1、Unit OneLivi ng in Harm onyEnhance Your Lan guage Aware nessWords in Actio n Work ing with Words and Expressi ons1. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the followi ng sentences with them. Change the form where n ecessary. An swers:1) bun ch2) amazed3) shi
2、ft4) bundle5) drop6) capacity7) participating8) style9) commerce10) rob11) symbol12) appreciated13) displayed14) slip15) conquer16) roast17) figured2. In the box below are someof the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanin gs? Do you know how to use them in the prop
3、er con text? Now check for yourselfby doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. An swers:1) in rich contrast to2) are exposed to3) risked his life4) rely on5) at knife-point6) stands out7) runs contrary to8) flag down9) picks/picked up10) took a gamble on11) pulled away12) p
4、ulled over In creas ing Your Word Power1. Collocati onsLook at the adverbs listed in the box below, and decide which adverb is needed to collocate with the verb in each sentence. Fill the correct adverb into the blank in the sentence.The same word may be used in more tha n one sentence. Con sult a d
5、icti onary if n ecessary. An swers:1) out2) over3) back4) dow n5) over6) up7) out8) back9) down10) out11) up12) over13) back14) out15) down16) over2. Study the different meanings of the word“than ” in the following sentences. An swers for Refere nee:1) Action speaks louder tha n words.2) Productio n
6、 here n eeds temperatures lower tha n 25 degrees Celsius.3) I like to keep things rather tha n throw them away.4) There is n obody here other tha n me.5) She d rather leave her job tha n (be forced to) work for that boss.3. Word Buildi ngNow choose the Chin ese meaning from Column B that matches eac
7、h italicized word in Column A. You may con sult a dict ionary if n ecessary. An swers:1) d.2) k3) n4) j5) a6) g7) f8) b9) o10) m11) p12) e13) c14) h15) i16) lGrammar in Context1. The - ing form and the infinitive form of the verbTask: Chooseeither the infinitive form or the ing form of the verb in t
8、he brackets to complete each of the followi ng senten ces. An swers:1) prepari ng2) to tha nk3) repairi ng / to be repaired4) to get5) study ing6) being treated7) miss ing8) to reduce9) to leave10) worry ing2. The - ed form and the - ing form of the verb-edEn glish,Study the follow ing senten ces th
9、at appear in this un it, pay ing special atte nti on to the form and ing form of the verb. Reflect on its grammatical function in each sentence.Task : Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into paying attention to the use of the -ing form and the -ed form of ver
10、bs. An swers:1) kept noddin g, rather con fused2) Falle n leaves3) surprised, hid ing4) Deeply moved5) follow ing6) Bein g, i nterested7) located8) read ingCloze Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is give n. An swers:1) relying2) in trigued3) pen
11、ny4) for5) covered6) treated7) amazed8) con trary9) gen erally10) whatever11) in vited12) atte ntive13) whereTranslation Tran slate the follow ing sentences into En glish, using the words give n in brackets. An swers for Refere nee:1) The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for
12、his new film.2) He took a gamble on starting a factory with all the money his parents had left him.3) After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shouting triumph.4) In the rush to go for globalizatio n, we should watch out for collisi on of cultures.5) In the c
13、ircumsta nces it was not surpris ing that there was trouble.6) The baby is the very picture of health.7) People have realized the dan gers of expos ing childre n to viole nee and sex on TV.8) We always had in mi nd for whom we were maki ng the film.Theme-Related Writ ing Choose one of the following
14、writing tasks and complete it after class.1) Write an essay (of about 250 words) about a memorable experie nee in which you helped a stra nger or were helped by him or her.2) Write an essay (of about 150 words) about huma n relati on shipsin our society.The follow inghints might serve as a guide:a.
