1、書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學子:學業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復習資料大全初級閱讀分類模擬題模擬5初級閱讀分類模擬題模擬5READINGPART ONE Look at questions 1-5. In each question, which sentence is correct? 問題:1. To: Delivery Staff From: Sander De Haan Todays meeting is now postponed. You will receive further information about a new date tomorrow. A.T
2、he meeting is rescheduled to be held in a later time of the day.B.The meeting is put off to the next day.C.The rearranged time of the meeting is not settled yet.答案:CSander De Haan提到“今日會議延期。明天通知修改后具體開會時間”。信息點1說明今天的會議沒有按時召開。由信息點2可知會議延期,但是新安排的會議時間要第二天具體通知。綜合兩個信息點可推知當天并沒有開會,而且會議延后的時間目前尚不明確。A項提出“會議延期至當天晚
3、些時間”與題干內(nèi)容不符。B項提出“會議推遲至第二天召開”,而題干中指明:第二天才能獲得關(guān)于具體開會時間的安排,兩者相矛盾。C項提出“還沒有確定再開會時間”,與題干推論吻合。綜上所述,正確答案為C。問題:2.Notice Ten days notice should be given to the director if the conference hall is to be booked for private use. For private use, staff should A.book the conference hall for ten days.B.give the confe
4、rence director a notice form.C.inform the director in advance.答案:C通知內(nèi)容為“在告知主任十天之后,方可借用會議廳進行私人活動”。綜合材料中的兩個信息點可知:員工要借用會議廳需要提前十天告知主任。C項是對材料信息點1的解釋。A項中的借用十天是對信息點1的誤解。B項中“向會議主持人遞交提醒表格”,與原文含義不符。綜上所述,正確答案是為C。問題:3. lan Sam called about the delayed documents and said it would be due tomorrow. Please return h
5、is call. Jenny A.lan failed in presenting the documents on time.B.Jenny will finish the documents by tomorrow.C.Sam asked lan to call him back.答案:C留言條中Jenny告知lan的內(nèi)容為:“Sam打電話說了關(guān)于延誤的文件的事情,告知明天可以完成。請回電”。根據(jù)信息點2中“明天可以完成”能夠推斷出信息點1中提到的文件是Sam沒有完成而延誤的。信息點3說明lan需要給Sam回電。A項指出“l(fā)an沒有按時完成文件”,與題干含義不符。B項指出“Jenny會在明
6、天前完成文件”,與題干原意Sam會完成文件相矛盾。C項指出“Sam請lan回電”是對信息點3的解釋。綜上所述,正確答案為C。問題:4. MEMO To: Sales staff From: Ted Shaw Subject: Discounts Date: 20 March 2008 Discounts are now only allowed to give to customers who purchase our products in bulk. A.Customers can get a discount if they buy our products.B.A discount w
7、ill be given only when customers place large orders.C.A number of customers who place an order together can get a discount.答案:B備忘錄中提到:“現(xiàn)在折扣僅提供給大批量購買我方商品的客戶”。根據(jù)信息點1中“僅提供給”可知并不是所有客戶都享受優(yōu)惠,所以A項錯誤。B項指出“折扣會提供給訂購大量商品的客戶”,與原文含義相符,正確。C項指出“一些客戶一起下單可以享受折扣”,這是對信息點2的錯誤理解,原文指商品數(shù)量多而不是客戶人數(shù)多,所以錯誤。綜上所述,正確答案為B。問題:5. C
8、ONFERENCE SCHEDULE SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2010 09:00-9:30 Registration 09:30-10:00 Bookfair 10:00-12:00 Academic Sessions 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:30-15:30 Workshop A.The conference is on book sales.B.The schedule is so compact that attendants have little spare time.C.The conference offers sessions devoted t
9、o particular activites.答案:C時間表中提到:“9:00-9:30會議注冊簽到,9:30-10:00書展,10:0012:00學術(shù)會議,12:00-13:00午餐,13:30-15:30專題討論會”。原文中信息點2提到了書展,但沒有其他內(nèi)容表明會議是關(guān)于書籍銷售的,所以A項錯誤。根據(jù)信息點4和信息點5之間的時間間隔可知參會者有自由時間,所以B項錯誤。根據(jù)信息點3和信息點5可知會議包含多種形式的內(nèi)容,所以C項與原文相符。綜上所述,正確答案為C。問題:6. Note 7 January 2008 Peter The machine tool has been sent to
