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1、. 漢譯英&英譯漢(Note Book)Unit1life expectancy(預期壽命) poverty-stricken(極其貧困,貧困不堪的)smog-laden air(充滿煙霧的空氣) 補:panic-stricken(極其恐慌的)global conditions(全球狀況) haves and have-nots(富人和窮人) underprivileged(貧困的,社會地位低下的) savanna(熱帶草原,熱帶的稀樹大草原) predator(捕食者,食肉動物) environmental disruptions(環(huán)境破壞)Unit5primary pollutant 一次

2、污染物 secondary pollutant 二次污染物air stagnation 空氣停滯 nitrous oxide 氧化亞氮nitric oxide 一氧化氮 nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮soot 煙塵 dust 粉塵 smog 煙霧 ozone 臭氧herbicide 除草劑 pesticide 除蟲劑Unit10treatment facilities: 處理設備,凈化結構 municipality: 市政當局,自治市population equivalent: 人口當量 basement flooding: 地下室浸水per capital per day: 每人

3、每天 runoff: 排水,徑流,溢出domestic sewage: 生活污水 the type of terrain: 地形種類Unit12land disposal 掩埋處置 fecal coliform 類大腸菌群 stringent effluent requirement 嚴格的廢水排放要求 assimilation capacity 同化能力practical outlets 現(xiàn)實出路 aquatic life 水生物detrimental to human health 對人體健康有害的 endogenous phase 內源生長期Unit13flow monitoring 流

4、量監(jiān)測 equipment age and reliability 裝備老化mechanistic facilities 機械設備 microbial activity 微生物活性activated sludge 活性污泥 controlling respiration 控制呼吸oxidation ditches 氧化溝 on-line automation 在線監(jiān)測Unit14biological degradation 生物降解 equalization basin(pond) 均質池(塘)aeration basin(tank) 曝氣池(槽) sludge flocs 污泥絮凝體sett

5、ling tank 沉降槽 dissolved oxygen 溶解氧biofilm 生物膜 suspended-growth 懸浮生長Unit21well-compacted landfill 夯實良好的填埋場 pulverized refuse 磨(研)碎的垃圾fluidized bed incineration 流化床焚燒 wet oxidation 濕式氧化anaerobic digestion 厭氧硝化/過程 nutrient source 營養(yǎng)源soil conditioners 土壤改良劑 mass-burning 大量燃燒municipal waste 城市垃圾Unit26act

6、ion 行為 biogeophysical environment 地球環(huán)境 surperficial analyses 膚淺(表面)分析 an identification of human concerns 個人的擔憂 remedial action 補救行動,糾正措施relevant physical and biological factors 有關物質因素和生物因素 a spatial 無空間的 frame of reference 參照系(標準)Unit 1農藥(pesticide) 化肥(chemical fertilizer) 有機廢物(organic wastes) 微生物(

7、organism) 衰減(reduction) 阻滯的(retardant)稀釋(dilute) 添加劑(additives) 合成塑料(synthetic plastic) 再生(regeneration/recovery)Unit 5正常濃度 normal concentration 嚴重污染的 heavily polluted決定因素 determing factors 光化學氧化物 photochemical oxide液體微滴 liquid droplet 放射性物質 radioactive substance不完全氧化incomplete oxidation 含硫的 sulfuri

8、c(sulfur content)風化 weathering 汽車尾氣 automobile exhaustUnit 7出口 outlet 多管高效旋風分離器multitube high-efficiency cyclone 合成纖維 synthetic fibre 捕集效率 collection efficiency 機械洗滌 mechanical scrubbing(washing) 壓力降 pressure drop 焚化爐 inciner furnace 氣體離子 gas ions捕集板 collection board 炭黑 carbon-blackUnit 9肺囊 lung poc

9、ket (lung-sac) 氟中毒 fluorosis 煤煙 soot 呼吸系統(tǒng) respiratory system 過濾 filter 吸附 adsorb 濃度 concentration 硫化氫 hydrogen sulfide 硫化鉛 lead sulfideUnit 13手動控制 operator control/ manual control 最優(yōu)化 the most optimization微處理器 microprocessor 統(tǒng)計分析 statistical analysis質量衡算 mass balance 動力學 dynamics氧化還原 oxidation and r

