



1、人物介紹寫(xiě)作技巧1. 介紹概況:同位語(yǔ)結(jié)構(gòu)、分詞結(jié)構(gòu),使文章簡(jiǎn)潔。如:(1)Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family (一個(gè)貧苦家庭的兒子 ),was born in Ken tuckyon February 12, 1809.(同位語(yǔ))(2)Sun Shuwei, a world champion in diving (一位跳水的世界冠軍 ),is a boy of 14 fromGuangdong.(同位語(yǔ))(3)Born in Maryland, USA in 1985 (他 1985 年出生于美國(guó)馬里蘭州),Michael Phelps is

2、afamous swimmer.(分詞短語(yǔ))2. 描寫(xiě)外貌:巧用 with短語(yǔ)。女口:My history teacher is a beautiful woma n, with long hair and big eyes (她長(zhǎng)著兩只大眼睛,留著長(zhǎng)發(fā)).3. 生平事跡:盡量用復(fù)合句、并列句、非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞短語(yǔ)和倒裝等高級(jí)語(yǔ)句。如:(1) In his life, he got many honours, one of which is the 2005 CCTV Moving China Award (其中包 括獲得“ 2005感動(dòng)中國(guó)年度人物”稱(chēng)號(hào)).(定語(yǔ)從句)(2)In 2006, ha

3、vi ng broken the world record and got the gold medal ( 在他打破世界紀(jì)錄并獲得金牌之后),he became the idol of the youth.(分詞短語(yǔ))(3) Not only does he show interest in scienee (他不但對(duì)科學(xué)極有興趣 ),but also he has a gift for music.(倒裝)4. 評(píng)估: 盡量運(yùn)用短語(yǔ)。如:Lei Feng set a good example to us ( 給我們樹(shù)立了一個(gè)良好的榜樣),so all the people showgrea

4、t respect to him (很敬重他).(一)John Snow英國(guó)著名醫(yī)生,流行病學(xué)的創(chuàng)始人之一。人類(lèi)公共衛(wèi)生史上的傳奇人物。1813年3月15日出生于勞工家庭。14歲開(kāi)始隨一名外科醫(yī)生學(xué)醫(yī)。1836-1850年間潛心于正規(guī)醫(yī)學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)。JohnSnow看到百姓深受霍亂戕害,下定決心根治該疾病。經(jīng)過(guò)認(rèn)真調(diào)查和分析,他發(fā)現(xiàn)污染的水源是病 因所在,一舉戰(zhàn)勝霍亂。John snow was a British physician who is considered one of the founders of epidemiology. Born into a laborer s family

5、Mai15 1813 in York, he started to lear n medici ne from a surge on at 14 and was devoted to his formal medical educati on from 1836-1850. Seeing many ordinary people died of cholera, he was determ ined to save people from the deadly threat. Through careful in vestigatio n and scie ntific an alysis,

6、Joh n Snow fin ally drew a con clusi on that polluted water was the cause of the disease and found ways to defeat it. John Snow is recognized as a legendary figure in the history of public health care.(二)鄧亞萍,河南鄭州人,前國(guó)家隊(duì)乒乓球運(yùn)動(dòng)員,1988年入選國(guó)家隊(duì),1997年退役;其運(yùn)動(dòng)生涯中,獲得過(guò)18個(gè)世界冠軍,連續(xù) 2屆4次奧運(yùn)會(huì)冠軍,被譽(yù)為乒乓皇后”。北京申奧形象大使,2001年幫助

7、北京成功申奧;2009年,被任命為共青團(tuán)北京市委副書(shū)記。鄧亞萍與前國(guó)際 奧委會(huì)主席薩馬蘭奇忘年之交的故事被傳為佳話(huà)!Former Ping-Pong player Deng Yaping was born in Zhengzhou Henan and got enrolled in the national team in 1988. In her professional career, she was titled world champion 18 times, including four Olympic gold medals in two Games in a row, t her

8、efore, she is recognized as Queen of “ngpang ” Since her retireme nt in 1997, she had bee n devoted to her role as the ambassador of the Olympic bidding and played an important part in Beijing success in bidding in 2001. After the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Deng started to serve as a gover nment officia

9、l and was appo in ted Deputy Secretary of Beijing Communist Youth League in 2009. A much-told story is Deng legendary friendship with Samara nch, late former preside nt of IOC (Intern atio nal Olympic Committee).(三)一代音樂(lè)大師和發(fā)明家Les Paul已經(jīng)離世,但他卻給我們留下了永不磨滅的音樂(lè)享受。在世界任何角落,他的音樂(lè)永遠(yuǎn)魅力非凡,他的技術(shù)始終無(wú)與倫比。姓名:Les Paul出生

10、日期:1915年6月9日出生地:Waukesha, Wisco nsin生平簡(jiǎn)介:1.八歲開(kāi)始彈奏口琴(harmonica )、班卓琴(banjo ),顯示音樂(lè)天賦。2. 13歲,作為酒吧吉他手公開(kāi)登臺(tái)演出,17歲輟學(xué)離開(kāi)學(xué)校,開(kāi)始職業(yè)生涯。3. 大約在1941年,Les Paul發(fā)明了著名的吉他和獨(dú)特的錄制裝置,這些改變了整個(gè)20世 紀(jì)的流行音樂(lè)進(jìn)程。4. Les Paul于2009年8月去世,享年 94歲。Les Paul 一生保持一個(gè)扎實(shí)的表演家風(fēng)范,他的理念就是讓人們感到幸福。Mr Paul, born on June 9, 1915, in Waukesha, Wis, bega n

