1、Unit 4.Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answersto the questi ons.1. AA. He is seek ing help.B. He is offeri ng advice.C. He is trying to look calm.D. He is hav ing an in terview.2. CA. She is weak in doing projects.B. She is weak in studies.C. She tends to work whole-
2、heartedly.D. She is not willing to start a project.3. DA. Send in her CV by email.B. Send in her CV by mail.C. Call the compa ny.D. Visit the compa ny in pers on.4. BA. She has accepted the offer.B. She has decli ned the offer.C. She is in terested in beco ming an acco untant.D. She will leave the c
3、urre nt job for more mon ey.5. BA. She should keep the prese nt job.B. She might as well find a new job.C. She might as well find an on li ne job.D. She should perfect her prese nt positi on二. Direct ions: Liste n to the passage(s) three times.There are various types of questio ns asked at a job in
4、terview. Most job in terviews start with chit-chat type of questio ns. They are desig ned to break the jce and get the conversation flowing. Examples are questions like”Did it take you long to get here?*,Did you find the place all right?”,“Were you able to find parking ?n Most of these just require
5、ayes, no problem* type of response ; you can elaborate if you wish. However, ensure that you don provide t information that will give them a bad impression .If you say something likelt took me ages to get here. The traffic was so bad; I hate traveli ng to this side of tow nH, it would not make a goo
6、d impressi on If this is the place where you would be workinq, they would automatically be worried that you will be late for work everyday . More questi ons will be asked to find out a bit more about you. They miqht be historical questions reqardinq your previous employment or education. , or they m
7、ay be hypothetical questions starting withWhat if.?”. These are aimed at fin ding out how you would handle a situati on or at fi nding out your pers onal views in certa in areas. Whe never an sweri ng a job in terview question, give as much information as you can. Tell them why, where, when and how.
8、 In other words use samples to prove what you are say jng. Make a stateme nt, then support it by qivinq a sample of a situati on and how you han died it.三. Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questi ons.1. C Which of the follow ing would be the best
9、title for the passage?A. The sig nifica nee of exact nu mbers in a resume.B. The role of three tech niq ues in an in terview.C. How to write a resume.D. The imports nee of a resume.2 B Which of the followi ng is better in a resume, accordi ng to the speaker?A. Lots of teachi ng experie nee.B. 7,300
10、teach ing hoursC. 7,000 teaching hours.D. Thousa nds of teach ing hours3. A According to the speaker, which of the following does a holiday company NOT sell?A. Holidays.B. Adve nture.C. Relaxati on.D. Sand.4. C What is the third tech nique the speaker recomme nds?A. A n eat resume.B. A han dwritte n
11、 cover letter.C. Identifying an employer s needs.D. All of the above.5. D What skills are importa nt in a resume?A. The skills the applies nt is especially good at.B. The skills the applies nt has lear ned in his in ter n ship.C. On ly the skills in dicated in the job ad, to attract the employers at
12、te nti on.D. Mainly the skills listed in the advertisement, but also other skills the employer n eeds.四. Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questi ons.1. C Which of the followi ng does the woma n NOT say in advis ing the man?A. Wear proper clothes.B
13、. Put on a jacket and tie.C. Comb his hair.D. Have his resume at hand.2. D What does the woman mean by saying, Just watch your tongue?A. Hold your tongue.B. Avoid having a slip of the tongue.C. Keep quiet.D. Dont argue with others.3. A Why does the man think it is necessary to talk about himself?A.
14、He wants to show that he is clever.B. He wants to show that he is knowledgeable.C. He wants to be friendly.D. He wants to appear energetic.4. B What has happened to the man in the past two years?A. He was fired twice for beating up his co-workers.B. He lost three jobs for quarrelling with his collea
15、gues.C. He was promoted for his contributions.D. He was demoted for arguing with his boss.5. D Why does the man want to work at the gift shop?A. Because it is near his homeB. Because the shop assistants there are friendly.C. Because the business there is good.D. Because the business there is bad.五.