10、our department. Please inform the technician in case of malfunction. Ray A.The machine tool was delivered to Peters department by Ray.B.The technician sent the machine tool which couldnt function properly.C.Problems with the machine tool can be reported to the technician for help.答案:C便條中提到:“工作母機已經(jīng)運到
11、我部。如有機械故障請告知技術(shù)員”。原文中信息點1只提“到工作母機運到”,并未說明運貨人是Ray,故A項不正確。信息點2提到“如果有機械故障可以告知技術(shù)員”,并不是說機器本身已經(jīng)有故障,故B項錯誤。而C項是對信息點2的闡述。綜上所述,正確答案為C。問題:7. E-mail To: John Lockett From: Pete Hill Subject: About the business conference I would be grateful if you could send me the subject of your speech so that it can go in the
12、 invitations. A.Pete is going to send John an invitation to the conference.B.John is asked to inform Pete of what he will present in his speech in the conference.C.John is requested to send invitations in which the subject of his speech is written.答案:B電子郵件中提到:“我將不勝感激,如果您告知會上發(fā)言的主題。該信息將被寫在邀請函里”。原文中信息點
13、1可推知、John是會議上的發(fā)言人,由信息點2可知Pete是安排邀請函的人,他需要,John告知發(fā)言主題以便寫入邀請函。由此可知,Pete并不是要給、John發(fā)邀請函,故A項錯誤:C項“Pete讓John來發(fā)邀請函,并在邀請函中寫明發(fā)言主題”,原文沒有提及,故C項錯誤。只有B項“Pete讓John告知他在會議上的演講”,與文意一致。綜上所述,正確答案為B。問題:8. Telephone message Sue asked you to inform her of whether you are able to join the dinner party celebrating the comp
14、anys tenth anniversary before Friday. A.The anniversary dinner party will be held on Friday.B.Sue needs to collect information from you before Friday.C.You are invited to be present in the anniversary dinner party.答案:B電話留言中提到:“Sue來電請你告知能否參加公司十周年慶宴,請于周五前回復她”。原文中信息點3給出了Sue需要知道收信人能否參加慶宴這一信息的最終時間,并沒有明確表
15、明周五要開慶宴,故A項錯誤。由原文可知Sue只是需要確定收信人是否參加,而不是向其發(fā)出確切邀請,故C項錯誤。只有B項“Sue需要在周五之前收到你的信息”與文意一致。綜上所述,正確答案為B。問題:9. Store advertisement Regardless of what your needs are for table lamps, we have an extensive collection that is sure to meet your requirements. A.The store offers table lamps of various kinds.B.The sto
16、re sells table lamps without considering customers needs.C.The store collects table lamps of a wide range.答案:A商店廣告中提到:“不需考慮你需要什么樣的臺燈我店有大量貨物一定能滿足你的要求”。結(jié)合原文中信息點可推知該商店提供各種各樣的臺燈,無論顧客有什么樣的需求都可以滿足。B項“商店不考慮顧客的需求”是對信息點1中“regardless of”一詞的誤解,所以錯誤。C項“商店收藏各種各樣的臺燈”是對“collection”這一多義詞其他意思的解釋,與原文不符。只有A項“商店提供各種各樣的
17、臺燈”與文意一致。綜上所述,正確答案為A。問題:10. Memo To: All staff From: Ray Hunslon Those who are not on the permanent staff are asked to book a place for the annual meeting ten days in advance. A.All the employees are asked to book a place for the meeting ten days ahead of time.B.Temporary employees are required to b
