1、專業(yè)八級 -924( 總分: 100.00 ,做題時間: 90 分鐘 )一、PART LISTENING COMPREHENSIO(N總題數(shù): 0,分數(shù): 0.00)二、SECTION A( 總題數(shù): 0,分數(shù): 0.00)三、Communicating Through Internet( 總題數(shù): 1,分數(shù): 10.00)填空項 1: (正確答案: Defense )解析: 聽力原文 1-10Communicating Through InternetToday were going to be talking about the brief history of the Internet,
2、 and particularly the development of the World Wide Web, and also introduce you to finding your way around the Internet. As you may recall, in the 1960s the Department of Defense recognized the need to link together those research institutions that were working on DOD projects. And in particular the
3、y were interested in linking those across the country so that they could share blueprints and other data on satellite, submarine, etc. The Internet continued to grow in the 1970s and was used largely by college and universities and some other research institutions. And in the 1980s, the Internet beg
4、an to pick up speed as more and more universities joined the net. It continued to grow and it seemed to be growing rather rapidly, But little did we know how much faster the Internet infact would grow. Well, beginning at the end of 1990 and 1991 and 1992, Tim Berners-Lee developed HTML-the hypertext
5、 markup language and Marc Andreeson developed Mosaic, which was a graphical web browser using HTML. What was important was that by the development of HTMLa nd the simultaneous development of a software tool that integrated HTML one could see images real time off theInternet, rather than downloading
6、them. And so the Internet then became much more than it had been in the past, and in fact, even now we must realize the Internet is more than just the WorldWide Web. Email of course is an important component of the Internet. But now the World Wide Web is increasingly the largest part of our Internet
7、 experience.Before the web, File TransferProtocol was the mode of access and transfer of information acrossthe World Wide Web. Suppose one would transfer an image, lets say a satellite image from a government site, say the national weather service to your home computer. Using a separate piece of sof
8、tware on your home computer you would be able to bring up the image. That process took several minutes thats much longer than it currently does. Modems of the time were transferring data at 300 baud or 1200 baud. Now, with ISDN lines, 128,000 bit per second is not uncommon.Well, the web itself was t
9、he beginning of e-commerce electronic commerce. The potential wasenvisioned once the web was developed and Internet was no longer just the purview for colleges, universities and researchers. Commercial entities understood the potential of the Internet and when they compared the Internet to newspaper
10、s, radio and television for advertising they found the Internet was far less expensive. It provided far more detailed data collection on those who visited the siteand it allowed for built-in electronic ordering it had so many features thatnewspaper, radio and TV had only promised. Commerce now drive
11、s the Internet and it really is the force that moves the Internet and World Wide Web forward.No one person knows what all is on the Internet it changes every hour, every minute, every second, and theres no complete index. You know years ago even in the 1980s when I was teaching classes on new techno
12、logies and we talked about the Internet, we described it as going to the Library of Congress with all of the books on the floor and no card catalog. The first attempt came with a process called gopher, which was developed by the University of Minnesota. And then there were hotlists. In fact, a coupl
13、e of grad students at Stanford developed one that ended up on its ownas Yahoo! Web crawlers ultimately came about, such as AltaVista, Infoseek, HotBot, and there are so many others. These web crawlers operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and they search domains constantly, they use hot-short for
14、robot-electronic robots that search the Internet going from domain to domain and then they collect information from millions, actually tens of millions, of sites, and yet each of these only covers a fraction of the Internet.Well, as you use those web crawlers, you use commonly searched terms. And th
15、e way in which you use those terms differ somewhat with each and every web crawler or search engine. Most of the search engines use double quotation marks to designate a phrase if you want those words in that specific order, and that helps you to narrow your search if you put a particular phrase in
