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1、格萊珉鄉(xiāng)村銀行的經(jīng)濟(jì)價(jià)值外文翻譯 外文題目:the economic of the grameen bank出 處:a bell& howell information company 作 者:ameen, farhad原 文:the economic of the grameen bank abstract the grameen bank has improved the lives of several million poor people in rural bangladesh by providing them with credit .using an innovative gr

2、oup lending program,the bank has been able to recover 97% of its loans.this dissertation is an attempt to understand the intricacies of the grameen banks credit program and to throw light on those features of its innovative institution set-up that make it so successful in recovering its loans.the di

3、ssertation is divided into six chapters and organized as follows i first describe the institutional set-up of the grameen bank and its group lending program.i draw on material obtained from interviews with bank staff and borrows during a field-trip to the konokdia branch of the bank in patuakhali .t

4、his is followed by an economic analysis of the banks lending program .i analyze the multifaceted role of group lending in specific ways in which the incentives created by the requirement to form groups affects group composition and the incentives for peer support,peer supervision,and loan repayment

5、using a formal model,i analyze the effect of one specific feature of the grameen bank ?“staggered disbursement”-on the expected loan recovery ratein a two borrower model i show that when loan disbursement is staggered,the probability of loan recovery is higher when borrowers are linked together in a

6、 group than when there is no such group interlinkage.i analyze the implications of loan staggering on borrower welfare the dissertation also includes an empirical analysis of the determination of loan repayment in the grameen bank .using panel data collected from a sample of grameen bank branches by

7、 the world bank ,i perform ols, “fixed effects”and “random effects”regressions to examine the relationship between the variation in repayment rates across grameen bank branches and such variables as the average loan size ,the proption of loans to women and the distance of the branch from districtehe

8、adquarters.the results throw light on some of the theoretical issues raised in the the earlier chapters. introduction the motivation for writing this dissertation came from learning of the existence of a very unique bank ,the grameen bank in bangladesh,that seemed to hold the promise of an answer to

9、 the elusive question of how to alleviate the desperate poverty facing millions in the developing world .the answer appeared to lie in the banks use of an innovative group lending program that embodies many ideas found in the theories of games,incentives and information.the application of principles

10、 of economic theory to an urgent policy question proved irresistible as a choice for a dissertation.thereupon i set to understand the intricacies of the grameen banks credit program and to throw light on those features of its innovative institutional set-up that make it so successful. today, the gra

11、meen bank has over two million borrowers,who are among the poorest people in bangladesh,and 94% of whom are women.with more than a thousand branches,the bank serves borrowers in over half of bangladeshs 68,000 villages .as a testimonial to its success,scores of banks and credit programs around the w

12、orld have been patterned after the grameen banks institutional set-up.these are to be found in countries at very different stages of economic development,from tanzania to the united states. from its inception as an experimental project in the late 70s,the focus of the bank has been to provide credit

13、 to the poor and landless in bangladesh ,who were not considered creditworthy by the commercial banks. acoording to the banks visionary founder,dr.muhammad yunus,the poor have many income-generating skills which they cannot successful utilize for lack of employment opportunities and of seed captial

14、for self-employment.providing them with credit to help them start their own income-earning projects is the most promising way to enable them to emerge from the grips of poverty. at the same time ,he wanted to ensure that these loans did not become “grants”as had been the case with many previous subs

15、idized credit programs. grameen bank : the institutional set-upthe grameen banks organization and performancesince the early 1980s,the grameen bank has been operating as a full-fledged bank. as of january 1996 the bank had 1,055 branches with 2,063,640 borrowers. women comprised 94% of the borrowers

16、.the cumulative amount of loans disbursed as of january 1996 was us $1,662.70 million.the bank had operations in 35,569 of bangladeshs 68,000 villages,employing 10,861 persons.the bulk of these employees worked in regional branches and only 4% were emplyed in the banks head office in dhaka. the gram

17、een bank is an independent bank with 75% of its shares held by borrowers and the remaining 25% held by the government.more than 97% of all loans made by the bank are repaid on time.in contrast,the government agricultural bank in bangladesh recovers only 50% of its loans.the bank obtains most of its

18、funds at concessionary rates from the bangladesh bank the central bank of bangladeshand several donor agencies including the internationl fund for agricultural development ifad,the international development agencies of norway,netherlands and sweden,as well as the ford foundation.one of the banks lon

19、g-term goals is financial self-sufficiency.to this end,it has mobilized borrower deposits in savings accounts.as of january 1996,the cumulative amount of savings was over us $128million.the grameen banks loans to borrowers are currency made at a nominal interest rate of 20%.the grameen bank today: n