15、The problems existi ng in the relati on ships betwee n people in our society.b. The negative results such problems may bring about to our society.c. What can you do to help establish a harm onious society as a stude nt? Sample Essay for Task 1:One weekend morning, while walking on a bustling street
16、with a light heart, I was suddenly overtaken by a startling moan. Turning around, I discovered the sound was coming from a black mass in a corner. “What s that? ” My heart pounded heavily. I went up and saw a human being, alive but i n a dreadful state. He was crouch ing on the gro und with deformed
17、 hands and legs, mumbli ng someth ing. He had obviously lost the no rmal ability to move and work. A dirty plate was placed in front the miserable-lookingman, in which there were some coins and small notes.As my eyes were drifting away from him, his eyes caught mine suddenly. What eyes they were! Fi
18、lled with misery and expectation, they were looking straight at me. He was unable to speak, but I seemed to hear his pleadi ng voice and read his despairi ng mind. His look seemed to be telli ng me about his hard life and his longing for help. For a while, I was at a loss whatto do. Should I drop so
19、me coins in the plate like some other passers-by or turn away in indifferenee? I recalled news reports about men pretending to be beggars, who were actually healthy and able to work. Could this be ano therone of those scams? But the beggar was there,groaning and living. Then something seemed to hit
20、me hard. I drew a five-yuan note from my pocket, dropped it in his dirty plate and walked away quickly in sile nee.“No good deed is too small. ” Maybe we need to bear this saying in mind. Sample Essay for Task 2:We are living in a world of distrust. We live behind cold security bars; we do not talk
21、to stra ngers, let alone go out of our way to help them; we live in fear of fake products. In short, fear and feeli ngs of in security fill the environment we live in.All this greatly harms our society. Growing up in such an environment, we tend to feel isolated and care only about ourselves. If thi
22、ngs go on like this, trust , teamwork , and harmony will even tually become terms un heard of.In my opinion, trusting others and being trustworthy are the two basic principles that we should follow if we want to improve huma n relati on ships. We may not be in a positi on to cha nge others, but we c
23、an change the way others see us by winning their trust in us. Mutual understanding and love are the pillars that support a harm onious society.Unit TwoOptimism and Positive Thinking Enhance Your Lan guage Aware nessWords in Action Work ing with Words and Expressi ons3. In the box below are someof th
24、e words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where n ecessary. An swers:18) positive19) startled20) perspective21) harden22) shape23) address24) crises25) curse26) in credible27) conversely28) issue29) response30) prior31) rare32) accomplish4. In
25、 the box below are some of the expressi ons you have lear ned in this un it. Do you un dersta nd their meanin gs? Do you know how to use them in the proper con text? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. An swers:1) get the hang of2) have lived
26、through3) makes a differe nee4) have no idea5) concerned with6) slipped over7) ran into8) in reverse9) mull over In creas ing Your Word Power1. Decide whether “do ,“make or “take ” is needed to complete each of the followingsenten ces. Change the verb form where n ecessary. An swers:1) does2) make3)
27、 take4) do5) make6) Take7) do ne8) take n9) making10) took2. In each of the follow ing sentences you are give n two con fusable words or expressi onsin brackets. Choosethe appropriate one to fill in the blank. You mayconsult a dictionary if n ecessary. An swers:1) concerned2) Concerning3) reject4) d
28、ecli ned5) uncon scious6) subc on scious7) former8) precedi ng9) raise10) rise3. Now match each of the En glish word in Colum n A with its Chin ese equivale nt in Colu mn B. You may con sult a dict ionary if n ecessary. An swers:1) d2) j3) k4) a5) b6) h7) c8) f9) l10) e11) g12) iGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTTa
29、sk 1: Whenit is used as a conjunction,“as” can mean “when/ while ” , “though / although ”“since / because ” ,“in the way / manner tha t ” , etc., and it can also be used ina comparative structure. Study the following sentences and explain the meaning of “as” in each senten ce. An swers for refere ne
30、e:1) in the way /ma nner that2) though / although3) whe n4) since5) used in a comparis on6) though7) while8) in the way thatTask 2: Complete the followi ng senten ces after the example by tra nslat ing the Chin ese into English, using“as” as a relative pronoun. An swers for refere nee:1) as you desc
31、ribe / have described / described2) as concern every one of us3) As is well known4) As we all can see5) as you show / as you have show n for your teacher6) As is reported / announced in today s papersClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is
32、give n. An swers:1) perspective2) despair3) necessity4) perform5) Conversely6) prophecy7) where8) as9) achieve10) recog nize11) dealt with12) attitude13) channels14) concernedTranslationTran slate the follow ing sentences into En glish, using the words and expressi ons give n in brackets. An swers f
33、or refere nee:/ The onlycon sist ing1) Only those who have lived through a similar experienee can fully appreciate this. people who can fully appreciate this are those who have lived through a similar experienee.2) Scie ntists have bee n hard pressed to figure out how these particles form/ are forme
34、d and in teract (with one ano ther).3) Those who have got the hang of Rubik s Cube (Magic Cube) can return each face to of one colour in no time.4) The in dividual success of the employees in a team en vir onment results in success for the compa ny.5) The war, although successful in military terms,
35、left the economy almost in ruins.6) He decided to cha nnel his en ergies into someth ing useful, i nstead of being glued to / sitt ing in front of the TV set all day long.7) There s a differenee between strength and courage. It takes strength to survive. It takes courage to live.8) She was by n atur
36、e a very affecti on ate pers on, always ready to give a help ing hand to others.Theme-Related WritingDo either of the following two writing tasks. You maydraw on someuseful ideas and expressions from a variety of sources, such as the two texts in this un it or the Intern et.1) Having read the two pa
