



1、漢譯英難點分類解析(五)第五篇工作,機會和運氣1 . 前途遠大 have the world before one 你們的 前途都很遠大,但仍需努力工作You all have the world before you .But you IIstill need to work hard.2. 好險a narrow squeak昨晚好險哪。老板同一個女職員在辦公室里動手動腳的,差點讓他的妻子給撞上了。The boss had a narrow squeak last night in his office:his spooning with a girl clerk was almost fo

2、und our byhis wife.3. 手氣好have the Midas touch 王先生的手氣特別 好,干什么都掙錢。Mr. Wanghas the Midas touch: everything he does turns to gold.(此語源自希臘神話。據說神給一個叫Midas的人一種特殊的力量,任何東西只要被他的手一碰就會變成黃金.后來,Midas touch便用來喻指“有發(fā)財的運氣或技能”了)4. 走運 be on the gravy train這幾年他一直很走運He s been on the gravy train these years.5讓人給騙了 be ripp

3、ed off 我又被那個家伙給騙了I was ripped off again by that guy.6 .不入虎穴焉得虎子Nothing venture nothinghave.7. 白費力氣plough the air.你再勸他也只是白費力氣Any attempt tot let him change will only be ploughing the air.8. 命好lead a charmed life他的命真好。爸爸是政府高級官員,媽媽是公司的總經理,自己通過了托??荚嚥@得美國一所大學的獎學金。His father is a seniorgovernment official

4、, his mother is the general manager of a large company and he himself had passed the TOFEL test and got a scholarship from an American university.He must have been leading a charmful life!9. 倒霉get in the neck 在家里,如果孩子們打架被 父母發(fā)現(xiàn)了,倒霉的總是年齡大的孩子。In the family, if the kicks-up are found out by the parents

5、, it s always the oldest of the children who ll get in the neck.10. 背黑鍋hold the bag在任何的情況下,我從沒有讓任何人為我背黑鍋Under no circumstances have I made anyone hold the bag for me.11. 有利可圖的事an angle 無利可圖的事,那家伙 是從來不會干的That guy never does anything unless there s anangle in it.12. 吃苦頭burn one s fingers 以前,我為了幫那 個家伙吃

6、了一些苦頭I burned my fingers in helping that guy before.13. 被開除be sacked他因為玩忽職守被開除了Hegot sacked for falling asleep at the switch.14. 因禍得福a blessing in disguise他遭遇車禍反而因禍得福了:住院時和一個漂亮的護士相愛了He had an accident and it turned out to be ablessing in disguise: a pretty nurse fell in lover with him during his stay in the hospital.15. 一舉成名 be vaulted to fame老張就是個一夜成功,一舉成名的典型例證Lao Zhang was vaulted to fame, a classic example of overnight success.逢的好機會阿 This is a chance once in a blue moon.他肯定能通17. 十拿九穩(wěn)


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