18、ook a place in advance.C.Permanent employees have already booked places.答案:B備忘錄中提到:“非編內(nèi)員工需要在年會10天前預訂位置”。結(jié)合原文中信息點可推編外的臨時員工需要預訂位置。A項指出“所有員工都要預訂”錯誤。B項指出“臨時員工需要提前預訂”,與文意一致。C項指出“編內(nèi)員工已經(jīng)預訂了位置”文中沒有明確提及,不正確。綜上所述,正確答案為B。問題:11. Memo To: Mark Wilson From: Alden Stevenson Subject: Working hour If you have outsid
19、e sales staff, they should be at work between core hours that the businesses to whom they are selling are open-usually 8 to 5. It is implied that A.the working hours of the clients are 8 to 5.B.the working hours of the company are 8 to 5.C.the outside sales staff should be in the company from 8 to 5
20、.答案:A備忘錄中提到:“如果你部門有外銷人員他們的工作時間應(yīng)該在其客戶的工作時間范圍里通常從上午8點到下午5點”。結(jié)合原文中信息點2和信息點3可知,上午8點到下午5點是客戶公司的工作時間,而不是該公司的工作時間,故A項正確,B項錯誤。由信息點1可知所指外銷人員的工作地點常在公司之外,故C項錯誤。綜上所述,正確答案為A。問題:12. Telephone message Mary called to notify that Phillip has agreed that staff may take time at work to go and take the annual physical
21、examination. A.Mary asked Phillip for permission to go and take the examination.B.Phillip agreed that Mary can go and take PE during office hours.C.Phillip let Mary tell the staff that taking PE during work time is allowed.答案:C電話留言中提到:“過Mary打電話通知說Phillip同意員工在工作時間參加體檢”。根據(jù)原文中信息點可知Mary打電話傳達Phillip的決定,并
22、沒有信息表明“Mary請求Phillip許可參加體檢”,故A項錯誤;B項指出“Phillip同意Mary工作時間體檢”,并不是原文闡明的信息,Mary只是代為通知,故B項不正確。只有C項“Phillip讓Mary告訴員工可以在工作時間參加體檢”的論述與原文一致。綜上所述,正確答案為C。問題:13. E-mail To: Angel From: Doris Ive been asked by Sally to forward the contract draft in the attached file to you. A.Sally asked Doris to write the contr
23、act draft.B.Sally asked Angel to read the contract draft.C.Sally asked Doris to pass on the contract draft.答案:C電子郵件中提到:“Sally讓我將附件里的合同草案發(fā)給你”。根據(jù)原文中信息點1可知Sally讓Doris轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)郵件,而不是寫合同草案,故A項錯誤;同時Sally并沒有直接讓Angel讀合同草案,而是由Doris代為轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)郵件,可知B項敘述與原文有出入,故不正確。只有C項與文意一致。綜上所述,正確答案為C。問題:14. Pamphlet Present the coupon and
24、 tick the items you like, and youll get them for half the price. A.If you tick the items, youll get the coupon for half the price.B.If you show the coupon, youll get the ticked products for half the price.C.If you present the coupon, youll get all items for half the price.答案:B傳單中提到:“出示優(yōu)惠券并將想要購買的商品劃勾
25、,你將享受半價”。根據(jù)原文中信息點1可知享受半價的前提是同時出示優(yōu)惠券和在商品上做記號,A項和C項只滿足一個前提條件,故錯誤。只有B項與文意一致。綜上所述,正確答案為B。問題:15. Notice Briefcase containing documents and keys found in company canteen is waiting at reception for the owner. A.Someone has lost his briefcase at the canteen.B.Someone has found the briefcase at the receptio
26、n.C.The owner is now waiting at the reception.答案:A通知中提到:“內(nèi)有文件和鑰匙的公文包在公司餐廳被發(fā)現(xiàn),請失主到接待處認領(lǐng)”。根據(jù)原文中信息點1可知公文包丟失的地點是餐廳,由信息點2可知公文包認領(lǐng)的地點是接待處,A項“有人在餐廳丟了公文包”與文意一致,故正確;B項“有人在接待處找到了公文包”與文意不符,所以錯誤。C項指出“失主現(xiàn)在正在接待處等候”,與文意不符。綜上所述,正確答案為A。PART TWO Look at the list below. It shows some special tips for promotion. For que