20、ew activitiesover time,the grameen bank has branched out into newer activities.when the bank first started,it concerned on disturbing general loans to individual borrowers.it then started giving collective loans to groups of borrowers,sometimes to a whole center jiontly house-building loans were int

21、roduced in 1984.these loans are given only to borrowers who have demonstrated good repayment performance.loans are much larger than general loansabout tk.15,000.they are repayable over 10 years and carry an interest rate of 8%,in contrast to the 20% rate on other loans.the borrower is required to ho

22、ld title to the land on which the house is built.borrowers with house-building loans usually also have a general loan.they are thus able to use part of the proceeds from the use of the general loans to help repay their housing loans.about 10% of the total loan disbursement currently gose toward hous

23、ing loans more recently,the grameen bank has started offering “technology”loans.these loans are ofen used collectively for larger and more technology-intensive,and therefore more expensive,projects.these loans constitutes a little more than 3% of the total amount of loans disbursedin addition to its

24、 loan programs,the grameen bank has several independent affiliated organizations.these include the grameen trust and the grameen uddog.the grameen trust is a non-profit organization that has several programs aimed at disseminating information about the grameen banks operation in order to help replic

25、ation efforts of grameen-type credit programs around the world. the grameen trust,in conjunction with the grameen bank,organizes and conducts the annual grameen internationl dialogue programmes.these programs are a series of seminars and workshops held in dhaka,to provide an “opportunity for partici

26、pants to gain first hand exposure to the philosophy and operational procedures of grameen bank.the trust also has a research program called the programme for research on poverty alleviation.this programs sponsors,publicizes,and partially funds local costs of reserch related to poverty alleviation th

27、e grameen uddog helps thousands of poor handloom weavers spread throughout bangladesh.many of these weavers had handloom machines and skills to make a very inexpensive cotton fabric.yet ,many of these looms remained unutilized because most of the weavers had little seed money or access to loans to e

28、nable them to buy the thread and other materials required to make the fabrics.they also lacked the resources necessary to market the product the grameen bank has also expanded in other sectors with the aim of increasing commercial agricultural production and income,while enhancing soil capacity and

29、other social goals. the bank is also increasingly involved in replication efforts throughout the world.as testimony to the success of its efforts,there are now scores of successful grameen-type credit programs throughout the world. economic and the grameen bank1.loan contracts:problems to overcome e

30、very loan contract involves the giving up of a sum of money by a lender in one period in exchange for a promise by the borrower to repay the money plus an interest amount in a future period.because the exchange takes place over time,the lender must decide whether to make a loan to a certain borrower

31、 and then,if the loan is made,he must find ways to ensure that the borrower in fact repays the money.2.the grameen bank and economics the grameen bank was created to serve a particular clientele,or target group.they were the landless or near-landless in the rural areas of bangladesh.they were among

32、the poorest people in bangladesh with little income earning resources other than their labor.the founder of the grameen bank believed that access to credit was instrumental in enabling this group to acquire productive resources which they could use to set up income generating projects of their ownth

33、e grameen bank,therefore,had to design a credit delivery and recovery scheme for this particular group of potential borrowers who were effectively shut out of the formal credit market,and could not profitably use the high interest loans in the informal credit market.what they need was access to loan

34、s at the rates charged by the commercial banks but without having to put up material collateral. the grameen banks innovative institutional features were designed to specifically address the requirements of this group of borrowers the bank had to ensure that only borrowers who fit the target group c

35、haracteristics would get loans,and that others would be screened out .and that once they received the loans,they would take those actions that would increase the probability of success of their projects,and finally that they would be compelled to repay their loans. the grameen banks “sixteen decisio

36、ns” millions of poor people in the developing world suffer from extreme levels of poverty.decades of poverty-reduction efforts by governments have been only marginally successful.in the midst of this sobering picture,the success of the grameen bank in improving the lives of several millions of the p

37、oorest in bangladesh stands out as a bright ray of hope.recognizing credits as the key ingredient in development, the bank has devised an ingenuous loan program for the landless in rural bangladesh who are severely constrained in their access to credit.using its innovative group lending scheme,the h

38、as not only provided credit but has achieved an enviable loan recovery performance.encouraged by its success,scores of grameen bank replications have spurng up around the world,from africa to arkansas although replication efforts continue,we still do not understand which,if any,of the banks institut