10、eduction /redox 停留時間 residence time模擬 simulation 參數 parameter水解 hydrolysis 積分 integralUnit 25溫度每升高10 every rise in temperature of 10內部調節(jié)機制 internal regulatory mechanisms一百萬千瓦 one-million-kilowatt 熱血動物 warm-blooded animals神經系統(tǒng) nervous system 食物鏈 food chain非哺乳動物 non-mammalian 冷卻系統(tǒng) cooling system熱力學第二定

11、律 the Second Law of ThermodynamicsUnit 26地理環(huán)境geographic environment 影響評價方法 methodologies for impact assessment替代方案的研究 study of alternatives有關環(huán)境質量的各組分相對值 the relative worth of various components of environmental quality環(huán)境質量標準criteria for environmental quality模型技術 modeling techniques基礎數據 the data base

12、Unit71. The spiral motion produces the centrifugal forces that cause the particulate matter to move toward the periphery of the vessel and collect on the walls and fall to the bottom of the vessel.旋轉運動產生的離心力使顆粒物移向錐體的外圍然后沿外壁落入容器的底部(灰斗)。2. The basic filter collector or baghouse is capable of operating

13、 in excess of 99% efficiency ,although satisfactory operation of the system is contingent upon the characteristics of the gas stream and the particulate matter being removed.盡管系統(tǒng)的良好的效率視所需處理的氣流和顆粒物的性質而定,簡單的過濾捕集器或布袋的除塵效果可達99%以上。3. The high energy scrubber ,or Venturi, imparts high velocity to the gas

14、stream by means of converging-diverging duct section ,and contacts the stream with injected water.高能除塵器或文丘里洗滌器通過收縮-擴大管截面使氣流加速并與噴入的水霧接觸。4. The gas is ionized by the high voltage discharge and the particulate matter is charged by the interaction of the gas ions.氣體被高壓放電進行電離,然后顆粒物在與氣體離子的相互作用下帶電。Unit91.

15、Reduction in visibility results in a social cost due to slowdown of air traffic and the need for instrument-guided landing systems.能見度的降低導致了空中交通變緩和必須的導航系統(tǒng)需求,這些都增加了社會成本。2. These impacts are taken into consideration when sensitive components are designed ,and the required protective measures or design

16、 modifications add to the cost of the item being produced.當設計中有敏感的組成時,應考慮這些影響,并且對該項目中所需保護措施或設計修改增加費用。Unit181.飲食廢物的重要特點在于它具有易腐爛性,尤其在溫暖天氣里,會極快的腐爛。 The most important characteristic of these wastes is that they are highly putrescible and will decompose rapidly, especially in warm weather.2.除了在家庭產生飲食廢物外

17、,在自助食堂,飯館,醫(yī)院和監(jiān)獄等機構,以及諸如批發(fā),零售等食品市場,均會產生大量的飲食廢物 In addition to the amounts of food wastes generated at residences,considerable amounts are generated at cafeterias and restaurants, large institutional facilities such as hospitals and prisons,and facilities associated with the marketing of foods,includi

18、ng wholesale and retail stores and markets. 補充:一次污染物carbon monoxide(CO) carbon dioxid(CO2) sulfur dioxid(SO2) hydrogen sulfid(H2S)nitrogen oxides: nitric oxide (NO) nitrogen dioxide(NO2) nitrous oxide(N2O)ammonia(NH3)organic chemicals(methane(CH4) butane(C4H10) volatile organic compounds(VOCs)hydrog

19、en fluoride (HF) hydrochloric acid(HCl)二次污染物 sulfur trioxide(SO3) sulfuric acid(H2SO4) sulphates(MSO4) nitric acid(HNO3) nitrates(MNO3) PAN(a group of peroxyacylnitrates)ozone(O3) aldehydes ketonePAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon 多烷芳香烴類PAC polyaluminium chloride聚合氯化鋁PAN peroxyacetyl nitrate過氧乙酰硝酸酯

