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1、數(shù)學(xué)中國MCM/ICM競賽規(guī)則翻譯(任何單位轉(zhuǎn)載須注明來源:)MCM:3 F h J1 H. O D+ h& L( vThe Mathematical Contest in ModelingMCM:數(shù)學(xué)建模競賽I0 M3 f. B: A$ _ICM:2 S7 : E/ J5 v( K0 N) Y2 IThe InterdisciplinaryContest in ModelingICM:交叉學(xué)科建模競賽ContestRules, Registration and Instructions比賽規(guī)則,比賽注冊和指導(dǎo)(All rulesand instructions ap

2、ply to both ICM and MCM contests, except where otherwisenoted.), g$ N& 6 Q9 N: % Y* G. (所有MCM的說明和規(guī)則除特別說明以外都適用于ICM)Toparticipate in a contest, each team must be sponsored by a faculty advisor fromits institution.每個MCM的參賽隊需有一名所在單位的指導(dǎo)教師負(fù)責(zé)。TeamAdvisors: Please read these instructions carefully. It isyou

3、r responsibility to make sure that teams are correctly registered and thatall of the following steps required for participation in the contest arecompleted:Pleaseprint a copy of these contest instructions for reference before, during, andafter the contest. Click here for the printer friendly version

4、.指導(dǎo)老師:請認(rèn)真閱讀這些說明,確保完成了所有相關(guān)的步驟。每位指導(dǎo)教師的責(zé)任包括確保每個參賽隊正確注冊并正確完成參加MCM/ ICM所要求的相關(guān)步驟。請在比賽前做一份競賽注冊和指導(dǎo) 的拷貝,以便在競賽時和結(jié)束后作為參考。I.BEFORE THE CONTEST BEGINS:A. RegistrationB. Chooseyour team members1.競賽前%x8 u2 O, q* w4 Y) n: z6 z: 8 _* EA注冊1h) v& D0 b# YB選好參賽隊成員II.AFTER THE CONTEST BEGINS:A. View the contest problems

5、via the contestweb siteB. Choose a problemC. Teams prepare solutionsD. Print Summary Sheet and Control Sheet2.競賽開始之后(n; M) T9 K0 e5 k, T+ i5 L9 lA通過競賽的網(wǎng)址查看題目g7 q7 |& q0 e7 lB選題C參賽隊準(zhǔn)備解決方案-o- s8 G: f K* B* I! D打印摘要和控制頁面III.BEFORE THE CONTEST ENDS:A. Send electronic copy of Solution * byemail3.競賽結(jié)束之前A.

6、1 |/ l4 v7 z( n. D7 ! c$ 發(fā)送電子版論文。IV.WHEN THE CONTEST ENDS:A. Prepare Solution PacketB. Mail Solution Packet4.競賽結(jié)束的時候$L% M, I9 6 p/ r a0 _* TA. 準(zhǔn)備論文打包d) H& # v% g5 KB郵寄論文V.AFTER THE CONTEST IS OVER:A. Confirm that your teams solution wasreceivedB. Check contest resultsC. CertificatesD. Prizes5.競賽結(jié)束之后

7、-g* w+ C L. P7 X3 GA. 確認(rèn)論文收到B核實競賽結(jié)果C發(fā)證書+P* o A( d % . qD頒獎IMPORTANTNOTES:( E/ _0 $ k+ m COMAP is the final arbiter of all rules and policies, and may disqualify or refuse to register any team that, in its sole discretion, does not follow these contest regulations and procedures. COMAP擁有對所有規(guī)則和制度的解釋權(quán),

8、有權(quán)不受理任何不符合要求的參賽申請。 If a team is caught violating the rules, the faculty advisor will not be permitted to advise another team for one year, and the advisors institution will be put on probation for one year. 如果參賽隊伍違反競賽規(guī)則,該指導(dǎo)老師一年之內(nèi)將不能指導(dǎo)其他隊伍,該參賽單位將被留作觀察一年。 If a team from the same institution is caught

9、violating the rules a second time, then that school will not be allowed to compete for a period of at least one year. 如果一個隊第二次違反了規(guī)定,該學(xué)校將最少被禁賽一年 All times given in these instructions are in terms of Eastern Standard Time (EST). (COMAP is located in the U.S. Eastern Time zone.) COMAP 位于美國東部時區(qū),本指導(dǎo)中所涉及的

