[研究生入學考試]ChaseDream GMATPrep2008 語法筆記 V_第1頁
[研究生入學考試]ChaseDream GMATPrep2008 語法筆記 V_第2頁
[研究生入學考試]ChaseDream GMATPrep2008 語法筆記 V_第3頁
[研究生入學考試]ChaseDream GMATPrep2008 語法筆記 V_第4頁
[研究生入學考試]ChaseDream GMATPrep2008 語法筆記 V_第5頁
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1、chasedream prep2008語法筆記practice test #1215. (gwd-3-q3)a study by the ocean wildlife campaign urged states to undertake a number of remedies to reverse a decline in the shark population, which includes the establishment of size limits for shark catches, closing state waters for shark fishing during p

2、upping season, and requiring commercial fishers to have federal shark permits.a. which includes the establishment of size limits for shark catches, closingb. which includes establishing limits to the size of sharks that can be caught, closingc. which include the establishment of size limits for shar

3、k catches, the closing ofd. including establishing size limits for shark catches, closing (d)e. including the establishing of limits to the size of sharks that are caught, the closing of題目釋義:a study urged to,including,closing,and requiring.考點:句子結(jié)構(gòu)(grammatical construction) 邏輯意思(logical predication)1

4、. which的指代2. 現(xiàn)在分詞表伴隨功能動作時,與句子謂語同時發(fā)生,邏輯主語等于句子主語。3. and平行結(jié)構(gòu)。4. limit的固定搭配:limit to + 界限;limit on doing sth.(做某事的限制)選項分析:a. which離其邏輯上所指的remedies太遠,且如果指代remedies不該用單數(shù)includes;the establishment of不如動詞establishing簡潔,而且與后面的closing不平行。b. which和includes錯誤同a。limits to the size of sharks that can be caught不夠簡

5、潔,直接用size limits和shark catches就行。c. which錯誤同a。the establishment of錯誤同a。the closing of名詞短語不簡潔且和requiring不平行。d. correct。including修飾remedies。e. the establishment of錯誤同a。that are是effectiveness。the closing of錯誤同c。216. (t-3-q39) (天山-7-39, og12-18)plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fung

6、i, in the form of carbon dioxide, and converting it to energy-rich sugars.a. plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungi,b. plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than fungi,c. plants are more efficient than fungi at acquiring carbon,d. plants, more efficient than fungi at ac

7、quiring carbon, (c)e. plants acquire carbon more efficiently than fungi,題目釋義:ps are more efficient than fs at doing sth., , and doing sth. 考點:比較(comparison) 邏輯意思(logical predication)1. 比較雙方要對等。選項分析:a. 后面的in the form of carbon dioxide錯誤的修飾了fungi;converting應(yīng)當與acquiring平行。b. than后面需要補出are,否則有acquiring

8、fungi的歧義;后面的in the form of carbon dioxide錯誤的修飾了fungi;converting應(yīng)當與acquiring平行。c. correct。d. “, more efficient than fungi at acquiring carbon,”作為插入語,使得句子沒有謂語東西,并且and沒有平行對象。e. 比較對象錯誤會導致carbon與fungi對比的歧義。修飾錯誤同a。補充說明:1. og12-18解釋logical predication; grammatical constructionthis sentence compares how eff

9、iciently plants and fungi acquire carbon and convert it into sugars. the sentence construction needs to make clear that plants and fungi are the two topics being compared, and it must also clarify that in the form of carbon dioxide refers to carbon rather than to either plants or fungi.a according t

10、o the sentence grammar, in the form of carbon dioxide describes fungi, which is nonsensical.b this sentence claims that plants acquire carbon more efficiently than they acquire fungi, which is also nonsensical; the form of carbon dioxide still modifies fungi.c correct. the sentence clearly compares

11、plants to fungi, and in the form of carbon dioxide correctly modifies carbon.d this sentence is grammatically incomplete; there is no verb for the subject plants.e as in b, this sentence claims that plants acquire carbon more efficiently than they acquire fungi; it is also grammatically incomplete b