16、Directions: Listen to the following recording, then mark the statements T (true) or F (false).1. The woman had work experienee in a foreign trade company for three years.F2. The woman learned skills in both sales and interpersonal communication. T3. Her job responsibilities were restricted to findin
17、g new customers. F4. Her office hours are nine to five-thirty, Mon day through Saturda y. F5. If employed, she is to have the base salary, paid holidays, a paid vacation, a retirement plan, and bonuses for good sales. TPart 3 Short passages/dialogs and cloze(每小題:2分)Directions: Listen to the followin
18、g recording, then fill in the blanks. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 1 to 19 are based on the same passage or dialog. How does the Department of Labor measure employment
19、?It measures employment in 1 : the 2. and the 3. What is done in a household survey?4. are asked if anyone 5. had worked during 6. What does the establishme nt survey not in elude? It does not in elude 7. How do the Republics ns and Democrats use the two surveys?The Republicans use 8. from the 9. su
20、rvey to point to 10. among the self-employed and 11.The 12. use the establishment survey to talk about the 13. having 14. than 15. years ago. What do many econo mists say?They say that the 16. has slowed compared to 17. , and more 18. are needed just to meet 19.Unit 5Part 1 Short dialogs and multipl
21、e choice questi onsDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct an swers. Use the sec ond play ing to check your an swers1 A. Tuesday morning at
22、her officeB. Tuesday morning at his office.C. Tuesday after noon at her office.D. Tuesday morning at his office.2.A. The football match should be called off.B. The meet ing should not in elude new items.C. The meeti ng should have ano ther two itemsD. The football should be in eluded in the age nda.
23、3.A. Telling his team everything.B. Con ti nuing the discussi on on the last issue.C. Starting the meeti ng.D. Finishing the meeti ng.4.A. Eati ng no odles.B. Finding a supermodel for the caf.eC. Draw ing up a bus in ess pla n.D. Finding a waitress on the Intern et.5.A. A relative of his helped him
24、to get over the difficulty.B. His caf was a big success.C. He no Ion ger has a bus in ess.D. He has lost both his bus in ess and house.Sometimes markets surge for no apparent reason; massesof people suddenly want someth ing, and theresulting dema nd cant be met immediately. For example, duri ng the
25、SARS epidemic, there was a high dema nd for facial masks in several coun tries and many en trepre neurs capitalizedA this bus in ess idea. A similar effect is also created by larger social trends There is much more of a dema nd for home-care services for theelderlytha n is curre ntly being supplied.
26、 Andthe trend for pets to be treated as family members con ti nu es, creat ing dema nd for all kinds of petrelated services that did nt exist eve n ten years ago I ook at existing businesses and the products and services they offer, and then determine if theres a need for more of those products or s
27、ervices. If there is, develop bus in ess ideas to fit the market gap.Do you have any ideas for start ing a bus in ess now? Write your bus in ess ideasdow n.Think about them for some time. Keep an open mind and continue to assess evervthinq you read and hear from a bus in ess point of view . You dont
28、 have to run with the first bus in ess idea you th ink of; you want to discover the idea thats best suited to your skills and desires. Dream, think, plan, and youll be ready to tran sform that bus in ess idea into the bus in ess youve always wan ted Questi ons 1 to 15 are based on the same passage o
29、r dialog.An engineer retired after serving 1. loyally for 2. Several yearslater his compa ny 3. him about a problem with one of their 4. The engin eer spe nt a day study ing the5. machi ne. At the endof the day he 6. a small X in chalk on 7. of the machine to show where the 8. was. The part was 9. a
30、nd the machine worked 10. aga in.The company received 11. for $50,000 from the engineer 12. his services. They 13. and demanded an itemized (分項歹歹i舉)accou nti ng of his charges. The engin eer replied that $1.00 was for 14. and $49,999 for knowing 15.Part 4 Short passages and multiple choice questio n
