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1、仁愛英語七上總復(fù)習(xí) -短語Units 1-2 短語1. be from = come from 來自2. in English 用英語3. in the same class 在同一個(gè)班級(jí)4. in different grades 在不同的年級(jí)5. look like 看起來像 A looks like B.6. look the same 看起來一樣 A and B look the same.7. look different 看起來不同8. give sb sth = give sth to sb 把某物給某人9. look at 看10. in yellow 穿黃色衣服11. in

2、a white T-shirt 穿一件白色的 T 恤衫12. welcome to+ 地點(diǎn) 歡迎來到某地13. over there 在那兒14. buy sb sth = buy sth for sb 給某人買東西15. let sb do sth 讓某人做某事16. Here you are. 給你Unit 3 短語1. speak Chinese 講漢語2. help sb with sth 幫助某人某事3. help sb do sth 幫助某人做某事4. each other 互相5. live in + 地點(diǎn)住在某地6. live with + 人和某人住在一起7. in the

3、letter 在信里8. on the phone 在電話里9. want to do sth 想要做某事10. would like to do sth 想要做某事11. like veryuch/ a Iot 十分喜歡12. like a Iitt有 點(diǎn)喜歡13. do/doesn t like一點(diǎn)也不喜歡14. visit + 人 拜訪某人 visit + 地點(diǎn) 參觀某地15. in a hospital 在醫(yī)院16. on a farm 在農(nóng)場(chǎng)17. help yourself/yourselves to Sth 你 /你們隨便吃(喝)些 18. take one S (DrdeT某人

4、點(diǎn)的菜19. something to drink 一些喝的東西20. eat out 出去吃飯 , 下館子21. have breakfast 吃早餐 have lunch 吃午餐 have dinner 吃晚餐 have Sth for breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃當(dāng)早餐 /午餐 /晚餐22. many 許多(后接可數(shù) n 復(fù))much 許多(后接不可數(shù) n)23. some 一些(用于肯定句)any 一些(用于否定句、疑問句 )24. a glass of 一杯a pair of 一雙a bottle of 一瓶a bag of 一包a box of 一盒two ki

5、los of 兩公斤26. teach Sb Sth教某人某事teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事27. be kind to sb = be friendly to sb 對(duì)某人友好28. be glad to do sth 高興做某事29. No problem. 沒問題30. Good idea. 好主意Unit 4 短語1. have fun 玩得開心;獲得樂趣2. try on 試穿3. think of 認(rèn)為4. think about 考慮5. thank you all the same 依然感謝你6. all right = OK 好的7. go shoppin

6、g = do some shopping 去購物;逛街8. go fishing 去釣魚9. go swimming 去游泳10. go for a picnic 去野餐11. Do n t worry別著急。別擔(dān)心。12. be free 有空13. tell sb about sth 告訴某人某事14. need sth 需要某物need to do sth 需要做某事15. like to do sth= like doing sth 喜歡做某事16. have to do sth 不得不做某事17. What S up? = What S the 什么蒔?怎么啦?18. fly a k

7、ite 放風(fēng)箏19. Sing a Song 唱歌20. carry Water 提水21. have no time 沒時(shí)間22. SPeak to對(duì)說;和通話23. be in = be at home 在家24. aSk Sb to do Sth 要求某人做某事aSk Sb not to do Sth 要求某人不要做某事25. call Sb back 回電話給某人26. half paSt one 一點(diǎn)半27. a quarter to Six 五點(diǎn)四十五28. go home 回家go here 去這兒go there 去那兒29. go to school 去上學(xué)30. go to

8、 the zoo 去動(dòng)物園31. get up 起床32. go to bed 去睡覺33. go out 出去34. Onone S Way hor在某人回家的路上35. at night 在晚上at noon 在中午36. in the rorning 在上午in the afternoon 在下午in the evening 在晚上37. take to把帶到38. take Sth With Sb 某人隨身帶某物40. ShoW Sb Sth = ShoW Sth to Sb 給某人看某物41.it S time for Sih 的時(shí)候了It S time to do St是做某事的時(shí)

9、候了It S time for Sb to do Stl是該某人做某事的時(shí)候了42. thank you for Sth 因某事而感謝你tlank you for doing Stl 因做了某事而感謝你43. What do you think of? = how do you Iik你認(rèn)為怎么樣?44. Why nOt do sth? = Why don t yo為什Sth不做某事呢?45. couId you (pIeaSe) do Sth? 請(qǐng)你做某事,好嗎?46. hoW about doing Sth? = What about doing Sth? 做某事如何?47. What t

10、ime is it? = What Srth點(diǎn) Iilmje?48. What do/ doeS Sb Iook Iike? 某人長(zhǎng)什么樣?49. What do/ doeS Sb do? 某人做什么的?16英語七上總復(fù)習(xí)-短語漢英翻譯1. 來自2. 用英語3. 在同一個(gè)班級(jí)4. 在不同的年級(jí)5. 看起來像 6. 看起來一樣 7. 看起來不同 8. 把某物給某人9. 看10. 穿黃色衣服11. 穿一件白色的T恤衫 12. 歡迎來到某地 13. 在那兒 14. 給某人買東西15. 讓某人做某事16. 給你仃.講漢語18. 幫助某人某事19. 幫助某人做某事 20. 互相21. 住在某地22. 和

