1、租約TENANCY AGREEMENTENANC Y AGREEMENT出租人(甲方):Party A :住所地:Address :身份證號:ID No :電話:Pho ne No.:承租方:(乙方)Party B :住所地:Address :身份證號:ID No :電話:Pho ne No.:中介方:蘇州兆豐不動產(chǎn)湖畔天城加盟店P(guān)arty C : Lucky Realtors Real Estate, Inc. SIP地址:蘇州工業(yè)園區(qū)鐘慧路 58號-116Address : 58# Zhonghui Street Hupan Garden二、租期:Term of Tenancy2.1甲方委
2、托中介就 供訂立房屋租賃合同的中介方服務(wù)。租賃期為24個月,自 _年_月_日起至 _年_月_日止。Party A en trust part B hereby to lease ,and con trast this lease Agreeme nt。The above property is hereby leased for a term of, commencing on and expiringon。在租期開始,出租房屋及其家俱電器應(yīng)已裝修或安裝布置完畢,處于可供租賃的良好狀態(tài)。 如因裝飾布置的原因,甲方每推遲 1目交房,則應(yīng)推遲 2日為租賃期滿,以此累計。The above prop
3、erty and its equipme nt and furn iture shall be fully reno vated or in stalled and in tenan table con diti on before the comme nceme nt of the lease.2.2租期屆滿,甲方有權(quán)收回出租房屋及全部家俱、電器(包括附件所列所有家具、設(shè)備), 乙方亦應(yīng)如期交還;乙方如要求續(xù)租,則享有優(yōu)先續(xù)租權(quán),但必須在本租約期滿前二個月向甲方提出書面申請。On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back
4、 the leased property ( including all the furniture, fittings and equipment listed in Appendix) in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry. If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with two mon ths adva nee writte n no
5、tice to Party A.二、租金:Rent :3.1租金每月為人民幣 元,包括家具、電器(見附件二)和物業(yè)管理費在內(nèi),該 元為交給甲方的凈收入,稅收和開票歸乙方承擔(dān)和辦理。The rent is RMB5800.00 per mon th, in clud ing furn iture, electrical applia nces (See appe ndix II) and the man ageme nt fee.3.2租金支付方式:三個月一付,先付后住。乙方應(yīng)在到期日的10天前把租金付到甲方帳戶上。Payme nt method: Party B must pay the re
6、nt every three mon th. And party B must pay the rent 10 days before the expiry date.3.3租金款以人民幣支付,The rent shall be paid in RMB.在本租約有效期內(nèi),租金不予調(diào)整。The rent cannot be adjusted duri ng the term of this Tenancy Agreeme nt.四、押金:Deposit :自本租約簽訂之日起,乙方應(yīng)向甲方繳付相當(dāng)于一個月租金額的租賃押金計人民幣_元。租約期滿,乙方如不再續(xù)租,甲方應(yīng)在租賃期結(jié)束后1個月內(nèi)(在乙方將
7、全部水,電,煤氣費和空調(diào)費等雜費及電話費付清后)將押金退還(不計利息)。After sig ning of this Tenancy Agreeme nt. Party B shall pay to Party A one month rent as deposit, which is equivale nt to in total. On completi on of the tenancy period, if Party B will n ot con ti nue torent the leased property, Party A must retur n the deposit
8、in full to Party B (without in terest) with in ten days after the term in atio n of the Lease Agreeme nt un der the con diti on that Party B has paid all the outsta nding utilities fee such as water, electricity, gas, air-c on diti oning fee and teleph one bill. If such outstanding utilities fee cou
9、ld not be settled because of limitation of the account due date, Party A has the right to keep part of the deposit and pay back this part to Party B after the outstanding utilities fee settled. However the kept part of deposit should be limited to as much as twice of the previous acco unt period.4.1
10、如因甲方原因而終止租約的(不可抗力除外),則雙倍退還押金后終止租約。在租賃期內(nèi), 如因乙方原因而終止租約(不可抗力除外),押金不予退還。If Party B term in ates the Tenancy Agreeme nt duri ng the lease term for reas ons other tha n Force Majeure, the paid deposit will not be refun ded.4.2甲方因乙方違反本合同的規(guī)定而受的損失,可在保證金中扣抵合理數(shù)目,在甲方作出該種扣抵前,需通知乙方將被扣抵的金額和理由,乙方有權(quán)拒絕不合理或不公正的抵扣,不足部分