27、stions 6-10, decide which tip (A-H) is the most suitable for each person. For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. Tips for Promotion A. Get free business publicity for your product and service B. Choose the most effective way to promote ev
28、ery item C. Establish yourself as an expert in your field D. Celebrities help product promotion E. Commercials will work well F. Educate the consumers about your product in a funny way G. Distribute value added products H. Tracking your results is critical to determining success 1. Julie used only o
29、ne method to promote all her products and found it not working well.答案:B題干意為:Julie只使用一種方法推銷所有的產(chǎn)品,她發(fā)現(xiàn)這種方式效果不好。信息點F是此題的干擾項,考生容易誤認為Julie使用的那種方法枯燥而在推銷中不起什么作用。但是根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞“所有的產(chǎn)品”可推知,她真正的問題是使用的方法不能適應(yīng)每種商品,結(jié)合原文可知B“選擇最有效的方法推廣每個產(chǎn)品”是最適合她的,故答案為B。2. Edward found it not as convincing as in the past to have housewive
30、s talk about the merits of his products.答案:D題干意為:Edward發(fā)現(xiàn)在推廣產(chǎn)品時讓家庭主婦談?wù)撍a(chǎn)品的優(yōu)點已經(jīng)沒有過去那么有說服力了。由此可推知普通家庭主婦代言產(chǎn)品的感召力和可信度下降,因此需要有更高感召力的人來宣傳產(chǎn)品。結(jié)合信息點可知D項“名人有助于產(chǎn)品推廣”符合題意,故答案為D。3. James was worrying about the situation that some companies with specialists to design their products were attracting customers away
31、from his company.答案:C題干意為:James因為一些有專業(yè)人士設(shè)計產(chǎn)品的公司正在吸引走他以前的顧客而擔憂。根據(jù)題干可推測出其他一些公司因為有專業(yè)人士參與而使得自己的產(chǎn)品與服務(wù)更加專業(yè),因而吸引走了大批顧客。因此,為了取得商業(yè)的成功,James需要使自己也成為這方面的專家,才能夠在產(chǎn)品推廣中勝出,信息點C與此相符,故答案為C。4. Susannes survey showed that a great majority of the customers thought the approach adopted by the purchasing guide in promoti
32、ng her products was boring.答案:F題干意為:Susanne的調(diào)查研究表明,許多顧客認為導購員的推銷產(chǎn)品的方法令人厭倦。根據(jù)題干的關(guān)鍵信息“令人厭倦”,可以判斷出Susanne的導購員需要在推銷時使用新的、有趣的方法吸引顧客。這與信息點F“用有趣的方式向顧客宣傳你的產(chǎn)品”相吻合,故答案為F。5. Garry spent a relatively large sum of money on increasing the publicity of his products.答案:A題干意為:Garry在提高他的產(chǎn)品的知名度方面開支相對較大。由關(guān)鍵詞“相對較大”可知他需要解
33、決的主要是花費較多的問題,結(jié)合信息點可知A項提出的“找到提高產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)知名度的免費宣傳途徑”是他的當務(wù)之急,故答案為A。The Development Programme Management Process A. Establishing a review board for developments B. Establishing review criteria and mechanisms C. Continuously re-prioritising a potential list of projects D. Establishing reviewers for individua
34、l projects and stages E. Establishing team working environment F. Strengthening technical and commercial input G. Promoting the refinement of resource/budget H. Hand-holding the programme in its early life 6. Sophie Jones comprehended and recognised the diverse strengths and abilities in a group set