39、ional features are critical to its success. for successful implementation of similar programs in other countries and environments,it is imperative that we understand the role of each of the banks institutional features.this dissertation has been an attempt to throw light on the reasons behind the ba

40、nks excellent loan recovery performce drawing on the analytical literature in economics,i have tried to illustrate the ways in which the different features of the banks group lending program help to enhance loan repayment.the group formation process performs important screening functions.group liabi

41、lity helps to provide multual insurance as well as incentives for peer supervision.staggered disbursement of loans enhance peer support,and therefore,loan repayment.repeat loans and the harness of social collateral prevent willful default.sixteen decisions1the four principle of grameen bank-discipli

42、ne,unity,courage,and hard work-we shall follow and advance in all walks of our lives.2we shall bring prosperity to our families.we shall not live in dilapidated houses.we shall eat plenty of them and sell the surplus.we shall grow vegetables all the year roud. we shall plants as many seedings as pos

43、sibleduring the planting seasons,we shall plants as many seedings as possible.we shall plan to keep our families small .we shall minimize our expenditures.we shall look after our health.we shall educate our children and ensure that they can earn enough to pay for the education.we shall always keep o

44、ur children and the environment clean.we shall build and use pit laterines.we shall drink tubewell water.if it is not available,we shall boil water or use alum.we shall not take any dowry in our sons weddings,neither shall we give any dowry in our daughters weddings.we shall keep the center free fro

45、m the curse of dowry.we shall not practice child marriage.we shall not inflict any injustice on anyone,neither shall we allow anyone to do so.for higher income we shall collectively undertake bigger investments.we shall always be ready to help each other.if anyone is in difficultly,we shall all help

46、.if we come to know of any breach of discipline in any center,we shall all go there and help restore discipline.we shall introduce physical exercise in all our centers.we shall take part in all social activities collectively.外文題目:the economic of the grameen bank 出 處:a bell& howell information compan

47、y 作 者:ameen, farhad譯 文:格萊珉鄉(xiāng)村銀行的經(jīng)濟(jì)價(jià)值 摘要 格萊珉銀行在孟加拉國(guó)鄉(xiāng)下通過(guò)提供信用貸款計(jì)劃,提高了數(shù)百萬(wàn)窮人的生活。通過(guò)組織創(chuàng)新, 該銀行成功回收了97%的貸款。本文試圖了解這些錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜的格萊珉銀行的信用計(jì)劃,創(chuàng)新的機(jī)構(gòu)設(shè)置特性。 我首次描述格萊珉銀行制度機(jī)構(gòu)及其集團(tuán)的貸款計(jì)劃。我通過(guò)對(duì)銀行的職員專訪和借閱patuakhal的 konokdia分行里的資料得到重要信息。對(duì)銀行貸款計(jì)劃,貸款組合的具體方式進(jìn)行多面性多層次的分析,尤其是其中激勵(lì)創(chuàng)新的要求,同行的支持,同行監(jiān)督和貸款償還等方面的研究。 使用常用的模型,我著重分析格萊珉鄉(xiāng)村銀行某一特定的特征?“復(fù)雜交錯(cuò)

48、的支出”?預(yù)期貸款回收率。在兩人借款人模型中 ,當(dāng)貸款支付是交錯(cuò), 相互交錯(cuò)的借款者們的貸款回收率比沒(méi)有相互聯(lián)系的借款者要更高。我分析的意義在于交錯(cuò)貸款所帶來(lái)的福利。 論文還包括對(duì)格萊珉銀行的實(shí)證分析,利用世界銀行,在線信息收集格萊珉銀行分支機(jī)構(gòu)的貸款償還等面板數(shù)據(jù)樣本 ,分析 “固定效應(yīng)”和“隨機(jī)效應(yīng)”以及回歸檢驗(yàn)格鄉(xiāng)村銀行分行還款率變量和平均貸款的規(guī)模變量之間的變化關(guān)平。 引言 本論文寫(xiě)作的動(dòng)力來(lái)自學(xué)習(xí)的一個(gè)非傳統(tǒng)化存在的銀行-孟加拉格萊珉鄉(xiāng)村銀行 ,一直致力于減輕發(fā)展中國(guó)家面臨的數(shù)以百萬(wàn)計(jì)的窮人的生計(jì)問(wèn)題。銀行使用經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)的原理為政府的緊急政策問(wèn)題提供參考選擇.隨即我著手了解錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜的格萊

