



1、詞組堆迭句及其在翻譯中的應(yīng)用的論文 摘要本文針對(duì)漢語中的詞組堆迭句,通過英漢對(duì)比的途徑,分析它的特點(diǎn)、修辭效果 及其所體現(xiàn)的漢語語言特征,并結(jié)合具體實(shí)踐,探討它在英漢翻譯中的應(yīng)用。 關(guān)鍵詞詞組堆迭句英漢對(duì)比英漢翻譯 i .introduction tran slati on bridges two Ian guagesa nd con trastive studies are in volved in evitably in this can be said that translation is a process of comparison between the source Iangu

2、age and the target Ianguage, followed by an elaborate reconstruction of word orders and meanings while trying to maintain the equivale nt effects on s of great importa nee and n ecessity toacarasthiece with the characteristics of the receptor Ian guage. here emphasis will be placed on phrase-se nten

3、ce is a non-i nflected Ian guage and phrases are constructed into sentences through an orderly arrangement of meaning and logic , while english is a syn thetic-a nalytic Ian guage and phrases must go through certa in cha nge of forms and abide by certa in syn tactic short , the phrase-se ntence rela

4、tio n in chi nese is that of realizati on , in stead of composition in english thesis focuses on one type of chinese sentenceparatactic phrause multipler and intends to explore its beauty and applicatio n in en glish-ch in ese tran slati on. ii .paratactic phrause multipler phrause is a clause conta

5、ining one and only one chi nese a phrase can function as a sentence simply by adding certain phrases refer mainly to four-word ones, including the typical subject-predicate structure clauses. example 1: there are white clouds in the sky and the sun is shining.白云朵朵,陽光燦爛。 paratactic phrause multipler

6、is a multiple sentence con structed by the plac ing of phrauses one after ano ther without coord in ati ng or subord in at ing conn ectives. example 2: a few of the pictures are worth mentioning both for their technical excellenee and in teresti ng con te nt.有些照片技術(shù)高超,內(nèi)容有趣,值得一提。 according to the sema

7、ntic functions of rhemes , paratactic phrause multiplers can be classified into three differe nt patter ns theme comme nt, theme-descripti on and theme-expla nati on , which give respectively a comment to, a description of, and an explanation to its own 2 is the theme-comment structure while the fol

8、lowing two examples are respectively theme-description type and theme-expla natio n type. example 3: my aunt was a lady of large frame , strong mind , and great resolution ; she was what might be termed a very man ly un cle was a thin , puny little man , very meek and acquiesce nt, and no match for

9、my aunt.我姨體格健壯,意志堅(jiān)強(qiáng),做事果斷,是那種被譽(yù)為有男子漢氣概 的女人。我姨父身體單薄,弱不禁風(fēng),逆來順受,跟我姨一點(diǎn)也不般配。 example 4: action is equal to reaction , but it acts in a contrary direct ion. 作用與反作用力大 小相等,方向相反。 iii .application in translation rhetorically it enjoys certa in adva ntages con cise, diffusive , flue nt and tran slat ing its con

10、 cise flue ncy and musical rhythm can polish the version and proper employme nt might bring good its adopti on is associated with various tran slati ng skillscohere nee, grammatical un it shift ing , structure change and the are provided a diversity of situations where it might play a part , and at

11、the same time prese nts an an alysis of its rhetoric effects. and impers onal subject example 5: its gleaming sand and backdrop of pine woods and distant hills give it a pleasant and restful atmosphere.這兒沙灘閃爍,松林掩映,遠(yuǎn)山連綿,自有一種心曠神怡的氣氛。the un derl ined part is the long and impers onal beauty of the tran

12、slatio n is clearly on paper with vivid and faithful version has preserved a joyful rhetorical appeal though the sentence structures are by no means origi nal simple sentence is con verted into a paratactic phrause multipler and the three nominal phrases used as subject are changed into subject-pred

13、icate phrauses producing a dynamic transformation caters for the dynamic as well as diffusive tendency in the chinese Ianguage without weake ning the origi nal effects. in english verbs, nouns and adjectives can all form part of predicate and sometimes they can be tran slated into paratactic phrause

