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1、Gen erall 總則 WIZ CON is running on the PC an it has a communication to one or more PES。 es WIZCON是一個人擊接口,它運行在 PC上。它可以與一個和多個ESD通信。 The commu ni cati on is done by Modbus with Modbus codes over the RS485 in terface or by OPC over a Ether net module. 通信既可以與 Modbus,RS485通信也可以通過 OPE在以太網(wǎng)來通信。 1 In stall Wi

2、zc on 安裝WIZCON 2 Create new project 建立新的項目 Start Wizc on by a click on the Wizc on icon. 點擊 wizcon 標(biāo)記,開始啟動 wizcond 的安裝。 Before creating a project for a special application create a blank project in the offered path. 在建立一個項目之前,wizco n要求在提供的路徑下建立一個空白的項目。 匚reate System Togs System lags can be added to

3、vour application only once. Once added,you cannd remor/e them Ooyou want to add system now? Click on No. 點擊No Type bla nk as applicati on name. Make輸入一個項i目名 the path is: *Axeda SupervisorWizco nProj 確 認 路 徑 是: *Axeda supervisor/wic on/proj Never ask again Leave the bla nc applicati on immediately by

4、 click ing on this butt on. 點擊這個按鈕,立即離開空白的項目應(yīng)用。 Now create you wan ted applicati on on the base of the bla nc. 現(xiàn)在建立你想建立的項目,在空白的基礎(chǔ)上。 Click on bla nk applicati on. 點擊空白的應(yīng)用。 Insert application name and folder name. Eve application needs its own folder. 插入應(yīng)用名和文件夾名。每個應(yīng)用需要他自己 的文件夾。 Click on Create 點擊Creat

5、e Click OK 點擊OK For the system tags it depends on your application, if you need them or not 對系統(tǒng)的位號。取決你的應(yīng)用。 打開the studio來做你的應(yīng)用。 3 Basic sett ings 基本設(shè)置 sta nds for a relative path of the project. 項目的相對路徑 relative path one level higher than path. If you do not want to store the histor data s in the pro

6、ject path 相對路徑,高于項目路徑。 project cal Save Cancel Help Please note: Use relative path settings (.). By this it is easy to copy the project to another PC. 使用相對路徑的設(shè)置(.).用這種方法,容易把項目拷貝到另一臺 PC中。 To check in an existing project the used directories, open the file 要檢查一個現(xiàn)有的項目使用的目錄,在項目目錄里,打開文件 More basic settin

7、gs: Network Local station configuration: 4Communi cati on 通信 4.1 Communi catio n (Example Modbus) 通信(比如, Modbus) Select and setup of commu ni cati on driver: 通信驅(qū)動器的設(shè)置和選擇。 If some of the paths do not exist WIZCON will create them. 如果一些路徑不存在。Wizcon 會建立他們。 wizcfg.dat in project directory. wizcfg.dat。 D

8、esign Options WizPro: Qn-imuriication Driver hetup Wizard Pi PIWNHTI Hitachi win EM l| ypiwnhO IM(VPVWIM yPEVN白町 ihinni optwivpiu/nini This 擊ivr ccmmunicates wish a Serial De Ejqwrided Modbu$ RTU pcolocd 冊 event faclties Ziriick |鶴 匸omcnur毗otkm Drl甲亡Setg 訓(xùn)直rd ecify 幻 unique bgic廿I rMme lar Ihe diver

9、 Insert required commu ni cati on parameters: 插入要求的通信參數(shù)。 What is the comrnuniDaban iimeoJl? pooo 土 ms. What are the drrveis ghibuls? 療 .ample tags oulide dI block* Edt Ini File Abbredien Hilfe * LuiiiiiiijTiiLDULPri Drivei Sclupi Wizoid - Sciiai Ycu甜m bi3i tifttnuicaiM Jiivef v/hfil: ie ino comunica

10、toii par- to to *r 曲冊 Ihh riftvirr CDMI Whit srv the Ernnxrieicri曲和 IE wud Harm: Pint/ StopBk Abbecheh Hits Result: 結(jié)果 Wizvpi.dat : If the Baudrate should be switched over to 57600, correct the entry in file 如果波特率要改變成57600。在 Wizvpi.dat :文件中輸入。 5 Create Group Names, User, Access and Passwords 建立組名,用戶

11、,訪問和口令 Create user groups and users. Every user can bel ong to one or more groups. In example there is only one user in one group (e.g. operator = user n ame and group n ame) 建立用戶組和用戶。每一個用戶都能屬于一個或多個組。在這個例子里,一個組里只有一個用戶(例如。操 作員=用戶名和組名) Define the users which you assig ne to the groups 定義分配到這個組里的用戶。 In