20、PFC perfluorinated organic compound全氟化合物PFS polymeric ferric sulfate聚合硫酸鐵PAS polymeric aluminum sulfate聚合硫酸鋁HRT Hydraulic Retention Time水力停留時間SRT Sludge Retention Time污泥停留時間(污泥泥齡)TOC total organic carbon 總有機碳COD chemical oxygen demand 化學需要量BOD biological oxygen demand 生化需氧量TOD total oxygen demand 總需

21、氧量DO dissolved oxygen溶解氧水生物 aquatic life 水污染疾病 waterborne diseases過氧?;跛狨?peroxyacylnitrate (peroxide過氧化物 acyl酰基 nitrate硝酸鹽)布袋過濾器fabric filter 沉淀池 settling pond衛(wèi)生污水sanitary sewage 生活污水domestic sewage城市廢水municipal wastewater 工業(yè)污水 industrial wastewater氯化物和硫酸鹽chlorides and sulphates 初級處理 primary treatm

22、ent二級處理 secondare treatment三級或高級處理 tertiary or advanced treatment反向滲透 reverse osmosis普通沉淀法 plain sedimentation單元操作 unit operations混凝/絮凝 coagulation/flocculation氯化(消毒)chlorination好氧呼吸 aerobic respiration 厭氧呼吸 anaerobic respirationUnit 11. Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds

23、 us;that which we can see,hear,touch,smell,and taste. 環(huán)境是圍繞在我們周圍物質生命的棲息地,在那里我們可以看到,聽到,觸到,聞到和品嘗到。2. System,according to websters dictionary,is defined as “a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unit or organic whole;as,a solar system,irrigation system,supply system,the wo

24、rld or universe”. 依據韋伯斯特的字典,系統(tǒng)被定義為“一組或一系列能形成一個整體或者有機整體的相互關聯(lián)的事物;比如,太陽系統(tǒng),灌溉系統(tǒng),供水系統(tǒng),世界或宇宙”。3. Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical,chemical,or biological characteristics of the air,water,or land that can harmfully affect the health,survival,or activities of humans or other

25、living organisms. 污染可以被定義為有害影響健康,生存,活動的人或其它生物體的空氣,水,或土地的物理,化學或生物特性的不應該有的變化。Unit 51. The geographic location of some heavily populated cities, such as Los Angeles and Mexico City, makes them particularly susceptible to frequent air stagnation and pollution buildup.一些人口稠密的城市的地理位置,例如洛杉磯和墨西哥城的地理位置,使它們經常

26、特別容易受頻繁的空氣流動和污積物的影響。2. By themselves , measured concentrations tell us nothing about the danger caused by pollutants , because threshold levels , synergy, and biological magnification are also determining factors.測量的濃度自身并未告訴我們有關污染物造成的危險的信息,因為臨界濃度,協(xié)同作用和生物放大效應都是決定因素。Unit 71. Fabric filters usually pro

27、vide very high collection efficiencies, exceeding 99.5%, at pressure drops usually ranging from 4 to 6 inches of water. 布袋過濾器經常提供超過99.5%的很高的補集效率,壓力降一般在46英寸水柱之間。2. The method of removal consists of passing the particle-laden gas through an electrostatic field produced by a high voltage electrode and

28、grounded collection surface.去除方法為使載滿微粒的氣體通過由一個高壓電極和接地捕集板表面產生的靜電區(qū)域。Unit 91. All of the examples identify local, observable, or measurable impacts, because it is very difficult to develop direct relationships between specific pollutants and effects for exposures over the longer term or at great distan

29、ces.這部分例子是局部的,可見的或可測量的。因為去研究分析那些被長期地、大面積地暴露的特殊污染物之間的關系是很困難的。2. The human respiratory system is quite efficient in filtering the larger particles out of the air we breathe.人類的呼吸系統(tǒng)善于將我們吸入空氣中的較大顆粒物過濾出來。3. Some particles are particularly damaging because they adsorb gases which cause more intense irrita

30、tion locally.某些顆粒的損壞尤其嚴重,因為它們可以吸附一些對局部造成更強烈刺激的氣體。4. Damage to vegetation due to chronic exposure to atmospheric pollutants may be one of the more apparent precursor symptoms leading to identification of chronic air pollution.長期暴露于大氣污染物中的植被所遭受的破壞也許是空氣長期污染癥狀的一種較明顯的前兆。5. Each pollutant affects the huma

31、n body differently, and records of effects have been assembled relating the intensity to the period of exposure for various pollutants.每種污染物對人體的影響不同,而且所收集的各種影響效果的記錄都與暴露于各種污染物期間的強度有關。6. Fluorine affects plants at concentrations several orders of magnitude below that at which human health is affected.