31、s1. C Why does the speaker men ti on an ti-virus software?A. To show the im porta nee of protecting the computer.B. To show how bad computer viruses are.C. To illustrate a future market dema nd.D. To identify a possible market decline.2. B What is the use of an irisrecog niti on machi ne?A. To guard
32、 aga inst an explosi on.B. To en sure security.C. To recog nize the value of safety.D. To avoid computer viruses.3. D How can one ben efit from old garde ners?A. By lear ning from the products sold in North America.B. By selling the gardeners more software.C. By studying how much more they earn than
33、 before.D. By studying what could help them to work longer and more easily.4. A What is true of most of the people in the speakers tow n?A. They overlooked the value of wild blueberries.B. They eat a lot of wild blueberries.C. They like to eat both blueberries and wild blueberries.D. They eat n eith
34、er blueberries not wild blueberries.5. C Which of the follow ing would be a suitable title for the passage?A. Wild blueberry 一 a thriv ing bus in ess.B. Best bus in ess opport un ities aris ing from computer software.C. How to find bus in ess opport un ities.D. How to make use of the bus in ess conn
35、 ecti ons.Part 5 Short passages and multiple-choice questio ns1. B What does the fax say?A. A small part of the goods was damaged.B. Half of the qoods was damaqed.C. The greater part of the goods was damaged.D. All of the goods were damaged.2 D What is it the man wants to do about the fax?A. To ask
36、the woma n to make photocopies of it.B. To ask the woman to hide it away.C. To send a photocopy to the general manager immediately.D. Not to send a photocopy to the qen eral man aqer immediatelv.3. C What did the man succeed in doing?A. Persuadi ng the gen eral man ager not to get furious.B. Persuad
37、i ng the woma n not to tell the Shipp ing Departme ntC. Persuadi nq Wats on Compa ny not to can cel the whole order.D. Persuadi ng the Shipp ing Departme nt not to can cel the whole order.4. C What will the speakers1 compa ny lose?A. Mo ney.B. Reputatio n.C. Both A) and B).D. Neither A) nor B).5. A
38、What con clusi on does the woma n arrive at?A. With the mans in terpers onal skills, they wont lose their jobs.B. In spite of the mans interpersonal skills, they will lose employment.C. The man must find a job in damage con trol.D. She must find a job in damage con trolPart 6 Long dialogs and True/F
39、alse questi ons1. Both the man and woma n think a good beg inning is imports nt. T2 The woman thinks it is necessary to advertise the good quality of the product to make lots of money. T3. The woma n has put full-page ads in two large trade mag az in es.T4. The woma n has put three full-page ads in
40、a major n ewspaper.F5. The man is not completely satisfied with the womans work FPart 7 Vocabulary and Structure1 Were upgrading all our staff equipment, and well need 50 laptopsthe 1 stof next month.A. as ofB. as onC. inD. since2. We ordered 50 laptops from your compa ny, but on the in voice I see
41、theres an extra charge forshippi ng. I thought shippi ng was in eluded in the .A. reportB. dema ndC. invoiceD. quote3. This was a time-sensitive document! Theres no in delivering it three hourslate!A. placeB. pointC. circleD. mean4. We want to keep our clients happy, and unfortunately weve this time
42、.A. dropped shortB. dropped longC. fallen shortD. fallen long5. I cant wait to get some of my own business leads. You know, start making newA. connectionsB. combi nationsC. relationsD. ties6. Lets so we can cover more ground.A. split downB. split upC. break downD. break up7. If you distribute those
43、brochures at the party, youll look like A. a black handB. a white handC. a red handD. a green hand8. You have to consider the location whena business.A. starting forB. beginning onC. launchingD. throw ing9. You have to keep in mind a few things whe na place to ope n your bus in ess.A. decidi ngB. de
44、cidi ng forC. decidi ng atD. decidi ng on10. rve summarized the results the survey on leisure sporting activities in the han clouts, by con sumer age groups and sport ing activities.A. broke n dow nB. broke n upC. divided inD. classified inTest 6Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questi ons1.