12、ecause and converting does not clearly refer to anything.the correct answer is c.2. 關(guān)于比較,摘自prep筆記1-128。比較-主語比較 1. 對主謂賓全的句型主語比較:a do sth than b do.(ab為對等名詞,加do是為了顯示這是一個可以發(fā)出動作的名詞,因而確定是主語,進而確定是主語對比)。時態(tài)要據(jù)后定。there be 句型等同于一般的主謂賓俱全的句型。 主語若相同,可省,但助動詞不能省。如: as a result of the continuing decline in the birth

13、 rate, fewer people will enter the labor force in the 1980s than (few people省略)did in the 1960s and 1970s, a twenty-year period during which people born after the war swelled the ranks of workers. 2. 對只有主謂(如果主語有定語成分,必須要that/those來指代),沒有賓語的句子,因為沒有賓語,只可能有主語比較,因而不需要重復do來確認這是一個可發(fā)出動作的主語,所以其比較形式如下: i eat

14、faster than you.注意與下句區(qū)別 i eat apple faster than you do 如果寫成 i eat apple faster than you 按gmac的理解,從語法上就變成我吃蘋果比吃你快,成了賓語比較。邏輯上顯然不通。 3. 主系表結(jié)構(gòu)的比較與主謂結(jié)構(gòu)相同。如果時態(tài)不一致,則需補出助詞,如: the economy of florida is more diversified than it was ten years ago 217. (t-3-q17) (天山-7-14)not one of the potential investors is exp

15、ected to make an offer to buy first interstate bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were not to be concluded.a. is expected to make an offer to buy first interstate bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties

16、if the deal wereb. is expected to make an offer for buying first interstate bank until they sign a merger agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal wasc. is expected to make an offer to buy first interstate bank until a merger agreement be signed by them with a provision for penaltie

17、s if the deal wered. are expected to make an offer for buying first interstate bank until it signs a merger agreement with a provision for penalties included if the deal was (a)e. are expected to be making an offer to buy first interstate bank until they sign a merger agreement including a provision

18、 for penalties if the deal were題目釋義:not one of n.s is expected to do sth. until a ma is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were not to be concluded.考點:主謂一致(agreement) 習慣用語(idiom) 1. one of the+名詞復數(shù),謂語用單數(shù);not one of =none of。2. 虛擬語氣:與將來事實相反,條件從句的謂語be動詞一律用were to+動詞原形。選項分析:a. c

19、orrect;a merger agreement引導的句子并不是if the deal were的主句,if the deal were中的if可以理解為“in case (that)”。b. 表示動作的目的用to do比for buying更好,表示一個動作趨向;they無指代;虛擬語氣用用was錯誤。c. be signed時態(tài)錯誤;with a provision修飾be signed,意思成了需要一個條例來規(guī)范簽署這一動作;them無指代。d. are錯誤,主謂不一致。for buying錯誤同b。虛擬語氣用was錯誤。it指代不清,而且其實根本不需要。e. are錯誤,主謂不一致。

20、they無指代。補充說明:1. 關(guān)于定語從句的關(guān)系代詞能否跨越謂語動詞指代:如果關(guān)系代詞與先行詞相隔較短,關(guān)系代詞能跨越謂語動詞指代,如本句a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision。2. 關(guān)于none of(by windmaple):none可以等于not one(動詞用單數(shù)),也可以等于not any(動詞用復數(shù)),這個是有爭論的,manhattan review sc上的sanam說none要看情況定動詞單復數(shù);manhattan forum上的結(jié)論是:因為none在og里面從來沒用過復數(shù)動詞,所以大家還是選單數(shù)吧。21

21、8. (gwd7-q4)only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the moviesless than those killed by bee stings.a. moviesless than thoseb. moviesfewer than have beenc. movies, which is less than thosed. movies, a number lower than the people (b)e. movies, fewer

22、than the ones題目釋義:only seven people this century have been killed by - fewer than have been killed考點:比較(comparison) 習慣用法(idiom)1. 比較雙方對等。2. people作為人民講的時候是復數(shù)名詞,所以用few不用little。3. 破折號在本題中有反諷或表達意外的含義:被蜜蜂蟄死的人比被專門吃人的白鯊吃掉的人還多。選項分析:a. less錯誤。those指代people,比較對象沒有問題,但是比較結(jié)構(gòu)上卻不平行,前面用的是主謂結(jié)構(gòu),people是主語,been kille