37、ssages in this un it, you may have come to a better un dersta ndingof life and the times when pessimistic and optimistic thoughts take turns to affect yourbehaviour. Write a letter of en courageme nt (of about 150 words) to oneof your high schoolfriends who failed in the college entrance exam in ati
38、 on. Tell him or her about your new un dersta nding of the n eed to rema in optimistic.2) The writers of the two texts in this unit convey to us the message that we n eed to lookat the positive side of anything that comes to us and that we n eed to take an optimisticand positive attitude toward life
39、.Write an essay (of about 150 words) to share your ideaswith your classmates. The follow ing hints may be of some help:a. What is meant by “ thinking positively ”?b. What is the connection betwee n success and optimism?c. How can we keep an optimistic and positive attitude? Sample Letter for Task 1:
40、Dear Weihua,I know you are still feeli ng upset about your results in the college entrance exam in ati on.I ve just read an article about how pessimistic and optimistic thoughts can affect our behaviour and I m now sending you a copy, hoping that it will help you step out of the shadows.Naturally, f
41、aili ng the college entrance exam in ati on can be very depress ing, yet if you con ti nue to dwell on the past, you will n ever be able to pick yourself up and focus on what is more important for nowand the future. Life is full of trials and anyone may suffer setbacks. We must take an optimistic at
42、titude towards the things we have to deal with. Optimism and positive thinking are powerful forces. Good things do come true if we picture them often.Pleasedo have con fide nee in your pote ntial. Just work hard and prepare for ano ther cha nee.You will make it.Yours,Ja net(152 words) Sample Essay f
43、or Task 2:Thinking positively means allowing your mind to be filled with optimistic feelings, and always hop ing for the best though still aware of the difficulties that might be in volved.The human mind is powerful; thoughts of optimism and pessimism can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Though it mig
44、ht seem impossible to some, positivethinking and success actually havea cause-a nd-resultrelati on ship. The reas on is that a pers on with positive thinking will alwaysbroadcast goodwill and con fide nce and that kind of radiati ng attitude will take a hold on everybody.Gradually, people s attitude
45、 will shift towards more trust and respect. This not only ope ns up more opport un ities for the in dividual, but it also feeds back emoti on ally, and the cycle con ti nu es.Though the shap ing of a positive or n egative pers on ality often happe ns subc on sciously, it is possible to controlsuch p
46、rocesses consciously.A person can try visualizingfavourablesituati ons, whether it is rememberi ng a con test won as a child or imagi ning gett ing that job offer so long sought after. Over time circumsta nces will cha nge accord in gly. (169 words)Unit ThreeThe Road to SuccessEnhance Your Lan guage
47、 Aware nessWords in Actio nWork ing with Words and Expressi ons5. In the box below are someof the words you have learnt in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where n ecessary. An swers:a) favourableb) discouragedc) consen tedd) n eglecte) creptf) sufficie ntg) tra
48、cedh) somewhati) refreshj) worthyk) prospectsl) resolvedm) remarkedn) un dergoo) rewarded6. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Do you know how touse them in the proper con text? Nowcheck for yourself by doing the bla nk-filli ngexercise.Change the form where n eces
49、sary. An swers:33)pack up34)many a35)stays the course36)put to the test37)floodi ng in38)came across39)come up with40)plun ged . i nto In creas ing Your Word Power1. Listed in the box below are some unit nouns. Discuss their meanings and the n complete the following table by filling in the appropria
50、te unit noun. The same unit noun may be used for more tha n once. Con sult a dict ionary if n ecessary. An swers:a slice of breada particle of rocka bunch of keysa bar of soapa can of orange juicea sheet of glassan item of bus in essan article of furniturea slice of meata particle of dusta can of be
51、era bar of chocolatean article of luggagea bunch of flowersa sheet of paperan item of expense2. Words such as respectful , respectable and respectivemaycause confusion because they aresimilar either in meaning or i n spelli ng.To com muni cate effectively,wen eed to pay specialatte nti on to such co
52、n fusable words. An swers:1)n eglected2)n eglectful3)colourful4)coloured5)rough6)tough7)worth8)worthy9)favourable10)favourite11)respectful12)respectable13)respective14)con siderate15)con siderable3. Word Buildi ngMatch each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese meaning in Column B. You ma
53、yconsult a dict ionary if n ecessary. An swers:1) d. 2) i 3) l 4) a 5) k 6) o 7) p 8) b9) m 10) n 11) e 12) c 13) f 14) g 15) h 16) jGrammar in context1. Study the follow ing sentences thatappear in this un it, pay ing special atte nti on to thesubord in ate clauses and conn ectives. Reflect on thei
54、r grammatical fun cti on and the n do the task that follows.Task: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by choosing proper connectives from the box below. An swers for refere nee:1) what 2) whether 3) whose 4) whoever 5) what6) where 7) how 8) which 9) that 10) that2. Study the following sen
55、tences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to“thepreposition+ relative pronoun” structure. Reflect on their uses and then do the followingtask.Task: Complete the following sentences using a preposition and a relative pronoun. An swers for refere nee:1) of which 2) for which 3) in whic
56、h 4) in whom5) of which 6) to which 7) for which 8) at whichClozeComplete the following passage with words and phrases chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each target word is give n. An swers:1) for 2) aware 3) affair 4) prospects 5)storage 6)matter7) plun ged8) break9) offered10) dancing 11) cleared12) welled 13) stick14) sacrifices15)publishedTranslation1. Tran slate the follow ing sentences into En glish, using the words and expressi ons give n in brackets. An swers for refere nee:1) Rumour has it that his new book is based on a true story about a
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