10、所有時間均指的是東部時間。5 v$ s- t; e# r. t5 * G$ I. BEFORE THE CONTEST BEGINS:(競賽前)A.RegistrationAll teamsmust be registered before 2PM EST on Thursday, February 10, 2011. Werecommend that all teams complete the registration process well in advance,since the registration system will not accept any new team reg

11、istrations afterthe deadline. COMAP will not accept late registrations for MCM/ICM 2011 underany circumstances. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.A.注冊/K% c8 s+ C( n- ?所有的參賽隊必須在美國東部時間2011年2月10號(星期四)下午2點前完成注冊。屆時,注冊系統(tǒng)將會自動關(guān)閉,不再接受新的注冊。任何未在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)注冊的參賽隊都沒有參加2011年MCM的資格。不存在例外情況。1.Register your team online via theco

12、ntest web site: Go to /undergraduate/contests/mcm.1在線通過下面的網(wǎng)站注冊:/undergraduate/contests/mcm7 A2 6 F, I, c- W6 |a. If you are registeringyour first team for this years contest, click on Register for 2011Contest on the left-hand side of the screen.* Q# ( X9 k & TEn

13、ter all the required information, including your email address andcontact information., R% J1 ?% W3 , F3 nP) jIMPORTANT: Be sure to use a valid and current email address sothat we can use it to contact you at any point before, during, and after thecontest, if necessary.b. If you have alreadyregister

14、ed a team for this years contest and want to register a second team,click on Advisor Login, then log in with the same email address andpassword that you used when you registered your first team. Once youre loggedin, click on Register Another Team near the upper right cornerof the page, then follow t

15、he instructions there.# G: G8 I, Z+ U# E4 Y+ Z+ Note: An advisor may register no more than two (2) teams.If you already registered two teams, the Register Another Team linkwill not appear. The system will not allow you to register more than two teams.c. Although each advisor canregister only two tea

16、ms, there is no restriction on the number of advisors orteams that can register from any particular institution or department.+ P( l- L+ s+ N- Q, D* a.如果您剛剛開始注冊競賽的第一個參賽隊,請點擊網(wǎng)頁左邊的Register for 2011 Contest 。輸入所有需要的信息,包括郵箱地址和聯(lián)系方式。特別注意:必須輸入一個可用的正確的E-mail地址!以便競賽主委會與各參賽隊在賽前、賽中和賽后都能保持聯(lián)系。L. e& E3 U+ ; f+ l

17、b. 如果您已經(jīng)注冊過一個參賽隊而想為另外一個參賽隊注冊,請點擊 Advisor Login,打開頁面后請您使用在注冊第一支參賽隊時使用的E-mail地址和密碼進行登入。登入之后請點擊網(wǎng)頁右上角的 Register Another Team 鏈接,按照我們的指導(dǎo)進行下一步。/B8 |0 E6 ?+ 1 W+ i* j/ N) d2 T- t+ y- Y6 i5 V8 Q注意:一個指導(dǎo)老師注冊不能超過兩個隊。如果你已經(jīng)注冊了2個隊,Register Another Team鏈接就消失。系統(tǒng)不允許注冊超過2隊。c. 雖然每個指導(dǎo)老師只能注冊兩個隊,但是對指導(dǎo)老師或者是總的隊數(shù)是沒有*的。% T(

18、j Z& l 2.Registration FeeA $100registration fee per team is required.For anadditional $100 fee per team, you can receive a Judges Commentary writtenspecifically about your teams *.We acceptpayment with Mastercard or Visa only via our secure web site. We cannot acceptother forms of payment. Our secur

19、e site will process your credit card payment,so your credit card number is protected. Our system will not store your creditcard number after it processes your payment., R( s# I! P0 y/ g3 L- E7 n7 R9 X2每隊必須交100美元的報名費。5 L i$ x- 1 Q3 b每個隊額外的交100美元,可以收到一個專門為你們的論文寫的評委評論。2i$ H7 3 m, y* t* x2 K我們僅通過Masterc

20、ard 或者 Visa收取注冊費。我們不接受其他方式的付款。我們會保護你信用卡的賬號安全,系統(tǒng)在付賬之后不會存儲你的賬號。. $ s/ x# u% ?5 m3 f6 P, j( C; A9 z+ h, M; ! |, n9 I; g3.After we receive approval from your financialinstitution (this takes only a few seconds), the system will issue a controlnumber for your team. Your team is not officially registered