12、 a new project you will only have the user: 在一個新項目里你將只有這個用戶。 User name:user 用戶名user Password:password 口令password This first user is member of the group Admini strators. 這個用戶是 Administrators組的成員。 In sert user n ame and password (take care: password is no where visible !) 插入用戶名河口令。 Change to the tab g

13、roups and assig n a group to the user. 改變the tab groups和分配一個組到這個用戶。 click OK 點擊OK. There is an user authorization existing. According to the group assignment defined menu items can be enabled for a group. 有一個用戶授權(quán)存在。為這個組,根據(jù)組的分配定義菜單項目。 Open menu authorizati on: 打開菜單授權(quán)。 Remove the tick, otherwise you c

14、an t do an in dividual assig nment (This sett ing is e.g. used to disti nguish betwee n sta ndard user and expert) 6 Define Tags 定義位號。 6.1 Define Tags (Variables) Example Modbus 定義位號,例如 Modbus Address sett ing Modbus variable: e.g. 地址設(shè)置的意思: 01300000 Sample: ?In Monitor“nean only if eleme nt which is

15、 assig ned to the tag is visib in the mon itor display the tag is sampled. ?In Monitor的意思是:如果被分配的位號 是可見的,為號就是被采樣。 “ Always ” it is sampled all the time. “ Always是在任何時候都是被采樣。 the e 01Slave-Address (Subscriber number)從-地址 3Fun ction code (e.g. read WORD)功能碼 00000 Address from ELOP-II來自 ELOP-II 的地址 Mod

16、bus codes: Modbus 碼 Read BOOL1讀布爾 Read WORD3讀字 The Write code is not necessary for programming. WIZCON will change it automatically by a trigger action. 寫碼是不需要編程的。Wizcon將會自動地通過觸發(fā)動作功能來改變。 Address sett ing Eve nt: e.g.E010001 EEve nt事件 01Slave-Address從地址 0001Event-Nr from ELOP-II 來自ELOP-II 事件 The Tag

17、01$EVENT is necessary to read the events with Modbus (special function code 67, automatically set by WIZCON)! 01$EVENT位號是必須有的。他是讀 Modbus事件的。 Result:結(jié)果 Define Alarms 定義報警 Add an Alarm Text 加一個報警文本 Attributes see Help 屬性看幫助功能 Choose differe nt values for Zone and Severity. So you will be able to displ

18、ay them in different way in the eve nt summery. 為區(qū)域選擇不同的數(shù)值。來讓你在事件一覽表中一 不同的方式顯示。 Result: Set the time format for the eve nt summery on date t time. 設(shè)置事件一覽表的時間格式 Open the properties of the alarm by right mouse click and properties. 打開報警的the properties,用右鼠標(biāo)。 Select Date + Time 選擇日期+時間。 New Events Numma

19、ry Delete Events Summary Load Events Summary Properties 7 Define Eve nt Summary 定義事件一覽表 Create an new eve nt summery. 建立一個新的事件一覽表。 Open the sett ings for the display 為顯示打開設(shè)置。 Sett in gs: defi ne sett ings of Event Summary: 設(shè)置:定義事件一覽表的設(shè)置。 Colures of the text and background of the text.Which data s sh

20、ould be shown and in which order. 文本的顏色和文本的背景。給岀的是數(shù)據(jù)和順序。 Properties for all Eve nt Summaries: 全部事件一覽表的屬性。 Properties of a sin gle Eve nt Summary ( window must be active on screen!) At first position the summery in your screen and adjust the size of it. 在你的畫面上事件一覽表的最初位置和尺寸的調(diào)整。 List of Events Summarie

21、s Geben 5ie Text hi er ein Ereignisse_Schleuse Open the properties by right mouse click on the eve nt summery win dow. 在事件一覽表的窗口上通過右擊鼠標(biāo)打開屬性 Save Events Summary Close Events Summary View And click here on Advanced. 在Advanced左擊一下 Events Summary Genefd Settings la Columns | 網(wǎng) Dolors Number of alaims in

22、 E vents Sunnfi Mat nurbef of alarms kr Ack All c Action on double click 歯Ack Assist and Ack Advanced. Make thesett ings suggested here. 按照這里建議的左設(shè)置。 like Ok I 4ibbrechen Uhrnehmei Nife ZJxJ Date Format | 韭 VFI | P Audit Trail | 口 ODB 11 t 型 General One possibility 一個可能性 U bernehme Hile Define Defaul

23、t User 定義空缺的用戶 Open the properties of the stati on 打開咱的屬性 En ter the n ame of the default user and his password 輸入空缺用戶的名字和他的口令 Station Properties et as default Or make right mouse click on the user and choose S 或者,又擊鼠標(biāo)在用戶上。選擇設(shè)置。 IT Passage -J C User Managerrient Users tft Groups 0 童 Web Applicabion 吐 HTML E


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