs have been an integral part of spring festivalrituals for many

17、 generations. while the general idea is to havefun and deliver silent prayers, there are various ways toaccomplish this. people throw coins to strike a lucky bell orpatiently join a zigzagging queue to touch a lucky zodiacanimal on the wall. they are all asking for blessings. if you don t like the c

18、old winter weather, indoor temple fairsoffer a cozy atmosphere to stroll around. booths are set upselling everything from desserts to decorations. toys in theshape of an ox are in hot demand. elderly people like to sit down with a cup of tea, and tap theirfingers to the rhythms of a peking opera per

19、formance. thelaoshe tea house in downtown beijing is doing a bustling trade,not to be overshadowed by temple fairs. but for the adventurous type, it s time to set out. with the global economic downturn eating into travel packageprices and fuel surcharges suspended on domestic flights, thisspring fes

20、tival is a great time to travel in china or abroad. travel agencies say airfare prices to foreign destinations havedropped thirty percent, with the maldives, bali, sampan, all hotdestinations. while some people are heading to the beach, others are hittingthe slopes. seeking an adrenalin rush, more a

21、nd more chinesepeople are taking up skiing. the sport requires a lot of energy,so does a class of fencing or taekwondo. after a spring festival feast, it may be time to burn a fewcalories. hitting the gym is the choice for many commuters,who struggle to find time on workdays to work up a sweat. the

22、new year hoopla is taking a quiet and elegant turn at anongoing exhibition at the national art museum of china. thechinese folk arts and crafts show gives a mind-boggling lookat the country s exquisite craftsmanship. cove ring all nine halls of the museum s first floor are 350objects chosen from 31

23、provinces, municipalities andautonomous regions on the chinese mainland. visitors receivemore than a lesson on art. each work comes with its ownhistory to tell. this is the first ever exhibitions of chinese folkarts and crafts in the museum -sy4e6a r history. the exhibitiongives an insight into less

24、 well known traditions, and runs intoearly february. browsing for the latest release at book fairs and in bookstoresis another popular way to spend free time over the holiday. with so many options around, the question now is: how willyou spend the holidays?task 2do you celebrate christmas? cnns bill

25、 schneider reports on a poll that looks at people whocelebrate the christmas holiday. americans are divided overmany religious issues, but christmas is not one of them. in acnn poll conducted by the opinion research corporation, 94%of americans say they celebrate christmas; nearly threequarters send

26、 christmas cards and have a christmas tree intheir home. oh, well, people do that for the kids? nope, morethan seventy percent of americans who have no children athome put up a christmas tree. religious people, right? nope.even americans whorarely go to church put up a christmas tree. but what kind

27、oftree? that s where things are changing. ten years ago, a thirdof americans put up a real tree. now that number is down totwenty-two percent. today most americans use artificial trees.maybe because it s cheaper than buying a n ew type tree everyyear; maybe because it is safer; maybe because people

28、aremore environmentally conscious, or maybe it is just easier.putting up christmas lights is not easy. but nearly six in tenamericans do it including this woman in los angeles whohappens to be jewish. i don t think santa claus and talkingsnowman and flying reindeer and candy-cane trees have anyrelig

29、ious significance at all. ” i am not an orthodox jew, and i think it s unusual that merryputs on, but you know, it is ok, doesn t faze me. i think it spretty. christmas is less and less likely to divide churchgoers andnon-churchgoers, people with and without kids, evenchristians and non-christians.

30、they can all agree on one thing:it is pretty. part 2task 1 on 25th september this year, people all over china will begetting together to eat with their families, look at the moon andcelebrate one of the biggest festivals in chinese lunar calendar.however, the celebrations stretch far beyond the bord

31、ers ofchina. here in the uk events are taking place for chinese peopleliving here, and to teach the people of britain more about thispopular festival. the soho theatre in london conducted a study which showedthat chinese londoners don t engage much with the arts world.as a result, moon walking in ch

32、ina has been created tocelebrate the mid-autumn festival. this is no normal theatre production though, as it doesn t takeplace in the theatre. theatre professionals and volunteers fromthe local community will take audiences around the streets ofsoho on a magical lantern-lit walk through the landmark

33、s andbackstreets of chinatown. they tell the story of three generations of chinese londonerswho all cross paths one night in chinatown. rabbits, karaokeand a woman who lives on the moon all feature prominently. it s the soho theatre s first -ssipteecific production and looksto be a unique way of mar

34、king the famous chinese festival. and the celebrations don t stop there! in early october thebritish museum is actually opening late for a special free mid-autumn festival event. there will be chinese musical performances, a guess-the mooncake-flavour game and youcan learn how to perform a fan dance

35、. you can also try your hand at a variety of other traditionalchinese arts and crafts, as well as learning mandarin andlearning more about the history of china. the chinese population in the uk is quite large, so no doubtthere will be events happening not only in the capital, but allaround the count

36、ry. however you are celebrating, we hope you have fun. happymid-autumn festival from everyone at bbc learning english. task 2thanksgiving: filled with family traditions and foodwelcome to this is american in voa special english. i m barber cline and i m steven ember. our subject this week is what th

37、e writero hey called the one day that is purely american-thanksgiving this thursday is thanksgiving day. this is the 143rd officialobservance of the holiday. but the tradition is much older.thanksgiving is an autumn harvest festival like those found inmany cultures. today the holiday is a time of fa

38、mily reunions, parades andwatching football games on television. and, oh yes, food. formillions of americans, thanksgiving is a day spent cooking,eating and talking. thanksgiving is what the social scientists call a civil holiday. itis not religious but it does have spiritual meaning. for somefamili

39、es, thanksgiving may be the only time of year wheneveryone gets together. the government says the sunday afterthanksgiving is the busiest day of the year for long-distancetravel as people return form greetings. now we come to part of the holiday that thanksgivingmemories are often made of-the big th

40、anksgiving day meal.some families serve ham. others serve a meatless dinner. butthe traditional main dish is turkey. most people cook the birdin an over; some prepare the turkey other ways, like fried in oil. turkey on thanksgiving is usually server with a bread mixtureinside. some americans call it

41、 stuffing; others call it dressing.popular side dishes on thanksgiving include cranberries,sweet potatoes and green beans. then for a rich, sweet dessertthere is often pumpkin pie or pecan pie. many thanksgivingtables also are heavy with other dishes, often brought byguests. and if the guests eat al

42、l that is served, they too will feelheavy. some people like fruit soup, green salads and baked potatoeswith their turkey. others like baked squash, creamed onions,creamed spinach and corn pudding. many people eat more atthanksgiving than any other time of the year. for people who do not have much fo

43、od or a home to go to atthanksgiving, charity groups play an important part. to help theneedy, religious and service organizations across the countryserve special thanksgiving meals.additional listeningsummer work/travel brings many students to usthis is the voa special english education report. thi

44、s week, we answer a question from a student in odessa,ukraine. marushra wants to know about a program that letsforeign student work in the united states during their summervacations. the program is called summer work/travel. the statedepartment administers it for full-time college or universitystude

45、nts who speak english well. students come on a j-1 exchange visa. they can work for up tofour months during their school break. they generally work inservice jobs in stores, hotels, restaurants and amusementparks. but summer internships are also permitted. summer in this case means summer in the student s country.those from south of he equator come to the united statesduring the northern winter. students cannot work as housekeepers in private homes or beinvolved in patient care. and they


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