21、until you havereceived a team control number. Print the page thatdisplays your team control number: It is your only confirmation that yourteam has been registered. This page also lists the email address andpassword that you entered when registering; you will need this information tocomplete the cont

22、est procedures.Youwill NOT receive an email confirmation of your registration.$ E s- l* y7 , i3. 一旦我們收到了您的信用卡機構(gòu)的確認(rèn)(這往往只需要數(shù)秒鐘),我們的系統(tǒng)將為您的參賽隊自動生成一個控制編號。參賽隊在沒有收到控制編號以前都是沒有完成參賽注冊的。將給出參賽隊控制編號的網(wǎng)頁打印出來:這是你已經(jīng)注冊的唯一的確認(rèn)。該網(wǎng)頁同時也包含了你注冊時所提供的 E-mail 和密碼的提示,您在完成比賽的整個過程中將會用到它們。你將不會收到Email的確認(rèn)注冊信息。. ; t/ , u; y. |4。If yo

23、u need to change any of the information(name, address, contact information, etc.) that you specified when youregistered, you can do so at any point before or during the contest by loggingin to the contest web site with the same email address and password that youused when registering (click on the A

24、dvisor Login link on theleft side of the screen). Once logged in, click on the Edit Advisor orInstitution Data link near the upper right corner of the page.3 H! t/ O1 & V5 B/ h N V4. 如果需要在賽前或是賽中改變?nèi)魏文谧詴r所填寫的參賽信息(姓名、地址、聯(lián)系資料等)時,你可以點擊頁面左邊的 Advisor Login鏈接并使用你的 E-mail 和密碼登入大賽的網(wǎng)站。登陸以后點擊頁面右上角的 Edit Adviso

25、r or Institution Data鏈接進行修改。+ s, a2 R2 _& V V 5.Check the contest web site regularly for anyupdated instructions or announcements about the contest. Except in extremecircumstances, COMAP will not send any confirmation, reminders, orannouncements by email. All communication regarding the contest will

26、 be via thecontest web site. lA0 j) v, E1 w; B5.經(jīng)常性地訪問競賽網(wǎng)站查看更新的說明或與競賽有關(guān)的通知。除非在極端的情況下,COMAP是不會通過 E-mail 發(fā)出任何確認(rèn)、提醒或是通知。所有與競賽相關(guān)的消息將通過競賽的網(wǎng)站發(fā)布。! I( # |2 _& s6.You will return to the contest web siteduring the contest to enter and confirm information about your team, and toprint out your teams Control She

27、et and Summary Sheets, which you will use whenpreparing your teams solution packet. Details on these steps follow in theinstructions below.8 P3 e+ X) R9 M8 v6. 返回組委會的網(wǎng)站,登陸并確認(rèn)所有與您的隊伍相關(guān)的資料,打印出您的隊伍的控制和簡歷頁面,這些將在您們準(zhǔn)備參賽隊的包裹密封的時候用到。請仔細(xì)閱讀這些步驟的詳細(xì)說明。0 L# E* C r, l a! m* lB. Chooseyour team members:1.You must

28、choose your team members beforethe contest begins at 8PM EST on Thursday February 10, 2011. Once thecontest begins you may not add or change any team members (you may, however,remove a team member, if he or she decides not to participate).2.Each team may consist of a maximum of threestudents.3.Each

29、student may participate on only oneteam.4.Team members must be enrolled in school atthe time of the contest, but they need not be full-time students. Team membersmust be enrolled at the same school as the advisor and other team members.: N! C+ ?5 3 N5 J, 請確定參賽隊成員:、-E! T2 w O2 U% l6 V9 k6 a9 U- h3 C1

30、您必須在在美國東部時間2011年2月10日(星期四)晚上8點大賽開始以前選擇好您的參賽隊的隊員。一旦比賽開始,您將不能增加或是改變?nèi)魏我粋€參賽隊隊員(但是如果參賽隊員本人決定不參加比賽,您可以取消他/她的參賽資格)。2每個參賽隊最多都只能由3名學(xué)生組成。3一個學(xué)生最多只能參加一個參賽隊。4在比賽時間內(nèi),參賽隊成員必須是在校學(xué)生,但可以不是全日制學(xué)生。參賽隊成員和指導(dǎo)教師必須來自同一所學(xué)校。# C$ 8 K& M; . z3 h: DII. AFTER THE CONTEST BEGINS:A. Viewthe contest problems via the contest web site:

