



1、歡迎下載。高二英語上學(xué)期期中試題(11) 練習(xí)英語試題卷面總分: 120 分考試用時: 100 分鐘第一部分聽力(略)第二部分閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40 分)第一節(jié)(共 15 小題 ;每小題 2 分,滿分 30 分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C 和 D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。AHerearesomerecommendationsfortourists to choose from.Banff, CanadaBanff,locatedintheRockies,hasaview of tall mountains, deep valleys and lakes
2、, making it thefirsttown tobecome partofthecountry snationalparks.Touristscanenjoyitsbeautybyhiking,horseridingandboattrips.Banffwas1/25歡迎下載。founded in 1883 while a railroad was in construction. It wasthe water springs that drew the engineers attention to theplaceas a settlement.Withsuch a fantastic
3、view,it snosurprise that Banff hosts a number of cultural festivals.Lisbon, PortugalLisbonisthecapitalofPortugal,withthewarmestwinters of any major European city.Belem Tower and JeronimosMonasteryarelistedas UNESCOWorldHeritageSites.Theformerwasbuiltinthe16thcentury as a symbol of Portugal s Extraor
4、dinary Age and the latter is one ofthegreatestexamplesofthePortugueselate-Gothicstyleofarchitecture.TheLisbon Oceanaium is among Europes finestaquariums.The Museum CalousteGulbenkianisamong thebestmuseums in Europe containing priceless artworks covering 4000years from ancient Egyptian times to the l
5、ate 20th century.Portland, USPortlandisfrequentlyrecognizedas one oftheworld smostenvironmentally-friendlycitiesbecauseofitswell-2/25歡迎下載。builtpavements,largecommunity ofcyclistsand convenientpublic transportation. Us climate is ideal for growing rosesand it s called the “City of Roses ”. Besides, t
6、he seaport is also known as a city of beer: it has the largest number ofbeerbreweries (啤 酒廠) of anycityintheworld.TodaysPortlandisbetterknown foritsmusic.Itscalled“thecapitalofkaraoke ” and“oneofthemostexcitingmusicscenes” in the US.Bordeaux, FranceBordeauxattractstouristswithitsrichculturalheritage
7、,especiallyitswealth of architectural treasures. BesidestheCathedralofSaintAndrewdatingbackto12thcentury,theBasilicaof SaintMichaelisanotheroneof thecity sUNESCO World Heritage Sites. It took 200 years to build from14thto16thcenturies.OthersignificantbuildingsincludetheGrandTheaterbuiltin1780inthene
8、wClassicalstyleand the Stone Bridge built in 1821.21. What may be the main reason for Banff to host a number of cultural festivals?3/25歡迎下載。A. Its the first town in the countrys national parks.B. It provides impressive view with its natural beauty.C. It provides horse riding, winter sports and boat
9、trips.D. Its water springs drew engineers to build a railway here.22. What can we know about Lisbon?A. Lisbon enjoys the warmest winters of all European cities.B. The Lisbon Oceanaium is recognized as the worlds finestaquarium.C.The Museum CalousteGulbenkianisoneofthelargestmuseums in the world.D.Je
10、ronimosMonastaryistypicalarchitectureofthePortuguese late-Gothic style.23.Where aretouristslikelytobeimpressedbyUNESCOWorld Heritage Sites?A. Banff and Portland.B.LisbonandBordeaux.C. Portland and Bordeaux.D. Lisbon andBanff.BThe first drawings on walls appeared in caves thousands of years ago. Late
11、r the Ancient Romans and Greeks wrote their4/25歡迎下載。names and protest ( 抗議 ) poems on buildings. Modern graffiti(涂鴉藝術(shù))seems tohaveappearedinPhiladelphiaintheearly 1960s, and by the late sixties it had reached New York.Thenew artformreallytookoffinthe1970s,when peoplebegan writing their names, or“tag
12、s ”, on buildings all overthecity.In themid-seventiesitwas sometimeshardtoseeoutofasubwaycarwindow,becausethetrainswerecompletelycoveredinspray(噴 射 )paintingsknown asmasterpieces.Intheearlydays,the“taggers ” werepartofstreetcrowds who were concerned with marking their territory (領(lǐng)地 ).Theyworkedin gr
13、oupscalled“crews” and calledwhattheydid“writing” the term“graffiti” was first used by TheNew York Times and the novelist Norman Mailer. Art galleriesin New York began buying graffiti in the early seventies. Butat the same time when it began to be regarded as an art form,John Lindsay, the then mayor
14、of New York, declared the firstwar on graffiti. By the 1980s it became much harder to writeonsubway trainswithoutbeing caught,andinsteadmany ofthemoreestablishedgraffitiartistsbeganusingroofsof5/25歡迎下載。buildings.Thedebateoverwhethergraffitiisartordeliberatedamage isstillgoingon.PeterVallone,aNew Yor
15、kcitycouncilor( 顧問),thinksthatgraffitidonewithpermissioncanbeart,butifitisonsomeone else spropertyitbecomes acrime.“Ihaveamessageforthegraffitidestroyers out there,” he said recently,“and your freedomofexpressionendswhere my propertybegins. ” On theotherhand, Felix, a member of the Berlin-based grou