11、乙方必須在接到甲方付款通知后10天內(nèi)補足。Party A may deduct a reas on able amount from the security deposit towards payme nt of any actual damages Party A may have in curred or suffered as a result of Party Bs breach of this Agreeme nt. Prior to making such deduct ions, Party A shall inform Party B of the amount which
12、it i ntends to deduct and the reas on for making such deduct ions. Party B shall be en titled to object to such deducti ons if Party B believes that such deducti ons are un reas on able or unjustified. If the security deposit is not sufficie nt to cover such amoun ts, Party B must pay the deficie nc
13、y with in ten (10) days of the receipt of a dema nd from Party A.4.3押金以人民幣支付,甲方收到押金后,向乙方開具收據(jù)。The deposit shall be paid in RMB. Party A shall issue an official receipt on the receipt of deposit.五、中介服務(wù)傭金5.1甲方委托中介就 ,提供訂立房屋租賃合同的中介方服務(wù)。Party A en trust part B hereby to lease ,and con trast this lease Agre
14、eme nt5.2中介服務(wù)費_承擔(dān)支付,共計人民幣 元,其中甲方承擔(dān) 元乙方承擔(dān)丿元。The commissi on shall be paid by ;Party A pays ,and party B pays5.3中介方應(yīng)對甲乙雙方的相關(guān)信息及租賃情況負有向他人保密的義務(wù)。Part C should keep the secret of the information to this Lease Agreement for both party A and party B 5.4在租賃期間,中介有義務(wù)調(diào)節(jié)甲乙雙方之爭端。During the period of Tenan cy,Part
15、y C have the duty to n egotiate and resolve peacefully,for party A and party B六、其它費用:Other Charges :6.1乙方在租賃期內(nèi)所用的水、電、煤氣,管理公司每月按實際耗用量結(jié)算,乙方按單繳付。During the period of tenancy, Party B shall pay monthly all charges for usage of water, electricity and gas based on the actual con sumptio n amount billi ng
16、from the man ageme nt office.6.2乙方所用電話,按電信局標(biāo)準(zhǔn)收費,每月根據(jù)實際用量結(jié)算,乙方按單繳付。All teleph one charges shall be paid by Party B and based on the actual usage accord ing to theTelecom muni cati on Bureau sta ndard tariffs on receipt of the bills6.3寬帶的一切費用,有線電視和衛(wèi)星電視使用費,由乙方支付。The mon thly board band usage fee is bor
17、ne by Party B.七、甲方的責(zé)任:Landlord s Responsibilities7.1甲方應(yīng)督促管理公司向乙方提供足夠的服務(wù),如冷水,熱水,電的供應(yīng)及各種設(shè)備的正常工作。To en sure that the estate man ageme nt office to provide sufficie nt and timely service to Party B, such as supply of cold water, hot water, electricity and to ensure the proper maintenance of all kinds of
18、 equipme nt.7.2甲方應(yīng)負責(zé)租賃期內(nèi)房屋及其設(shè)備的正常維修,并承擔(dān)維修房屋及設(shè)備的正常磨損而產(chǎn)生的費用。Party A shall resp on sible for all no rmal maintenance of leased property and equipme nt duri ng the term of lease, and Party A shall bear all maintenance charges.7.4甲方應(yīng)對甲方的固定設(shè)施,包括該物業(yè)的或引入該物業(yè)的結(jié)構(gòu)、屋頂、管道設(shè)施、排污、管道和纜線(包括電力及電話)等進行維護,使之處于完好、可租賃狀態(tài);如若是
19、乙方的原 因使之出現(xiàn)故障,則由乙方負責(zé)。To maintain and keep Party A fixtures, including the structure, roof, sanitary and plumbing facilities, drains, pipes and cables (in cludi ng electricity and telepho ne) in good leas ing con diti on. Party A should promptly repair or remedy any defects there in after being no tif
20、ied of such defect by Party B, provided all such defects are not as a result of the Party B, or its assistants negligent action, omission or misc on duct. Party A shall en ter the said premises to do the n ecessary repairs or maintenance at reas on able time and with adva need no tice to the Party B