35、ting and thought of applying them to one final solution.答案:E題干意為:Sophie Jones了解并認識團隊中個體不同的長處與能力,考慮將它們結(jié)合起來以實現(xiàn)最終的目標。由此可推知Sophie Jones需要的是關(guān)于團隊合作方面的知識,結(jié)合原文中信息點可知答案為E。7. Ben Browns company was to establish a review board and he needed help on how to set up criteria for deciding how well it performed its
36、functions.答案:A題干意為:Ben Brown的公司要成立審查委員會,他需要幫助以制定評價審查委員會運行狀況的標準。題干中涉及建立審查委員會和評價標準兩項內(nèi)容,A和B均符合題意。考生很容易受干擾項B的影響,但是細讀題干可知,所需標準是用來評價審查委員會的運行狀態(tài)的,而不是委員會進行審查工作時所要依據(jù)的標準,可將其排除,故答案為A。8. John White has just launched a programme and wants to know how to help with its development.答案:H題干意為:John White剛剛啟動一個項目,他想知道怎樣
37、做有利于它的發(fā)展。根據(jù)關(guān)鍵詞“剛剛”可推出該項目處于發(fā)展的初級階段,結(jié)合原文信息點可知John White需要的是關(guān)于如何扶植處于初始階段項目的建議,故答案為H。9. Paul Smith was in need of suggestions on how to well-organise his seven projects under way.答案:D題干意為:Paul Smith需要關(guān)于如何合理安排他的7個正在進行中的項目的建議。根據(jù)題干中數(shù)字“7”可知項目為多個,因而很可能各自處于發(fā)展的不同階段,因此Paul Smith需要的是關(guān)于如何處理處于不同階段的多個項目的意見。結(jié)合原文信息點可
38、判斷出“為各項目和階段設(shè)立審查員”是一條很好的建議,故答案為D。10. Rachel Thomas wanted to know whether it is feasible to start potential projects one by one according to a fixed schedule.答案:C題干意為:Rachel Thomas想知道按照固定的時間表一個接一個地啟動有潛力的項目是否可行。掃描原文各信息點可以發(fā)現(xiàn)C項提到了項目潛力列表,并且指出要不斷更新項目的優(yōu)先順序,該建議最符合Rachel Thomas的需求,故答案為C。Tips for Running/Atte
39、nding Business Conference A. Bring necessary materials such as a notepad and a pen B. Confirm the meeting location and time C. Make sure you have all the materials and visual aids D. Questions may either be encouraged during the meeting or after E. Do not have side conversations or check electronic
40、devices F. Take some time to discuss certain topics G. Ask the speaker for resources H. Find out the time and location of the next meeting 11. Benjamin Noble found himself in need of further information and instructions regarding the meeting topic.答案:G題干意為:Benjamin Noble需要與會議主題相關(guān)的詳細信息和說明。由此可判斷出Benja
41、min Noble為會議參加者,因此他可以向會議組織者或發(fā)言人索取此方面相關(guān)信息。在原文信息中,G項指出可以求助于會議發(fā)言人,符合題目要求,故答案為G。12. Adam Well took a palmtop with him in case the meeting should go boring.答案:E題干意為:Adam Well帶著掌上電腦以備會議令人乏味時使用。對照原文信息點,只有E項中提到了數(shù)碼設(shè)備的使用問題,故答案為E。13. Hazel Milton wanted to know when would be the proper time for him to ask ques
42、tions regarding the meeting topic.答案:D題干意為:Hazel Milton想知道什么時候提出與會議主題有關(guān)的問題比較適宜。原文信息點D提出發(fā)言人會在會議進行中或會后解答參會者提出的問題,故答案為D。14. Ryan Lee thought about what should go in the invitations to those who might be interested in a business conference.答案:B題干意為:Ryan Lee在考慮需要在發(fā)給可能對商務(wù)會議感興趣的人士的邀請函里添加什么內(nèi)容。由此可推斷出Ryan Lee
43、為商務(wù)會議的組織者,原文各信息點中給會議舉辦者提出建議的只有B項,即:向參會人員確定會議的時間和地點,與題干要求相符,故答案為B。15. Marta Roberts, the speaker of a business conference, was checking things to be taken to the conference.答案:C題干意為:商務(wù)會議發(fā)言人Marta Roberts正在核查需要帶到會場的物品。原文信息點A是一個干擾項,根據(jù)其建議攜帶的物品為筆記本和筆,可判斷出這是對會議參加者進行筆記記錄而提出的建議,可以將其排除。而C項指出要攜帶所有相關(guān)材料和輔助教具,根據(jù)發(fā)