11、某人住在一起23. 在信里24. 在電話里25. 想要做某事26. 想要做某事27. 十分喜歡28. 有點(diǎn)喜歡29. 一點(diǎn)也不喜歡30. 拜訪某人31. 參觀某地32. 在醫(yī)院33. 在農(nóng)場(chǎng)34. 你/你們隨便吃(喝)些 35. 記下某人點(diǎn)的菜36. 一些喝的東西37. 出去吃飯,下館子38. 吃早餐 吃午餐 吃晚餐39. 吃當(dāng)早餐/午餐/晚餐 40. 許多(后接可數(shù) n復(fù))41. 許多(后接不可數(shù) n) 42. 一些 (用于肯定句) 43. 一些(用于否定句、疑問句 )44. 一杯一雙一瓶一包一盒兩公斤45. 教某人某事46. 教某人做某事47. 對(duì)某人友好48. 高興做某事 49. 沒問題

12、50. 好主意51. 玩得開心;獲得樂趣 52. 試穿53. 認(rèn)為54. 考慮55. 依然感謝你56. 好的57. 去購物;逛街58. 去釣魚59. 去游泳60. 去野餐61. 別著急,別擔(dān)心 62. 有空63. 告訴某人某事 64. 需要某物65. 需要做某事66. 喜歡做某事67. 不得不做某事68. 什么事?怎么啦? 69. 放風(fēng)箏70. 唱歌71. 提水72. 沒時(shí)間73. 對(duì)說;和通話 74. 在家75. 要求某人做某事76. 要求某人不要做某事77. 回電話給某人78. 一點(diǎn)半 79. 五點(diǎn)四十五80. 回家81. 去這兒 82. 去那兒83. 去上學(xué)84. 去動(dòng)物園85. 起床8

13、6. 去睡覺87. 出去88. 在某人回家的路上 89. 在晚上90. 在中午91. 在上午 92. 在下午93. 在晚上94. 把帶至y95. 某人隨身帶某物96. 給某人看某物97. 是的時(shí)候了 98. 是做某事的時(shí)候了 99. 是該某人做某事的時(shí)候了 100. 因某事而感謝你 101. 因做了某事而感謝你 102. 你認(rèn)為怎么樣? 103. 為什么不做某事呢? 104. 請(qǐng)你做某事,好嗎? 105. 做某事如何? 106. 幾點(diǎn)鐘了? 107. 某人長(zhǎng)什么樣? 108. 某人做什么的? 英語七年級(jí)上習(xí)慣用語1. be from = Come from 2. in English 3. i

14、n the Same class 4. in differe nt grades 5. look like 6. look the Same7. look differe nt 8. give Sb Sth = give Sth to Sb 9. look at 10. i n yellow 11. in a White T-Shirt 12. welcome to+ 地點(diǎn)13. over there 14. buy Sb Sth = buy Sth for Sb 15. let Sb do Sth 16. Here you are.Unit 3短語1. SPeak Chin ese2. he

15、lp Sb With Sth 3. help Sb do Sth 4. each other 5. live in + 地點(diǎn) 6. live wit+ 人 7. i n the Ietter 8. on the phone 9. Want to do Sth 10. would like to do Sth 11. like Very much/ a lot12. like a little13. do/doesn t like - at all14. ViSit + 人 ViSit + 地點(diǎn) 15. i n a hospital 16. on a farm17. help yourself/

16、yourselves to Sth 18. take one S order19. SOmethi ng to drink 20. eat out21. have breakfast have lunch _have dinnerhave Sth for breakfast/ lun ch/di nner 22. many (后接 )much (后接 )23. some (用于 句)any (用于 、 )24. a glass ofa Pair of a bottle ofa bag ofa box of two kilos of 26. teach Sb Sthteach Sb to do

17、Sth 27. be kind to Sb = be frien dly to Sb28. be glad to do Sth 29. No problem. 30. Good idea.Unit 4短語1. have fun 2. try on 3. thi nk of 4. thi nk about 5. tha nk you all the Same 6. all right = OK 7. go shopp ing = do some shopp ing 8. go fishing 9. go SWimmi ng 10. go for a PiC nic 11. Don t worry

18、.12. be free13. tell Sb about Sth14. n eed Sth n eed to do Sth15. like to do Sth= like doing Sth 16. have to do Sth17. What S up? = What S the matter?18. fly a kite 19. Sing a song20. Carry Water21. have no time 22. SPeak to 23. be in = be at home24. ask Sb to do Sth25. call Sb back26. half PaSt one

19、 27. a quarter to SiX 28. go homego herego there 29. go to school 30. go to the zoo31. get UP32. go to bed33. go out34. on one S Way ho 35. at n ightat noon36. in the morning in the after noon in the evening 37. take t 38. take Sth With Sb 40. show Sb Sth = show Sth to Sb 41. it S time for SthIt S t

20、ime to do SthIt S time for Sb to do Sth42. thank you for Sth thank you for doing Sth 43. What do you thi nk of ? = how do you Ii44. Why not do sth? = Why don t you do Sth?45. could you (PIeaSe) do Sth?46. how about doing sth? = What about doing sth?47. What time is it? = What S the time?48. What do/ does Sb look like?49. What do/ does Sb do?七年級(jí)上冊(cè)練習(xí):翻譯句子1. Tom 來自加拿大。2. Lucy 和 Lily 在不同的班級(jí)。3. Ann 長(zhǎng)得像她媽媽。4. Bill 把玩具給她。5. Ben 看著這些照片。6. 我穿一件藍(lán)色的外套。7. 歡迎來到我家。8. Lily 在那兒。9. 我媽媽給我買一件新襯衫。10. 讓我?guī)椭恪?1. - 給你。-謝謝。12. Amy 講漢語。13. Amy 會(huì)講英語。14. 他們互相幫助。15. 你幫我買書。16. Ada 幫我找到我的自行車。17. 高小姐在英語上幫助我。18. 我住在


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