21、. If Party A fails to repair the said premise in comply with the dema nd issued by Party B to rectify it within seve n (7) days after receipt of such dema nd, Party B shall be en titled to issue a writte n no tice to Party A to termi nate this Agreeme nt, and the security deposit paid by Party B sha
22、ll be retur ned in full to Party B.7.5甲方謹(jǐn)在此聲明及保證甲方為出租房屋的合法擁有人并有合法地位出租此房屋于乙方。Party A hereby represents and warrants that Party A is the legal owner of the leased property and has the n ecessary legal capacity to lease the property to Party B.八、乙方責(zé)任:Tenant s Responsibilities8.1乙方應(yīng)按本租約第三、五條約定,按期交納租金及其他
23、費用,如出現(xiàn)遲延支付的情形,則甲方有權(quán)以乙方已付押金抵付;若其已付押金不足以抵付,則甲方有權(quán)按4.4條的約定要求乙方限期補足(押金及其他應(yīng)付款項);若超過限定期限30天,乙方仍未支付的,則甲方有權(quán)解除本 租約。Party B should promptly pay the rent, deposit and other charges as set out in Clauses 3 and 5 of the Agreeme nt. I n the event that Party B fails to pay the rent and any of the charges accord ing
24、 to the time limit and methods as specified in this Agreement, Party A has the right to deduct from the deposit for such losses and damages suffered and expe nses in curred. When the deposit is in sufficie nt for reas ons here in, Party A has the right in accorda nee to Clause 4.4, request Party B t
25、o make-up the deposit to full amount with in the time limit. If Party B fails to bring up the deposit to the full amount for over thirty (30) days after the time limit, Party A has the right to terminate this Agreement.8.2本租約簽訂后,若乙方未按本租約的約定支付租金及押金,甲方有權(quán)解除本租約,同時有權(quán)向乙方索取相當(dāng)于一個月租金金額的賠償金,而無需提前通知乙方。In the e
26、ve nt that Party B fails to pay the rent and deposit accord ing to the stipulatio n of this Agreeme nt,Party A is entitled to terminate this Agreement without prior notice, and at same time Party B should pay one month ren tal to Party A as compe nsati on.8.3租賃期內(nèi)未經(jīng)甲方同意,乙方不能轉(zhuǎn)讓其所租房屋,私自轉(zhuǎn)讓無效。During the
27、period of Tenan cy, uni ess with the agreeme nt of Party A , Party B cannot sub-let or let in part or in full the leased property.8.4乙方應(yīng)愛護房屋及其設(shè)備,如因使用不當(dāng)而導(dǎo)致?lián)p壞,乙方應(yīng)負責(zé)賠償。Party B must take good care of the property and its conten ts, otherwise Party B should pay compe nsati on to Party A for his improper
28、use of the property.8.5除房內(nèi)已有的裝飾和設(shè)施之外,乙方如要增加設(shè)備或其他裝修須征得甲方同意。租賃期 滿,乙方向甲方交還房產(chǎn)時,必須恢復(fù)其原狀(正常磨損除外),且承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的費用。In addition to the decoration and equipment already in the property, if Party B wishes to make any alterations or decoration to such property, Party B should get the consent of Party A. On completion
29、of the Lease, Party B must hand over the property to Party A in its original condition (except for normal wear & tear) and all fees aris ing for re-i nstateme nt of such shall be borne by Party B. In this respect, the consent to hang up pictures on the walls is already give n by Party A.8.6由于乙方或與乙方有
30、關(guān)系的官員、上司、雇員、客人、來訪者、雇傭工人、代理、執(zhí)照 持有者或被邀請人等(統(tǒng)稱與乙方相關(guān)的人)的粗心、疏忽或故意而造成房屋的損害或損失的, 乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任,并允許甲方或其代理人在事先通知后進入房屋,對房屋的損失或損害進行彌補及修復(fù),由此所發(fā)生的費用由乙方負擔(dān)。To indemnify Party A for any loss or damages to the leased property from n eglige nt act or omissi on of Party B or any officer, director, employee, guest, visitor,