49、珉鄉(xiāng)村銀行的信用計(jì)劃,闡述創(chuàng)新機(jī)構(gòu)的設(shè)置,和它取得成功的原因。 如今,格萊珉銀行已有超過(guò)200萬(wàn)的孟加拉國(guó)最貧困的借貸者, ,其中婦女占了94%。通過(guò)數(shù)千家的分支機(jī)構(gòu),銀行服務(wù)的借款人已覆蓋了孟加拉過(guò)半數(shù)的6800個(gè)村莊。為了驗(yàn)證其成功,全球各地的許多銀行和信貸計(jì)劃在格萊珉鄉(xiāng)村銀行的機(jī)構(gòu)制度設(shè)置之后與其成為合作伙伴。這些都表明了國(guó)家經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展不同的階段的。從成立初作為實(shí)驗(yàn)項(xiàng)目,自上世紀(jì)70年代銀行的焦點(diǎn)一直是為孟加拉的窮人和無(wú)土地者提供信用貸款,而不考慮其信譽(yù)。根據(jù)該行創(chuàng)始人-穆罕默德?尤努斯所述,窮人其實(shí)有許多創(chuàng)造收入的技能,但因缺乏就業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)和創(chuàng)業(yè)資金導(dǎo)致失敗。為他們提供貸款是幫助他們自主創(chuàng)

50、業(yè)擺脫貧困最有可能的方式之一。與此同時(shí),他想確保這些貸款不再成為為“補(bǔ)貼金”的情況正如先前的很多信貸計(jì)劃。 格萊珉鄉(xiāng)村銀行的組織制度1.格萊珉銀行的組織和性能 自1980年代初以來(lái),格萊珉銀行已發(fā)展為完善全面的銀行。1996年1月,該銀行已開(kāi)設(shè)1055家分行, 2,063,640位借貸者,其中女性借貸者占94%。截至1996年1月累計(jì)貸款總額為16.627億美元。該銀行已在35,569個(gè)村莊雇用10,861位員工進(jìn)行營(yíng)運(yùn) 占孟加拉68000個(gè)村莊的半數(shù)多. 該行員工的大部分是服務(wù)于地區(qū)分行,只有4%的工作于達(dá)卡的銀行總部。 格萊珉銀行是家獨(dú)立的銀行,其中借款人持有75%的股份,政府持有25%。

51、其還款率超過(guò)97%,相反,孟加拉政府的農(nóng)業(yè)銀行機(jī)構(gòu)的還款率僅為50%。格萊珉銀行資金大部分是從孟加拉銀行中央銀行以優(yōu)惠利率獲得和一些捐助機(jī)構(gòu)包括國(guó)際農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展基金ifad,挪威、荷蘭和瑞典的國(guó)際開(kāi)發(fā)機(jī)構(gòu),以及福特基金會(huì)的資助。銀行的長(zhǎng)期目標(biāo)之一就是資金自給自足,為此他們動(dòng)員借款人在儲(chǔ)蓄賬戶上存款。截至1996年1月,累計(jì)的積蓄已超過(guò)1.28億美元。格萊珉銀行的貸款利率是貨幣名義利率的20%。 2.當(dāng)下格萊珉銀行的新項(xiàng)目 隨著時(shí)間的推移,格萊珉銀行展開(kāi)了新的業(yè)務(wù)。成立之初,較關(guān)注于對(duì)個(gè)人借款人而言繁瑣的傳統(tǒng)的貸款。發(fā)展至今已經(jīng)開(kāi)始為集體發(fā)放群體性貸款。 房屋貸款是1984年引進(jìn)的,這些貸款只提供給具有良好還款表現(xiàn)的借款人。房貸要比一般貸款的數(shù)額要大得多約tk.15,000,償還期可超過(guò)10年,年利率為8%,不同于普通貸款的利率。不過(guò)借款人需要持有房屋所在地的土地證。而具有房貸的借款者通常也有著一些普通貸款。所以它們可以使用部分普通貸款,來(lái)償還房貸。一般而言貸款總額的10%用以支付房屋貸款。 最近,格萊珉鄉(xiāng)村銀行已經(jīng)開(kāi)始發(fā)放“技術(shù)型”貸款。這些貸款是供通常集體使用且以技術(shù)密集型為主的,因此項(xiàng)目所需資金會(huì)更多,這種貸款是以貸款總額的3%以上繳費(fèi)的。 除了其貸款項(xiàng)目外,格萊珉鄉(xiāng)村銀行還些獨(dú)立的相關(guān)機(jī)構(gòu)。包括格萊珉信托和格萊珉優(yōu)道。格萊珉信托


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