31、Teams canview the contest problems via the contest web site when the contestbegins at 8PM EST on Thursday February 10, 2011:1.The contest problems will become availableprecisely at 8PM EST on Thursday February 10, 2011; team members can viewthem by visiting/undergraduate/contests/

32、mcm.No password will be needed to view the problems; simply go to the contest website at or after 8PM EST on Thursday, February 10, 2010 and you willsee a link to view the problems.2.If you cannot access our main web site atthat time, go to our mirror site at /mcm or click& Y

33、7 X% K6 D! U5 y0 O! N& h- E0 T3 Nhere.If you cannot access either site, there may be a problem with your localInternet connection. Contact your local Internet service provider to resolvethe issue.( j m- L8 rF2 L2.競賽開始之后n# j4 0 S/ l9 gA.通過網(wǎng)站的得到題目!h n f! j; s& I& 1 G5 K) R- x9 Z3 ( I美國東部時間2011年2月10日(星

34、期四)晚上8點競賽開始時,可以通過網(wǎng)站得到題目。:S6 h+ T; r; t$ L4 ; T, q1.賽題會于美國東部時間2011年2月10日(星期四)晚上8點公布:所有的參賽隊員可以通過訪問/undergraduate/contests/mcm.得到賽題。無須任何密碼,僅通過網(wǎng)頁連接就可以得到賽題。2、如果因為某些原因您無法直接訪問到我們的主站,您也可以訪問我們的鏡像網(wǎng)站- g. H% 4 V( R+ B3 o( E- c! b/mcm/ s4 m$ da6 T- b或者點擊這里。競賽的網(wǎng)站和鏡像網(wǎng)站位

35、于美國不同地方的兩個不同的網(wǎng)絡(luò)中,所以如果兩個網(wǎng)頁都不能訪問,說明您的本地internet鏈接有問題,請與您的Internet服務(wù)提供商聯(lián)系。, I K8 Q7 |P6 OB. Choosea problem:Each teammust choose one problem according to the following rules: MCM teams mustchoose either Problem A or Problem B; an MCM team maysubmit a solution to only one of the problems. (MCM teams sho

36、uld NOT chooseProblem C.) ICM teams mustchoose Problem C. There is no choice for ICM teams. (ICMteams should NOT choose Problem A or Problem B.)& X f, q/ $ Z/ n5 DB選題每個隊必須按照下面的規(guī)定選擇一到題目-B$ e) 0 c. L& |1 Q4 Q9 fMCM的參賽隊必須選擇賽題 A 或 B;MCM的參賽隊只要提交兩個問題之一的解決方案就可以。MCM參賽隊不得選擇賽題C。;I3 v+ s* d tICM的參賽隊必須選擇賽題C。ICM

37、參賽隊除了賽題C別無選擇,不能選擇賽題A或者B。b1 $ D8 w: R. R6 9 s$ C. Teamsprepare solutions:1.Teams may use any inanimate source of data ormaterials: computers, software, references, web sites, books, etc. ALL SOURCESUSED MUST BE CREDITED. Failure to credit a source will result in a team beingdisqualified from the comp

38、etition.3 x2 T* D5 M/ A4 ?C參賽隊準(zhǔn)備解決方案:1.參賽隊可以利用任何非生命提供的數(shù)據(jù)和資料包括計算機,軟件,參考書目,網(wǎng)站,書籍等,但是所有引用的資料必須注明出處,如有參賽隊未注明引用的內(nèi)容的出處,將被取消參賽資格。 T% z8 S3 K+ M8 ( t Z7 s, w% co1 A! i6 w$ W! u2.Team members may not seek help from ordiscuss the problem with their advisor or anyone else, except other members ofthe same team.