32、氟對人體健康影響的濃度比它對植物影響的濃度低好幾個數量級。Unit 101. The way we deal with the waste problem depends upon whether the contaminants are oxygen demanding, algae promoting, infectious, toxic, or simply unsightly. 我們處理污染問題是依據污染物是耗氧性的、營養(yǎng)型的、傳染性的、有毒的,或是僅僅是感官污染。2. Tests for the few pathogens that might be present are diff

33、icult and time consuming, and standard practice is to test for other more plentiful organisms that are always present in the intestines of warm-blooded animals, including humans. 對可能存在的病菌的檢測不僅有難度并且很耗時,并且標準的實施是對其他許多存在于包括人類在內的熱血動物腸道內的有機體進行的檢測。 3. Differentiation between dissolved solids and undissolve

34、d, that is, suspended, solids are accomplished by evaporating filtered and unfiltered wastewater samples. 溶解性的固體和懸浮的非溶解性的固體的區(qū)分是通過把過濾的和非過濾的廢水樣品蒸發(fā)而實現(xiàn)的。 4. TOC is determined by measuring the amount of CO2 produced when the organic carbon in the sample is oxidized by a strong oxidizer and comparing it w

35、ith the amount in a standard of known TOC. 總有機碳(TOC)是通過測量樣品中的有機碳在一種強氧化劑的氧化作用下產生的二氧化碳的量,并與已知的總有機碳的標準對比而測得的。 5. The COD, or chemical oxygen demand, of the wastewater is the measured amount of oxygen needed to chemically oxidize the organics present.廢水的化學需氧量(COD)是測量有機物質化學氧化時所需的氧量。6. The BOD, or biochem

36、ical oxygen demand, is the measured amount of oxygen required by acclimated microorganisms to biologically degrade the organic matter in the wastewater. 生物化學需氧量(BOD)是測定廢水中有機物質經馴化的(適應環(huán)境的)微生物生物降解時所需的氧量。 7. To measure the amount of biodegradable organics, we use an indirect method in which we measure t

37、he amount of oxygen used by a growing microbial population to convert (oxidize) organic matter to CO2 and H2O in a closed system. 為了測定可生物降解的有機物的量,我們采用一種間接的方法,即測定在一個封閉系統(tǒng)內利用成長中的微生物把有機物質轉化(氧化)為二氧化碳和水時所需的氧量。 Unit 131. Coagulation/flocculation is a chemical-physical procedure whereby particles too small

38、for practical removal by plain sedimentation are destabilized and clustered together for faster settling.混凝/絮凝法是一種化學物理過程,那些太小的用普通沉降法不能去除的顆粒具有在這個過程中失去穩(wěn)定性能成團的特點,從而能較快地沉淀。Unit 141. The primary clarifier is used for removal fo grit, oily and fattlyl material and gross solid material, while the equalizat

39、ion basin is used to dampen wastewater flow bariations and to provide more uniform organic loading to the activated sludge system.預凈化池用來處理沙礫、油和脂肪以及總固體物,而均質池則對廢水流率的變化進行緩沖同時使活性污泥系統(tǒng)的有機負荷更加均勻。2. This is partly the result of the fact that recirculation of the biomass,which is an integral part of the proc

40、ess, allows microorganisms to adapt to changes in wastewater composition with a relatively short acclimation time and also allows a greater degree of control over the acclimated bacterial population.這部分是基于生物質循環(huán)這一結果,生物質循環(huán)是整個工藝的一部分,它可以使微生物在相對較短的馴化時間內適應廢水組分的變化,并能在較大程度上控制馴化菌的數量。3. The end-products, i.e. , alcohols and acids, from those reactions will enter


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