23、d是謂語,后面雖然比較詞people正確,可卻沒有用謂語的形式。b. correct。其中have been前省略了people/those,雖然不太好,但是比較最對稱的一個選項了。另外破折號的使用是適合的。c. which可以跳過插入語指代沒問題;less錯誤;those使得比較結(jié)構(gòu)不平行。d. a number同位語與其所修飾對象seven people太遠;不能跟people相比較。e. ones不能指代people(manhattan),即使能夠指代,比較結(jié)構(gòu)也不平行。219. (gwd-12-q20)approved april 24, 1800, the act of congre

24、ss that made provision for the removal of the government of the united states to the new federal city, washington, d.c., also established the library of congress.a. approved april 24, 1800, the act of congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the united states to the new fede

25、ral city, washington, d.c., also establishedb. the act of congress, which was approved april 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the united states to the new federal city, washington, d.c., also establishedc. the act of congress approved april 24, 1800, which made provisi

26、on for the removal of the government of the united states to the new federal city, washington, d.c., and establishedd. approved april 24, 1800, making provision for the removal of the government of the united states to the new federal city, washington, d.c., the act of congress also established (a)e

27、. approved april 24, 1800, the act of congress made provision for the removal of the government of the united states to the new federal city, washington, d.c., also establishing題目釋義:approved april 24, 1800, the act of congress that made provision for sth., also established考點:邏輯意思(logical predication

28、) 句子結(jié)構(gòu)(grammatical construction)1. 邏輯主語2. the acts of congress:國會立法案,有public laws,也有private laws。本題只要理解國會立法案不僅僅只有一個就能作出。3. 限定性定語從句、非限定性定語從句。選項分析:a. correct。the act of congress是主語也是邏輯主語。b. that引導的限定性定語從句改為了which引導的非限定性定語從句,使得國會立法案就只有1800年頒布的那一個,違背常識;making作為伴隨approved的結(jié)果狀語,邏輯意思不合理,其應(yīng)該是說明act的作用,修飾act。

29、c. which指代太遠不及a好;and的插入使得前面分句沒有謂語,后面分句沒有主語。d. 主語前面部分冗長awkward;making作為非限定性修飾,使得句子表達的是act of congress只有那么一個,違背常識。e. the act of congress少了限定性定語從句的修飾,使得句子表達的是act of congress只有那么一個,違背常識;establish和make provision邏輯上是同一層次的,不應(yīng)該把establish作為伴隨結(jié)果(邏輯含義也變得不合理),所以要不把also establishing改為and also establish,要不改為同a選項一

30、樣。220. (gwd-24-8)the results of the companys cost-cutting measures are evident in its profits, which increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it fell over the last two years. a. which increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it fellb. whi

31、ch had increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it had fallenc. which have increased five percent during the first three months of this year after fallingd. with a five percent increase during the first three months of this year after falling (c)e. with a five percent

32、increase during the first three months of this year after having fallen題目釋義:the results are evident in its profits, which have increased 5% during the first three months of this year考點:句子結(jié)構(gòu)(grammatical construction) 邏輯意思(logical predication)1. with獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu):由“with賓語賓補”構(gòu)成的復合結(jié)構(gòu),在句中可作狀語,表示伴隨。這一結(jié)構(gòu)中的賓語補足語可由

33、現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞、形容詞、副詞或介詞短語等來充當: visitors to the park have often looked into the leafy canopy and seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging like socks on a clothesline.2. 時態(tài)問題。3. alienx: after having done something是不可能對的1) after已表示the sequence of events. 沒有必要用having done來表示前后2) 可是a

34、fter someone/something has/have done something是acceptable; 如果變成after someone/something did something也可以選項分析:a. 因為前文的are evident in its profits,后文應(yīng)該用現(xiàn)在時態(tài),即現(xiàn)在完成時have increased;it指代profits單復數(shù)錯誤。b. 沒有明顯的過去的過去的標志,從句的時態(tài)用過去完成時錯誤;it錯誤同a。c. correct;after falling簡潔,狀語從句的省略。d. with獨立主格修飾前面的分句,而不是its profits,修飾