14、 multipler. example 6: all is far-fetched,dear-bought,artificial ,oriental in subject and allusion ; all is mechanical, conventional, vapid, formal, pedantic in style and execution. 從題材至U典故, 一切都牽強(qiáng)附會(huì),華美離奇,匠氣十足,得不償失;從文風(fēng)到手法,也都機(jī)械呆板,陳陳相 因,索然寡味,拘泥形式,裝腔作勢。 example 7: mother jawed and cried.母親嘮嘮叨叨,哭哭啼啼。 exa

15、mple 8: they are elegant of dress, free with money , vague as to their antecedents.他們 衣著漂亮,花錢大方,來歷不明。 phrase example 9: it was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land. 蜜 蜂無言,春花不語,海波聲咽,大地音沉,這日子是如此安靜。here in formation has to be broke n into pieces to create four-word phraus

16、es :“ silences ” is interpreted into four wordssharing the same meaning“無言” 不語” 聲咽” 音沉”. con struct ion shift of grammatical un its and adjustme nt of orders are also ofte n in volved in the tran sfere nee of separate con struct ion into paratactic phrause multipler. example 10 : i think often of my

17、 fatheryoung, unknown , eager我時(shí)常想父親,他朝 氣蓬勃,默默無聞,滿腔熱忱。in the example, explanatory words are translated into paratactic phrause multiplers to describe the qualities of the referen ces. clause example 11: but sometimes in summer there are days when the restlessness of the tides and the fearful cold of

18、the sea water and the in cessa nt wind which blows across the after noon and into the evening make me wish for the placidity of a lake in the woods. 但夏天里總有那么幾天,潮汐 洶涌澎湃,海水陰森冷酷,海風(fēng)日夜不休,這令我多么思慕林中湖水的平靜。 senten ces grammatically , equality lies between the original multiple sentence and the intended versi

19、on , though changes may also take place, for instanee, logic order, connective devices etc. example 12 : there were cottages sprinkled around the shores, and it was in farming country although the shores of the lake were quite heavily wooded.湖濱四周是農(nóng)墾鄉(xiāng)村,別墅星綴,林 木從生。the original clauses are condensed in

20、to phrauses due to their highly conciseness and simplicity are more point is that adjustme nt of word/clause orders is esse ntial to meet the n eed of flue nt phrauses. from the previous examples it can be found that phrauses in the translation are not born naturally y of the original procedures mus

21、t be taken to create them , including : a) reorganization of word orders; b) separation of oneness of information into components ; c) transformation of such structures as more than one nouns (nominal phrases), or adjectives (adjective phrases) etc., which are joined together by colon,“ and ”r some

22、other to historical factors and unique linguistic characters, chinese has plenty of four-word structures and they are much more favored by chinese it may be better if tran slati on can follow this style of the target Ian guage. iv .variation in translation on the other hand, overuse of paratactic ph

23、rause multiplers might result in a sense of rhetoric prefers an alter nate usage of them with Ion ger : example 13: on one of those sober and rather melancholy days in the latter part of autumn , when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together , and throw a gloom over the decline of t

24、he year, i passed several hours in rambling about westminster abbey. version a:在晚秋黯淡而悲哀的一天,當(dāng)曙光和夜色幾乎混而為一,將這年終醞釀成一 片凄涼的時(shí)分,我在那威治明士院里徘徊,消磨了幾個(gè)小時(shí)的光陰。 version b :時(shí)方晚秋,氣象肅穆,略帶憂郁,早晨的陰影和黃昏的陰影,幾乎連接在一 起,不可分別,歲云將暮,終日黃昏,我就在這么一天,到西敏寺去散步了幾個(gè)小時(shí)。 version a adopts long sentences, but it seems wordy , oracular and tedio

25、us ; while in version b phrauses and Ion ger sentences merge into a vivid and colorful picture. furthermore , stylistic specialty of the original message is of primary consideration in the application of paratactic phrause or less phrauses displays a classical flavor , which , if not properly used, may turn antiquated and unsuitable. example 14: (1) a school of minnows swam by , eac


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