16、p Reclaim YourCity, saysthatartistsarereclaiming( 開拓,改造)citiesfor the public from advertisers, and that graffiti representsfreedom and makes cities livelier.Fordecadesgraffitihasbeenaspringboard(跳板)tointernationalfameforafew.Jean-MichelBasquiatbegansprayingonthestreetinthe1970sbeforebecomingarespect
17、edartistinthe80s.TheFrenchman BlekleRatandthe British artist Banksy have achieved international fame byproducingcomplexworkswithstencils( 模板 ), oftenmakingpolitical or humorous points. Works by Banksy have been soldfor over 100,000. Graffiti is now sometimes big business.6/25歡迎下載。24. Why was the sev
18、enties an important decade in the history of graffiti?A. That was when modern graffiti first appeared.B. That was when modern graffiti first became really popular.C. That was when graffiti first reached New York.D. That was when graffiti first appeared on subway car windows.25. What does the underli
19、ned word“ taggers ” in the secondparagraph mean?A. Names of people who draw graffiti.B. Building where paints were sprayed.C. People who marked surface with graffiti.D. People who were interested in graffiti.26. The Berlin-based group Reclaim Your City holds the view that_.A.involvingyoungpeopleingr
20、affitistopsthembeinginvolved with serious crime.B.graffitihelpsthepublictoown thestreetsand takecontrol away from advertisers.C.graffitiactuallyincreasesthevalueofpropertyby7/25歡迎下載。making the area more attractive.D. graffiti can free artist from being caught by the police.27. What is the authors fi
21、nal opinion about graffiti?A. Graffiti has now become mainstream and can benefit artists.B. Graffiti is not a good way to become a respected artist. C. Some popular graffiti artists end up being ignored by theart world.D.Somegraffiticausedinconveniencetothelocalenvironment.CA hybrid electric vehicle
22、 (混合動力車 ) or HEV is a vehicledriven by the combination of petrol engine and electric motor.Terrencehasbeen drivinga HEV forfiveyears.He reallydoesntunderstandwhy more peoplearen tacceptingthem.“I probably spend about $ 7 a day on petrol, ” the .au.Inhispreviousconventionalvehic
23、leTerrencesaidhe was spendingup to$ 30 a day onpetrol, meaning he saves almost $ 6000 every year.8/25歡迎下載。The Toyota spokesman said this was quite a high saving andofficialtests estimate (估計 ) anaverage driver wouldonlysaveabout33percentofftheircurrentbill.Thismeans adriver paying $ 30 a day on petr
24、ol would see their bill droptoabout $ 20using thehybrid. “A taxi driver that drivesinbuilt-upareas andspends littletimeonhighwayswillnoticeahigher fuelsaving, ” hesaid.“Lowspeedsallowtheelectricmotorstobeusedmoreandthepetrolengineused less.”While some people are skeptical about how reliable hybridsa
25、re, Terrence said hehadnever runout of power.HisCamrycostabout$34,000andsoafterfiveyears,it snearlypaidforitself.“Forcabdrivers,it sarealadvantagebecause of the cost-effectiveness,” he said. Terrence has nocomplaints about the car.“I love it, the calm and quietnessofit,thesimplicityofityoujustjump i
26、nandgo. Themaintenance (保養(yǎng)) is really low. But the only difficulty isfindingsomeone toservicethecarastherearenotmanyexperienced mechanics(機修工) . ”9/25歡迎下載。Terrencesaidits“extraordinary” thatmoredriversaren tbuyingmorehybridelectricvehiclesandthatgovernmentsare notencouragingthismore.“Ithinkpeoplehav
27、e a view that you have to plug it in, which is not true. Alackofinformationabout thecarsmay bestoppingpeoplefromtakingtheplunge.It snot promotedatallforthepublic to understandits simplifyingthe actualowning ofa car you don t have to do so many things to own it and runit, its just so much simpler. Wh
28、y wouldnt the governmentpromote such a thing?”28. How much does an average driver save each day by driving a hybrid, according to the Toyota spokesman?A.$30B.$20C.$10D.$729.Terrence s problemwithhisHEV atthemoment isaboutthe _.A.speedB.powerC.priceD. service30.When saying“ extraordinary” ,Terrenceth
29、inksitis_.10/25歡迎下載。A.understandableB.wonderfulC.doubtfulD. unbelievable31. What does Terrence think prevent the popularity of hybrid cars?A. The difficulty in servicing the car.B. The restriction of the government.C. The lack of information about HEV.D. The inconvenience with charging the car.DIfyo
30、uaretakingvitaminsupplementstoreduceyourriskofheartdiseaseorcancer,a groupofhealthexpertswant youtoknow thatthosevitaminsmay actuallyincreaseyour risk of cancer.TheUSPreventiveServicesTaskForcecametothisconclusion after reviewing dozens of studies.Nearly half of adults in the US take at least one vi
31、taminormineralsupplementonaregularbasis.These pillsareadvertised as a way to promote general health. In some cases,producerspromotethemascancerfightersandheartprotectors.11/25歡迎下載。Studies inanimalsandinlaboratorydishessuggestthatoxidative(氧化性的)stresscontributestodiseaseslikecancer and heart disease.