31、 serva nt, age nt lice nsee or in vitee of Party B (each referred to here in after in dividually as an “ associate to permit Party A or his authorized represe ntatives with adva nee no tice to en ter the leased property to repair any such loss or damage at the expe nse of Party B.8.7在甲方合理的預(yù)先通知后,乙方應(yīng)允
32、許甲方或其代理人在有理由的情況下進入及巡視房 屋,進行必要的維修或修復(fù)工作;在租賃期最后二個月內(nèi),允許甲方或其代理人帶領(lǐng)有意租賃或 購買房屋的客人視察房屋,但乙方已按第 2.3條書面通知甲方將續(xù)租的除外。With Party A s reas on able no tice in adva nee, Party B should permit Party A and pers on authorized by Party A un der reas on able circumsta nces to en ter and view the leased property, to carry o
33、ut any work and repairs which is deemed necessary. During the last one month of the Agreement, Party A has the right to show the leased property to prospective tenants or purchasers, uni ess accord ing to clause 2.2, Party B has in formed Party A of its inten ti on to renew the Lease.8.8在未經(jīng)甲方書面同意下,乙
34、方不得擅自設(shè)立、安裝或移動設(shè)施及設(shè)備,不能擅自設(shè)立隔 斷,不得擅自對房屋的結(jié)構(gòu)改動或增加。Not to erect, in stall or remove any fixtures or partiti oning, or to make any structural additi ons and alterations without the prior written consent of Party A.8.9租賃房屋過程中,必須嚴(yán)格遵守中華人民共和國的有關(guān)法律、細則、規(guī)章及法令的規(guī)定,并嚴(yán)格禁止乙方利用房屋進行違犯法律及不道德的行為。Strictly to comply and adh
35、ere in the use of the leased property according to all laws, regulations and decrees of the People s Republic of China, and specifically not to permit the leaspepy to be used for any purpose that is uni awful or immoral.8.10房屋除供乙方居住之外,未經(jīng)甲方書面同意,房屋不可作辦公或協(xié)議未曾說明之用。The leased property is only for reside
36、ntial use. Party B shall not use the leased property as office or some other purpose without the writte n agreeme nt of Party B.8.11除經(jīng)甲方書面同意外,屋外不得擅自放置標(biāo)示板及陳列任何設(shè)施,不允許在房外、窗及門 上掛曬衣物以影響房屋外觀面貌。Not to affix or display any signboard or other device visible from outside the leased property without the prior
37、written consent of Party A 。九、房屋不能居住時其他事件Other things :房屋由于火災(zāi)、惡劣天氣、戰(zhàn)爭或其它甲方不可抗拒因素,而不是因為乙方直接或間接的疏忽及故意行為造成房屋毀壞而不能被正常使用及居住時,乙方從該日起停止支付租金,直至房屋可再被使用及居住時為止,甲方根據(jù)自己的意愿及經(jīng)濟、實際意義等原因,沒有義務(wù)必須修 繕復(fù)原房屋。若此情況發(fā)生,甲方應(yīng)書面通知乙方,并在作出上述通知的十天之內(nèi)將押金及預(yù)付租金全部退還乙方。If the leased property are substa ntially destroyed or damaged by fire,
38、 bad weather, war, force majeure, or other causes bey ond the con trol of Party A and not attributable directly or in directly to the n eglige nce or malice of Party B or are otherwise rendered unfit for use or occupation, the rent shall cease to be payable from the date the leased property become u
39、nfit for use or occupati on un til the leased property shall aga in be ren dered accessible and fit for use, however, that the Party A shall be un der no obligati on to repair the leased property, whe n in Party A sop inion, it is not reason ably or econo mically or practically to do so. If such an
40、event occurs, Party A shall give a written notice to Party B, and the deposit and the rest of rent paid by Party B shall be retur ned in full with in 10 days of said no tice.一次委托合同文本CONFIDENTIAL終生服務(wù)8 / 15十、適用法及爭議的解決:Legislation & Arbitration of the Dispute:本租約受中華人民共和國法律的約束,如發(fā)生與本租約有關(guān)的爭議,由雙方友好協(xié)商解決,協(xié)商不
