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1、turn 3successful transitionto excomparticipant learning guidedate:_participant:_facilitator:_starwood cares leadership university“you have the potential to be a great leader and the starwood cares leadership university is the first step in helping you become one.” miguel kopresidentstarwood asia pac

2、ificthe starwood cares leadership university (sclu) provides critical leadership development opportunities for all associates and helps build starwoods competitive edge in an increasingly demanding marketplace. the sclu is designed specifically to develop the starwood leadership competencies of asso

3、ciates from all levels, and to maximize their chances of success when they move into new and more complex leadership and managerial roles.“if we really want to have a competitive edge, we cant just have one leader at the top - we need leaders throughout the organization”tom monahanthe concept of lea

4、dership or career turns is central to the sclu design. at each leadership turn, associates face significant challenges in mastering the mindset, knowledge and skills required for success in the next turn level. it is therefore important that all associates are adequately equipped and prepared to nav

5、igate their leadership turns. this concept of leadership turns is based on a groundbreaking study by one of the first and most respected succession planning gurus, walter r. mahler, and has been well tested and validated with many global companies in the last decade.for the typical hotel property, t

6、here are 4 key leadership turns. associates who want to succeed at the next turn level must be able to develop new skill sets, work values and manage their time differently. turn 1: from associate (individual contributor) to supervisor (managing a small team). the work focus will shift from doing on

7、es own functional work to facilitating the work of others. this will require the person to start to use his managerial abilities to interact and spend more time helping the unit members.turn 2: from supervisor (managing a small team) to manager (managing supervisors). this turn places increasing dem

8、and on the skills associated with managing others like assigning work, coaching and counseling, and measuring the work of others.turn 3: from manager (managing supervisors) to excom (managing functions). this turn requires a significant shift in skills as the person now needs to learn to think strat

9、egically, compete for resources, and communicate through at least one layer of management.turn 4: from excom (managing functions) to gm (managing property). another significant shift in skills, work values and time usage is required to make this turn successful. firstly there is the need to make tra

10、de-off decisions against the p&l statement (vs. just a cost or revenue budget). this requires a fairly sound understanding of business and financial matters. also, the challenge of overseeing all the functions, some of which the person may have no experience in managing before, places a high relianc

11、e on functional heads and excom members and the ability to get them to work together for the good of the overall business.success at a leadership turn will depend on some leadership competencies more than others. starwood has developed a leadership success profile with 6 factors, each comprising 4 c

12、ompetencies. the sclu is dedicated to create programs dedicated to develop these competencies. about this programthis workshop was developed over 1,400 hours of research and 11 years of application. this module presents the concepts and many valid techniques of leadership useful at the unit, group/t

13、eam, department, and business group levels. it builds on the successful transition to supervisor and successful transition to manager which covers the basic concepts and skills of management. table of contentsstarwood cares leadership universityiabout this programiiiexercise: finish the sentence!1in

14、troduction to leadership2why is leadership important?2why are we here?2exercise: which benefits do you want?3mini-exercise: when can i apply these skills?3the six (6) myths of leadership4exercise: what will i learn?6self-assessment what are my current behaviors?7exercise: what have been your experie

15、nces?9learning model one what is the difference between management and leadership?10how is management and leadership different?12how do they compare and contrast?13learning model two what is leadership?14what are the four (4) main theories of leadership?15mini-exercise: whom would you follow?15mini-

16、exercise: what inspires you?18what are the six (6) elements of leadership?19what are the six (6) actions of great leaders?20mini-exercise: who do you think?20learning model three how do leaders influence results?21how does a leader influence desire?22what is the motivation cube?22what are the intrin

17、sic elements of desire?23how do we increase credibility?24case study: the good and the bad25section knowledge check26exercise: debrief and action planning27how to . . . achieve results through leadership?28ea 1 understand yourself29summary - the four styles31style 1 careful32style 2 challenger33styl

18、e 3 champion34style 4 considerate35summary of communication styles36exercise: gallery walk!37self-exercise: what me!38self-exercise: core beliefs and virtues clarification40case study part one: chouyins dilemma41ea 2 evaluate the leadership situation42ea 2 evaluate the leadership situation42what are

19、 the four (4) leadership approaches?43approach i: affecting44approach ii: inspiring45approach iii: directing45approach iv: clarifying45exercise: which approach works best?46example: leadership situation evaluation worksheet53case study part two: chouyins dilemma54ea 3 build positive relationship bon