32、 If so, there is a reason to believethat antioxidantsincludingbeta carotene, vitaminsA,C,and Ecould be useful as preventive medicines.But when theTaskForceexamined themedical evidenceonvitamins,itfound“inadequate(不充分的)evidence ” tosupporttheclaimsthatvitaminandmineralsupplementsbenefit healthy adult
33、s.“Cardiovascular( 心 血 管 的 ) disease and cancer have a significant health impact in America, and we all want to findways to prevent these diseases heads the Task Force, said in added, the medical evidence vitamins is helpful in this aspect., ”Dr.VirginiaMoyer,whoa statement.Butso far,shedoesnotshowt
34、hattakingHowever,theTaskForcedidfind“adequateevidence ”thatpeoplewitharaisedriskforlungcanceractuallyincreasetheirriskfurtherbytakingbeta carotene,aprecursor of vitamin A.TheTaskForcerecommendationsoftakingvitamins12/25歡迎下載。regularly apply to healthy adults aged 50 and older who donthave“ specialnut
35、ritionalneeds”.The advicedoes notapplytochildren,women whoarepregnantormaybecomepregnant,peoplewith chronicillnesses,orpeople who haveto take supplements because theycantgetalltheiressential nutrients from their diet.32.Studies inanimals andinlaboratorydishesfindout_A. adequate evidence that taking
36、vitamins are helpful for treating lung cancerB. cardiovascular disease spreads very fast in America C. oxidative stress can lead to heart disease and cancer D. people must take vitamins on a regular basis33. What can we conclude from Task Forces findings?A. Scientists want to control cardiovascular
37、disease.B. In some aspects, taking vitamins is not useful.C. Producers cannot produce medicaluse vitamins.D.Vitaminsmustbe usefultopreventcancerandheartdisease.34.Who can takevitaminsregularlyaccordingtotheadvice13/25歡迎下載。of the Task Force?A. A 60 year old healthy worker.B. A 15 year old boy with sh
38、ortsightedness.C. A 34 year old pregnant lady.D. A 40 year old man who never eats vegetables or fruits.35. Whats the best title for the text?A. An Inside Look at VitaminsB. Task Force: Ending to VitaminsC. Vitamins: To Live or to KillD. Taking Vitamins to Prevent Diseases May Fail第二節(jié)(共 5 小題;每小題 2 分,
39、滿分 10 分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項,選項中有兩項為多余選項。World RecordsWorldrecordscan be seteven ifyou areover100 yearsold. Robert Marchand was born in 1911 in northern France. Heenjoysridinga bicycle,and startedcyclingseriouslywhenhe was in his 60s. _36On Wednesday, a crowd gathered at the Velodrome Nation
40、al,about30 kilometersoutsideofParis._37The recordfor14/25歡迎下載。one hour is held by Britain de France winner.s Bradley Wiggins, a former TourWigginscovered54.5kilometersin2015.EvelynStevensoftheUnited States holds the womensrecord.She wentalmost48kilometersinanhourlastyear.In 2012, Marchand set a reco
41、rd for riders over 100 years oldwhen he traveled almost 27 kilometers in an hour. 38Marchandsetoffonhisrecordattemptassportsloverscheeredandphotographerswatched.Hemovedslowly,butsteadily, around the cycling track.Marchand is relatively small._ 39When the hour ended,hecompleted92timesaroundthe track.
42、Thatisjustover22.5 kilometers._40Hedidnotseehistrainerstellinghimheonlyhad 10minutes remaining. “Iwouldhave gonefaster. I would have posted a better time,” he said.But thenews was stillgood,as hedidsetanew recordforriders105-years-old or older.“I m now waiting for a rival,” he said.A. Marchand is no
43、w 105 years old.B. Marchand does well in riding a bicycle.C. They were there to see how far he could travel in one hour.15/25歡迎下載。D. They knew Marchand could travel over 22.5 kilometers.E. He is only 1.52 meters tall and weighs 52 kilograms.F. After the event, Marchand said he could have done better
44、.G.So the question many people asked this week was:“Could hebreak his own record?”第三部分英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45 分)第一節(jié)完形填空(共20 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 30 分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給各題的四個選項(A、B、 C 和 D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。At the age of 14, Harvey Bay teenager Mark Farrell took adive into a swimming pool that would41his life forever.“I jumped into the pool and broke my42 ,” he says.It s a very unusual story43 I jumped into the deep end,not the shallow end where most spinal (脊柱的 ) 44occur.”Mark has bee
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