41、成,提請設(shè)在北京的中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會,依該委員會在仲裁申請?zhí)岢鰰r有 效的仲裁規(guī)定進行仲裁,仲裁在北京進行,仲裁語言為中文,仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方當(dāng)事人 均有約束力。This Lease Agreement is under the legal authority of PRC. In case any dispute arises over this agreeme nt, the two Parties shall n egotiate frien dly, if failed, shall submit to the China IntTrade Arbitration Comm
42、ittee in Beijing. The arbitration shall be carried out according to the arbitration rules of the Arbitrati on Committee, which are in effect iven ess whe n the dispute arose. The arbitrati on shall be carried out in Beijing and in the Ianguage of Chinese. The arbitration award is final and binding t
43、o both parties.十一、其它:Others :11.1本租約附件是本租約不可分割的組成部分。The appe ndix forms are an internal part of the con tract.11.2租約自簽字之日起生效,租約文本一式三份,甲、乙、丙三方各執(zhí)一份,中英文具有同等法律效力。中英文條款及意思如有不一致之處,以中文為準(zhǔn)。This con tract shall become effect on the date after the sig ning by three parties. Each Party shall hold one copy of th
44、is origi nal con tract. Both Chin ese text and En glish text shall have the same legal effect. In the eve nt that there is any disagreeme nt betwee n the Chin ese vers ion and En glish version, the Chin ese vers ion shall prevail.11.3如若有中英文條款及意思有不一致之處,以中文原意為準(zhǔn)。In the eve nt that there is any disagree
45、me nt betwee n the Chin ese vers ion and En glish version, the Parties shall seeks soluti on on frien dly n egotiati ons, otherwise decisi on shall be made by the Arbitrati on Commissi on as stipulated un der Section 9.11.4本租約如有未盡事宜,由甲、乙雙方洽談解決。If the con tract remai ns with any outsta nding matters,
46、 the two parties shall n egotiate and resolve peacefully.甲方:Party A :乙方:Party B :中介方:Party C :代表人:代表人:代表人:一次委托合同文本CONFIDENTIAL終生服務(wù)9 / 15Represe ntative:Represe ntative:Represe ntative:一次委托合同文本CONFIDENTIAL終生服務(wù)16 / 15本租約于_2007_年_月日簽訂This con tract is con eluded on附件一:Appe ndix one:注:都市花園25幢103室煤氣管道不屬于
47、本租約范圍物品(關(guān)閉不用),甲方提供 電灶給業(yè)方使用。家具清單FURNITURE LIST FOR THREE BEDROOMItem項目品牌Brand型號Model數(shù)量Quality入住前Move in入住后Move outLivi ng Room客廳Three seater sofa三人沙發(fā)One seater sofa一人沙發(fā)Tea table長方茶幾TV sta nd電視柜TV set電視Air con diti oner空調(diào)Di ning Room餐廳Di ning table餐桌Di ning chair餐椅Master Room主人房Double bed withmattress
48、雙人床/床墊Bedside table床頭柜Built- in closet壁柜Guest Room客人房1#Double bed withmattress雙人床/床墊Bed side table床頭柜Built-in closet壁柜Guest Room客人房2#Sin gle bed withmattress單人床/床墊Bed side talbe床頭柜Guest Room客人房3#Double bed withmattress雙人床/床墊Bed side table床頭柜Built-in closet壁柜Guest Room客人房4#Double bed with mattress雙人床
49、/床墊Bed side table床頭柜Built-in closet壁柜Guest Room客人房5#Double bed with mattress雙人床/床墊Bed side table床頭柜Built-in closet壁柜Electrical Applia nces電器Refrigerator with freeze冰箱Wash ing mach ine洗衣機注:以上家具以實際入住為準(zhǔn)。The actual furniture list will subject to move in furniture conditionCheck In & Check Out List 驗房清單Property Name 物業(yè)名稱:Date日期:Item項目Move-i n check入住檢杳Move-out check搬出檢查Livi ng Room 起居室Ceiling 頂Wall 墻Floor地面Window 窗S
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