45、A. The peace of mind.B. A cheaper taxi.C. A lice nsed taxi.D. An un lice nsed taxi.2. A. It is importa nt to offer an on li ne friend a drink.B. It is delightful to get a drink from an on line frie nd.C. En sure that n obody puts anything harmful into your drink.D. Be sure to shake the drink before
46、you take it.3. A. The owner of the bar will not welcome them.B. The owner of the bar welcomes only visitors in football shirts.C. The barme n and barmaids have gone to watch the football fin al.D. The bar is closed.4. A. She will run as fast as she can.B. She will defe nd herself.C. She will be scar
47、ed to death.D. She will buy a can of hairspray.5. A. Take a rubbish bin (垃圾桶)to the train station.B. Remove the rubbish bi ns from the railway stati on.C. Look at what is in the rubbish bin.D. Throw someth ing into the rubbish bin.Part 2 Compo und dictatio nHow can a tee n be convinced to stop smok
48、in g-or persuaded n ever to take up the S1 1. habit at all?Those questions became even more S2 2. crucial last week when the Centers for Disease Con trol and Preve nti on reported that tobacco use S3 3. amonq tee nagers in creased by n early on e-third in the last S4 4. decaden 1994, 27.5% of tee ns
49、 used cigarettes, smokeless tobacco or cigars. In 2004, 36.4% S5 5. . didTeens have their own S6 6. issues, their own pressures. What works for S7 7. adult smokers may not work for adolesce nts.58 8. says April Roeseler, a health educator and chief of local programs for the Tobacco Con trol Section
50、of the California Department of Health Services, which runs the Califor nia Smokers 1 Helpli ne. With tee nagers, coun selors aim to be more con versati on al.59 9In the n ext few weeks, the coun selor sets up additi onal teleph one appo in tme nts, with up to a total of eight sessi ons.S10 10., say
51、s Lester Brow n, assista nt professor of family and preve ntive medici ne at the UC San Diego School of Medici ne and the prin cipal in vestigator for the project. Researchers want to see whether the tee ns who quit rema in non smokers.nTh ings are look ing promis in g,H he says, but he could offer
52、no success-rate figures.Questi ons 1 to 13 are based on the same passage or dialog.A defe ndant in a lawsuit told his 1 that if he should lose thecase, he would be 2 Knowing that it was extremely difficultto 3. and some key witnesses would 4. the necessarytestimony (證詞),the defendant suggestedsendin
53、g thejudge 5. The lawyer said that a trick like that would6. thejudge 7. him, and he would certainly 8.Then in due course of time, the judge passed a decisi on9.the defendant. He thanked the lawyer for 10. about thecigars, say ing the little gift to the judge did11. The lawyercould hardly believe it
54、, but the defe ndant expla ined that hesent the cigars to the judge, but 12. the pla in tiffs (原告)13.Part 4 Short passages/dialogs and cloze What does the study in the British medical magazine say?It says smoking causes about 1. each year just in India. Most of the victims are men 2., and these men
55、3. because of smok ing. What harm will be done if a preg nant woma n smokes?The tobacco she smokes is 4. What was found about smokers and non-smokers in terms of death from tuberculosis?Smokers were 5. What does late nt TB mea n?It means ttuberculosis 6. for a long time without 7. How will smoking a
56、ffect TB patients?If tuberculosis has already damaged the lungs, experts say smoking will 8. If a person is being treated for TB, smoking will also 9. Part 5 Short passages and multiple choice questions1 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. World Day Against Child LaborB
57、. Child Labor an Inter national ProblemC. The Reasons for Child LaborD. The Solutions to Child Labor2. About how many children are doing dangerous jobs?A. About 120 million.B. Over 180 million.C. About 250 million.D. Nearly 750 million.3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned among the worst forms of child labor?A. Illegal sex trade.B. Illegal drug trade.C. RobberyD. Wars.4. Where are the most children forced to work?A. In Asia a
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