35、錯誤;falling的邏輯主語也成了results,錯誤。e. with錯誤同d;after having done錯誤。221. (gwd-12-q34)in an attempt to guarantee the security of its innovative water purification method, the company required each employee to sign a confidentiality agreement prohibiting that its water purification methods be disclosed to co

36、mpanies using an analogous purification process. a. prohibiting that its water purification methods be disclosed to companiesb. prohibiting them from the disclosing of its water purification methods to any companyc. prohibiting disclosure of its water purification methods to any companyd. that would

37、 prohibit them from disclosure of its water purification methods to companies (c)e. that would prohibit its water purification methods to be disclosed to a company題目釋義:in an attempt to do sth., the company require employee to do sth. prohibiting disclosure of sth. to any company using an analogous p

38、urification process.考點:固定用法(idiom) 1. prohibit固定搭配:prohibit sth;prohibit from doing;prohibit sb from doing2. 指代問題。選項分析:a. prohibit that是錯誤用法;companies和an process單復數(shù)不匹配。b. prohibit sb from doing,這里prohibit sb from sth錯誤;the disclosing不簡潔,disclose有其名詞形式,直接用disclosure;them無指代。c. correct。prohibit sth.是慣

39、用法。d. 描述agreement的內(nèi)容用現(xiàn)在分詞作定語修飾更合適;them無指代;prohibit錯誤同b;companies和an process單復數(shù)不匹配。e. 描述agreement的內(nèi)容用現(xiàn)在分詞作定語修飾更合適;prohibit sth. to be done錯誤。222. (gwd-1-q34)although people in france consume fatty foods at a rate comparable to the united states, their death rates from heart disease are far lower in f

40、rance.a. people in france consume fatty foods at a rate comparable to the united states, theirb. people in france and the united states consume fatty foods at about the same rate, thec. fatty foods are consumed by people in france at a comparable rate to the united statess, theird. the rate of fatty

41、 foods consumed in france and the united states is about the same, the (b)e. the rate of people consuming fatty foods is about the same in france and the united states, the題目釋義:although people in france & us consume fatty foods at about the same rate, the death rates from heart disease are far lower

42、 in france.考點:邏輯意思(logical predication) 句子結(jié)構(gòu)(grammatical construction)1. 比較對象。2. 邏輯意思。選項分析:a. rate和us比較,比較對象不對等;their death rates指代death rates of people in france, 代入句中即death rates of people in franceare far lower in france,語義重復。b. 正確。c. their主從句主語對位指代fatty foods錯誤;被動的使用awkward;the united statess后面的

43、省略無法還原,比較對象不明確。d. the rate of fatty foods錯,不是foods的rate,而應(yīng)該是consuming foods的rate;rate應(yīng)改為rates。e. the rate of people錯誤,不是people的rate。rate應(yīng)改為rates。223. (gwd-23-q23)after several years of rapid growth, the health care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, whi

44、le it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to doctors and hospitals.a. while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment tob. while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business and f

45、ell months behind in its payment toc. but then it proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payingd. but then proving unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying (e)e. but then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falli

46、ng months behind in paying題目釋義:the company became one of the largest providers, but then proved unable to handle sth., falling months behind in panying考點:習慣用語(idiom) 句子結(jié)構(gòu)(grammatical construction)1. 動詞比動名詞簡潔: payment比paying好,development比developing好。對于沒有專門名詞形式的動詞,再應(yīng)該用動名詞。2. while在表示轉(zhuǎn)折對比時,有兩件events同時發(fā)

47、生的含義。選項分析:a 即便表示轉(zhuǎn)折對比,while也有”at the same time“的含義在里面,與then矛盾,并讓句意變成了the health care company expanding and falling是同時發(fā)生的,但是實際上應(yīng)該是先became largest,然后再fell;其次,its payment不如動詞paying簡潔,名詞和東詞優(yōu)先選擇動詞。b while的錯誤同a,payment錯誤同a。c 前面的it多余,可以省略(effctiveness);in its paying,使得paying從動詞變成了動名詞,不簡潔,prep.+ones+doing往往是