16、quotation marks. Generally one avoids uppercase not always, but generally that will limit ones search.Perhaps the most exciting recent development has been the development of the recta search engines. The meta-crawlers are the crawler of crawlers. That is, its a search engine that will then search o
17、ther search engines. So if you submit a search term to one site, it re submits that term to multiple other search engines and then comes back with the results. Meta-crawlers speed up searches quite a bit. They also provide more complete searches, and of course we are going to be talking moreabout th
18、at, as you see on your syllabus, in greater detail next week.填空項 1: (正確答案:link )解析:填空項 1: (正確答案:largely/mainly )解析:填空項 1: (正確答案:images )解析:填空項 1: (正確答案:component )解析:填空項 1: (正確答案:experience )解析:填空項 1: (正確答案:advertising )解析:填空項 1: (正確答案:ordering )解析:填空項 1: (正確答案:index )解析:填空項 1: (正確答案:engines )解析:四、S
19、ECTION B( 總題數(shù): 0,分數(shù): 0.00)At the end of the interview you will五、Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview.be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.( 總題數(shù): 1,分數(shù): 5.00)(分數(shù): 5.00 )A. satisfactoryB. encouragingC. hopelessD. imperfect 解析: 聽力原文 1-5STAR
20、NES: Well, Secretary, thank you very much for spending some time with us this afternoon.SECRETARY: Oh, youre quite welcome. Thank you for all the interest.STARNES: Well, Secretary, wed like talk about the state of education in America. So I guess we lets start off just byjust giving us your general
21、impression of the state of educationin America.SECRETARYI: think our educational system is underperforming and leaving large numbers of children behind, especially minority children, inner-city children, and some rural children. Some of it tracks along the lines of our family structures, especially
22、those families that have some vulnerabilities or weaknesses so that education for that child is, I think, concurrently weakened as well. And we need to find a way. And I think we have found a way to make sure that none of these children are left behind either. And the Presidents vision for that is c
23、alled No ChildLeft Behind. And that bill passed the Congress and was signed last year. Were one year intoit now and I think that it is going to be a savior for a lot of kids who are otherwise left behind. STARNES: Secretary, weve seen a number of parents pulling their children out of public schools
24、and home-schooling them or sending them toprivate schools. Can you see any justification on whytheyre doing that?SECRETARYA: bsolutely. No child should be tied to a school thats failing them. It is one of the, I think, most grievous sins that we have in the United States as far as school is concerne
25、d, that is insisting that a child attends a school thats failing them. A child should be free to a parent should be free to select a school that best meets that childs needs, whether its private or whether its public or whether its a eyber-sehool or whether its home schooling or whatever.There will
26、be a complex matrix of educational delivery systems, which includes all these different delivery systems. And private schools have a wonderful track record. Theres a vast body of research from the University of Chicago and elsewhere that indicate that private schools offer a high-quality education t
27、o some low-income students in inner-city settings. So its a wonderful part of our educational system.STARNES: But why do you think adversaries of the Administration are against letting students go to these types of schools?SECRETARYW: ell, I think most people in this Administration would be absolute
28、ly for parents having wide options and choices to make decisions for their childs school site. The politics of it is what interferes With it. And we need the kind of political support in order to get that accomplished through the federal system that we operate in. I dont think its that we dont want
29、to have that. We do want to have it.STARNES: How would you respond to the complaint the President was too religious? And even theDemocrats have said that he has too much religion or religiosity. What would you say to those critics?SECRETARY: I would offer them my prayers.STARNES:A s the leader of th