20、ds55case study part three: chouyins dilemma65ea 4 influence the situation66mini-exercise: say what?74extra: create a leadership development system within your unit77exercise: what would you do?78case study part four: chouyins dilemma80ea 5 have a leadership plan to achieve results81the eight (8) cri

21、tical elements of a plan82exercise: create a vision statement83mini-exercise: are they or are they not?86unit leadership plan89conclusion:92exercise: remember this!93mastery demonstration: create a plan94performance change action planning:95references - for additional reading try:96exercise: finish

22、the sentence!purpose: this activity will help focus us on the topic and frame much of the content for the rest of the workshop.directions: this activity has two parts. first, individually answer the question in part 1. second, with your table group, brainstorm responses to your assigned primary and

23、secondary question. part 1.consider the following (1 minute):what is the single most important thing that you must be able to do, when you leave this workshop?part 2.brainstorm responses to your assigned questions (4 minutes & 2 minutes):_1.the five (5) most important characteristics of a great lead

24、er are_2.the ideal leader should have the following qualities_3.five (5) great ways to enhance leadership skills, include_4.five (5) behaviors great leaders exhibit/display include_5.when a person experiences a great leader (during and after an event) five (5) common feelings includenote: this activ

25、ity is very fast. please stick to the times for each component of the activity as indicated by the facilitatorhave a great workshop!introduction to leadershipleadership is often defined as, “the process of directing the behavior of others toward the accomplishment of some objective.” although this d

26、efinition works, is it enough? leadership is one of the most studied yet least understood of all human qualities. as we shall see, the reason for this will become clear as we answer the question, “what is leadership?”why is leadership important?during a 9-month study in the 1990s, 945 management pra

27、ctices were evaluated in 580 organizations in the us, japan, canada, and germany in the automotive, banking, computer, and health care industries. the study sought to understand any consistent best practices that lead to consistent higher organizational performance. organizational performance was de

28、fined as: market performance operations performance (value-added per employee) financial performance (revpar, gop, roa, roi, etc.)results: the study found only three universally beneficial practices with a consistent impact on performance regardless of starting position.1. consistent use of applied

29、strategic planning and deployment 2. extensive use of business process improvement methods 3. use of practices that broaden the breadth and depth of leadership and management practices (a prime example of which would be our starwood cares leadership university)note: empowerment was not foundsource:

30、american quality foundation (aqf) and ernst & youngwhy are we here?to provide the information necessary for you to be a successful leader, particularly in your role as an excom memberto provide the differences between management and leadershipto give you the opportunity to work on your leadership sk

31、illsto enable you to view leadership differentlyto help you succeed in the ever changing role of “l(fā)eader”exercise: which benefits do you want?directions: below is a list of typical benefits achieved when applying this competency. please review the list and select the top three (3) that are most impo

32、rtant to you. please be prepared to share your selections with the larger group.rank:typical benefits of mastering this competency include:1. develop more followers2. increase support for your ideas, recommendations, and beliefs3. increase the effectiveness of your division/department4. enhance the

33、integrity of your organization5. develop associates to take charge of their work6. help people achieve their goals and keep them focused7. be a role model to those around you8. help others to feel special, appreciated and important9. promote diversity and divergent thinking10. enhance your professio

34、nal success11. shape opinion through effective influence12. build and sustain interpersonal relationships13. exhibit more passion and commitment to your professional life14. clearly and passionately express a vision or view of possibility for the future15. enhance your personal success16. ?mini-exer

35、cise: when can i apply these skills?use the skills in this workshop to be more successful when you:are looking for a greater challengehave strong ideas on how something should be changedreceive a promotion into a formal management positionare new to a division/department and want to make a differenc

36、ehave a vision for your unit that you would like to make a realityare up for a promotion at workbecome the member of a new teamwould like to take more control of your lifestep-in and provide informal leadership when the designated leader is failingwhich situation do you face?the six (6) myths of lea

37、dership1.great leaders are born that waysure, some people were born with innate style preferences, and have developed certain traits and characteristics that enable them to be a successful leader in certain situations. whether a natural leader consciously knows this or not, even natural leaders must

