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1、Enterp rise n ame: XX Co., Ltd.AssetNote No.EndingamountCurrent assets:Mon etary fundsFinan cial assets measured atfair value and its cha ngesin cluded in the curre nt p rofit and lossDerivative finan cial assetsNotes receivableAcco unt receivableAcco unt p aid in adva neeIn terest receivableDivide

2、nd receivableOther acco unts receivableInven toryAssets divided as availableassets for saleNon-curre nt assets due with inBalance SheetDecember 31,2015KQ 01Un it: RMB Yua nBegi nning amountLiabilities and ownersequityCurrent liabilities:Short-term borrow ingsFinan cial liabilitiesmeasured at fair va

3、lue andits cha nges in cluded in the curre nt p rofit and loss Derivative finan cialliabilitiesNotes p ayableAcco unt p ayableAcco unt received inadvaneeEmpio yees compen sati on p ayableTax p ayableIn terest p ayableDivide nd p ayable Other acco unts p ayableLiabilities divided asNote No.Endingamou

4、ntBegi nning amount整理范本編輯word !1 yearOther curre nt assetsavailable liabilities for sale Non-curre nt liabilities due with in 1 yearTotal curre nt assetsOther curre nt liabilities Total curre nt liabilitiesNon-curre nt liabilities:Lon g-term borrow ings Bonds p ayableNon-curre nt assets:Available fo

5、r sale financialIn cludi ng: Preferred shares Perp etual cap ital securities Lon g-term acco unt p ayable Long-term empioyees compen sati on p ayable Sp ecial p ayables Accrued liabilitiesassetsHeld-to-maturity in vestme nts Lon g-term acco unt receivable Lon g-term equity in vestme nt In vest ing r

6、eal estateFixed assetP roject in con struct ionEngin eeri ng materialFixed asset dis posalDeferred in comeDeferred tax liabilitiesOther non-curre nt liabilitiesTotal non-curre nt liabilitiesTotal liabilitiesOwners equity (or shareholders equity) Paid-i n cap ital (or share capi tal)Other equity in s

7、trume nts1617Product ion biological assets Oil and gas assetsIntan gible assets Development expense GoodwillLon g-term expense to be app orti onedDeferred tax assetsOther non-curre nt assetsTotal non-curre nt assetsTotal assetsIn cludi ng: Preferred shares Perp etual cap ital securities Cap ital sur

8、plusMinus: Treasury stock Other comp rehe nsive in comesSp ecial reserveEarned surplusUn distributed earningsTotal owners equityTotal liabilities and owners equity218整理范本編輯word !KQ 2Un it: RMB Yua nEnterp rise n ame: XX Co., Ltd.ItemIncome StatementYear of 2015Note No.Amount at curre nt p eriodAmoun

9、t at same p eriod in last year整理范本編輯word !I. Op erati ng in comeMinus: Op erati ng costBusin ess tax and surchargesSelli ng expen sesAdmi nistrative expen sesFinan cial expen sesAsset imp airme nt lossPI us: Gain from cha nge in fair value (loss withGain from in vestme nt (loss withIn cludi ng: In c

10、ome from in vestme nt in affiliated enterp rise and joint enterp riseII. Op erati ng p rofit (loss withPlus: Non-bus in ess in comeIn cludi ng: Gain from non-curre nt asset dis po salMinus: Non-bus in ess expen ditureIn cludi ng: Loss from non-curre nt asset dis po salIII. Total p rofit (total loss

11、with“)Minus: In come tax expenseIV. Net profit (net loss with-)V. Net after-tax amount of other comp rehe nsive in comes(i) Other comp rehe nsive in comes not reclassified into p rofit and loss in future1. Changes for net liability or net asset of remeasured and reset ben efit plan2. Shares enjoyed

12、in other comp rehe nsive in comes not reclassified into p rofit and loss by the in vested un it(ii) Other comp rehe nsive in comes reclassified into p rofit and lossin future1. Shares enjoyed in other comp rehe nsive in comes reclassified into p rofit and loss by the in vested un it in future2. Prof

13、it and loss from fair value change of financial assets available for sale3. Profit and loss from held-to-maturity in vestme nt reclassified to finan cial assets available for sale4. Effective part for hedgi ng p rofit and loss of cash flow5. Tran slati on bala nee of foreig n curre ncy finan cial st

14、ateme nts6. OthersVI. Total comp rehe nsive in comesVII. Earnings per share(i) Basic earnings per share (Yua n/ Share)(ii) Diluted earnings per share (Yua n/ Share)整理范本編輯word !KQ 3Un it: RMB Yua nEnterp rise n ame: XX Co., Ltd.ItemCash Flow StatementYear of 2015Note No.Amount at curre nt p eriodAmou

15、nt at same p eriod in last yearI. Cash flow from op erat ing activities:Cash received from sale of goods or ren deri ng of services Refund of tax and leviesOther cash received relati ng to op erat ing activitiesSub-total of cash in flows from op erati ng activitiesCash p aid for goods and servicesCa

16、sh p aid to and on behalf of empio yeesPayme nts of all types of taxesOther cash p aid relati ng to op erati ng activitiesSub-total of cash outflows from op erati ng activitiesNet cash flows from op erati ng activitiesII. Cash flow from in vesti ng activities:Cash flow from dis po sal of in vestme n

17、tsCash received from retur ns of in vestme ntsCash received from in comes on in vestme ntsNet cash received from dis po sal of fixed assets, intan gible assets and other Ion g-term assetsOther cash received relati ng to in vest ing activitiesSub-total of cash in flows from in vesti ng activitiesCash

18、 p aid to acquire fixed assets, intan gible assets and other整理范本編輯word !Ion g-term assetsCash p aid to acquire in vestme ntsNet cash received from the subsidiary company and other bus in ess un itsOther cash p ayme nts relati ng to in vesti ng activitiesSub-total of cash outflows from in vesti ng activitiesNet cash flows from in vest ing activitiesIII. Cash flows from financing activities:Cash received from cap ital con tributi onCash received from bor


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