30、e nations education system, how do you maintain how do you not let it all get to you? Its a huge responsibility you have.SECRETARY: Well, I think faith is a good response to that. But I dont think my job is to solve all education problems in the world. My job is to work towards the right solutions a
31、nd make sure I conduct myself properly. Its kind of like the battles never won, only fought well.STARNES: Uh-huh. What do you see as the greatest challenges facing the education system coming up in the next years?SECRETARY: I think it is getting the idea across that every child has value and that ev
32、ery child can learn and that every child deserves our very best and most intense effort in ensuring that they have the greatest opportunity for education. It is believing in each child. And one of the most depressing things is to find systems where that belief is not strong or they dont believe in t
33、he children. Sometimes they have low expectations for certain children. And overcoming these low expectations for certain children is probably our greatest challenge in the future.STARNES: Wow. Now today, you had an announcement with Tom Ridge about terrorism and protecting students, so would you ca
34、re to comment on anything of that nature?SECRETARYW: ell, I think that safety is our first job. When I served as superintendent of schools in Houston, our core valuesthe first very core value was safety above all else. And now ourresponsibility with safety has expanded. At one time, we had to worry
35、about situations like theColumbine experience, but now weve got to add to that the possibility of international terrorism and that just broadens our responsibility.And so were working with the Homeland Security peopleand with other people throughout the world to see what we can learn from them in or
36、der to make sure that were providing the very best leadership we can for school safety.STARNES: One final question, Mr. Secretary, were hearing a lot in the Christian colleges and universities about Christian world view on education. Do you have any comment on that, what you think about that?SECRETA
37、RYN: o, I really havent Ive not heard enough about that to formulate a view, so I probably need to take a pass on that one.STARNES: Yes, sir. Well, Mr. Secretary, I certainly appreciate your time this afternoon.SECRETARY: Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.STARNES: Thank you.A. Inner-c
38、ity children.B. Minority children.C. Handicapped children.D. Rural children.解析:A. public schools may fail to meet their expectationsB. private schools are too religiousC. they are teachers themselvesD. they cannot afford their childrens education解析:A. inadequate political supportB. shortage of funds
39、C. improper beliefs D. lack of security解析:A. reticentB. positive C. well-informedD. optimistic解析:六、SECTION C( 總題數(shù): 0,分數(shù): 0.00)七、Questions 6 to 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item,you will be given 10 seconds to answer each question.Now listen to the news.( 總題數(shù): 1,分數(shù): 3.00)
40、(分數(shù): 3.00 )A. western Bangladesh on Wednesday nightB. northern Bangladesh on Monday nightC. northern Bangladesh on Wednesday nightD. western Bangladesh on Monday night 解析: 聽力原文 6-8Tornadoes swept through northern Bangladesh, killing at least 55 people, injuring hundreds and blowing way thousands of
41、flimsy huts, officials said on Thursday.The twisters hit nearly two dozen farming villages in the neighboring districts of Netrokona and Mymensingh on Wednesday night.Most people were homea fter celebrating Pahela Baishakh, the Bengali New Years Day, which features colorful parades and fairs.At leas
42、t 35 people, including children, were killed and nearly 700 injured in Netrokona, 80 miles north of the capital, Dhaka, officials said. At least 20 others were confirmed dead in Mymensingh, said rural council member Delwar Hossain. Thousands were left homeless and spent the night in open fields, wit
43、nesses said.Rescue workers said the death toll could rise because dozens of people were missing and close to 1,000 hurt, many of them seriously.Eight bodies were found in the rubble of twisted tin roofs and trees in Mymensingh after a tornado swept through five farming villages in the region, said D
44、elwar Hossain, a rural council member.Four others died in the hospital and at least 100 were injured.Reporters at the scene said almost nothing was left standingalong the path of the funnel cloud.Bangladesh, a delta nation of 140 million people, is often buffeted by tropical storms.A. at least 35B.