38、 follow a “process” to replicate leadership success. however, this is not enough. effective leaders must have flexibility to adapt to the situation, providing the right kind of leadership for the situation. just as a hammer is an important tool but not the right tool for all situations, effective le

39、aders must deftly modify their leadership process to provide the right tool set for the situation. all of the leadership techniques and process steps can be easily learned, applied, and mastered with practice and desire!what traits do i have that will help me be an effective leader?2.only the people

40、 at the top of the organization are leaderseffective leadership has little to do with position, and much more to do with approach. effective leaders can be found anywhere in your property, in excom, in department teams, in associates, it does not matter. what matters is the individuals approach to i

41、nfluence, developing passion and inspiring others. obviously, there often is a connection between organizational position and leadership skills since effective leaders are often promoted, but one does not cause the other.do you want to provide leadership in your current position? 3.great leaders tak

42、e risksrisk taking and leadership have been synonymous throughout history. it is hard to identify a single, notable leader who cannot be linked with some kind of great risk. yet, effective leaders like all effective people, take appropriate risks only when warranted, not simply because they are ther

43、e. leadership and foolish risk taking are far from the same thing. leadership is not gambling. great leaders push the limit only when they have good information, believe it is necessary to create a fundamentally better outcome, and find there are no other viable options. great leaders exhibit wise o

44、r prudent risk taking.how much would you risk as a leader?4.i cannot be a leader if others dont report to methis myth, in some ways, relates to myth number two. one of the enduring qualities of leadership is that an effective leader will attract willing followers. whether this concerns a new process

45、 or procedure at work, a new approach for business development, or action to improve workplace conditions, effective leaders create followers.are you willing to allow your personal passion and vision to show through and create your own followers?5.all good leaders are charismaticthroughout history,

46、there have been great leaders who are highly charismatic, exhibiting larger than life emotions and gestures. charismatic leaders inspire through their obvious passion and use of techniques that creates a response from others. these leaders include such mythic figures as alexander the great, hideyosh

47、i nobunga, mao tse tung, martin luther king, and others. yet, some of the most effective leaders in history, mahatma gandhi, dwight d eisenhower, tom watson, and others rarely raised their voice or used an exaggerated gesture. their leadership was based not on charisma, but something completely diff

48、erent. great leaders certainly can be great showman, but can also be quiet, steady, methodical, and calculating. when it comes to leadership, there is no such thing as a behavioral template. anyone can learn the methods and techniques of leadership. are you prepared to change your mental model of gr

49、eat leadership in order to learn what really is important to great leadership?6.there is a clear formula for great leadershipover the years, there have been efforts to distill down the very essence of leadership into the perfect equation of characteristics, trait and behaviors that when applied, pro

50、duce great leadership and a great leader. the problem is this, because leadership is an inspirational process based on followers, and because the needs and reactions of followers change according to their circumstances, no single formula will ever work for all conditions and in all situations. the e

51、ffective leader can assess the situation and the needs of followers, vary the message and create the appropriate response necessary to achieve the desired goals. the perfect formula cannot exist, anymore than the perfect formula for happiness or marriage. the key lies in a systems approach, flexibil

52、ity, and adaptation. are you willing to challenge yourself to assess, learn, modify, and adjust your approach in order to enhance your personal success? exercise: what will i learn?directions: below is a list of specific behavioral objectives that this workshop was designed to provide participants.

53、please review the list and select the top five (5) that are most important to you. please be prepared to share your selections with the larger group.rank:behavioral objective:explain the six (6) myths of leadershipcompare and contrast leadership and managementcompare and contrast the four (4) histor

54、ical perspectives of leadershiplist five (5) characteristics or traits of effective leaders in your organizationdefine the term leadership in your own wordsdescribe the effect of leadership on followerslist the five (5) ways leaders influence organizationslist the six (6) elements of leadershiplist

55、the six (6) actions of a great leaderlist the four (4) intrinsic elements of desireexplain the four sides of the motivation cubecompare and contrast the terms espoused values and values in usedescribe your own leadership visioncompare and contrast the four (4) styles preferencesrecognize the style p

56、references of otherscompare and contrast the four (4) leadership approacheslist the eight (8) factors that define a leadership situationenhance your influencing skillsapply the five (5) leadership essential actions in his or her organizationdescribe the mistakes leaders/managers makefollow the three (3) actions to understand yourselfapply the


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