11、 play ing the harm oni ca, the banjo and the guitar at the age of eight, with a gift for music. At the age of thirtee n, he performed in a pub as a guitarist and then he dropped out from school and began his career when he was 17 years old. Around 1941, Les Paul inven ted his famous guitar and speci

12、al record ing device, which cha nged the course of 20th-century popular music. Les Paul died in 2009 at 94. All his life, he remained a down-home performer, whose main goal, as he often said, was to make people happy.(四)請(qǐng)根據(jù)下面表格,用英語(yǔ)介紹美國(guó)現(xiàn)任總統(tǒng)巴拉克.奧巴馬姓名Barack Obama出生時(shí)間1961年8月4日出生地點(diǎn)夏威夷檀香山(Honolulu, Hawaii

13、)家庭父親是肯尼亞黑人,母親是美國(guó)白人兒時(shí)夢(mèng)想當(dāng)美國(guó)總統(tǒng)教育背景哈佛法學(xué)院(Harvard Law School),博士職業(yè)經(jīng)歷畢業(yè)后一直從政。2008年11月4日,在美國(guó)總統(tǒng)大選中擊敗麥凱恩(McCain),成為美國(guó)第44任總統(tǒng),首位黑人總統(tǒng).他的成功對(duì)人們尤其是黑人產(chǎn)生極大 的激勵(lì)作用.Barack Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white America n mother, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961. When he was a boy, he dre

14、amt of being preside nt of the United States. Since he graduated from Harvard L aw School with a doctor s degree, he has been struggli ng for success in politics. On Nov 4, 2008, he defeated Joh n McCa in in the gen eral elect ion and was elected the 44th preside nt of the Un ited States, maki ng hi

15、m the first Africa n America n preside nt of the coun try. The success of Obama Greatly in spired people from all over the word, especially black people, to work hard to achieve their goals.(五)根據(jù)以下表格中的信息,寫(xiě)一篇題為A famous pai nter, Xu Beiho ng的短文出生及病逝 時(shí)間和地點(diǎn)1895年7月出生于江蘇省宜興縣;1953年9月在北京病逝從事繪畫(huà)的 歷程及遭遇9歲開(kāi)始從父學(xué)

16、畫(huà),13歲隨父到上海賣(mài)畫(huà),后來(lái)到上海謀生,情 況開(kāi)始好轉(zhuǎn),但生活依然很艱辛,幾次產(chǎn)生自殺的念頭。出國(guó)留學(xué)的 經(jīng)歷及成就自1919年起8年中,先后多次到歐洲求學(xué),開(kāi)始把西方繪畫(huà)的技 術(shù)融入中國(guó)畫(huà)中。這段經(jīng)歷被他自己稱(chēng)為“生平最開(kāi)心的時(shí)光”。最出色的作 品名畫(huà)-奔馬The famous pain ter, Xu Beih ong, was born in Yixi ng, Jia ngsu Province in July, 1895 and died in September,1953 in Beijing. He began to learn drawing from his father a

17、t the age of 9, and joined his father in selling paintings at 13. Later, when he came to Sha nghai for a job, luck bega n to came his way, but life was still so hard that he had the thoughts of committing suicide for several times. During the eight years from 1919, he was sent to Europe to study dra

18、w ing and he developed his own style by mixing Western art into Chinese art, so he considered this time as fhe happiest days in his life ”.His most outsta nding pain ti ng was the famous pain ti ng, Raci ng Horse.(六)請(qǐng)你根據(jù)下面的中文提示,用英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)一篇短文介紹詩(shī)人海子 【寫(xiě)作內(nèi)容】原名查海生筆名海子出生1964年3月26日,出生在安徽懷寧縣一個(gè)小村莊逝世1989年3月26日,在山海

19、關(guān)臥軌自殺主要經(jīng)歷1979年,被北京大學(xué)錄取20世紀(jì)80年代初,開(kāi)始創(chuàng)作詩(shī)歌大學(xué)畢業(yè)后,堅(jiān)持向各類(lèi)報(bào)紙、出版商投稿影響他的短詩(shī)最受歡迎,且對(duì)中國(guó)的流行文化影響很大Hai Zi is the pen name of the Chinese poet Zha Haisheng, who was born on March 26, 1964 in a small village in Huaining County, Anhui Province, China. He was admitted to Beijing University in 1979. He began to write poem

20、s as a student inthe early 1980s and kept on sending his works of differe nt n ewspapers and publishers after graduati ng from uni versity. He en ded his life by lyi ng on the path of a train in Shanhaiguanon his 25 birthday on March 26, 1989. Hai Zi short poems are his most popular works, hav ing strong in flue nee on the popular culture of China.(七)請(qǐng)根據(jù)下面的材料,用5句話(huà)介紹唐宋八大家之一韓愈的情況。韓愈(768824),唐朝文學(xué)家,思想家和哲學(xué)家;三歲喪父,由其兄撫養(yǎng)。雖然家庭貧困卻刻苦好學(xué),在文學(xué)上終有所成; 名作師說(shuō),闡述了師道的理論,對(duì)現(xiàn)代教育產(chǎn)生了深遠(yuǎn)的影響; 在政治上主張?zhí)煜陆y(tǒng)一,提倡仁政。參考詞匯:唐宋八大家 Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dyn a


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