39、 Input in any form from anyone other than student team members isstrictly forbidden. This includes email, telephone contact, and personalconversation, communication via web chat or other question-answer systems, orany other form of communication.a4 S6 Q/ z( C3 s3 w2.參賽隊成員不允許向指導(dǎo)教師或者除了本團隊成員以外的其他人尋求幫助或

40、討論問題。與除本團隊成員以外的人的任何形式的接觸都是嚴(yán)格禁止的。這包括通過E-mail聯(lián)系、電話聯(lián)系、私人交談、通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)聊天聯(lián)絡(luò)或是其他的任何問答系統(tǒng),其他任何的交流方式。8 R- G; C/ Y5 Y3.Partial solutions are acceptable. There is nopassing or failing cut-off score, and numerical scores will not be assigned.The MCM/ICM contest judges are primarily interested in the teams approach an

41、dmethods. T; l9 n$ : F6 ?8 N6 z3 H- l3.部分解決方案是可接受的。大賽不存在通過或是不通過的分?jǐn)?shù)分界點,也不會有一個數(shù)字形式的分?jǐn)?shù)。MCM /ICM的評判主要是依據(jù)參賽隊的解決方法和步驟。; O1 - q G t n4 m/ H n9 K4.Summary Sheet: The summary isan essential part of your MCM/ICM *. The judges place considerable weighton the summary, and winning *s are often distinguished from

42、 other *sbased on the quality of the summary.To write agood summary, imagine that a reader will choose whether to read the body of the* based on your summary: Your concise presentation in the summary shouldinspire a reader to learn about the details of your work. Thus, a summaryshould clearly descri

43、be your approach to the problem and, most prominently,your most important conclusions.Summaries that are mere restatementsof the contest problem, or are a cut-and-paste boilerplate from theIntroduction are generally considered to be weak.; # z9 t% 2 w0 D# y4.摘要格式摘要是 MCM 參賽論文的一個非常重要的部分。在評卷過程中,摘要占據(jù)了相當(dāng)

44、大的比重,以至于有的時候獲獎?wù)撐闹阅茉诒姸嗾撐闹忻摲f而出是因為其高質(zhì)量的摘要。好的摘要可以使讀者通過摘要就能判斷自己是否要通讀論文的正文部分。如此一來,摘要就必須清楚的描述解決問題的方法,顯著的表達(dá)論文中最重要的結(jié)論。摘要應(yīng)該能夠激發(fā)出讀者閱讀論文詳細(xì)內(nèi)容的興趣。那些簡單重復(fù)比賽題目和復(fù)制粘貼引言中的樣板文件的摘要一般將被認(rèn)為是沒有競爭力的。. W0 z7 ( v9 |8 i$ B4 2 YEachSummary Sheet should include:9 O8 A- 5 v. P o) W! Q7 y# q/ J1 K& E) N% m( $ D. y7 / J3 D1 n* B6 y

45、 ! z& i& v7 K1 : % 4 F4 aC: G9 $ U& a* D* ; v- : p5 v m# B, C7 D 9 |+ s2 j# P# T/ e& o* L T1. Restatement and clarification of the problem: State in your own words what you are going to do. E% T; v7 p) y每個概要要包括: U+ $ R# Q E! M Z! A, T7 P. |, k, |& |& r$ o: V- J* m3 V3 K4 o9 a% M( j7 f4 q, 2 F F- % H

46、- B. _3 k! i% f+ # R1 G* t Q |1 f9 y1. 再次重述問題用你自己的話重述你將要解決的問題。 2. Explain assumptions and rationale/justification: Emphasize the assumptions that bear on the problem. Clearly list all variables used in your model.8 a6 d- U! d: b+ Tl0 對于基本原理以及證明的假設(shè)著重陳述在解決問題中提出的假設(shè),清晰的列出所有在模型中應(yīng)用到的變量。- x) H G. w( Y7 B!

47、r, x6 j# g( Q+ I3 w1 x/ Q% P4 W4 C9 F5 H+ K2 T9 7 j/ s L5 Y4 k1 A& & b; Z0 X: h5 U2 p# w r# K+ J; s |: n/ 4 A, o: Z3 A3 D2 B; J7 k4 J1 o6 s! _5 b q; o9 z1 S3 z6 a9 r8 e% z0 K# L6 K! ( u# h( WC T ! M9 ?; X. / WVU5 N3 F# u) O# E5 M3 I% g0 r1. Include your model design and justification for type model