48、不簡潔的(不絕對)。paying這個動作就是the health care company執(zhí)行的,所以不用加上its。d but后面沒有謂語,proving沒有并列對象。e correct。proved主動也可以表示被動,but后面省略了it,因為主語相同。補充說明:1. but后面本來是應(yīng)該加句子的,但是在主語相同的情況下可以省略主語。224. (gwd-12-q13)although energy prices have tripled in the united states over the last two years, research indicates few people t

49、o have significantly reduced the amount of driving they do, nor are they making fuel efficiency a priority when shopping for cars.a. few people to have significantly reduced the amount of driving they do, nor are they makingb. few people having significantly reduced the amount of driving they do or

50、madec. that there are few people who have significantly reduced the amount of driving they do, nor having maded. that few people have significantly reduced the amount of driving they do and are not making (e)e. that few people have significantly reduced the amount of driving they do or made題目釋義:alth

51、ough, research indicates that few people have reduced the amount of driving they do or made fuel efficiency a priority when shopping for cars.考點:邏輯意思(logical predication) 平行結(jié)構(gòu)(parallelism)1. the amount of driving they do中的they do是定語從句,先行詞the amount of driving在定從中做賓語省略that,還原也即do the amount of drivin

52、g,類似于do a lot of homework/driving;在formal problem里出現(xiàn)do driving這樣“不太正式”的結(jié)構(gòu)其實還是有點令人詫異的。2. 比較結(jié)構(gòu)中的省略。3. nor的相關(guān)用法:1) nor用在否定句中表示“也不”的意思2) neither a nor b后面跟的謂語動詞由b決定:neither we nor they want it. (來自ahd的例子),說明由b決定的。再看兩個來自jukuu的例子:1. neither menus nor dialog boxes have this immediate property. each one req

53、uires an intermediate step, sometimes more than one.2. neither the salesman nor the supervisor has been notified of the sale. 另外單個neither的用法:they were not in shanghai at that time. neither (nor) were we. they are not from england. neither (nor) is she.選項分析:a indicate后面是要說明的內(nèi)容,所以最好用that引導一個定語從句;are m

54、aking和have reduced不平行。b indicate錯誤同a;having done是非謂語動詞中現(xiàn)在分詞的完成式,使得從句沒有謂語動詞。c there are表示自然存在或統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù),用在此處并不合適(記住一些有效性錯誤,能加速篩選選項); having made和have reduced不平行。d and前后不平行,并且后面半句變成了few people are not making于原句意思相悖;and在否定句中是“或”的意思。e correct;made前省略了have,have reduced和have made平行,也即兩個平行的過去分詞可以共享同一個助動詞have;由于

55、賓語從句由few引導是一個否定含義的句子,所以or表示“并”,而不是“或”。225. (gwd-1-q24)by sucking sap from the young twigs of the hemlock tree, tree growth is retarded by the woolly adelgid, causing needles to change color from deep green to grayish green and to drop prematurely.a. tree growth is retarded by the woolly adelgid, cau

56、sing needles to change color from deep green to grayish green and to dropb. tree growth is retarded by the woolly adelgid, and this causes the color of needles to change from deep green to grayish green, and their droppingc. the woolly adelgid retards tree growth, which causes needles to change colo

57、r from deep green to grayish green, and droppingd. the woolly adelgid retards tree growth, causing needles to change color from deep green to grayish green and to drop (d)e. the woolly adelgid retards tree growth, and this causes the color of needles to change from deep green to grayish green, and then their dropping題目釋義:by sucking sap from tree , the woolly adelgid retards tree growth, causing needles to change color and to drop prematurely.考點:邏輯意思(logical predication) 平行結(jié)構(gòu)(parallelism)1. 現(xiàn)在在句首,邏輯主語應(yīng)等于主語。2. and前后平行。3. which不能指代前面整句話,但是in which case就可以,因為是固定搭配選項分析:a.


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