44、言人會需要相關(guān)稿件、數(shù)據(jù)和用來引起聽眾注意并幫助其理解發(fā)言內(nèi)容的ppt、掛圖等視覺輔助用品,可判斷其與題干要求相符,故答案為C。PART THREE Look at the chart below. It shows the income, total expenditure and advertising costs of a company in eight weeks. Which week does each sentence (11-15) describe? For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
45、 Do not use any letter more than once. 1. This week saw a marginal increase in income, whereas advertising costs reduced significantly and thus the decrease in total expenditure.答案:D題干意為:本周收入額略微增長,廣告費用大幅下降,同時支出額下降。根據(jù)圖表,收入額略有增長的分別為D,E和F三個星期。廣告費用有所降低的為D和H兩星期。支出額降低的為B和D兩個星期,信息點都符合的只有D星期,故答案為D。2. Despit
46、e the fact that there was a surge in income and total expenditure increased, the advertising costs in this week were equal to that of the previous one.答案:G題干意為:盡管收入額大幅增加,總支出額也有增長,但是本周廣告費用與前一周持平。根據(jù)圖表,廣告費用與前一周持平的是G星期,可以直接選出答案。也可再核對題干其他信息,G星期收入額大幅增長,但支出額也有增長,故答案為G。3. Although advertising costs climbed
47、in this week and expenditure on the whole rose, income showed no sign of recovery.答案:C題干意為:雖然本周廣告費用增長,支出額整體上也有增加,但收入額沒有任何恢復的跡象。根據(jù)圖表,廣告費用增加的為B,C和F三個星期。支出額上漲的為C,E,F(xiàn)和G四個星期?!笆杖腩~沒有恢復的跡象”引申含義為有所下降或持平,符合條件的為C和H兩星期,綜上只有C星期符合條件,故答案為C。4. Total expenditure rose slightly in this week, while advertising costs re
48、ached the peak, leading to a higher income in the following week.答案:F題干意為:本周總支出額略有上升,廣告費用達到最高值,進而下一周收入額增加。極值是圖表中最明顯的解題線索,根據(jù)圖表,廣告費用達到最高值的是F星期,可以直接選出答案;也可再核對題干其他信息,F(xiàn)星期支出額高于E星期,且G星期收入額增加,確定答案為F。5. Total expenditure and income showed a decrease, while advertising costs demonstrated the opposite trend in
49、 this week.答案:B題干意為:本周總支出額和收入額下降,而廣告費用呈相反變化趨勢。根據(jù)圖表。支出額和收入額都有所下降的是A,B和H三個星期,再根據(jù)題干后一部分結(jié)合圖表找出這三個星期中廣告費用增加的只有B星期,故答案為B。A. B. C. D. E. G. H. 6. There was hardly movement of the share price of the company in week 2, while after a slight increase the share price followed a downward trend in week 1.答案:E題干意為
50、:該公司股票價格在第二周幾乎沒有變動,但是在第一周里股票價格在初期稍微上揚之后,一直處于回落趨勢。根據(jù)題干前半句提示,在圖表中可找到C公司和E公司的股價在第二周沒有太大變化,再根據(jù)題干后半部分指出的股價在第一周先升后降的特點,可排除C公司,故答案為E。7. The companys share price held firm after a rise but lost the advantage on Friday in week 1, whereas that of week 2 indicated a sharp rise.答案:A題干意為:該公司股票價格在第一周先上漲,隨后保持穩(wěn)定,但在
51、周五有所下跌,而在第二周股價顯著增長。先抓住分析關(guān)鍵詞,一是文中“l(fā)ost the advantage”表示失去了這種優(yōu)勢,即:股票價格下降了;二是文中提到第二周股價“顯著增長”。根據(jù)這兩個關(guān)鍵信息,很容易鎖定正確答案為A。8. Despite a moderate growth of the share price of the company in week 2, week 1 saw a steady increase followed by a drastic surge of the share price.答案:G題干意為:雖然該公司股票價格在第二周穩(wěn)步上升,但在第一周里,股價平穩(wěn)增長后又進一步激增。先根據(jù)股價在第二周穩(wěn)步上漲,找到只有G公司的情況符合,可直接得出答案,或再用題干后半句驗證,確定答案為G。9. After a gradual decline in the share price, there was a sign of recovery of the share price of th
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