48、used or developed.5 l B9 M0 y) J/ - v( g8 F對于已經(jīng)用過的或者應(yīng)用到的模型的構(gòu)建與證明。Describe model testing and sensitivity analysis,including error analysis, etc. 模型的測試與靈敏度分析,包括誤差分析等。8 y# v6 X( i! q8 2 k+ r1 & m# 5 i. l L; O( l5 T, x% f1 x# G5 2 - Y; j1 n$ b# $ e) F5 D4 H# j% a g/ k% L+ f/ j. M v& fr& qw2 I! am, D7 o&

49、 ! U( S0 E* o$ L $ t( ?* Y( S1 c# Z% ; J9 G% N4 V+ D- e7 e5 x, a 6 P! f4 W. _4 B5 O% J1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your model or approach.: Z s; q) 8 & e5 關(guān)于模型或求解方法的優(yōu)缺點討論5.The judges will evaluate the quality of yourwriting in the Solution *:Conciseness and organization are extremelyim

50、portant.Key statements should present major ideas andresults.Present a clarification or restatement of theproblem, as appropriate.Present a clear exposition of all variables,assumptions, and hypotheses.Present an analysis of the problem, includingthe motivation or justification for the model that is

51、 used.Include a design of the model.Discuss how the model could be tested,including error analysis and stability (conditioning, sensitivity, etc.).Discuss any apparent strengths or weaknessesin your model or approach.5.評委評價論文的寫作以下幾個方面:*# $ b$ r 9 h( l O9 R- E0 S簡明扼要、有組織是極為重要的。,y/ G( 7 M) V S! c主要的結(jié)論

52、必須給出大體的構(gòu)想及結(jié)果。需適當(dāng)?shù)暮喕蛑厣陠栴}。+S. p9 1 J6 ?% i% , n需包括如何通過調(diào)整使得模型付諸于實際應(yīng)用這個問題的分析。需包括模型的設(shè)計方案。討論如何進行模型測試,包括誤差分析與穩(wěn)定性(適用條件,靈敏度等)。討論模型及求解方法的顯著優(yōu)缺點。6.*s must be typed and in English.6.論文需按規(guī)范的格式用英文書寫。+ B, V( F% m# k ur3 H7.The solution must consist entirely of writtentext, and possibly figures, charts, or other wr

53、itten material, on * only.No non-* support materials such as computer files or disks will beaccepted.8 T4 k# M* K2 z$ F/ # t7.整個解決方案必須包括文字主體部分、必要的圖形、圖表或其他類型的材料組成且只能以論文形式遞交。不是論文形式的材料如計算機文件或盤片等將不被接受。8.The Solution * must display the teamcontrol number and the page number at the top of every page; fore

54、xample, use the following page header on each page:Team #321 Page 6 of 138 p9 e$ E5 ?6 B, I% N* c+ C8.解決方案的每一頁的頂部都需要有參賽隊的控制編號以及頁碼。我們建議在每頁上使用頁眉,例如:4 m7 d# : A7 1 h+ a* o$ _+ s, f& e0 k Team #321 Page6 of 139.The names of the students, advisor, orinstitution should NOT appear on any page of the print

55、solution or electronicsolution. The solution should not contain any identifying information otherthan the team control number.& S& |) 6 g: A: $ i; O; |9.參賽隊的成員名單、指導(dǎo)教師名單以及學(xué)校名稱均不能出現(xiàn)在解決方案的任何一頁上。整個賽題解決方案不能包含有除了參賽隊控制編號以外的任何身份識別信息。$ L) f/ m# s; x6 ?$ Z3 j+ C j1 l10.Failure to adhere to any preparation rul

56、e isgrounds for team disqualification.10.任何不遵守以上規(guī)則的參賽隊將被取消參賽資格。6 y* O% W7 l8 F: D6 x1 D. Print Summary Sheet and Control Sheet:D.打印摘要和控制頁面4 D* a# I! N+ O. d h$ _6 XAfter thecontest begins at 8PM EST on Thursday February 10, 2011, and whilethe teams are preparing their solutions, the advisor should:( j# i- J! H# M在美國東部時間2011年2月10日(星期四)晚上8點大賽開始以后:當(dāng)參賽隊在準(zhǔn)備他們的賽題解決方案時,指導(dǎo)老師需完成這一步:1.Login to the contest web site (go to /undergraduate/contests/mcm. Cli


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