45、at least 55 C. nearly 100D. nearly 700 解析:A. seldomB. rarelyC. often D. occasionally 解析:八、Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each question.Now listen to the news.( 總題數(shù): 1,分數(shù): 2.00)(分數(shù): 2.00 )A. high pricesB. fatty f
46、oodsC. sanitation problemsD. poor nutrition解析: 聽力原文 9-10McDonalds Corp. unveiled a health campaign on Thursday starring an adult Happy Meal with salad, bottled water and a pedometer, but some critics werent buying the fast food giants healthymessage.The company said it will launch the Go Active meal
47、s for adults on May 6 nationwide. The meals will be boxed with a brochure urging customers to walk more.McDonalds, the target of obesity lawsuits and criticism of its fatty foods from dietary experts, already has been promoting healthier choices on its menu such as new salads.More than 30 percent of
48、 U. S. adults are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Food industry watchdog Michael Jacobson said the McDonalds announcement advances public relations more than it does public health.McDonalds said new advertisements will promote balanced lifestyles and encourage cons
49、umers to burn off the calories through exercise.In June, McDonalds restaurants nationwide will offer alternatives to French fries in childrens Happy Meals such as peeled apple slices with low-fat caramel dipping sauce.A. 20% B. 30%C. 40%D. 50%解析:九、PART READING COMPREHENSIO( 總N 題數(shù): 0,分數(shù): 0.00) 十、 TEX
50、T A( 總題數(shù): 0,分數(shù): 0.00)十一、 1 Researchers uncovered a serious flaw in the underlying technology for nearly all Internet traffic, a discovery that led to an urgent and secretive international effort to prevent global disruptions of Web surfing, e-mails and instant messages.( 總題數(shù): 3,分數(shù): 3.00)1. Somebody
51、in somebody released some tigers in Par(分數(shù): 1.00 )A. 5 refers specifically to .A. Internet providersB. Internet usersC. routersD. hackers解析:本題為一般推理題。此外,從上下文可以推知,第5 段中的 the jungle 指 the internet 。2. Which of the following is NOT true?(分數(shù): 1.00 )A. Serious flaw uncovered in a core Internet technology
52、had attractedinternational attention.B. The Internet is held together by the glue. C. Normal Internet operations may survive the hacker attacks.D. Hackers could attack computers without getting onlin解析:本題為細節(jié)歸納題。據第 1段可排除 A。據第 2段第 1句可排除 D。據第 4段第 2句可排除 C。注意 第3 段中的 glue 為比喻用法。3. At the end of the articl
53、e, the author seems to suggest .(分數(shù): 1.00 )A. there is no solution to the flaw in the Internet technologyB. there is much worry within the academic circle about Internet securityC. US government is indifferent to the hacker attacksD. Internet traffic is easily vulnerable to hack attacks解析:本題為細節(jié)歸納題。據
54、第 12段第 2 句可排除 C。A與 B都沒有原文的支持。據最后 1段最后 1句可 進一步確定 D。十二、 TEXT B( 總題數(shù): 0,分數(shù): 0.00)十三、 1 For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence.(總題數(shù): 4,分數(shù): 4.00)4. Why does the author speculate that Socrates disciples may have resisted his lessons?(分數(shù): 1.00 )A. Because Socrates was ugly.B. Because Soc
55、rates taught them to be critical.C. Because they had a different expectation.D. Because they were innocent. 解析:本題為一般推理題。 在 Socrates 那里,外在美與內在美發(fā)生了偏離, 而這不符合希臘人對美的理解。5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?(分數(shù): 1.00 )A. Christianity draws a distinction between beauty and excellen
56、ce.B. People has lost their admiration for beauty throughout Christian society.C. Handsome is the equivalent of beautiful in meaning.D. Women are thought to be inferior. 解析:本題為細節(jié)歸納題。據第 3段第 1句可排除 A。據第 4段第 2句可排除 C。據第 3段倒數(shù)第 2句可排 除 D。據最后 1 段第 3 句可確定 B。6. The author means by whole persons in Par(分數(shù): 1.00
57、 )A. 1.A. persons of beautyB. persons of virtueC. persons of excellenceD. none of the above 解析:本題為細節(jié)理解題。據第 1 段第 3 句,我們知道,所謂 whole persons ,指同時具有內在美和外在 美的人。7. The author does not think of it as a(n) to call women the beautiful sex.(分數(shù): 1.00 )A. compliment B. insultC. abuseD. humiliation 解析:本題為細節(jié)理解題。據第 4 段第 2 句可確定 A,同時排除 B。 C與 D無原文支持。 十四、 TEXT C( 總題數(shù): 0,分數(shù): 0.00)十五、 1 We often hear people ask such a question: Why do bad things happen to good people? The problem is.( 總題數(shù): 4,分數(shù): 4.00)8. The author uses the little Billy e
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